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alchemist sage

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  1. [quote name='NinjaJedi007']I'd want to go out with Mizuho from Please Teacher pretty badly. She is amazing and being with her would be great.[/quote] I would date Kagome and the girl from full metal alchemist....i am not sure if here name is ren ren or something and the girls on NinjaJedi007 signature :tasty:
  2. [quote name='vorboten']i cant belive any of you thought of the guy i would want with me, ed elric (or any other alcemist for that matter),ok maybe i will go with roy mustang cause he is much more my age :animenose any way... cause of his alchemey, he can make stuff out of the materials that the island provides us, food, shelter a boat, ect. yah i think i will go with roy cause he can make fire by snapping his fingers. that could be very handy.[/quote] I go with Ed elric cuz he can use alchemey to make anything....like a steel home... :animesmil hm.....but as a guy...i need a woman with me too but thats the sacrifice i have to make to survive.... :animesigh
  3. Same thing here......I thought it would be stupid,but boy i was wrong.....lol
  4. Tidus....he showed so much determination to protect and serve yuna. Especially when he crashes yuna's wedding.....my fav. scene.
  5. Well.....LOST is freakishly awesome!!!!!!! I bet u guys kno wats in the hatch rite???? Cuz its crazy!!!!!!!! :animestun
  6. Has anyone been watching it? You know the guy who plays Clark's professor(aka Spike from Buffy the vampire slayer) well i believe he is brainiac....what do u think? :shifty:
  7. I just got into S-cryed and I dont know any backgroud story.....such as what are thry fighting for.....can someone do me the favor of providing me with a backstory or plot summary...will be appreciated :animesmil
  8. [QUOTE=Qman1]I like the opening songs to Samurai Champloo, Cowboy Bebop and Full Metal Alchemist. The music used for Samurai Champloo really confuses people....they're all like "why would you put hipp-hop music for an anime like this?" Well, the music really goes for Champloo. Nujabes,FatJon,FORCE OF NATURE,tsutchie did a really good job on the musical side for the show.[/QUOTE] I agree all the way and i also like the naruto and s-cryed intro ....Sounds nice!
  9. Togoro is kool with his pump up strength power and he gave yuske a beating :bash:
  10. [QUOTE=dark kitsune]I'm wondering if any of you watch it. I just finished watching episode 7 and damned if it didn't make me cry.... So anybody into this particular anime as much as me? From what I've seen so far this anime is incredible. The character development, plot and artwork are great. If you haven't seen it yet...then get busy![/QUOTE] I agree with you all the way....I am so into this anime that i have gone insane :animestun But damn it! it is so sad but still among the best :cool:
  11. I might be late on this.....I must say this game is extremely great. Unbelievable movements, great weapons, a good story, and crazy fighting scenes.....wat more can you ask??? This game is great and if u havent played it...then wat r u waiting for!!!!! I believe this game to go down among the greatest legacies like Metal gear solid......They should make a movie of it like Final fantasy 7 :animesigh wat do u guys think of the game??
  12. The movie is freaking awesome.....i couldnt blink after watching it. But then again have u seen the women?! :D :animestun
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