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Everything posted by renayiiq

  1. Ok, the idea of piercing yourself [I]is[/I] pretty foolish. If you know what you're doing, though, and you know the consequences of what could possibly happen if you screwed up, then you're not completely foolish. Well, I can't say that I haven't pierced myself. I have given myself 2nd holes in my lobes 2 times. Both times, they got infected.The first time, it was back in my freshman year and I thought it'd be easier to do it to myself rather than to have someone else do it to me. Not true. I didn't know squat about sterilizing. Yeah, I know, I was a big dumb a**. Second time was not too long ago, about 3 months. I'm not really sure right now...can't seem to remember time. Yeah. But uhm...I used the right needles and everything, but I didn't know that the earings that I had used were just painted metal. My mom had them still in the package and everything and gave them to me. It turns out that my ears got infected and had to take the earings out. It hurt alot, too, because I was afraid of missing if I would've done it fast, so I pierced them both very slowly. Luckily, I can deal with alot of pain (I've had my bridge pierved professionally, and yes, it really hurts alots). Yep, that's my story. As for my opinion on piercings, I used to have my lip done but it was crooked so I took it out. I still have my bridge pierced, though. I also have a piercing on the cartilage of my ear. That's it for noe, but I do plan on getting a piecing on the nape of my neck as well as re-peircing my lip, getting my ears done all the way up to where my cartilage piercing is, high nostril and regular nostril piercings on both sides, and an ashley piercing (an inversed vertical labret). [SIZE=1](ps - im sorry if my typing is messed up; I'm high offa my a** & its two oclock in the mornign)[/SIZE]
  2. Yeah, that's right. I'm too lazy to make two separate threads. I'm wondering what people think of colored contacts. Mostly, do you like them? Do you/would you ever wear them? If so, what's your favorite color of them? What do you think of the "freaky" ones? Me, well, I love them! I had some blue-ish green ones, but one of them ripped. My mom got me white ones today. She surprised me. I'd have to say that my favorite is the purple-ish kind. Not the "freaky" purple-sh ones, but the violet-colored regular ones. They're pretty. That's what I'm getting next, in about 6 months or on my birthday, which is in April. The second topic in this thread is piercings. Specifically, septums. For those of you who don't know, the septum piercing is also known as the "bull ring." Is it just me (and my city), or is it becoming a bit popular? No, not popular as in the cute little nose ring, but popular as in the "goth" and "rocker" and "punk" kids all seeming to have it now. What do you think of this piercing? Where you live, is it becoming a new sort of craze? Would you ever do it? As for myself, I wanted to get a septum piercing about 2 years ago, but I chickened out and got my bridge pierced. Alot of people in my school are getting it pierced. I can name at least 5 people that I know that have it. I've seen many, many other kids (both at my school and all around El Paso) that have it. Personally, it only looks right on certain people. Tim and Dana can really pull it off, but Felicia, Jenny, and Lino really look horrible with it. I still would like to get it pierced, but now that I'm seeing that it's 1) what everyone is doing, and 2) not really that good-looking, especially on females, I don't think I could pull it off. There's my two cents. So, whatcha think? :animesmil
  3. Emo people annoy me. The way they dress irks me, their crying fits make me want to rip off their ring fingers and then stab them in their eyes with them, and I don't like seeing a guy's crotch bulge through his pants. It's really unattractive. And their music? EW! They have these ugly whiny, disgusting voices, their tunes are usually almost always all the same or VERY similar to each otherls, and it's mostly pessimistic music. I don't like it. It's gross.
  4. renayiiq


    I dont mind drugs. Well, I don't mind marijuana (a.k.a, weed, pot, mary j, the green, blow, canna, cannabis, etc. I prefer the term canna). I don't like coke, crack, meth, acid, pcp, speed, shrooms, etc. The only hallucinogenic thing I really don't have a distate for is absinthe. Tobacco is a drug, too, and of course I don't mind it -- I just put out a cigarette. I really don't see what the big deal is with canna, because it has always had the same effects on me (and many friends that I've gotten stoned and shnockered -- a.k.a drunk -- with) as alcohol. Honestly, right now, I feel like I'm almost stoned, except that I'm constantly yawning and I'm not smiling like a dibsh*t. It's because I'm really, really, really, REALLY tired. Same effect. When I drink, I want to eat. When I smoke canna, I want to eat. And then, with both, I just want to go to sleep after I eat if there's nothing entertaining me. I have the same mental strain, except that it's stronger when I'm high than when I'm shnockered. One difference, though. I'm more likely to say yes to anything that anyone wants (sexually) when I'm drunk. When I'm high, I have more will power to say "No, i'm fine. I think I'd rather stay out here instead of going in your room, I don't want to ditch everyone. And I'm high. What if I don't remember it? I don't like that idea.......*laughs and then falls over while laughing, for about 5 mintues straight while still saying no* OMG! I think I'm dead! Are you dead, too? Whoa...this is awesome. I'm DEAD! HAHAHAHAHA! OMG! THIS IS SO GREAT! *laughs for about 10 more minutes, and then has a menthol cigarette*" instead of "*laughs *** off* Wanna see my boobs? *giggles* Huh? You want to f--k me? Mmmkay...top or bottom? *giggles and then manically bites the person*" I'm dead serious about that, too. That's EXACTLY how I am. When I'm high, I'm the person that everyone ends up tripping off of, while still maintaining my ability to not do anything with people. When I'm drunk, though, I'm the person who is the major slut. I offer to show my boobs, if someone wants to take a picture of them, I say YES. I let things happen, I make out with the first person in sight, I let people do whatever they want to and/or with me. So honestly, I think that alcohol is worse than canna. My opinion is definitely based off of my experiences, and things that I've noticed with friends. I won't deny that I love to drink and to smoke canna, though. I don't really have a problem with either. And I don't have a problem with cigarettes at all. I've never tried all of the things that I've frowned upon, because I believe that it's worse for you. That's my opinion. I can't write more right now because I'm tired and I'm almost falling asleep at my computer. I don't even know if i"m spelling everything right. Who cares? Well, g'night, I'll probably end up editing this and adding more of my opinion when I'm well-rested. :sleep: *yawns* PS-- No, I don't get drunk and high very often. Hell, I have canna right now in my room, in my dresser drawer. I haven't smoked very much of it. I've had it for about 5 months. I haven't smoked any of it in about 4 months. Last time I had alcohol? I didn't even get drunk, I got tipsy. It was last night (last night meaning Friday night). I don't drink very much when I do decide to drink. I'm extremely lightweight on everything besides cigarettes. I can't smoke weed or drink alcohol every day. I've done that before for about three days in a row, with my friend Lashawn. I vowed that I'd never do that again. I hated it. Getting high is nice once in a while, but not everyday. Not even once a week. Once in a month, maybe. Same thing with drinking.
  5. [QUOTE=Mage17]Are you serious....."Limited Speech???" That has to be the upmost outragious thing I've ever heard. The constitution and Bill of Right have people Free Speech so they may express themselves as they please, not matter if it bothers others or offends as long as they say what they have to say then their happy. Granted that not all the time its nice or anything but its something you can get over really, or just ignore. Without Free Speech we wouldn't have the historical leaders from the past and present like we do now. Yes it is a lot of complaining, but thats what happens everywhere, b****ing and constant crap. But at least people get to say whats on their minds and sometimes thats a good thing that can lead to a brighter tommorrow and all that jazz. To the person who started this thread, you're the one sounding like a real "prick" at the monment, in today's society its not a nice thing to offend people because it has backlashes....let me tell ya :animeswea . You should have learned that in pre-school or something.[/QUOTE] Today's society SUCKS, have you not noticed that? How come I can ALREADY get FINED for saying something to someone? HUH? That's right. Because it's nto really "free" anyways. We already have limited speech. We should just drop the name of "free" speech and change it to "limited" speech, really. It's almost gotten to the point of what I'm saying we should do. In about 100 years, what I'm say9ing will be in effect because people can't take being offended because they whine too much about "boo hoo, you called me a whore! I'm going to sue you! whether or not it's true, I'm still offended! Officer! Officer! Fine this person for saying mean things to me!" Yeah, I've almost been fined. So I should know.
  6. Yeah. I think I've finally had it with all of this free speech stuff. Certain people have more rights than others. In order not to offend anyone, I will not provide any examples. I think that we should have "limited speech." So if you say something that someone doesn't like, you get fined. That's how it works in the public school system, so why not just everywhere else? I'm so tired of people complaining that they're offended. I think it's really time to let everyone else win...if you don't, then you'll only end up losing everything in the war. People like me who want REAL free speech and want to feel free to offend will never win. Some prick will always ruin it for us. I want to know what everyone thinks about this. I'm also just posting this to let at least part of the world (even if this little chunk of people really couldn't care less if I got ran over by a train) that I have finally given up. I'm letting the world win. I may even take out my piercing. It offends the school system, so why not just shut them up, right? Sorry, I'm just fed up. So, what do you think about this idea?
  7. [quote name='? Nomad Tical ?']"Let's use a female child as an example. All the little girl knows as she first attempts to integrate her male side is that she is extremely attracted to her father. She wants him around and close to her all the time. The manuscript explains that what she really wants is male energy---because this male energy completes her female side. From this male energy she recieves a sense of completion and euphoria. But she mistakenly thinks that the only way to have this energy is by sexually possesing her father and keeping him close physically.[/quote] Ew, no. That is the most disgusting thing that I've ever heard, and I must disagree. Children do not manifest any form of sexual possessiveness. They're innocent. Well, some aren't...but those are the little psycho children who kill their siblings. [quote name='? Nomad Tical ?']"Interestingly, because she intuits this energy as her own and thinks she should be able to command this energy at will, she wants to direct the father as if she were part of herself. She thinks that he is magical and perfect and able to supply her every whim. In a less than ideal family, this sets up a power conflict between the little girl and her dad. Dramas are formed as she learns to posture herself in order to manipulate him into giving her the energy she desires.[/quote] Uhm, whoever really thought of this originally must have been on some serious pot. Not your regular pot...really jacked up pot, soaked in rubbing alcohol twice and then re-dried. Ew. And I completely disagree with this quote as well. Just..no. So wrong. [quote name='? Nomad Tical ?']"But in an ideal family, the family would remain uncompetitive. He would continue to relate honestly and have enough energy as to supply her unconditionally even though he can't do everything she asks.[/quote] Uhm, no. Read what Retri said. That's exactly my p.o.v on this. Speaking of Retri: [quote name='Retribution][size=1']That?s terrible. A daughter should see her father as more than a particular human being with talents and faults. A daughter should see her father as a man in her life that loved her sincerely, protected her, picked her up when she fell, put band-aids on her cuts, and read her bed-time stories. Not as some guy with good stuff and bad stuff about him.[/size][/quote] Uhm...does that mean that I'm a bad daughter? I don't see him as any of those things except reading bedtime stories...He's just been kinda there, criticized the hell out of me, when I would fall and get cuts and scrapes he'd just call me a big baby and tell me to stop crying, he told me to get up and wouldn't pick me up when I fell ( in both phys. and emo. ways), has never really "protected" me, and I've never felt particularly loved by him. He really is just some guy with good stuff and bad stuff about him who puts a roof over my head, gives me food, only gives me clothes when my mom nags him, and hardly likes to spend any money on me, except for things that are stupid. Anyways, I think that this is a horrible evaluation of any form of humanity. *shakes head*
  8. [QUOTE=Morpheus]I'm sorry, but this really makes me laugh. You see, we have freedom of speech and press. Period. No ifs, ands, or buts. This comic is what we call A JOKE. And people should be able to take the joke. Seriously, sticks and stones people.[/QUOTE] Exactly my point.
  9. I don't know...I slap my guy friends when they say something really perverted, and it's geared toward me. Or if they say something REALLY not nice about a certain friend of mine. It doesn't mean anything. And I don't hurt them anyways. They don't mind. They slap me back sometimes. It's fun. :animesmil
  10. Ok, I have a solution. How about all the people (not just here, but anywhere) who would like to burn a U.S flag do something else...Why don't they get a flagpole, put it in their yard, and have an upside-down U.S flag? That's a better statement than burning something. You could probably get into trouble for arson if you burn a flag, too. Like, if something happens and someone else or a tree or a house catches on fire.
  11. I'm not insensitive. I just don't like whiners who get offended easily and do drastic things. Get over it. What's done is done, it's not the end of the world. Stop acting like it is.
  12. For one, I think that people get offended way too easily. Pulling out all of your ambassadors? That's really drastic. And stupid. And I don't think that they should put restrictions on freedom of speech. Because that wouldn't be FREE speech, that would be limited speech. Like America has. I think that the newspaper was wrong, but oh well. What can do about it? Cut their heads off? Hang them? Instead of looking at newspapers, why don't you look at the great world wide web? There's alot of offensive things on here. More so than there is in a newspaper. Heck, there's a website called godhatesfags.com. There are alot of people that face slander, so it's best to just get over it. Life isn't about making everyone happy. This is what I have to say to those crybabies pulling their ambassadors out of Denmark: Cry me a river, and then build yourself a bridge to get over it.
  13. Well, if world government means that [U][B][I]I[/I][/B][/U] get to run the whole world, sure. But being realistic now...no way. Nope. Why? I already dislike power (unless it is in my hands), so why let more power be given to fewer people? No way. If it so happened that a world government happened in my lifetime, I'd become an assassin and they'd all die.
  14. In spite of the fact that I'm sure there was a thread like this a while ago, I'll reply. My favorite color....Ok, my favorite two colors, because I can't choose! Black -- Because it's dark, and it goes with everything, and it is like the universe...deep and dark. HOT Pink -- It's bright, it contrasts black pretty well, it's a fun color, it's feminine, it makes my eyes more noticable (my eyes are green), and it's a good color for UV things.
  15. I'm 16, almost 17, and I know for a fact that we should NOT be allowed to vote. Those of us (like myself, not to be conceited, just truthful) who are not politicially inept and have the concept of it in the right place are able to wait. I'm capable to wait. I don't want to vote yet. I'm personally only half ready. I'd love to vote, BUT, I'd have to worry about parental opinions on whoever I would vote for, worry about my dad wanting to disown me because I have different opinions (trust me, I DO NOT need that, I already come close to it because of some of my opinions). I can wait.
  16. [quote name='xliquidousx']Thanks, everyone, I guess that helps? So where's the best place to learn those choreographed moves? Would a dance video like Napoleon Dynamite used be helpful, lol? I'm sure that you all remember that scene from Napoleon Dynamite, and if you haven't seen it then shame on you. Thanks again. Is there like a website for dance moves?[/quote] Are you a dude of a chick? If you're a chick, watch all of the misoginistic rap videos. If you're a dude, I can't help you. Ok, I was kidding about the rap vid bit, but chances are that if you want to learn how to dance, you're gonna probably have to go to google and type "how to dance videos" or "dance videos." It works, usually. If not, get something like Morpheus. Still no luck? Find some friends who will be happy to teach you.
  17. Well, for starters, find a friend who can dance, and who would take the time to teach you. Secondly, shake what your mama gave ya. :animesmil
  18. I kinda/sorta agree with pacifism. Look at Ghandi. He did it. But they probably weren't threatening him with nukes. In today's world, it wouldn't work, unless there were no bombs or nukes or anything to screw it up. I really don't like war, to be honest. I hate it. I can't watch news stations alot because they talk about the war in Iraq alot, and you always hear about people dying. I'm sensitive to that kind of thing. Now, I know the Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) argument. In a way, though, we did kind of find something. I learned this today is U.S History. We found alot of counterfeit money. That could potentially destroy our economy, providing a weakness in America, giving a little hole to slip in and give way to a major downfall. I suppose it was either go on suspiscion, cause a war, and then eventually find something that could prove as a pretty damn good weapon, or do nothing about it. That's just my opinion.
  19. I hate school. I hate it with a passion. The only thing I like is seeing Korey...and the fact that I don't see Violet all the time. And that I get to see Mari and a few other more important people. And I like step (well, I like practicing at home more than going to the class because I feel really slow and incompetent), and English class. Other than those few things, I hate school. I hate Alma and Pablo, the security people. They always try to get me in trouble for my piercing, even when I had a completely clear retainer with a clear o-ring (as opposed to the retainer with the black o-ring that I'm wearing right now). And they always try to get me for my pants. I have 7 bondage straps on my pants, and they also weigh 3 pounds. There is NO rule about cloth bondage straps, only chains. But they still try to get me in trouble. And the administrators and staff hates me because I don't take their b.s. I know when they're feeding me a line of crap. They've drug tested me twice in the past, w/o calling my parents to get their consent (which is a district rule), and w/o plausible cause, only that my eyes were red and I looked sick and depressed. And they said that they were checking because of kids getting food poisoning. I know the damn difference between a sobriety test and checking to see if someone is sick. See? School sucks.
  20. A tradition that I do with best friends is that I....wait! I don't have a tradition. Me and Lashawn used to always go to Burger King together and sit at the same place, and always order the same thing. We also used to ditch school together. I guess that counts. We did this until I moved and her phone got cut off.
  21. [QUOTE=haru sakurai]the biggest white privelege of all is being able to claim to be ignorant of it, just as the biggest American privelege is to be ignorant of other countries. when you're on top, why give a damn about who's on the bottom as long as they keep you on top? why should you be aware of it? why not just put on that you're persecuted even though minorities are laughably misrepresented in the government, in the media, in the financial arena. did you ever wonder why there's a bigger amount of minorities is sports that become stars than say, movies or music? it's because you can't cheat as easily in sports. you're either talented or you're not. there's absolutely no logic for there not to be the same amount of representations of minorities in movies, music, politics or business, because it's the same amount of people, isn't it? do you think that there are somehow less people of minorities that have the ability and talent to be involved in acting, music, politics or business? no, they just have a hell of a lot more odds stacked against them to succeed. what other possible explanation is there for it? i mean, unless you're willing to say people of minorities are lazy or stupid. or maybe you do believe that, considering you only think some one of a different race could get the same job as you because some one 'felt sorry for them.' you can't speak as freely? really? so when you complain about your situation, you're not just dismissed as 'playing the race card?' i would ask you to seriously read up or watch some of Jane Elliot's (a white teacher, btw) Blue Eyes / Brown Eyes expiriments. if you'd like, i could also provide some links to a Havard study regarding applications to various colleges-- men with 'African sounding' names and no criminal record were far less likely to get accepted than people with 'white sounding' names with criminal records. they were also less likely to be hired by major companies. then again, you could refuse to look at these studies, so i'm not feeling particularly moved to look them up for you. you seem to be pretty comfortably seated in your ignorance. as a white person, you have the choice not to face the reality of what hundreds of years of racism have done to this country. that's something that people of racial minorities don't get to do. as much as you decry it, it is the reality of millions of people in this country, and they don't get to look away. laugh at me if you want. call it ******** if you want. you're only proving me further right, in the end, and that saddens me. i'd like to live in a world without racism, but just pretending it's not there won't make it disappear.[/QUOTE] Actually, you're the one pretending that there's no white racism. I'm not pretending, I'm seeing right through everyone. I have a very good ability with that. My intuition has never steered me wrong, and neither has my ability to see right through people. You see, I've experienced alot of things, I've watched my friends grow up (I'm the youngest of the group, and the most observant), I've seen things happen to my parents, I observe and experience. I lived in Hawaii, too. You would not believe some of the things I went through when I was there, that I experienced, and the things that I observed. I was there for a year and a half, maybe two years. I experienced alot, I observed alot. I didn't want to go to school anymore because my teacher in 2nd grade was Asian and native Hawaiian, and there were two white kids in the class, me and Kirk. Well, she treated me the worst. I would come home and cry everyday. I had no friends, I was threatened because I was...I can't spell it, but it's some hawaiian racial slur for a white person. I also experienced alot in Maryland. This girl didn't like me, and she always used to call me a cracker and a honkey. Well, one day, when the bus let us off at our bus stop, she started talking crap, and I told her to leave me alone. She started chasing after me. My dad was visiting me and mom, because he was still stationed in Hawaii, and he saw that, and he came and stopped her and told her to go on home unless she wanted him to go to her parents and tell them. Well, she started walking, and my grandmother saw the girl walking, and the girl just slapped herself really hard. Well, the police were called because she accused my dad of calling her a "stupid ni***r b****" and slapping her. Her friends eventually told the truth. Court case was dropped. My dad didn't do that, he was walking with me back to the house and asking me how the rest of my day had been. I've had various other problems all of my life, since I can remember, even in preschool. I've observed my parents' problems...my friends' problems. You think you know, but you know nothing. You have just...no idea.
  22. [quote name='Avenged666fold']Well what could the slaves do when their masters ripped there ******* eyes out beacause they read a ******* book. So what if there was a little racial profiling with white people. There was TORTURE of black, hispanics, and asians. So before you go and complain about some small problem of "profiling" think about the past sins our anscestors have commited. Has anyone paid these people for there troubles? No. They just sit there and deal with it. I may be the cool white kid but I have seen more horrifying things happen to minoritys than you can possibly understand.[/quote] You do know that this happened a long time ago, not now? Profiling is just as bad as torture in my eyes. Actually, I'd rather be tortured than profiled. I really would. Why pay someone for being helpless? People are suppose to pay their own way. Things aren't just given to you. Unless you're not white. Then the world is on a silver platter for you. They have racial scholarships...I don't see most of these kids working their ***** off to earn them, they just get them because they're not white. You're not white. You're "other." You're the white person who bashes your own race. Anyone who bashes their own race, no matter what race they are, is "other." Horrifying? I highly doubt your credibility. You're just another person who is bringing America's eventual downfall. There's no equality here anymore, and you know why? Because everyone's screaming, "Oh no! It's the 21st century, and the minorities can do anything that white people can do...but the "white man" is oppressing us! Our rights!" Yeah...what about my rights? I forgot! I'm a cracker and I'm self-absorbed in my own race, and I must embrace everyone else's culture except my own, and there's actual studies in universities, called studies of "whiteness," basically bashing my race, but I should be okay with that, because I'm currently oppressing people, because I'm white...even though I'm not a descendant of anyone who owned a slave in this country, because my family was too poor on one side, and the other side came over in the early 1900s, I'm to blame, because I'm white. Yeah I see how it is, every time someone who's not white has something bad happen to them, it's a white person's fault. Police brutality, didn't get into college because they didn't work their *** off in high school to get that really nice scholarship, oh yeah, it's our fault. We're oppressing them. Stop playing the race card, America. Wake up. Did you know that El Paso (where I live) actually has a majority of hispanics and a minority of whites, asians, and blacks? Did you know that they still give out minority scholarships to hispanics in this city, even though there are more hispanics than any other race in this city? You don't live here, so of course you wouldn't know.
  23. [quote name='childofthemorgu']Anyway I hope you do well and please don't go around claiming Wicca as an old religion (for it isn't). Thanks.[/quote] Trust me, I know it started only around 50 years ago or so with Gardner (I think that's his name...correct me if I'm wrong). I know some of the root beliefs are adopted from older paganistic views, but I don't claim for it to be an old religion. I'll admit, it's a pretty damn new religion. I don't go completely "by the book," exactly a carbon copy of the mold of what a Wiccan is exactly supposed to be, I believe in alot of my own personal things that I've always believed in... Honestly, I do believe in a sort of heaven/hell situation. I believe that souls reincarnate, but they've got to go someplace to do it. I think that the general good people, and even the not so good, but not so bad people, go to wherever they find most desirable, be it the big blue sky (that's where I want to be!) or Summerland or even a dream world. On the other hand, I think that really bad people, like murderers (who do it for pleasure or who had absolutely no right, i.e war or self-defense, defense of fam./friends, etc.), rapists, etc., go to a place of eternal darkness. You can't see anything but pure pitch blackness...You only have your worst and most painful memories shrouding you, and you only feel pain and hopelessness....you can't even really think. Your soul just simply exists. The main reason I believe this is because it's what I've always feared happening to me, and I've thought of it as the worst possible punishment (for me, at least). That's just my own belief, because of a fear that I've had ever since I can remember.
  24. Ok, that's it. Now I know to NEVER make a thread having anything to do with race. If I didn't risk getting banned, I would give a piece of my mind.
  25. started smoking, trusted anyone, fell in love, lots of other things.
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