Alright, after buying lot's of games from Feb to now I have developed quite a backlog of games to play. I just bought [b]Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 2[/b] yesterday and that's currently in my PS3. I'll probably be rotating between Naruto, Metal Gear Solid 4 and Ninja Gaiden Sigma, or rather, those the games I've been playing little bits of. After them I'll probably end up playing [b]Yakuza 3[/b], [b]Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2[/b] and [b]Uncharted Among Thieves[/b]. I've officially given up on Batman Arkham Asylum. I'll be trading it in someday. It just didn't reach my expectations and to be honest it's given me a negative impression of Arkham City. Anyway, I'll eventually work my way back to the Xbox 360 so I can finally start playing Bayonetta, finish up Devil May Cry 4, continue with Mass Effect 2 and continue developing Guy on Super Street Fighter 4.
I'm still thinking about buying Uncharted Drakes Fortune. It'll depend on if I feel like going back to it after playing Among Thieves. And then I'm also thinking about buying God of War 3 as well as Vanquish, and Castlevania but none of them are on my "must have" list. Crysis 2 looks good but I'm the type that waits for a price drop. It'll probably be a bit before I buy another game, or rather, I probably won't purchase another game for the remainder of the month.