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Everything posted by EvilGirlWarrior

  1. Wow they're adding even newer shows to Cartoon Networks Adult Swim? That will be so cool and I'll have to start watching it again.
  2. Anybody watch Prince Momonoko? I thought it was really good. Oh...Aren't they supposed to be restarting Inuyasha and Full Metal Alchemist. They really need to bring back Yu Yu Hakushu and Rirouni Kenshin. What is Eureka? I've never heard of it. Well I have to go for a now. Talk to you peoples later. By the way anyone talk to Punk Alchemist lately?
  3. [quote name='Dregen']naruto's ok but I like the subbed version better. the voices on cn show are so stupid and they pronouce things the wrong way.[/quote] Agreed but they replaced one of my favorite other animes on a different channel with Magical Do Ri Mi [B]YUCK[/B] and they also stopped Shaman King. I can't believe that they're stopping all the good animes and stuff.
  4. [quote name='dposse']dude, didn't you read a word of my last post??Inuyasha is coming on with new episodes in Janurary. Next time, pay attention to the posts in the thread! You just might learn something.[/quote] Wow new episodes of Inuyasha? That I'll have to see. Hey what do you ppl think of Naruto?
  5. [QUOTE=Coolskittles821]You should know that now cartoon Network don't show stuff like Dragon Ball Z anymore or Zoids, they first placed them on CNX then/now toonami.... xxx chihiro[/QUOTE] Well they do it's just in the middle of the night or when everyone doing other things.
  6. I'm glad it's not completely gone yet I would have freaked. I saw it when I flipped through channels about a week ago I hadn't seen it in a while and it's one of my favorites so I was pleasantly suprised. What do you ppl think of Naruto. I wish they still and Rirouni Kenshin.
  7. I like it but I think Jadin is way to sure of himself way to sure. It's as though he doesn't doubt thingd
  8. The most embarassing thing that happened to me was probably falling of the stage during a concert and getting up laughing my head off as though it were hilarious oh...well I was to much of a goody-goody so it knocked some sense into me
  9. You never know and you probably never will. Untill we do learn we don't know what the hell he's doing
  10. O.k. I have the same question and I think the answer is because sometimes it scares them
  11. I have to say the saddest thing I've seen is Grave of Fireflies
  12. I like both so I can't choose I have read a lot of mangas and my favorites come out in anime so I can't choose
  13. Hey On Cartoonnetwork at 4:30a.m. Central time they showed Yu Yu hakushu Again finally
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