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Everything posted by renayiiq
Ok, I'm going to make a point on this whole poser issue. Have you ever realized how many people you can call posers, without even knowing them? Have you ever considered the fact that alot of people might consider YOU to be a poser? Huh? Guess not. Well, wake up. We've got bigger problems on this earth than calling everyone a poser. Poser this, poser that. WTF?????????????! Can't you just accept that people will be what the hell ever they want to be? Whether or not they see it as a fashion statement or a way of life, who cares? Why are you suddenly a poser when you dress how you want and your style changes constantly? I didn't know that wearing all-black one day and wearing funderful bright colors the next was a social faux-pas. Get over it. *mutters to self : self-absorbed morons...*
Your MATURE opinions on homosexuality
renayiiq replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
CHW: I apologize for my very defensive behavior. I've had to deal with this crap for years, so naturally, I bite back. Sorry I screwed up your thread. *takes the blame* -
Your MATURE opinions on homosexuality
renayiiq replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=orbindo]Ohh this is sure getting heated eh? fun fun never had a religeous fight online before[/QUOTE] I have had many. I always lose because Christians are too incompetent and too self-absorbed to admit any flaws within their religion, and instead devote their lives pointing out what they believe to be flaws in others' lives. -
Your MATURE opinions on homosexuality
renayiiq replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=Dale_Valley]all i have to say is that for one, "my" god doesnt really go for incest, thank you very much. there isnt really anything that he doesnt allow. we can do anytihng that we chose. he simpy sets standerds for us to follow, but we dont have to follow them. and my friend that posted didnt really know this stuff until he was around thirty, from my understanding. and as for believing, well, that is your own choosing. i will admit that i have always been raised in this religion. but i didnt give a crap about any of it. i only did wat i had to. until i went through a "special experiance". i have a special feeling presence taht testifies to me. im sorry if you dislike people like. i have no problem with you, only with some of your practices. i hope that with time you can come to accept people like me, as people like me have excepted people like you. and before you say that i havent excepted you because i dont like what you do, what i refer to as acceptance is not disliking a person for who they are.[/QUOTE] [color=#ff6600]Items 1-4 were deleted for flaming. -Lore[/color] 5. why do you follow, when you can lead? 6. well, if you're allowed to do anything, then why's it so bad? I'm sure God is a whore, too. He wanted a virgin. 7. What special experience? I'm thinking things that aren't so good....you need to be put into an asylum. Hearing voices is not a good thing. 8. and if he doesn't go for incest, then why is there so much incest allowedd in the bible, but the gay people were destroyed? HUH? 9. I have a problem with Christians. You know why? They like to try to convert me and "fix" me. Mindless followers of something that they don't even truly understand. 10. I wonder something...what if god's own "son," Jesus, was gay? Would he have killed him, too? I mean, the guy wasn't married, and he was always with other men. Doesn't that make you think? Or are you that empty? Adieu. to orbindo: Couldn't see god? I don't think anyone can see him, in the literal sense. And your god hates me. My God and my Goddess, they love me. Ever since I really got into paganism, I haven't had alot of really bad things happen to me, except people like you trying to convince me that your god is oll korrect. I've stopped cutting myself, I've become happier. Your god never played a part in that. as far as i'm concerned, your god can kiss it. I hate him. When I believed in him, he let bad things happen to me. the blame game is wonderful, but i really do believe that your god sucks arse. Actually, man didn't start evil, if you remember. It was women. With the help of a handy little serpent. *rolls eyes* I love your silly biblical fairytales. God is a dictator, have you realized that? The bible is the most cited book because it was one of the first piece of literature to be mass produced. People were converted out of fear, and cite it out of being oblivious. Did you know that your ancestors were probably told "convert or die?" Do you know that? I'll bet you do, but don't care. Because you think that Christianity is so righteous. It's not. Christians have committed murder for "god" for so long. You are the true sinners. bye. -
Your MATURE opinions on homosexuality
renayiiq replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Dale_Valley']Nobody seems to get it. Evreybody has evil desires as soon as they are old enogh to wish they could kill their teacher or their parents or the bully at school who beats them up. ALL OF US whether we are willing to admit it or not, have evil, or just innappropriate desires from time to time. We just don't act on them because we know they are wrong and we don't want to suffer the consequences or because of other reasons. The prisons are full of people who just don't stop with the desire. T hey act on them. Homosexuals are no different. They simply act on an evil desire that most others suppress. Then they try to justify their actions by saying that they were born that way. It is a big lie. God simply has no tolerance for evil. He cannot. Try finding homosexuality in nature. Other than that which happens by accident, there simply is none. That is because man is the only creature evil enough to disobey natural law. Gender is an imporatant factor in our creation. The relationship between man and woman is fundamental to Gods plan of happiness. Read 1Cor11:11. Nether the man without the woman nor the woman without the man in the Lord. Note here; I am not the actual Dale Valley. I am a freind of his, and a High Priest in the same church of which he is a member.But all the other posts on this thread and site are his.[/quote] You must have been brainwashed with this bull since you were a kid. [...] Homosexuality is NOT a desire. [...] I think I can live without believing in a god that allows incest, but condemns people for being homosexual and bisexual. Hey, I had homosexual dwarf hamsters. I'm serious about that, too. There was a female, but they didn't want much to do with her. Who says that your god even exists? You who go by simple texts, interpreted by man. You who seem to present this being as all powerful and infinitely good. What is all powerful could never be infinitely good. Power is corrupt. What defines evil? It's just another analogy, good/evil, black/white, day/night, satan/judeo-christian god, etc. It's all the same. You don't love thy neighbor. You live to convert and make everyone perfect in your sense of the word. Grow up and realize that your little "values" are now being forsaken, because people are waking up and realizing that you're all a bunch of hypocrites. Have a nice day, while you twist the words of your "good" book. Oh, and ChibiHorseWoman, you're right. I live here in El Paso (*ahem* El Pisshole). I once read under Texas laws that a man and a woman are the only ones allowed to have sex. I read some article about a couple of homosexual guys, too. They had a little apartment, and the neighbors heard some...well, noises. They called the police, and the police busted in the door. They arrested the two men for same-sex sexual activity. There was a lawsuit, too. [color=#ff6600]Do not flame. If you can't express your opinions in a civil manner, you don't belong at this forum, and you will be banned. -Lore[/color] -
Your MATURE opinions on homosexuality
renayiiq replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f']I believe that homosexuality is simply a preference, just like how some people like coffee and others don't, just like how some like broccili and others don't. But some preferences are not good (like alcohol for instance), so people should avoid them.[/color][/quote] Uhm, I know because I'm bi that it is NOT A PREFERENCE. Thanks for being ignorant anyways, though. You're comparing sexuality, getting teased and emotionally tortured, to COFFEE? To BROCCOLI? Alcohol is not bad. It only becomes bad when you gain addiction. A little drink once in a while isn't so bad, by the way. And like Random said, WHY would someone CHOOSE to do something that would cause teasing, harder time getting a job, can't be in the military, etc.? Seriously. [quote name='chabichou][color=#004a6f']I honestly don't understand why people don't see homosexuality as a problem. I'm not saying that we should hate or shun people with homosexual tendancies, but why doesn't our society at least see it as a problem and that these people need help (no offence to homosexuals here). Technically at least, (I'll leave morals out of this), homosexuality is wrong. It goes against the very nature of humans.[/COLOR][/quote] You can't prove that something is wrong if it involves morales. Homosexuality involves morales. People either personally view it as right or wrong. There is no way to prove it. It is not a problem. 1.6% of the population is homosexual. HELP? HELP? Excusez-moi? How can you not mean to offend anyone when it obviously is offensive? Yeah, homosexuality goes against the nature of humans. But so does incest. A lot of things goes against human nature, or any nature, for that matter, but we do these things anyways. Why do we need medical treatment? Why don't we "help" the straight people, and just have adoption and artificial insemination? Huh? That's right, there'd be an uproar. Just like there'd be an uproar if anyone like YOU got into office. I hope you never run for president. You'd be a terrible ruler. Oh and uhm, not to mention with adoption and artificial insemenation, it would actually decrease the spread of STDs dramatically. -
Your MATURE opinions on homosexuality
renayiiq replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='orbindo][COLOR=Red']I am a hardcore Christian(bet some of you just groaned), so i can honestly say that outlawing same sex marriages is a smart move. It is in the bible. Sodom and Gomorrah were two cities that were full of gays and lesbians. Guess what happened to them, both obliterated (or so it says).[/color][/quote] Yes, I did groan. No, you're quite wrong. Outlawing same sex marriage is NOT a smart move. It would piss off alot of people. If same sex marriage is outlawed, I'll bet there will be alot of riots. You'll see me involved in them, too. (Proud bisexual.) Sodom and Gomorrah were two cities that were full of gays who gang raped people and lived in sin, not because they were gay, but because of their uncivilized manner of treating foreigners and visitors, as well as their own. Please, don't try to put the biblical stuff in here unless you know what you're talking about. Don't be a TYPICAL hardcore "I'm so happy but you're all going to hell" Christian by twisting the bible's words to fit YOUR morales, please. If you want to argue with YOUR PERSONAL (not brainwashed since you were born) morales, then I suggest that you leave the bible out of it, because you obviously have interpretion problems. No offense, just giving my opinion, and trying to make a Christian see the light for a change. :animesmil [quote name='orbindo][color=red']and its funny to say that government and church should be separated when it was on the morals of the Catholic faith that this country was built on in the first place. Same as trying to take God out of the pledge.[/color][/quote] HAHAHAHAHA! You're really funny. It was not on the morales of the CATHOLIC faith at all. Puritans came over first. They weren't Catholic. Puritans' beliefs were the ones that this country was founded on. The English colonists that came over were Protestants. NOT Catholics. Get your facts straight. Seriously. It is NOT like taking God out of the Pledge. You know why they have separation of church and state? So little Bible Thumpers like you won't make people like me feel unhappy and opressed. And so they won't take over the country (more so than they already have) and have another Inquisition or Crusade. Our forefathers wanted to keep church and state separated. I don't think that they'd be rolling over in their graves to see us practicing separation of church and state. Taking God out of the Pledge would just be rude and insulting, and too many people would get angry about it. We'd have riots. [quote name='orbindo][color=red']One quick thing tho. There is no possible way for someone to be BORN a gay or a lesbian. Its been proven scientifically to be imposible. so dont believe that for an instant. I heard some guy try to use that dodge and looked it up.[/color][/quote] PROVE IT! Really, PROVE IT. Give me a link to a website or something, that has scientific evidence. Actually, I won't even believe it if I read it or hear it. I'd have to watch something that could really convince me. And it would have to be people that aren't of any of the Abramic/Abrahamic religions doing this study, because I don't trust anyone whose faith (or just the majority of the practitioners) says that homosexuality is wrong. I'd trust an Atheist, they're probably less likely to find some explanation that is all a LIE. You know how I know that I am bisexual? I just know. When I started liking guys, I just liked guys (I was about 8 years old). About a year or so later, I noticed that I had an interest in girls, too. I thought it was weird and wrong, I'd never even heard of any of that before, it just didn't seem to fit. I kept it hidden inside, tried to ignore it, tried to push it away. When I went to middle school, the kids called me a lesbian. They liked to make up rumors, and that was one. Had they found out that I liked girls, too? Impossible, I never told anyone. Then, in 8th grade, different school, different friends, I had one BEST FRIEND. I told her. About a week later, everyone knew. I got teased. I went to high school, and nobody cared. I could finally be me. I was born bisexual. I didn't make a choice to like girls as well as guys. If I decided to go on with my life and be straight forever, I'd still like girls. I would still feel attracted to girls. It's always been natural to me. By the way, studies have shown (according to my wonderful spiffy smart friend Ryan), that the brains of gay men actually do resemble that of women's brains. They can be born with that instinct. He doesn't know exactly about lesbians or bisexuals, because he doesn't quite remember and doesn't want to misquote anything. But he's sure about the gay men. In your face. :animesmil p.s -- If you really want to question sexuals morales of the bible, you can start looking at all of the incest. -
Look at the people who come up with these sorts of analogies: they're not little kids. Adults are older and can pick things out, unlike small children, who cannot. While I don't think that Tinky-Winky was homosexual or involved in drugs, i do think that it was a poor show for children. Goddess is right. My brother and sister watched Teletubbies from when my sister was 2 to when my brother was about 2 1/2 or so, until we got cable again. I used to watch it in the morning with them when I didn't have a choice...couldn't even watch soap operas or a movie or something, god forbid that; they'd start screaming and crying and throwing fits. Anyways, my brother got alot of exposure because he started talking a little early. My sister is okay with her speech. Not brilliant, but at least almost as good as I was when I was her age. My brother, though, has speech problems. He has to get speech therapy. And yes, one of the very few things that we watched the majority of the time (24/7/365) was *gasp* you guessed it, Teletubbies. PBS would have their little "donate money to us or the show will not continue" testemonials, saying how educational it was. Sagwa the Siamese Chinese cat was more educational than those overgrown, overweight, almost completely illerate, uneducational characters. That cartoon at least had a moral in the stories. Teletubbies? They taught you to speak like you no know English, and they very repeating. Okay, that was a sample of how m brother started talking (but my example was more advanced than his speech was). I grew up with Barney mostly. I take that back. I was obsessed with Barney. I had no siblings (up until I was 10, then Alia was born), and I wasn't around other kids too much, except at school. Me, I talk fine. I started using some pretty big words for a little kid when I was about 6 or 7, or so. My speech is clear, no lisps, and usually (when I'm not tired or just waking up or sick...or stoned or drunk[hardly ever am the last 3]) I have pretty good vocabulary and grammar. that doesn't include how I write online. Back to the show. What was with all the damn bunnies? That's what I wanna know. And that nu-nu thing? He teaches you to be lazy and not pick up after yourself. I swear, he does! If the teletubbies make a mess, Nu-Nu cleans it up. They're babied and pampered by a vacuum cleaner, they run around doing repetitive things (that drives you up the wall after having to see the show EVERY SINGLE DAY), and they're speech-impaired. NOT a source for great role models for kids. There, that's it.
I've been touched by a spirit. I've also seen a couple of them.
December, to me, is being alone. The song "My December" by Linkin Park is my theme song for this dreadful time of year.
OH COME ON! Don't ignore me! Does anyone here like step/stepping? Is anyone here on a step team? As for me, I love stepping. I'm kinda/sorta on a step team at school. I'm in the class, but cannot yet perform due to my inexperience. I could have been on the team last year, but I observed how people started to get snobby and form cliques already a week or two into it, and I knew exactly where it was going to. So I decided that I'd do it this year. Well, this year, it wasn't a "anybody can get on the team" thing. This year, they are having an actual class where you can get credit, and we had try-outs. I suppose if my step wasn't as short as it was then, I would've made it into performing status. As of now, I've made it into a step that's about a minute and fifteen seconds long, if done at the right tempo, without messing up. So, what do you think of stepping? Love it, hate it, have no opinion on it? If you're into it, are you on a team, or do you just do it by yourself? Do you have any idea of what it is, or have you no clue what I'm even talking about? C'mon, let's have a spiffyriffic opinion-exchanging discussion about this. I'm curious!
Colored non-prescription contact lenses, pajamas, black tights, a little stuffed koala bear wearing pajamas that say Australia and you press his chest and he snores (I named him Joe Bear!), a pink preppy shirt with sequins, a black polo-styled t-shirt, disposable razors, and a Bratz doll. No clue as to why my grandmother decided to get me THAT. But it's good that I have my own doll when I am forced to play with my little 6-year-old sister, who is really bossy about who plays with what. My doll's prettier than all of hers! LOL Just kidding. Here's a pic of my pink shirt (and me with my contacts in): [IMG]http://myspace-129.vo.llnwd.net/00380/92/15/380035129_l.jpg[/IMG]
wake up and have a cigarette. brush my teeth, use peroxyl, brush again, use peroxyl again, and put on crest whitestrips. have a hassle to get dressed, finding out WHAT to wear. car ride to school, get to spend 10 quality minutes with my mom. go to school (8:45 bell rings) go to my class and either sleep (if it's a white day and I have study hall) or listen to boring lectures on the compy(if it's a blue day w/ E2020 Eng. 3b) go to my next class, either p.e or u.s hist. and do my work and piss and moan (mostly in p.e, because i love to annoy coach ortega!) go to lunch, where i get a salad and a coke zero (because they taste better than regular coke! more fizz!) and chill with Ben, Brittany, Eric, and my now EXboyfriend Korey. Go to my next class, either eng. 2b or geometry, and do my work as usual. go to my next class, either study hall or biology. Bio -- annoy the hell out of Mr. Calderon. Study hall -- talk ALOT. have a cigarette at the shoppette, across the street from the school, while waiting for my mom. mom picks me up, we go home, i have another cigarette. i listen to music or surf the internet or just watch tv or something, get a snack. have dinner. either take a shower or talk on the phone. if it's before 9 pm, take a shower. after 9, use the phone, take a shower the next morning instead. Phone time is very important. stay up a while longer on the phone, go to sleep, taking, at the least, 30 minutes to fall asleep, and at the most, 2 hours. That's my typical day. And somewhere in between all that, I get yelled at.
Hm...I think the best gifts I've gotten are all this year. Contact lenses, new PJs, a black polo, a pink shirt with sequins and embroidery that itches all to hell (but looks pretty!), black pantyhose, disposable razors, and a Bratz doll (no clue why Gramma got it for me...). Oh, and this cute little Koala bear that says "Australia" on his PJs, and you squeeze him and he snores, but it sounds like purring. So cute...and I just [I]might[/I] get this little kitten. He's extremely fiesty, but he looks almost identical to my baby girl kitty (R.I.P), Gena. He even has the little freckle on his nose. My mom's thinking about it. I hope...I hope..I hope! Well, that's pretty much it. :animesmil
[quote name='Viva']if you like this other girl and you say you love your girlfriend, then you're not in love.[/quote] You can love someone, and like someone else. You can love two people. It's called being polyamorous.
Your state of being, do you find it pleasant? Alot of people don't find their present state of being to be so great. But when you're trapped between birth and death, and far from life, it makes "normal," and even the most helpless of people, seem like they have everything, and you have nothing. This is the story of a girl who travels to a world of spiritual beings. They are not quite spirits, but a hybrid between many, many magical things. These beings are called the Jiggleticks. Silly name, but it works. All of the souls in this world are lost, and the girl travels among many of them. Small people, tall people, mutant purple apples, sky kingdoms, man-eating vegetables and fruits, and people without faces. Why, even doll people doomed to be 17 inches high! This girl is Madison Raven, a twelve-year-old girl who is bold, speaks her mind a bit much, and can be quite the egoist at times. She is sucked into this world after falling and hitting her head while iceskating. While her body is in a coma, her mind and sould end up in the worst place to be...the Realm of Swarth. Swarthland is nothing but a place of troubles, woes, and pain. Madison experiences many troubles, and almost gets her tongue cut out because of her boldness when speaking. The Jiggleticks desire to make her a permanent soul in this world, but Madison has other plans. She is seeking a way to return to Life. Because she is trapped in the Realm of Swarth, she is neither in the process of birth nor death, and cannot go back to life. She is determined to find a way to go back to Life. Will she be able to obtain Life once again, and escape from the powers of the Jiggleticks? You decide. That's why I created this RP. Here's what I'd desire: Character name: (nothing too normal, we're going for demented, story book-ish, death, absolute morbidity, and oddity, here! You don't have to include last names, either.) Age: not too important, I'd rather if you would specify if you're a child or an adult. What: Are you a human soul? Animal soul? The soul of an earthly being? Or are you a Jiggletick? A natural creature from the Realm? Gender: nothing in between, you guys, just male or female! Appearance: i'd rather have you guys not use pictures, just describe. I think it's fun to be more imaginative than visual. Personality: is your character crazy? Dark? Happy? Sad? Homicidal? Suicidal? Freakish? You get the point. Bio: If you're a human soul or a soul of an animal or earthly thing, please state who you were, what you did in your Life before Swarth, how you came to be in your current state of being, etc. If you're a Jiggletick or some other Swarthan creature, just exclude the "what you did in your life before Swarth, how you came to be in your current state of being." Swarthan creatures include, but are not limited to: Doll-people, Skyelins (sky people), Switch-kittens (cats than can change where their body parts all are, like Mr. Potatohead), Halfies (people whose bodies only go down to their hips, and the walk on their hands, and can do a full three-sixty with their heads), Bubble Queens (women who live in bubbles and rule tiny little kingdoms in there), the Chika-Wikkas (a tribe of stick-figures that resemble a little african tribe, who usually carry spears and have extremely high-pitched voices), Baares (look like bears, but always throw parties in the Hoo-Blick Jungle, with glowsticks and tap shoes, and they're extremely sweet). There is one character who is THE ONLY ONE of them, besides Madison, whom I will be playing. This character is the Queen of the Chika-Wikkas. She says "woo-hoo" and "Queen of the Chika-Wikkas!" alot, and has a high pitched voice like the Chika-Wikkas, but she is bigger, like the Doll-People, and her voice isn't as much of a squeak as the Chika-Wikkas. She's immediately up for grabs. Thanks! ------------------------------------------------------ Name: Madison Raven Age: Twelve -- Child What: Human soul Gender: Female Appearance: Madison wears a jersey dress that is blue & black, with purple lettering saying "Maddy." She has dark skin, and wears her hair in very tiny dreads. She wears a scarf/headband around the front of her head, and it is purple. She wears black tights and tennis shoes. She does have on peculiar feature, though -- her eyes are a lighter brown, with a hint of yellow, like a fox's eyes. She does kind of resemble a little fox. Adorable! Personality: She is bold with words, always speaks her mind even when she shouldn't, and is somewhat egotistical. She is also determined. She's pretty hapy, but is also a bit homicidal. Bio: Madison was an ice-skater, and while doing one of her flips, she fell and hit her head, and went into a coma. Her soul went to Swarth. She loved to ice-skate and she loved to dance. Her favorite was tap. She had a puppy, named Ro-Ro, short for Roland. She was an only child and an orphan who lived with her grandmother, Irene. She misses them both very much. Enjoy!
yeah I've read the book, and I've seen the movie. I loved the book. I was so pissed off [spoiler]that Claudia died[/spoiler]. She was so awesome. The movie was pretty good, too. I think that Tom Cruise played Lestat wonderfully. Much better than Stuart Townsend did, anyways. [font=Verdana][color=blue]Remember your spoiler tags please![/color][/font] [font=Verdana][color=blue]- Petie[/color][/font]
I'm sixteen, and the youngest for me is 15. No lower than that, because even at my age, I find lots of people to be too immature. Oldest...well, usually it's 28, but I did kinda fall for this one guy...he was 34. But he was genuinely nice. Didn't care about sex or anything...he was always more into hanging out and stuff. Envied my poetry, too, lol. That's as old as I'e gone, with love. And we ever did anything. I don't like to go for younger guys. I prefer older ones. They tend to treat me better. They're more mature, and they don't act like little boys as much as guys my age do.
I'm too poor to buy anyone anything. My parents are to poor to lend me the money to do so. They're also too poor to get me anything. And my brother and sister have been sent a whole bunch of stuff from my grandparents. Not one thing for me, though. Yes, I checked the boxes. They were already wrapped and had the name tags on them. This was when my mom told me "Don't you DARE go into my room!" Which means that there's usually something for me. I guess she didn't want me to have the disappointment. Oh well. It's just Christmas. I still have some Baccardi, so I can celebrate New Year's instead. Bwahaha for staying up late, gorging myself on lots of food, and drinking alcohol...while watching a horror movie.
Be impulsive. forget all about nervousness and just, at some spur of the moment time, ask him out.
Mine is because my friend Jerm calls all of the little phrases that I say Vicki-isms, and it started a world domination joke. I was set to rule the world, and I'd have a religion, called Vicki-ism. I would be all like, "I am the Vicki-ism." It was a big paradce of false narcissism. It was fun. It was a big "had to have been there" thing. lol :animesmil
I honestly have no clue. Just go up and talk to them. You'll eventually find someone who likes you, too.
My personal opinion on this is: I don't use Wikipedia, never heard of it, but now I have an online encyclopedia (sp?) to go to! Thanks! This is a good example of how human beings are, well, human, and humans make mistakes. Word of advice: Kids, don't try this at home.
[QUOTE=Gavin][SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. "[I]Not Good[/I]", those were my initial thoughts when I read the title of this topic, and having read through the responses so far, it hasn't changed. Alcohol and depression are never, ever a good mix and will often make a situation worse, a fair comparison might be fire and petrol. Since you say you only drink every few months, and it's not all that accessible then it should be that much easier to help give it up. I know it seems somewhat presumptuous of me to suggest that you give it up when you believe it's doing you no harm, but it and smoking are probably the most damaging habits, aside from hard drug of course, that you could pick up. And really you're doing yourself no favours even if it's an escape for you. As I've said to you before renayiiq, what you really need to is start talking to someone and try to get your life back on track. Aside from that I have no other advice, as I say to my younger brother, it's your life and ultimately how you life it is up to you.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] Well, I've found one way to ease my pain. I'm finding a better crowd to hang with. I'm kinda on the step team now, "kinda" meaning that I don't get to perform because of my big lack of inexperience, but I get to learn the routines and condition with the other girls. Most of these girls are nice and don't do drugs or talk alot of crap. There's a pretty good chance that I could make some friends. Better ones than I have now, anyways. And I've got another great reason to be happy and keep my spirits up. My cat is VERY ill, and I love him very much. My mom says that if I'm all depressed and sad and stuff, that he'll sense it and might give up his will to live. I love him so much and I can't let that happen. Brit and ben invited me to the movies, as well. There is a downside, though...all of my so-called "friends" (Brandy, Rachal, Luke, Tim, Minda, Michelle, Elora, Sebastian 1, Sebastian 2, John, Gethsemane, etc.) keep going up to Korey (my recent ex, with whom I am now friends with), and telling him just how much of a jerk he is. And he's getting on my case about it. I don't control them! Smoking - I plan to quit either during this Christmas break (yes, Christmas! HA! I am politically INcorrect! Hahaha!) or during the summer break, when I have no school, lots of my own time to do it w/o the stress of balancing grades, friends, activities, etc., on my shoulders. Alcohol is not a habit for me. It doesn't taste god enough to become a habit. I am being very serious. I smoke menthols, so they taste pretty good (to me). I hate beer, and hard liquor tastes like ****, so I have to chase it with something. Wine is okay, tastes good some of the time, but doesn't do the job fast enough. Well, it seems that life just may be getting easier -- and I'm making some changes to make it easier. I'm starting to be kinda...optimistic. This optimism stuff ain't so bad, after all...it's not as hard as I thought. Turns out, everyone has been right, especially my mom. If I just go for things that i like and want to do, set realistic goals, and not care what anyone thinks, maybe I will be happy. Whatcha think? (I've been like this all day, for some strange reason. I think something's wrong with me...or maybe something's [I]right[/I] with me for once. Wow. This just feels...weird, but kinda nice. LOL.)