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Everything posted by vorboten

  1. the first animes i remember watching were the lost citys of gold and belle and sabastian on nickoloden (yah im old) i never really got in to it till i was in my mid 20's when i started dating my current boyfreind. i mentioned to him that i loved the movie natural born killers, he said that if i liked that movie i would like this one called the history of trunks. i watched it it was cool, and at the time the midnight run had dragonball and dragonball z running i started watching it regularly. then one day i had a holliday off work and he said that i should watch robotec macross (the first one) so i sat there all day and watch the whole thing in one sitting. i never got in to the other sieries and i still have only seen a few eps of the other to seasons. (dana sterling bugged me) but the 3rd one has alot of potential i will watch it some day. any way... while i was watching midnight run they started showing commercials for this new show on adult swim called inuyasha i had to see it and it went down hill from there, next was cowboy bebop, FLCL, trigun and witch hunter robin the list goes on. i have only really seen the stuff on adult swim cause i dont have any other cable channels that carry anime, and as much as i read about other good series i dont have the money to buy them. my collection is growing slowly. as is my collection of anime action figures,
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