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Everything posted by Animesword

  1. I might join. I'm not sure what to ask, though. I'll ask some questions when I think of some. I agree with this person, too. ^^; [QUOTE=Chikara Kokoro]It's nearly impossible for anyone to give real feedback on this with so little to go off of. Write the story. Make it not take place in Japan. Change the title accordingly. That's all I can say. I would like to say more, possibly positive, things, but how can I when you aren't even willing to write up information on the manga idea before you try to start a topic about it?[/QUOTE]
  2. I don't know......... All I know is that I started watching Anime when I was 5 years old. And I couldn't understand what they were doing! It was all confusing until know.
  3. [QUOTE=DarkDragon][CENTER][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Could someone make me a funny Gravitation avatar and banner?[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER][/QUOTE] I'm sorry since this is off the topic....but how can you get a banner? Please tell me!
  4. [quote name='Starr112']Should there be school uniforms? Give reasons for your answer. I think there should be because then kids wouldnt get picked on for wht they wear.[/quote] I think we should have school uniforms. My first reason: because they're awesome looking! My second reason:because it's hard for me to pick out what I want to wear.
  5. I wish i had never seen BoBoBoBo-Bo-Bo-Bo. :animeangr (I don't think I spelled it right......)
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