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About Sanjiscool

  • Birthday 02/07/1989

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    Suiken Chef

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  • Biography
    Geeky jock, love to draw
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Sanjiscool's Achievements

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New Member (1/6)



  1. As another otaku who has their own manga, here's a tip as you go, avoid the typical.
  2. Don't ask me why, but I'm anticipating the Alabasta Disasta this Saturday on Toonami. Time to see how bad the Arabasta arc is going to get butchered.
  3. I can't believe I'm the first one to vote for Rock Lee, he pwns all.
  4. Eh, I still can't the fact out of my head that it's practically like the Dragonball GT of Yu-Gi-Oh. I really don't like either anime. The manga is where it's at, the anime changed too much and became less gothic.
  5. Duel Masters, Beyblade, or any of those other marketing crap shows. Sitting through an episode is complete torture.
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