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Everything posted by renayiiq
Racial Tensions & Lack of Coordination...
renayiiq replied to renayiiq's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='haru sakurai']treat this as a learning experience. you've got the rare oppurtunity to understand how people from a racial minority feel most of the time. it's a little uncomfortable when you're not around people who have the same culture and looks as you, isn't it? at least when you walk out of this class, you'll be able to put back on all the priveleges being white affords you.[/quote] Excuse me? You obviously have NEVER been to El Paso. There's less white people here than there are hispanics. The hispanics own the damn place. And they still claim that they are opressed. Priveleges? PRIVELEGES? I'm going to play nice and not insult you, but, for the record, being white has absolutely no priveleges. If someone says something racial to me, there's absolutely nothing that I can do about it. Because I'm white. If I had a good GPA -- no wait, make that an OUTSTANDING GPA -- and if I was one over the limit in white people allowed at a university or college, and that person that was a minority had a GPA way lower than mine, I still would not be accepted because I'm white. I cannot speak as freely as someone of minority can. Did you know that because I am white, if I applied for a job, and a person of racial minority applied for the same job, and we both had the same skills, they'd get the job because people feel sorry for them? Don't act as if white people get everything. In reality, we don't. Don't even try to play the race card on me, saying that I have all this power because I'm white. That's pure ********. -
Ok, so I've got this class, the step thing that I had in another thread. Well, there are some problems. For one, there's a racial tension in the room. I'm the only white girl there. The black girls are Keba, Lakesha, Alyssa, Lacey, Brittany, Jasmine, Tyler, Tasha, and Lisa. The hispanic girls are Martha, Jessenia, and some other girl (that I don't know). I'm the only white chick. There's a huge racial tension about it. Lacey and one of the other girls (Morene, my source of info, doesn't know who she is) have been talking mad crap about me being white and stuff. Besides being the only white chick, I have the worst coordination. I take such a long time to learn things. The other girls are always two steps ahead of me...pun totally not intended. I'm really slow. Keba says I concentrate too much, but when I don't concentrate at all, I'm still just as slow. Is it just coincidence? Or does it really have something to do with my race? I mean, I've heard all of the white girl stuff. "White girls can't dance." Or step. Or rap. Yes, I know. But do you really think that it's true? And another thing...besides being white, I'm completely different in other ways. I don't hang around with the same people that they do...I hang out with the "goths" and the "nerds." I dress like a "goth" or a "rocker" or whatever you want to call it, too. They're all pimped out. And they hang with..well, the other black people and hispanic people, the ones that aren't a part of my crowd. I'm actually thinking of quitting because of all this. Help? Insight, please? :(
[QUOTE=Manic Webb]I don't think you're going to hell, but I believe there's a slight chance you'll have to repeat one of your classes this summer. Here's a tip: Try not to wait until the last minute before writing a paper that requires you to make a poll of public opinion. As a Christian with somewhat Universalist values, I think God doesn't really care which religion you follow-- as long as you're a good person. I believe all religions are skewed interpretations of God trying to send the same message, and that we've all pretty much got enough right to know not to run around killing and stealing from each other. So are you going to hell? Hell if I know. I doubt it, though.[/QUOTE] Well, I found out, only the "target" paper was due. It was basically just the idea of what you're doing with the topic. I had my idea on it, so I got a 100 on it. My rough draft is due on Wednesday. [QUOTE=The Newfie][COLOR=SeaGreen]It's always seemed to me that paganism/Wicca/etc is not a real... religion. It seems more to me like an excuse for some people to rebel againts society and be different... that people don't truely believe in it. But, heh, maybe you're different - but as far as I know, most people just do it so they can say 'Yea, I'm Wiccan' so they can get those 'wth?' looks from people and than have an excuse to talk to them (explaining what Wicca is, and than being insulted when they call it hilarious). As has been mentioned, Wicca is a fairly weak belief in general - but hey, do whatever you want. If you do not believe in hell than you shouldn't be worried about going there, and if you don't believe in Satan than you shouldn't be worried about worshiping him in cognito... it really is a nonissue. 'Da Newf Oowatanite[/COLOR][/QUOTE] I like it because of the lack of restrictions. I can't stand following a gazillion rules, and the few guidelines/rules that Wicca does have...I actually believe in those. I don't care when people say it's stupid or hilarious. It gets me a bit peeved when people try to convert me at all costs (even the cost of our friendship), but yeah. I'm just trying to get some opinions to get some ideas about what I need to put in my essay. I don't feel like I need to even be doing this essay, because I got a commended score on the state test for the English/Language Arts portion last year, and the exit level test is only a bit harder in the editing portion of ELA.
Hey you guys! I've got to do a paper on culture. Well, the only thing that I've had enough experiences with is being Pagan. Specifically, Wiccan. I'd like to hear some opinions (even if you're bashing me for not believing in a book), so I can have just a bit more insight about what people think about it. Am I going to "hell?" Do I just worship "satan" in disguise? Am I "evil?" Do you think that I should convert and believe in what you believe in? Etc. Those are things that I've had to deal with, so those are the main questions for all of the Christians out there, because Christians are the only ones who have ever told me that my religion is wrong. If you're not a Christian, I still expect you to answer. You guys can give some opinions on other topics to do with this. I need some stuff for this paper. It's due tomorrow, after lunch. Thanks!
Writing Reminisce [general; everyone and anyone can see it]
renayiiq posted a topic in Creative Works
This beautiful place Your beautiful face I want to kiss your lips And reminisce Of things passed And things to come Will we grow old together? I can't predict the weather So hold me tight As we sleep all night Can I get a kiss? Can we reminisce? On what's happened And what happens now Is between you and I Don't you make me cry Not tonight in your arms Comforting withough alarm I long to see your pretty face I long to leave this place And when this dream is done You're all gone And I can't help but to cry And to wonder why Can't I be with you where you are? I'll always love you, near or far I just want some of this To be real so I can reminisce Think of your eyes Hearing your sighs In my head Could you just be dead? And a figment of my imagination I long to taste the sweet sensation Of your lips and of your kiss Just so I can reminisce -
How the woman's body is used. [Mature Topic]
renayiiq replied to Citrus's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=Goddess][size=1]Not to stray off topic too far, but hun, you're still young. You have a couple of years until you're 18. If you'd really like to be a model, then start working on making it happen now! And besides, I'm sure that SuicideGirls does take girls of all body shapes and sizes. But, if you really want to have that toned body, start now while you're young. You don't need to be a stick figure to be a model--unless you're a runway model, then you'd need to miraculously grow a foot in height O_O I've seen a picture of you, and you are cute! So don't even argue with me :p [/size][/QUOTE] How'd you know that I'm 5'0 evenly? And thanks for the compliment. *blushes* All of a sudden, people are starting to flatter me! :animesmil *blushes more* -
How the woman's body is used. [Mature Topic]
renayiiq replied to Citrus's topic in General Discussion
I totally agree with ForgottenRaider. Yeah I know, I'm 16. I watch porn on occasion, like once ever 3-6 months. I don't find anything wrong with it. To be honest, when I turn 18, I'd love to model for SuicideGirls. But I'm afraid that, because of my weight, I can't. I'm not fat, but I don't have a particularly good-looking body, either. And to the person that said that the human body is precious and should be locked away -- Why shouldn't I share my precious (well, not so precious, but still) body with others? Why shouldn't I embrace it and let others see my (opposite of this next word) beauty? And hey, aren't you the Muslim guy that posted in the homosexuality thread? No wonder you don't like nudity. No offense, but it seems just too typical that you don't like nudity, considering your religion. -
My real name is Victoria Nicole C. Not gonna give out the last name because the mods would probably edit it anyways. I go by Vicki, and some people call me Vik, but don't try it. I only allow certain people to do so. I'm 16 years old, almost 17. My birthday is April 22. I come from Gaithersburg, Maryland, but I'm currently living in El Pisshole -- oops, I meant El Paso, Texas. My dad is in the army and is stationed at Ft. Bliss. No it's not blissful. I like older guys usually. But something really bad happened to me when I was 13 because of that. Now I know when to set my limits. I go to school at Chapin High School, home of the mighty Huskies. I'm in the class for the step team, but I can't perform due to my inexperience. I'm also bisexual. And polyamorous. I have a girlfriend, but I'm discussing with her about having an open relationship, because I am sick of closed ones. I've become a little clostrophobic (sp?). And I don't like the attachment of a closed relationship. I'm sick of it. So yeah. And I like this guy who's a friend of mine. His name is Jesse and he's a sweetheart. If it becomes an open relationship (well, if it doesn't, then her and I will end up just being friends), I might date him, too. See? I can't stand closed and/or monogamous relationships. I mean, I like my g/f and I care about her, but I have affections for other people, as well. I've always been this way. And that's all you need to know
- things like piercings, clothing, hair styles, and jewellery (especially "satanic" jewellery) are a "distraction" to the learning environment, although one can simply ignore what they see - just because someone doesn't follow a typical stereotype in a group, they're a poser - I'm sixteen years old, almost seventeen, and I still can't date someone just because they're 18 or older, because automatically they're a "pedophile." kids are growing up faster, get over it. - just because i'm 16 (almost 17), i can't smoke, although being 2 years (almost 1 year) away from being 18, I should know what the hell a cigarette smoking addiction can do in long term effects. - just because I'm under 18 (but about 1 year from being so), I can't get a piercing without parental permission. - my school won't allow me to even have a retainer for my bridge piercing if the rubber o-ring isn't clear, even though if it is clear, it's still obvious. - just because a girl has alot of sex, she's a whore, but if a girl goes out and does alot of drugs and still maintains her virginity, she's not as bad as the one who's called a whore. - nudity is offensive, although the human body is supposed to be beautiful - a woman who poses nude is a whore because people automatically think that she has sex alot. - people are told to be tolerant of other people's religions, but you can't say Merry Christmas or have Christmas things have anything to do with Christ, even if it's supposed to be HIS birthday (wtf? I'm not Christian, and I have a bit of a bias towards Christians, but that's still messed up).
[quote name='? Nomad Tical ?']My problem is that I want someone to be close to me but I continually forsake all that I care about. I screw up all my relationships, I never say what I want to, and nobody thinks of me the way I want them to. I want people to know me and know who I am inside, but it seems as though nobody wants to hear what's in my heart. Helping me is like taking care of a pet, you have to pay attention to it or it'll die.[/quote] I feel the same way. I need attention and no one gives it to me. They just take the first impression and never get to know what else is inside.
Writing My Facade [PG] please give me some pointers and good comments
renayiiq replied to echoavalon's topic in Creative Works
I love the rhyme scheme, how it goes from a|b|c|b to a|b|a|b to |a|b|c|d. To me it kept the poem a bit interesting, because there was no mixture of long and short lines. It needs some better punctuation and a spell check, but besides that, it's good. -
Wow. I like it alot. It is extremely great. Way better than any poem that I've ever written, for sure. Like Tical said, I could hear the chanting in my head. You're wonderful with imagery. *applauds this spiffy poem*
[U][SIZE=3]Love[/SIZE][/U] [SIZE=2][I]by Vicki Claggett (that's me)[/I][/SIZE] [SIZE=1]I love you and I cannot let you go Doing this will cause us both misery and woe What you're going through is just a phase Please, just try to see through the haze I know the smoke is clouding you And it also clouds me, too The way you look into my eyes The way you always listen to my cries We're great together and this will pass Because to you, I'm not just a piece of a** Your eyes, they tell me you love me I only wish that you could just see See that the negative will fade away And that things will be okay You are my knight in shining armor You are so sweet; you're a charmer How you hold me in your arms And all the while, no alarm You can kiss away my tears You can love away my fears I wish I could do this for you But maybe, in secret, I do Maybe you're thinking just the same And realizing that there will be no blame I have a feeling, and I know I'm right That we're thinking of each other tonight But you think of only an ending While I think of ways of mending Keep me, says my heart, and yours Love me now more than ever before Don't let things go all to waste One who would do so should have no taste Now, please, do not make haste! You should not let a good thing go to waste Especially one with love and care With someone who is always there And wants to love away your fears And kiss you 'til there's no more tears Who looks up at you with adoring eyes Who will always comfort your cries A maiden whore who loves you so And cannot bear to let you go For should she do so, she would die Of a broken heart, with one last sigh Her last words would be your name And those three words that you've put to shame Would you mourn the terrible loss? Is this the path that you dare cross? No, I do not talk of suicide But it's almost as if you lied If you love me, and truly mean it Even if it's just a little bit I hope you can see that you and me We are really meant to be So just stop the negativity And fill it with positivity Let me be the one to pick you up When you've fallen into a rut Your future is not to be forsaken From it, nothing will be taken We can both figure all of this out Only if of me, you have no doubt And learn to trust once again Because it shall be okay in the end Sweetie, please do not fret Even if the rain makes you soaking wet I will dry you off, and keep you warm It was your first time, this is the norm I will never make you cry And I don't ever desire to lie Baby, please just understand There's only one thing of which I demand Give me a chance, put your behind in your past And you will see, pretty damn fast I'll always be there, I'll always be true And my sweet love, I will always love [I]you[/I].[/SIZE]
My problems: I've got a g/f, still miss my ex a little, like this one person, and I'd like to have an open relationship but my g/f isn't supposed to talk on the phone because she's sick (i don't know how that hinders one's phone ability, seeing as she hasn't lost her voice or anything, but okay) so I can't talk to her about it. I have to pretend at home here that she's just a friend, because of my dad. He'd flip out, maybe even kick me out of the house. I haven't really talked to her (meaning 5 mins. or more of conversation) since saturday. I have just realized that I'm going through the "poser" problems again. And I'm going to get more crap from all the pseudo-goths who think they're perfect (they act like it's a competition of who's the most goth or punk or whatever they call themselves). They try to act like they're my friends, but when I do something that's not cliché to their stereotype, I am automatically a poser. Most of them don't know about this step thing, but they're bound to find out. I can't keep my mouth shut for crap, so they'll find out. And I'll become a poser again, like freshman year. Yeah, I'm trying to find better friends, but that's hard to do when you're the only white person who's in the step class, and you don't even look the part. That's pretty much all I can think of. But there is one good side: I got a pair of pants for step (work out/lounge pants. they're so cute!) and my cat, Boo, is getting better.
I think they're alright. Their music doesn't annoy me, and it kinda has a spiffy vibe coming from it. They're interesting,t o say the least. A band full of cartoons. :animesmil
1. Fort Minor - Cigarette 2. Icon of Coil - Shelter 3. Android Lust - Stained 4. Bus Driver - Imaginary Places 5. Marilyn Manson - Count to Six and Die 7. Slipknot - Disasterpiece 8. Assemblage 23 - 30k Ft. 9. Spike 1000 - Measure 10. VNV Nation - Forsaken
I think that love is mostly an illusion. The words don't really have much of a meaning to me anymore. When people say it to me, I shrug it off mostly. My friends know, and everyone around me knows, that when I say, "I love you," it means, "I care about you." When I tell someone "I love you," I make sure that they know that I don't really LOVE them, but it's a less tacky way of saying, "I care about you."
What color most suits your personality
renayiiq replied to Ai.sAkUrA.chan's topic in General Discussion
Black, because it's dark, and easy on the eyes. Hot pink as well, for being spontaneous. And last, red, because it brings out my eyes. -
What do you do when you have nothing to do?
renayiiq replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='? Nomad Tical ?']Wow. No offense, but that sounds like the suckiest most monotonous crap I have ever heard. And yet, all of those are things I do... a lot... especially chewing on and wiggling a pen. I could sit there and chew on a pen for hours while thinking... I hate thinking... >_ -
What do you do when you have nothing to do?
renayiiq replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in General Discussion
What I do is I take one of those plastic pens from BiC, you know, the clear-cased ones that are in a hexagon or octagon shape, and I take it, pit it between the row of teeth on the right side, and wiggle it up and down. It makes a really cool *clack-click-clack* sound. It keeps me occupied. Another thing that I do is that I take the pen, and i put it either between my forefinger and middle finger, or between my middle finger and ring finger, so that the ball-point of the pen is facing the opposite way that my palm is facing. I wiggle my hand and tap it against my thumb nail. I also wiggle my leg, tap my fingers, etc. And if I'm by myself in my house or in my room, I put on a dancey synthpop song and just stand there, feet apart, and wiggle my hips from side to side slowly, while bobbing my head and sometimes moving my shoulders, too. I swear, it's not dancing. It's "I want to dance but I would rather just wiggle and move alot to get the hyperness and boredom out of me." It's fun when you're bored. -
[quote name='Dragon Warrior']Yes, but when I say low-budget, I mean the school is crap and can't even afford paper (that's not an exaggeration). We barely have any programs/sports as it is and if you're in one, you have to pay a participation fee. It sucks that I have to pay $25-50 to do an activity I enjoy while doing it under the school's name.[/quote] That sucks. You know what the district probably does with their funding? The same as my school distric, EPISD, does. They probably pocket it. It's a very comon thing for the superintendants to do. But nobody does anything about it or they're ignorant so they haven't got a clue. It's kinda sad.
[quote name='Dragon Warrior']Then again, I go to a low-budget school.[/quote] So do I. Usually, they're not assigned as classes for credit. Most of the time, they're just little after-school things. In my school, they just recently made it into a class. All's it takes is someone to sponsor it, like a teacher, and to lead it as the director. That's about it.
[QUOTE=Baron Samedi][size=1]Hold your horses, you only started it a few days ago, lol. This 'Stepping' thing sounds fairly obscure and strange anyway. I've never heard of it, myself. What is it exactly?[/size][/QUOTE] It's not obscure! Stepping is like a dance, but instead of all this hip gyrating and crap, you do dcombinations of stomps and claps. I've got a link to a very short video. Here: [url]http://web.syr.edu/~plvillan/NST/video1.html[/url]
Jokes - You got any you want to share?
renayiiq replied to Shadow Blade's topic in General Discussion
Whadaya call 2 lesbians in a closet? -- a "licker" cabinet How many Irishmen does it take to screw in a light bulb? -- 51. One to hold the bulb, and fifty to drink enough until the room starts to spin. Theres this guy, and he goes into a confessional booth. The priest waits and waits, and after a while, he says, "Son, is there something I can help you with?" And the guy says, "Yeah. You got any toilet paper?" -
The new year! whats the first thing you did or are gonna do?
renayiiq replied to orbindo's topic in General Discussion
Smoke a cigarette and then tell people where to shove it when they talk crap to me. Yay. Same as last year.