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Everything posted by tomboy2xxxkoy
Discuss Brave Fencer Musashi:The Prologue Underground [PG]
tomboy2xxxkoy replied to mushrumluver's topic in Theater
This sounds like a pretty cool idea :) I like how each villages have their own elements & use them as defenses & I was wondering, where are all the characters (names)? Also, (this is kind of out of the topic) but are you going to do a manga of this? cus that'd be really cool :D Anyway, i love the story, keep it up^^ -
[COLOR=RoyalBlue] omg, the art is AMAZING ^o^ it's so detailed the scenery is really well-drawn *jealous* XP & nice use of perspective ;D this is really good for your first manga :animesmil i can't say anything about the story line yet cus i'm not seeing any plots in this manga except for that those two will somehow fall for each other XD o & um, i've a critique ready for it? here it is: their conversation sounds kind of awkward for me(but i can see what you were trying to do cus i had the same problem on my 1st manga ^^") i suggest that if you're not going to make them say anything much, then have one of the two (i recommend the girl) to "think" what he/she was thinking about the other do you get it? (cus that sounds kind of confusing) idk, it's just my opinion you might have done it that way because you're planning to do something in the future or something :animeswea other than that, everything's all good^^ good luck w/ the serie i'll be cheering for you ;) o! why don't you upload this in the fan manga section at theotaku? here's the link if you decided to upload it there: [url]http://fanmanga.theotaku.com/[/url] [/COLOR]
Hi, I've been working on my manga, The Forgotten Memories for about 5 months And I've been wondering what people really think of it (don't try to be nice) Short Summary: Mashiko Yamatashi was a girl with amnesia. In the beginning of her first year in high school, Mashiko met up with her "old friend," Takashi Atori, who had been oversea for a year. However, there seems to be more to it than just friendship between those two. Regarding Mashiko's memory lost, no one wanted her to remember her past. What could be so bad about "the past" that no one wanted to tell her about it? Here's a sample: READ FROM LEFT TO RIGHT [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g83/tomboy3koy/titlepg.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g83/tomboy3koy/The%20Forgotten%20Memories%20Manga/pg002.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g83/tomboy3koy/The%20Forgotten%20Memories%20Manga/pg003.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g83/tomboy3koy/The%20Forgotten%20Memories%20Manga/pg004.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g83/tomboy3koy/The%20Forgotten%20Memories%20Manga/pg005.jpg[/IMG] Go to this site to continue on reading: [url]http://www.freewebs.com/theforgottenmemories/Home.html[/url] Please check it out & leave comments, critics, suggestions, ect. & don't be shy, I won't get mad at you for saying something bad about my manga as long as you have your reasons :D Thank you!^^ oh! i also uploaded in theotaku at the fan manga section ([url]http://fanmanga.theotaku.com/view.php?action=retrieve&id=112[/url]) you can read it there if you want
[quote name='UchihaNinjaGirl']I haven't really watched the newer episodes, but...It sucks that Erfic left... But I really like Red, Kelso, and Hyde. I like them all because they're all like me! I'm stupid like kelso, I'm evil like Hyde, and I just like red because I do. :animesmil[/quote] omg, i'm like that, too!O.o & i love the show XD
Manga O.o What computer program will help me the best?
tomboy2xxxkoy replied to a topic in Otaku Central
um...you can use photoshop or painter if you have a downloadin program like limewire or something, you can download a 30 day trial to see if you like it & i'm sure you draw reall nice^ ^ -
i agree with Chikara Kokoro you have to study everything you see ex: -characters' figures & how they act/personality -panels (might sound easy, but kind of hard to make it look really interesting) -speech ballons (pretty easy, i hope) -clothings -buildings -perspectives -tonings even though when you see something that's pretty easy to do, it might turn out to be really hard but im not saying that you have to learn it at once you just learn as you draw as for the plot, i suggest that you think about it long & hard dont just write just because you like the idea at the time think about the future of your manga & how you want it to be your ideas might change overtime, or maybe you have other ideas/plots in mind just remember to think about them carefully & how they could affect your manga sorry to lecture you like this, but i'm just sharing you my experience i'd made a lot of mistakes on my 1st manga so...yeah well, anyway, good luck on your manga!^ ^
my first idea was about a year ago it was about a transfer student asking a girl out i dont know why, i had always thought of transfer student to start up a story (now, i dont) i dont know, i guess you just have to brain-strom a lot of ideas (though, it might take a long time) i remember it took me hours trying to get an idea :animeswea anyway, good luck w/ coming up with ideas for your manga^ ^
thanks for the advice^^ & no, i dont have an update schedule i update whenever i can but i update at least once a week (unless something comes up to stop me from updating ^^") i'll update soon, in the next 2 or 3 days thanks for reading it makes me so happy that someone likes it ^-^
Art Why do so many people use photoshop?
tomboy2xxxkoy replied to Chikara Kokoro's topic in Creative Works
u can do a lot of things w/ photoshop though u might think there're not a lot of things u could do w/ photoshop, there'r actually a lot (from personal experience) u just have to get familiar w/ it to know/learn what it can do y else would the program cost so much & so many ppl'r using it? so, it's worth something if u know how to work it r u sure GIMP is free? did u download it from somewhere or something? cus in someplaces (in internet), photoshop is also free if u know where 2 download them (but i dont no where T^T) but it's illegal to download the program for free ^~^ -
thank you for being honest^^ it's taking place in japan because i love japan & for the plot summary, i havent come up w/ a solid one yet but i need to put something up to get myself thinking besides, i change my mind a lot (this manga is turning out to be different from what i had in mind in the 1st place) besides, the actual manga is only 6 pgs there's no explanation yet & im sorry that my website slowed yur computer down im not trying to jink anyone or anything i havent colored/draw a lot of pics for the manga so...not a lot of choices to chose as a banner thank you for yur comment on the screetone and my art^-^ & for understanding how hard it is to draw old ppl (& an ugly 1, too lol) i probably wont change the blue tile bg cus blue & black r 2 of my fav. color the font i used is "Digitalstrip" & yea, i know i suck at spelling but there's on 1 to edit for me i didnt proofread what i put down, b cus i felt too lazy after spending a lot of time working on them i'll be more careful when i type from now on & i'll proofread them 1st thank you for taking yur time off to read my comic
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]i've heard of that manga (the title of it actually) i want to read it! thx 4 the short description by the way^^[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]undefined[/FONT] hi! i've just started my own manga online less than 2 months ago & i was wondering what you guys think of it description: Mashiko Yamatashi and Takashi Aori were childhood friends. As they grow up, they made a lot of memories together which brings them closer and closer to each other. However, they were always fighting, which made people wonder how they could ever get along. Do you want to know? Then read the manga to find out!^^ lol there are also: side stories: Valentine's Day(8 pgs) and April's Fool Day(8pgs) comic strips (10 of them) a short story: Kiriko (20pgs) here's the site: [url]http://www.freewebs.com/whatalife_[/url] i hope you can check them out and tell me what you think of it^^ thx :-]