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Everything posted by vorboten

  1. [QUOTE=AnimeHeroX][SIZE=4][B]Ikkitousen[/B][/SIZE] about women who inherit anicent sprits. and fight the main girl Sonsaku Hakufu She possesses the spirit of the Koutou Champion, Sonsaku who passed away at the age 26. The Sonsaku who is destined to fight. Shuuyu Koukin is worried about Sonsaku so he watches over his childhood friend. But, because of him worrying, Sonsaku just gets excited about the battles. but i won't to give away to much she is very ditzy and can kick some real butt beautiful women fighting. hmmmm sounds like a winner to me. :D [IMG]http://okazu.blogspot.com/ikkitousen04.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE] yes ikki tousen is wonderful, i highly reccomend it i have seen the whole thing, i got a sample dvd from geneon, and i had to see the rest of it. i was bummed it was only 13 eps my other reccomendation is the grenadier, pretty much its a shootem up 12 ep anime, with a big breasted blonde who is trying to save the empress. she is highly skilled with a revolver, she is reloading the gun wiith her cleavage... here is a clip [URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img161.imageshack.us/img161/8641/grenadiere7dm.gif[/IMG][/URL]
  2. beautiful images guys, too bad i dont have much of my work scanned at the moment. i did a few experimental photos while in college. light work and pin hole experiments. i moved and lost them somewhere in my closet. here is one i did. self portait from the back of a horse...
  3. my 2 faves are flcl and cowboy bebop. flcl is my fave, the pillows are awsome, and the music fits the series so well. the way they use guitar in such an emptional way it gives the series heart. my fave song from flcl is hybrid rainbow, and i even put it on my myspace page. and one of the pillows fan sites (the one that i linked the song from) put me as their #1 freind lol. i was wondering why i was getting all these pillows fans asking to be my friend, well i guess since my page is done almost interly in flcl i qualify for beeing the #1 fan lol. bebop is wonderful as well. they use such a wonderful mix of music. some one commented on how even if the song donsnt seem to fit it does any way. i never saw it that way. the choices for the music are impecable. and then they tie in the titles of the eps with plays on songs this site [url]http://rfblues.aaanime.net/[/url] is wonderful because not only does it list all the songs and samples of the songs, what songs play when (as well as links to buy the cds) but it lists music influences (for titles and plays on titles not the actual influance of why they were used) and complete scripts for all of the episodes and the movie. i highly reccomend this site for any bebop/seatbelts/yoko kano fan. (i just noticed the site hasnt been updated since 2003, but it still has alot of good info)
  4. i have seen it, its great. i should watch it again.
  5. i can understand why people dont really like flcl, its one of those you either love or hate. i personaly love it, but you have to watch it a few times before you get it lol. i always tell people that its like watching a train wreck, you see it happening and are confused, and you want to look away but you cant, and then after you understand every thing that happend you want to see it again. bad annalogy i know lol
  6. the only one i have seen that you didnt list in one way or another is R.O.D. the T.V that was pretty good, kind of slow at first, but the end is cool, the movie is first, then the series happens after the movie, yes it has action, the paper sisters are pretty ruthless lol.
  7. hmmm, i would say jaken, hes such a whiney little guy, but he would worship the ground i walked on as long as he could get fluffy out of his mind. or gluttony cause he would eat every thing,
  8. i sad jukotzu, he and bonkutzo are the 2 that i think would be the non evil. they both had heart, and they seemed to be good freinds. maybe they were brothers, they cared about their comrades and i feel that the reason they were evil was because they were just doing a job, and they enjoyed doing that job emensly. ok jukotzu was alittle hung up on inuyasha and i think that it is what really drove him all the other people he fought it was more like bordom, but since he had a thing for inuyasha it was better other wise why would he fight
  9. i think it depends on the series, alot of the soundtracks fit well with what is going on or is a interesting compliment, ok samuri champloos mix of edo japan and hip hop at times bothers me, but all in all i like it cause they do put traditional japanese music from the period as well, the one that got me was flcl i LOVE the soundtrack, but there was one song that didnt fit in one of the fight scenes were they put a classical song i think it was called carnival, it totaly didnt go, bebops music was awsome, and the heavy metal use in naruto and the dragon ball series was great. like i said it depends, music sets the mood for alot of things one example that i can think of was when was watching the makeing of halloween (the horror movie) they were commenting on how they did the movie and then put the music in after it was initialy shown for cutting, the people who watched it said that it was not scary at all, and then when they put the music in that it changed the whole mood of the movie and it was infact very scary after that.
  10. i admit i missed the first half of the series, but can you post it (marked spoiler of corse for those who dont want to read it lol) so i can know, i was wondering what scryed was since it started, usually there is a reason for the shows name and i could never figure it out
  11. well bummer for me, i am not qualified for any of those jobs, i might beable to make the drive if i was paid enough (its about a 2 hour drive with traffic from where i live) but i will keep my eye open at the site
  12. aww, im sorry that you peeked, personly i like spoilers, the only one i wont look at is the fma movie since it spoiles the whole sieres (or so i have heard) other wise i will look, i kind of like to know whats gonna happening, it also helped me alittle, with trigun... [SPOILER]i clicked on a spoiler after he blew up the 5th moon, and i read it, ok that was cool, i watched the ep that i clicked the spoiler on, when i watched it i would have never known that particular ep happend 2 years after the previous ep.[/SPOILER] *edit, opps spelled spoiler wrong sorry guys i fixed it
  13. i like evangeleon, i know that singi is not a favorite chareter but i think of him as a reluctant hero type, this is my first time watching the series, and so far it is good, ok sauska might bug me a bit, but i have only seen her in the one ep. i find the show funny at times as well. but i think that there is alot more to singi than every one else gives him credit for, i also like one peice, i do think that 4kids buchered it and it up sets me that we may never see it unedited,
  14. it was a good series, when i first started to watch it i was kind of like wtf?? but it started to get interesting [SPOILER]i knew there was a reason for them to protray kazuma and reyohu the way they did, as enemys they were both likeable and you didnt know who you wanted to win, i thought that was an intresting way to show them. so it ends up that they need to fight together. it all became so clear that was why they showed them in such away as you didnt know who you wanted to side with. i missed alot of the first part of the series cause my boyfreind would come home from work right at that time and i would cook him dinner, so i wasnt paying attention really. i think that i started to pay attention some where in the middle when kazumas frined died (sorry i forget his name like i said i wasnt paying attention) i thought it was werid how they never really said he died, but he was appologizing to him for the things he did, they never actually said it till the end of that ep. as for the end, i was kind of disapointed, i thought that it would have been alittle more interesting but all in all it was a bit of a let down, they didnt really beat any one totaly so you know they wont come back (ok that one guy that came back through the hole i think hes dead) but the other alter user from the other side i think that there is gonna be more cause he was not totaly beaten and that is what reyohu said. and then they just sit there and fight for the rest of their lifes again WTF? very disapointing i say. they could have ended it alittle better i think how i dont know but come on.[/SPOILER]
  15. yah i am finding that i have a knack for expensive hobbys, the first was horses, no matter what disipline you ride, horse, or what ever it is mooooooney, my parents put alot of money in to that sport, and i worked off over half of my expenses teaching kids how to take care of the horses. then there is my love of cars, i didnt even really get in to that, beeing a mechanic was good enough to see how much money i could plunk down in that right and seeing my dad do it for 5 differnt cars whoa (i helped of corse i got most of my collage credits because i started when i was 15 and help to build my first car to get it ready for when i turned 16, and they say girls dont do well in that profession :-P) and then there was the anime, oh man manga, dvds, collectibles and cosplay its maddening. i go in to the video store and cry all of the wonderful things that i want to see, and read, and collect, and since i dont have the money i am limited to what is shown on tv (and pretty much the only channel i get that plays anime is cartoonnetwork sure there are others but i am usuall asleep when they are playing, and i dont get g4. and the book store thats a whole other can of worms, my boyfreind has to keep me on a tight leash when i go in there i run in between the fiction, occult, magazine and manga sections like mad trying to add in my head how much i can afford to take home, and then i feel guilty cause i read it all that night and want to go back the next day for the next in the series. i have a problem i know, and he just brought home his comic book collection, i cataloged it for him and i saw alot of stuff that i would like to read but i know as soon as i do, i will want the issues that he has missing and they would probably be like way out of my price range lol.
  16. amemdment to above post, what about psyrin (i think thats how they spell it) she is pretty and a savvy alchemist lol.
  17. when it comes down to it i dont have a preferance, as long as the story is good, but the new style anime is so wonderful to watch, very detailed and smooth, i love to watch it,
  18. i just got the 4th, it was great, and i cant belive i have to wait till january to get the 5th, why can they come out more frequently, this is the best manga i have read so far.
  19. oh i totaly forgot about bo bo bo. i watched it cause it was on, and i think i got through about 10 mins before i had to change the station, [SPOILER]the nose hair thing just bugged me and then the booger warriors that was it,[/SPOILER]
  20. so if you want an alchemist then why dont you go with the teacher ms izumi (sp?) im dont think there are any other females at the point that i have seen up too in the series.
  21. i cant belive any of you thought of the guy i would want with me, ed elric (or any other alcemist for that matter),ok maybe i will go with roy mustang cause he is much more my age :animenose any way... cause of his alchemey, he can make stuff out of the materials that the island provides us, food, shelter a boat, ect. yah i think i will go with roy cause he can make fire by snapping his fingers. that could be very handy.
  22. i cant wait for the 4th installment to come out, i dont read japanese so i am not as far ahead as some of you are. but i am enjoying the spoilers. i love spoilers hehe.
  23. i had to think about this for a sec. i would have to say super milk chan. ok it had its moments but i can live with out the whole ep called virtual sound system [SPOILER]with the prez dancing naked on his desk doing a "happy" dance saying he wants to have sex with kanji (his cat) really really funny but i didnt need to see it[/SPOILER]
  24. i agree haroku from flcl, i wasnt gonna say it cause i thought others might think i was nuts. but i agree with most of the ones you guys have listed here, only you forgot one real important one, kuroenko sama (the little black cat from trigun) why you ask... what kind of a animal/person would follow any one (let alone a group of people even if they are in differnt areas) through a deasert planet. a spy thats who. thats right he is working for knives. he even gets prouduct placement. have you ever done an image serch for him, you will see that alot if not most of the pics are of peoples black cats, so i have come to the conclusion that between the show, the numourus toys of this cat, and all the people naming their cat after him, the truth is that kinves is really after us all and he is the one and only true villan out there, cause he does knives bidding. :laugh: :catgirl: :D
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