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Everything posted by Revolut1on

  1. [COLOR=DarkRed]I don't really like most Death Metal, mainly because I can't tell what they're saying. Most songs just sound like a bunch of growling to me. However, I do kind of like Lamb of God, I find their songs are a little easier to understand.[/COLOR]
  2. [QUOTE=CoLoR_Me_EviL][FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=Orange] I'll have to check out avenged sevenfold.. Are they like foo fighters style or like any other style I can relate it to so I can get an idea?[/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed]I'm sorry, but I can't really compare them to any band that's out right now. They're so unlike anything I've ever heard. They're sort of punk and sort of classic metal. Their guitar solos are out of this world. And M.Shadows's vocals are amazing. [/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DarkRed]Avenged Sevenfold is easily the best rock band out right now. I seriously recommend you pick up their City of Evil album. Every song on that album is awesome. It's the perfect example of what a rock album should sound like.[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=DarkRed]I think the hardest boss is Leopaldon from Guilty Gear Isuka. I've had the game for almost a year and still haven't beaten him. I think it's impossible, even when you block his attacks you still get hurt.[/COLOR]
  5. [QUOTE=Mitch]Yeah, I've only FC'd it a few times, but it was pretty cool. As for "Daikenwai" - that song is insane, I love it and equally hate it towards the end where it's so intense. I think I have A'd that before. If not, at least a B. It's even more of a ***** on Challenge. Funny thing is, Sakura on challenge is even easier than Sakura on Heavy. Sakura Heavy is fun though.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Blue]I agree, Daikenkai does have some really tricky steps. The easiest way to do well on it is to double step everything. I find the Challenge steps sort of easier, they just make more sense to me. Everytime I play the song I end up facing away from the screen by the time the song's over. Yeah, I also wonder why Sakura is a 10 on Heavy but a 9 on Challenge, I think they should switch it around in future mixes. [/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=DarkRed]When I'm not her on OB I enjoy a wide varity of activities. Including but not limited to: DDR, playing my trombone, hanging out with my friends, watching anime, listening to music, flirting with girls, shooting off fireworks, reading, buying anime merchandise, and exercising. I also enjoy lying down by the fire with that special someone and long walks on the beach, ~_^[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=DarkRed]My two/three favorite games are Kingdom Hearts and DDR, preferably MAX or Extreme 2. Kingdom Hearts was the first and only RPG that I played through. I really like the fighting system, the sword play and magic flow so smoothly. DDR is sort of an addiction for me. I started a little over a year ago, and I haven't been able to stop.[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=DarkRed]I'm not really scared of much now. When I was younger, however, I was scared of everything. One of the biggest fears that I've had since I was younger is a fear of needles, and insects with stingers. I think this is kind of weird because I know that shots don't hurt, and I've never been stung by any kind of insect (the worse I've ever gotten from an insect is a mosquito bite). Despite my fear of needles, I plan on getting a tattoo someday. Sometimes I fear the end of the world. This is my most recently acquired fear. It spawned from this dream that I had earlier this year about it. I can't remember too much about the dream, but I know all of a sudden the sky turned crimson and the date on the calendar in my home was June 6, 2006. I hope this fear is resolved when that date actually comes.[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Red]My personal favorite anime music is anything from Cowboy Bebop. I think Ms. Kanno did some of her best work on this series. The songs on the soundtracks are so diverse, you'd have to have horrible taste in music not to like it.[/COLOR]
  10. [quote name='eyesintheshadow']As long as LP has been around i have been a big fan. Until they made the mistake of teaming up with Jay-Z. That was where i lost all respect for them. I think that that was the biggest mistake they will ever make. However, before that i had every one of there cd's, knew just about all there songs by heart, and they were one of my favorite bands until they mad that one mistake. i have not listened to anything by them since.[/quote] :mad: [COLOR=DarkRed]People like you really piss me off. They made a six song CD/DVD with a guy and all of a sudden they're not one of your favorite bands anymore. That makes no since. I personally am a Linkin Park fan, they're my favorite band. I think teaming up with Jay-Z was pretty cool. They obviously realize that their music has been and probably always will be influenced by hip hop. And one of the main reasons that you haven't listened to anything by them since is because collectively they haven't released anything new since then. [/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Blue]I do enjoy some of the stuff that VIZ puts out like Naruto and The Prince of tennis, but I'm going to have to go with Tokyopop. Their manga just feels more authentic to me.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Blue]The first anime I remember watching was MegaMan. I was only like 3 or 4 back then, so I didn't really know it was anime. I don't remember much about it, but I do remember I used to watch it like everyday when I got home from daycare.[/COLOR]
  13. :animesmil [COLOR=Blue]Very funny. I just finished reading all of them and I must say that they're very well done. I especially liked the Lance Armstrong one and the Harry Potter one XD[/COLOR]
  14. [QUOTE=Mitch]Well, I guess a DDR update is in order. I can get a B on Max 300 Heavy now. I can [i]almost[/i] pass MaxX Unlimited Heavy. I can easily pass Sakura on heavy. I've gotten an A before. I passed Paranoia Survivor Heavy with a B. I can pass "Colors" on challenge with an A (god, that song's a *****). I've passed "Cartoon Heroes (Speedy Mix)" on Heavy with a B. I've full-combo'd The Legend of Max Standard. I've AA'd "A" on Heavy. Basically, I've gotten good, I guess. And I've kind of stopped getting better, so I've begun losing interest. Well, when you play nearly every day like me, I guess every now and then you need a vacation so you can come back and kick some ***.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Blue]Wow, that's awesome dude. I wish I could full combo LOM standard. Now that I think about it, I haven't really played that song on Standard since I figured out how to pass it on Heavy. I love that song "A" it's awesome, I like the part when it speeds up. And yeah, Sakura is the easiest 10 footer that I've ever played, I still can't get an A on it though.[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=DarkRed]Well, I'll probably watch anything that has a good story. But I do prefer what I'm watching to be pleasing to look at, so I'm going to pick new style.[/COLOR]
  16. [quote name='joshdude89']I like DDR alot and I have a PS2 but I mostly play it at the mall and pwn noobs. :animesmil[/quote] [FONT=Verdana][COLOR=Blue]I enjoy playing in malls too. Well, I enjoy playing anywhere in public. I'm not really into pwning n00bs or anything like that, I think thats kind of mean. I know when I was a n00b I used to hate it when a really good player started playing next to me, I was so embarrassed when that happend. Now, when I see a n00b at the arcade I usually just play on Standard and try not to show them up too much ^_^. However, when I'm playing by myself or someone else really good I pwn Heavy Mode. I mostly like 8 and 9 footers, I haven't completed a 10 footer in public yet. [/COLOR][/FONT]
  17. :nono: [COLOR=DarkRed]Animes that I wish I hadn't ever seen: Pokemon, Super Milk Chan, SD Gundam, Sonic X, One Piece, Macross II ( I know a lot of people liked it, but hated that movie), and Dragonball (Z/GT). Animes that I wish I hadn't watched all the way through to the end: Berserk (Dude, WTF is up with that ending!?) :huh: [/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=Blue]That's okay, I couldn't find a banner for it either. I just made my own, it isn't a GIF, but I still like it.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=DarkRed]I've "liked" plenty of girls, but I think the first official head over heels in love "crush" that I had was on this girl in my homeroom class in 6th grade. I remember thinking that she was so beautiful; I had to have her no matter what. Well, one day I finally worked up the courage to express my feelings for her. It was the day before Valentine's day, so I bought(well, got my mom to buy) her one of those hearts filled with chocolate, and a rose. The next day at school, Valentine's Day, I gave her my present first during homeroom. I had band for first period, so I didn't get to see her, when I got to my second period class, I found my presents on [B][I]MY[/I][/B] desk with a note saying something like "It's just too much." Needless to say, I've tried not put myself in the same situation, so that was the last major crush that I had. [/COLOR]
  20. This is all that I can think of at the moment. Money would also be nice, but that kind of goes without saying. [list] [*]PSP [*]Lumines [*]That new Need for Speed game coming out for the PSP [*]Soul Calibur III [*]Grand Tourismo 4 [*]Genshiken vol. 3 [*]We Love Katamari [/list]
  21. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]I'm not sure if you mean series or movie, but I'm going to assume you mean series. I could probably watch Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, and Full Metal Panic over and over. They're so awesome. I like the way that they evenly distribute actual storyline and action sequences in these series. I think a good combination of those elements make any anime series fun to watch over and over again.[/COLOR]
  22. :animeswea [FONT=Verdana]undefined[/FONT] Hello, I'm new here, and I'm in desparate need of a banner for my signature. Can some one [B][I]please[/I][/B] make me a 500x100 Gif banner for the DDR song Rhythm and Police. In the banner I'd like the song banner and the word Pwned to flash across it every 2 seconds.
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