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    quiet, shy
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  1. Hmmm..... I would like to see Hiei(yu yu hakushu) and killua(hunterxhunter) duke it out. Well maybeCensui and Itachi
  2. Which bloodline would you like to have? a. Sharingan b. Byakugan
  3. Who's cooler? a. Gaara b. Neji c. Sasuke d. Itachi
  4. I would have to say Legato. His personality is just way cool for a villain. Just let him speak.
  5. Everyone has their one opinion/s(as some people like to have many opinions just to be safe) on things. What one can do is to just respect others and their opinon/s.
  6. [FONT=Times New Roman]Times New Roman[/FONT] [SIZE=3]3[/SIZE][COLOR=Silver]silver[/COLOR] Bishounens and Bishoujos (is the spelling correct?) are vital to the story of an anime. This is the character that does most to make the lead strive for excellence. It also makes them stand out from the crowd via their answers that they make. Now my question (again? some people gets tired of my questions) We all love bishounens and Bishoujos . I like them for a specific personality they have. They are sometimes aloof to everyone who's not of their level but deep inside they really are not all that "bad". How about you do you like them? What traits in them do you like? extra! extra! Hey can anyone tell me how the heck do those weird grass-like anime hairdo stand up? I am quite amused at them. Hhoneslty speaking, I would like to have hiei's hairdo.
  7. thank you all for taking time to read this hastily made post. I will really try to make a good one. Thanks for the replies
  8. :D Animations, or anime, are originally japanese in language. Given the case, hte context are japanese also. But what really bugs me is how poorly some stations choose their dubbers for a specific character. What's more is that some lines are somewhat literally translated, changing the original context of the story of the anime. Don't you agree? extra! extra! - hey everyone, don't you think gaara, or gahara, is really cool? I think so. But Some might disagree with me. Anyway, all your suggestions, comments, and questions are welcome.
  9. Hmmm.... Anime is not just for simple entertainment, it is also for conveying messages the creator wants to impart to us. But why is it that some like to create anime that have too complex a story for some anime fanatics to understand? Extra! Extra! - Will anyone tell me what does the name Gaara in english mean and its translation. (P.S. This is not related to the first paragraph) Good Day everyone!
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