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  1. i waited so long to see this other boards that i post on some people make topics like what anime should i watch most people say death note i knew about it for awhile and never checked it out untill a week ago man ima dude i'm straight but i gotta say that L guy is defently hot in a psychopathic way too the way his eyes look he actually looks crazier than light as for the anime it rocks on all levels of anime really good hey i got a question tho whats up with the shinshigama i mean first bleach now death note are there other anime's with these guy's.
  2. hahaha yeah i remember that movie i was telling a friend about the anime and he was like i remember that cheesy movie i hope that doesnt keep people from checkin it out i had the old anime one and it ended like wtf nothing else is gonna happen there were still some main baddies out there when the last epidsode came to a halt cant remember when that live action movie came out tho probably the 90's still if your not sure about it check it out on anime on demand i just checked to see if it was still there today and IT IS!!!!!!! peace
  3. yeah i had two of em first one i was actually heiro yui i was on my hands and kness with my head down trying to tell God about my problems it was during the worst emotional times for me the 2nd is cooler i was naruto and zabuza kinda at the same time well when i was naruto i took a kunai knife and slit zabuza neck the crazy thing is after i did that i became zabuzas and with my dieing words i said something like Okay,as long as you dont mind me saying goodbye i even fell to the floor after saying that there this one i had with hinata but its best if i kept that one secret
  4. hmmmmm thats tough super metroid or metroid that could be a pretty good anime i cant think of anything else i mean just about all rpg's could be anime's so.. [color=DarkRed][SIZE=1][INDENT]The same goes for you as well [B]shingen[/B], Why would Metroid be a really good Anime? Is that the only game you'd suggest? Any games you wouldn't want to see as an Anime? Give us a little something to work with. Future posts with such little content will probably just be considered spam and deleted. PM me or any of the other moderators if you have any questions. ~indifference[/INDENT][/SIZE][/color]
  5. hi just wondering if anyone was interested in the new guyver series comming from adv. I happen to get a copy of it at best buy haha someone had put the dvd's out before it could be release. I havent watch it yet but ive seen the first epidsode on anime on demand its just like the old one but way better atleast thats what i thought. alright then
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