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Everything posted by Sanoske_Interow

  1. Sanoske walk into camp still oblivious to who he was or what he did and how he lived, but is reday to change his life and make a new start. Sanoske walked into his tent and took off his shirt and immediatly noticed a strange tatoo on his right arm. He also noticed that there are strange writings round the symbol. He ignored this and changed his clothes to that of a look of Virgil (Devil May Cry 3) except colored black. He then picked up his new sword Yamato.
  2. Sanoske looked at everyone with a blank look in his eyes. "Hey Neko....I-I found this in one of my pockets and it has this wierd symbol on it......do you know what it is??" he asked while he produced the letter. He handed to her with a some what guilty look on his face. ".....oh yeah.....if all that happened is true then I am sorry...." He turned around and headed for his tent.
  3. Sanoske looked at Neko and asked "who am I???.......do you know?....."
  4. Sanoske looked at the fruit. ".....who are you??......and how do you know my name??...."
  5. Sanoske walked past Kobo completely oblivious to the fact that he was not supposed to leave. He walked around the camp for about an hour and sat under a tree looking through his pockets and finding some very interesting weaponry and a letter marked with the GUK seal and labeled TOP SECRET. Sanoske looked at it for a moment and put it back into his pocket. He then picked up one of his many throwing knives and began to play with it with expert skill.
  6. Sanoske awoke after several days. He staggered around camp with eyes that were in a haze. "....w-where am I???......w-what happened to me....." Sanoske staggered around camp looking for someone who might tell him what had happened to him and most importantly tell him who he was.....or what he is.
  7. Sanoske fell into a coma caused by his abrupt transformation.
  8. Sanoske expanded his energy throughout his body and threw Neko off of him. He then turned to Ai and in an instant was directly in front of him. He smiled evily and cut Ai's chest open. Sanoske looked at Neko with eyes as dark as the abyss and grabed her around the throat and pinned her to a tree. "......now you will die....." He then brought his hand up and was about to slash Neko open when he had a flashback and froze. He set Neko down then changed back to his normal self and passed out.
  9. Sanoske dropped down behind Neko with his claws in her back but not enough to pierce the skin. "......why did you come after me?.....I tried to kill you.....and I failed because my emotions got in the way......but I will not make the same mistake twice......" Sanoske grabbed Neko around the throat and threw her against a tree. ".....You are a fool......you come for you friend Sanoske but I am not him.....I am the demon within......" Bows mockingly "....my name is Severa.....and you are going to die......"
  10. Sanoske sat in a tree, playing with his silver dagger. He cocked his head at an angle and heard Neko and Ai arguing. ".....so they come after me......" he said with a slight smirk on his lips. ".....this should be fun....." he said as his vampire fangs slid down and became longer. ".....I need to test my new form......" He then changed into a demon named Severa.
  11. Dont worry I'll end my own life in the RP so u wont have to worry......but I'll come back as some one new......
  12. Sanoske walked up behind Neko and put a blade to her throat. "Don't move.....that is if u value your life...." He looked at the blade and saw his reflection and saw what he has become. Sanoske released Neko and dissapeared dropping a small note that simply read "I'm sorry...."
  13. What if I left just for the money that the GUK would offer me?? *smirks*
  14. Sanoske stood at about a mile away from the camp with the GUK commander. "There..." he said pointing in the direction of the camp "that is your next target and be sure to capture the leader alive...."
  15. I'm in Monstro and I'm having trouble beating the parasite cage.....any pointers....
  16. u never know when someone may be two faced......*smiles an evil sadistic smile*
  17. Sanoske sat on a hill while the camp was asleep. He had put a not in Neko's tent to let her know why his betrayal was nessecary. "I hope she finds it....I dont want to look like a traitor in her eyes...." he said to himself as he grabed his bag and slung it over his shoulder as he turned towards the enemy camp.
  18. Walked away from the camp shortly after midnight while everyone was asleep. Sanoske looked over his shoulder at the camp and the people he would be leaving behind. He made his way through the forest and to a crystal lake and sat on a rock near the water. "What is happening to me?...Why do I hang around this campsite with people I don't even know?....Am I gaining my humanity back after all...or am I supposed to learn something?...." He looked down at his own image and was tempted to fall in and let himself die once and for all, but instead he laid back and looked up at the stars and fell into a deep sleep filled with nightmares of his past.
  19. thnx but I have come close in the last few days...I started using the Heartless cards and they help but not enough I need more potion cards....
  20. [quote name='NekoSama101']a he. deginatly. no girl would be that crazy. think of him as a futuristic hitler if hitler suceeded and took over the world[/quote] 1 Hitler would have never been able to take over the world because there would always be someone fighting him and 2 u never know there could be a girl version of hitler.....
  21. Returned shortly after dawn and wnt directly to his tent to rest. Flashbacks of his parents and his blood mother mixed with a few nightmares causes him to awaken. "what is happening to me....why are these visions attacking me?" he sat on his cot because he apparently fell asleep.
  22. I need help in Olympus...I'm trying to beat Hades and lets just say I have a crappy deck....help...pleez??
  23. Left the confrontation behind noticing this is not something he should get into. He pulled out his scythe and checked the blade one last time before going into the enemy camp to create a little havoc. "this is going to be an interesting evening....." Sanoske muttered to himself as he wrapped his body in shadows and immediatly took off towards the enemy camp.
  24. mine says that I tend to overthink and that maybe all those who are close to me suffer for being alive....tis a sad and lonely existence.....
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