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Everything posted by Kirika

  1. - Bowser from Super Mario 64. Classic. When I was little it was such an exciting fight. XD - Zed from Wild ARMs. I don't know, but I always enjoyed fighting him. It was probably because of his cool themesong that played in the background. - ID from Xenogears. Especially the part where [spoiler]Bart faces off against him. "That was pretty interesting. But dropping a warship on me is cheating... take it back!" ~ID[/spoiler] :animesmil
  2. Well, when I was little, and when The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time was new, I was scared of those ReDeads. Almost every day at night, after playing a little bit, I'd run into bed with the covers completely over me, thinking that the ReDeads were out to get me XD
  3. I'm a female from Sasebo, Japan. I am 15 years old. I have one younger sibling. I've lived in Japan for a little over 12 years. Before that, I lived in the Philippines and California.
  4. I live in Sasebo, Japan. I practically grew up here. I came here when I was around 2-3 years old. Before that, I lived in the Philippines and California.
  5. You don't suppose the love you have for both of them are different kinds of love? There's the love of a very dear friend, and a love of a special someone. Could that be the case?
  6. When I'm not posting here, I'm probably playing video games, watching anime, making/listening to music, drawing, checking out other sites, hanging out with friends, or I'm at school.
  7. I know what you're going through. I recently went through a situation similar to yours. In middle school, most of my friends were usually guys, because they were the only ones who were into video games and anime, like me. A few happy years went by, and they all moved away. I was now left with the people I talked to/hung out with only in school. Nowadays, they consider me to be one of their best friends. It made me happy, I guess. What I don't get is why don't they want to hang out then, or give me a call, or something? From 5th grade smarties, they grew into something like the preps of the Sophomore class. I used to quietly follow them since they had welcomed me before, looking like the odd ball, or the one who tried so dearly to fit in with them. I realized this, and started going about school by myself. As for boyfriends, the farthest things would get was having a crush on some guy. This school year though, I met two of the new students in my grade. They totally opened my eyes. I actually felt more welcomed than I had before. I had finally found true blue buddies. All I can say is, hang in there. There will eventually be people who enjoy your company, people who make you feel welcome, people who you could call "friend."
  8. Just another gathering of a bunch of families. It used to be fun, but after all our close family friends moved, holiday celebrations seem a bit bland. Our old family friends had children who were around my age, and it was always fun celebrating with them. Now, I just grab a plate to eat and watch the little kids run around. But I'm thankful for having a chance to have a life to live.
  9. Well, I've been to: [b][u]Philippines[/u][/b] That's my birth place. Most of my relatives from my mother's side reside there, so we visit a lot, usually during the summer. [b][u]California[/u][/b] I moved there from the Philippines. I lived there for about 2 years or less. Most of my relatives from my dad's side live there. In fact, a lot of Filipinos live there too :animesmil [b][u]Washington[/u][/b] We went there for sight-seeing. That was during the time I was still a toddler. [b][u]Arizona[/u][/b] Went to see the Grand Canyon. I was a toddler around this time too. [b][u]Oregon[/u][/b] I don't know if this would count, but one time, when I was in 3rd grade, we were on our way to California to visit my grandma. We stopped over at the airport in Portland, Oregon. [b][u]Nevada[/u][/b] During winter vacation, when we went to visit my relatives in California, we went to Las Vegas to celebrate the New Year. I forget which year it was though. :animeswea [b][u]Korea[/u][/b] I went to Pusan, Korea for the Far East Basketball Tournament. [b][u]Guam[/u][/b] I went to Guam for the Far East Tennis Tournament. [b][u]Japan[/u][/b] I've been living here for a little over 12 years now. I call this place home :animesmil
  10. My first serious crush was probably around early middle school. We were already good friends from fifth grade. One Spring Break, I went to stay with my old family friends in Iwakuni. For some reason, he was the only person back home I thought about. I found that I had taken a liking to him. When I came back, I kept it to myself, letting only a few of my close friends know about it. Every time he came around, I started getting giddy, nervous, and shy. It stayed like that for about three years when he finally had to move. To my disappointment, another close friend of mine, who was also a close friend of his, told me that he did like me. The only problem was I was so quiet around him.
  11. Can't say I found him yet. But I'm looking forward to that day.
  12. Dating/Marrying someone from the boards? I dunno. It sounds pretty uncomfortable to me. I wouldn't mind making good friends here though. :animesmil
  13. Here's a more recent one I did on MSN while chatting with a friend: [IMG]http://img467.imageshack.us/img467/1697/msndoodle3bmp3st.jpg[/IMG] Kinda sloppy :animeswea
  14. I've been playing the guitar for a little over a year now. Two of my friends have been teaching me chords. After they moved, I began teaching myself. There are some good online sites that can show you all the chords. All you gotta do is take it step-by-step. Maybe learn a certain number of chords a day and practice them. I also play guitar for church, so that helps me better myself. I play both acoustic and electric, but in church, only acoustic :animesmil
  15. Don't give up on your dreams. If there is someone who seems to excel in what you do best, use it as a motivation tool to better yourself, but remember not to be discouraged. There are many people who go through the same challenges and turn up successful in the end. You're most likely going to be one of them. I will pray that you will be able to accomplish your dream. Also, why don't you post some of your works in the art forums? I'd love to see them. :animesmil
  16. When you say "get," do you mean create or something? To create characters, you could go by the usual RPG character stats. You've got your swordsman who's balanced out, a mage who's defense and magic are higher than his/her power and speed, a thief who's speed is the highest out of everyone, the big guy who does some heavy-duty damage, etc. You can build them from there.
  17. Well, Motion City Soundtrack's new album, [I]Commit This to Memory[/I] reminds me of my summer break since I listened to it a lot during that time. "Bellflower" from the [I]Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean Original Soundtrack[/I] reminds me of fall/winter of last year. "Fields of Hope" by Lacus Clyne (I think that's the artist) reminds me of a friend who died. It was her favorite song.
  18. A couple of my friends really like them, so I got to listen to some of their stuff. They're pretty good; however, I picked up [I]Deja Entendu[/I] and it didn't seem as catchy as their older songs that my friends let me listen to.
  19. Wow. The coloring is fantastic. I could never color with the computer. Still trying though :animeswea What program do you use to color your pictures?
  20. My username is the name of one of my favorite anime characters. Not that creative, I know :animeswea
  21. Ah, here's something I did on Paint. I used the curve tools for this: (Anybody familiar with Wild Arms? :animesmil ) [IMG]http://img476.imageshack.us/img476/62/rudyroughnight1hu.jpg[/IMG]
  22. [quote name='kagomefruitcup][COLOR=RoyalBlue']As for Wid Arms I liked the music, as well it had crappy graphics,But it's an RPG so i loved it.[/COLOR][/quote] Oh yeah, Wild Arms is one of my favorites as well. The series would have to be my favorite video game series :animesmil I think it's pretty unique, going away from where the hero is usually armed with a sword to a gun instead. The western theme is a great idea too.
  23. Yeah, I usually cry when a good character dies. The last time I cried when watching anime was on the last several episodes of Chrno Crusade.
  24. If any of you use MSN Instant Messenger, do you know about that Handwriting/Ink tool? Well, basically, I used a mouse to mess around. It was kinda difficult since I had to use my right hand (and I'm left-handed). [IMG]http://img488.imageshack.us/img488/2739/msndoodle9sh.jpg[/IMG]
  25. I live in Japan, and I really like it here. I love the food, hehe.
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