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Paine Leonhart

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Everything posted by Paine Leonhart

  1. I've recently just gotten interested into this anime. I had seen it advertised before on AS, but had little interest in it. (I thought it looked stupid, actually) However, a friend of mine was really into it and I would have to hear how cool it was almost every week. So, I finally sat down and watched it. I was drawn in right away. I was already filled in on what had been happening because of my friend, so I caught on quickly. Plus I found the first volume at one of our cheap stores here in town. It had the first five episodes and a tone of extras. I was sooooo happy. :catgirl: Anyway, I luv Cougar. :D I would like to note that this is the second anime I thought would be stupid and I turned out loving. ;) Guess you never know 'till you try, huh?
  2. [QUOTE=Dagger]An additional new title has popped up on DMP's site. And it's one of my absolute favorites! Plus, you can see cover art and such for the other new licenses [url=http://www.yaoi-manga.com/future][u]here[/u][/url]. [url=http://www.yaoi-manga.com/titles?n=46][u]Dousaibou Seibutsu[/u][/url] I really adore & recommend this manga (I think they're calling it "Same Cell Organism" now). The art has a nice, sketchy, organic quality to it that I find immensely attractive. It's a one-volume title, but the story feels complete. I'm not quite sure how to describe it, except that it has an interestingly mellow, slice-of-life sort of atmosphere that you'd be hard-pressed to find in other BL series. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] Wow. I thank you with all my little heart for the site you have just introduced me to. :3 *Goes off to register* You rock. Anyway, there's a bookstore near my town that has the title Yellow, and I need to get it. (Right?) I would have picked it up the first time I saw it, however, it would have brought forth an uncomfortable conversation with my older sister. (Know what I mean? ;3)
  3. Greatest villian? I don't know who the greatest is, but I can sure tell you the scariest. Tomo from Fushigi Yuugi. >< Really, though, it's all about Zoisite from SM. X3
  4. Wow, when I saw the commercial for this show, I thought: "How dumb." So, what happens? I actually watch it and eat my words. X3 I think it's okay. That chick that looks like both Joey and Kaiba kinda freaks me out though.... EDIT: Alright, so I [I]didn'[/I]t know that there were[I] two[/I] different topics about this.
  5. I would love to read some yaoi fanfics if any of you have written any. :catgirl: (Just PM me with the link.) If any of you have written yaoi fluff fics.... you would really make my day. ;3 (love the fluff!!!)
  6. I was late going to school one day, and my mother was trying to find her keys. So, while I waited for her to find said keys, I turned on the television and there was Sailor Moon. :3
  7. I first got into yaoi with Yu Yu Hakusho. I was an innocent girl just browsing a Yu Yu Hakusho site when I came upon some odd pics of Hiei and Kurama. I thought: "That's....interesting." And thus, a yaoi fangirl was born. My fav. yaoi manga is FAKE. (Also happens to be my fav. yaoi anime) I'm trying to put together some yaoi fanfics, but I get so scattered with them, it's hard to keep up. I mostly enjoy reading yaoi fics of: Final Fantasy, Yu Yu Hakusho, Saint Seiya, Yu-Gi-Oh (go figure, huh?), and some others that I can't think of at the moment. *le sigh*
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