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Admiral Zabi

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Everything posted by Admiral Zabi

  1. Yeah...it would be awsome if someone could come up with atleast like a blueprint...forget the money and resource issue...just having in your hands the blueprints on how to make one would be awsome all in itself. Agree?
  2. Yes as usual the money would be the issue. If you actually take a look everything but the Gundams from Gundam Wing are made of some kind of alloy that is possible to make. But anyways, we may not have the technology now but studies show and some NASA experts say that they may start trying to mine the moon for its Helium-3 by the year 2008. So think about that one. Admiral Zabi
  3. wouldnt we all want to wield a gundam weapon hahaha! I wasnt exactly impling to make a Gundam I was simpling throwing the idea out there because it is a very useful form of energy. And in answer to the question/confusion yes the proton that is made with the Helium-3 is waste material. Admiral Zabi
  4. Oh I understand that...but the fact that its so close at hand its pretty cool. Its not an atom bomb...It is a form of nuclear fushion which creates power (a farely clean form of energy)...then they charge that engergy and trap it in a magnetic field making it extremely sharp...example of this: Beam Sabers. It also has reflective powers when formed together like a "web". Areospace studies show that the solar winds that come from the sun and bursh past the moon drops Helium-3 into the atmosphere of the moon, and then the meteors that hit the moon catch some of that Hekium-3 and push it serveal meters into the surface of the moon. They think there is over a billion tons on the moon. It is also said that the four gas giants: Jupitar, Saturn, Uranis, Neptune, also have Helium-3 in their atmospheres. The main problem is the quantity of this helium isotope is EXTREMELY rare here on earth, only found in uranium mines. Areospace studies also show that they expect by 2050 the energy crisis increasing 8 fold with the population swelling to 12 million, so they may start taking trips to the moon for special Helium-3 mining expendtions. As for the Deuturium it one atom of it consists in 6,500 Hyrodgen, but that is just naturally something its done synthetically to make those odds less. In conclusion as technology advances, the power of nuclear fushion increases and the population swells...hmm lets think about this----kinda sounds like how gundam started. Haha well if this is not a sufficent amount of information or you still have questions please, like I said early, PM me or feel free to email me Admiral Zabi
  5. People, people, I have had a break through. The nuclear fusion that creates Minovsky particles in a Gundam's weapons and flight packs IS EXTREMLY POSSIBLE. With out going into too much detail I will explain this: The materials used in the reaction are atainable. Its uses a heavy hydrogen atom (Deuturium) and a Helium isotope known as Helium-3 (availabe rarely on earth Uranium mines, but most abundantly on the moon and gas giants) and they produce the stable Helium-4 and one proton that is positivley charged and can be caught in a magnetic field. If you would like to know more feel free to email me or PM me and I will let you know my ideas. Admiral Zabi
  6. I think there are two Animes they should put back on t.v. The first and most important would be Rurouni Kenshin, why they took it off blows my mind. The second would have to be Mobile Suit Gundam, It is my understanding through my brother that they took it off after September 11th because of it dealing with war and people dying, but that's all over now so they should put it back on they took it off in the middle of like the first season so we never got anywhere near they end. So thats what I think should be put back on.
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