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Everything posted by Cabby

  1. Sorry about that. Severe Update was a link though. In saying that, here you go folks, update movie stills. [url="http://movies.yahoo.com/shop;_ylt=AlT3RHDMzq8Kuv6E9OPa3d9fVXcA?d=hv&cf=info&id=1808718754"]http://movies.yahoo.com/shop;_ylt=AlT3RHDMzq8Kuv6E9OPa3d9fVXcA?d=hv&cf=info&id=1808718754[/url] [font=Verdana][color=blue]I didn't realize it was a link. Either way, just adding a little content helps.[/color][/font] [font=Verdana][color=blue]- Petie[/color][/font]
  2. [quote name='Sanoske_Interow']I have heard that it is true but will take time to be developed........I also hear that the storyline is going to be F***ed up but thats just a rumor.........but I do know one thing if Silent Hill does come out its going to be right up there with all the good game movies........[/quote] Check the imdb site, Homeslice. Good source of officiall stuff.
  3. [quote name='Howlingvampire4']Um......who is Sean Bean? Like can you tell me some rolls he has played, or what movies he's been in? :animeswea Also, Yeah! I totally agree, David Duhckovany would be a REAL good choice.Oh, and I was wonderin who do you guys think should play Harry's wife? :animesmil[/quote] No one should play his wife, I am so upset they put her in, at the point, I dont care if it's [URL=http://us.movies1.yimg.com/movies.yahoo.com/images/hv/photo/movie_pix/columbia_pictures/men_in_black_ii/rip_torn/cod.jpg]Rip Torn[/URL]. Sean Bean is no longer Harry btw, they changed his name to Christopher, looks like our hero is not in the movie. Now, I officially do not care for the characters.... But because you asked....[URL=http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000293/]SEAN BEAN[/URL]
  4. [quote name='Warmaster']Well, since my man Sean Bean is going to be in it, I might actually watch the film. I doubt it will be any good, but perhaps he can save it from being a complete disaster.[/quote] Sean Bean, good actor. Sean Bean as Harry. *thumbs down* I think David Duchovany would have been a better choice.
  5. [FONT=Arial Narrow]Water. Imagine running out of air quickly and attempting to reach the surface that seems miles away. Or simply thinking of the blackness underwater. I couldn't even go scuba diving, it would be a drowning simulatro to me.[/FONT]
  6. The plot has been altered severly but it will keep its same characters from the original, including Dahlia, and Harry (My hero!). However in the movie, it seems to focus on Alessa and Rose. (Harry's wife, who is supposed to be dead, might I add. :animeangr ) I will see the movie and I know I will love it. Then again, I may be a biased opinion.
  7. [QUOTE=Hevn]It's easy to get in one but uber difficult to keep and maintain, especially if you're new to it. There'll be lots of longing and pining and if you're not strong enough, you won't survive it. I believe it takes a lot of courage, patience, and commitment to make it successful. I won't say it needs 'emotional attachment' but more of commitment. If you're not committed to it, then it's a waste of time. I agree that two people in an online relationship should have plans. Like, when you'll meet and finally be together. Constant communication is also important. If you're serious enough, you know there are other mediums of communication than chatting online.[/QUOTE] Excellent point. I hadn't thought of it more than emotional attatchment. It does take a strong-willed person to do so.
  8. I don't feel like really getting into it now, but if anyone has any Silent Hill questions, ask specific ones. I will be happy to answer them, as I own every single one and each of thier soundtracks. Usually I like to go in a Silent Hill forum and dance around my fanboy love of SH. lol But its a bit late.:animesmil In the meantime folks, look [URL=http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0384537/]HERE[/URL].
  9. After going through a few myself, I have come to realize that it takes a severe ammount of emotional attatchment to be with a person you will not see for some time. I have never doubted they could not work, I simply believed it would take a girl with everything I needed to have that attatchment. What about you? What say you of Online Relationships.
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