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Everything posted by renayiiq

  1. [QUOTE=persocomblues] As I noted before I don't think alcohol is a proper escape because it does get you more depressed and it isn't a good thing to become dependent on it. What are your thoughts on that? A few forum members have said how it is an escape from reality, how do you feel about that? Do you have any intention on changing how and when you drink?[/QUOTE] First of all, I only drink every few months, if even that. I alreay have my addiction...cigarettes. It can be an escape from reality. Well, actually, for me, when I'm drunk or tipsy or even slightly buzzed, I don't focus on the bad things. I laugh and I talk about the happier things, and I can go to bed early. How and when? You mean, drinking less? Like I said, I don't drink that often. I'll go to parties every few months or I'll have a whole bunch of stuff happen, and one incident will heighten the emotional pain to where I have a little drink and I get drunk and I go to sleep. Let's see: my friend died of cancer, my b/f broke up with me, my cat has a disease and he has an 80% chance of dying, and people are stating to start with the rumors...again. When death, misery, and loneliness swell up to a certain point, that's when I drink. Or, when I get invited to a party (which is hardly ever), I'll have a shot or two and that's it. Alcohol only helps me escape so much, anyways, my real escape comes from punching the heck out of my closet door. And writing poetry. Alcohol isn't very accessable for me, anyways. I do it occasionally. I don't have enough access to become dependant.
  2. [quote name='Transtic Nerve']Maybe the reason you were dumped was because of the alcohol....[/quote] Nope. That wasn't it.
  3. Well, I've learned one thing: Alcohol is my friend. I've been dumped (again) today, and I've been feeling a need to release. Crying just makes my eyes hurt and strain. Alcohol makes me feel funny. I can't cut because I promised myself to never go back to that....ever. I can't punch my closet door anymore because it's ******* up my hand. I don't want to smoke weed because it tastes more disgusting and is even more illegal than alcohol. Who here lkes alcohol?
  4. [QUOTE=Corey][size=1]Poor baby. My parents never planned on helping me with college. Free rides help no one. Do what most of the 'poor' college students out there do. Get a job and pay for it yourself.[/size][/QUOTE] Do you have any idea how long that could take? Working at McDonald's for a few years doesn't really sound too great. Because most jobs that pay well require at least SOME college, I don't think that college should be so god damned expensive.
  5. [SIZE=1][I]Anneke! Wake up, child!" Anneke abruptly sat up in bed, to see her mom poking her head in at the door. "Mummy, it's a saturday, what are you waking me up for?" "Phone. It's your friend. He says he wants to plan a senior prank. Get up and talk to him," Anneke's mother said. Anneke grumbled, and got the phone. She hated morning phone calls.[/I][/SIZE] [SIZE=1]Ok, this is my first RPG that I've ever created, so don't kill me! I was going to write a short story with this, but decided that I'd do it as an RP, as opposed to leave my other project unfinished. It's supposed to be about a bunch of teenagers, in a border town in Texas, called Puerta al Cielo, meaning 'door to heaven.' To them, this place is hell. They aren't your 'normal' kids. In their school, Calderon High, they have two major groups, the kids who are like the all-American type of kids, with perfect grades, always involved, and everyone thinks that they're great. The other group is what Anneke and her friends secretly call the 'Rocker Community,' with all sorts of kids, ranging from 'punks' to 'goths' to 'nerds' to others who don't even classify themselves. Anneke and her friends make average grades, sometimes flunking a class or two, and they party, but they only invite close friends. The two groups intermingle quite a bit, as most of the time there is no hatred or spite between them. The storyline is about a bunch of high school kids who are seniors, just starting the school year, and they want to make this year the best year of high school, as it will probably be their last year all together with each each other. They want to pull a senior prank, and they want to have one last big party together, before they branch out and eventually forget about each other in the real world. Drugs, sex, and a wee bit of violence are quite allowed and somewhat encouraged, as you can see in the rating. Here's what I'm asking for on your sign-up sheets: Name Age (17 - 19, unless you're on the early graduation plan, then you can be 16, but I have a limit of 2 people for this) Appearance Personality (mean, nice, icy, warm-hearted, mellow, hyper, you get the point) Bio [COLOR=Teal]Name: Anneke (ann-eek) Amenity Age: 17 Appearance: Anneke is a bit short, with a toned body, and she has a rhino piercing. She is caucasian, and she dyes her hair black. Well, actually, she dyes her hair whatever colour she wants. Her natural hair colour is a dark-ish strawberry blonde, and her eyes are a jade green colour, but turn blue grey-ish green when she gets really depressed or angry. She dresses goth sometimes, and other times she dresses in jeans and tees, as well as also liking to dress very business. Personality: Anneke is very strange. She's a bit bi-polar, and can take things really wrong. Most of the time, though, she is very warm-hearted and perhaps cares too much. When she does get really upset, though, she can be a big ball of emotions, and she will cry an ocean of tears. She always tries to lend a shoulder or an ear to a friend in need, and can be quite hyper when she gets excited. Bio: Anneke's mother divorced her father and ended up staying with her brother-in-law, as they had become very close, developing a very strong friendship. Anneke despises her father, who lives in Illinois. She loves to step, as she is on the step team. She's also into boxing, and she loves to write poetry, songs, and short stories. She desires to become an author someday. She smokes cigarettes and occasionally smokes Mary J., and drinks sometimes on the weekends.[/COLOR] Rules: please try to post at least once a day, use correct punctuation, and try to make the dialogue real. I'm not much for spelling and grammar, but try to keep the spelling adequate. Your grammar doesn't have to be magnificent, but it needs to be understandable. I'm not asking for scholarly posts.[/SIZE]
  6. I wish to hopefully make the try-outs for the step team, get into boxing, lose an inch of fat around my stomach and lose the fat on my upper arms, thighs, and lower back, and gain muscle instead. I also wish to be accepted with the Foreign Exchange Student program, to hopefully be sent off to France so I can learn more about the language and culture. I also hope to improve my grades and to bring my GPA up to at least a 3.5. I want to get my driver's license, as well. That's about it, for now.
  7. Well, Teknon Theos, at least Muslims follow the word of their book. I can't say the same for Christians. *cough*thecrusadesandtheinquisition*cough*
  8. [quote name='Starwind']It reached a point where I even went as far as to start cutting myself in the night. I would take out a knife and cut my upper thighs and watch the blood run.[/quote] I used to do that...I quit so I wouldn't have to ever go back to the psyche ward.
  9. Why do people feel the need to pick at me and pick at me? I mean, I know I'm supposed to ignore it, but it's not so easy to ignore. I feel as if I'm nothing now. I have no confidence left, I'm chainsmoking, and I wish that someone from 3 years ago would have killed me. I feel like becoming a recluse and just leaving people behind. I'm sick of the insults, sick of hating myself for what everyone says. I feel like a whore, as well, for something that happened 3 years ago...because I know it was my fault. I hate this. What makes me so easy to tear to bits?
  10. I have 4 best friends. My two best chick friends are: Mari, who likes to be called Alicia, which is her middle name. I've always kinda known her from afar since about fifth grade, and then we started becoming really good friends when we both got the same French II and English II classes last school year. We've had some troubles, but we've worked everything out. Lashawn, whom I haven't heard from in a few months because her phone got turned off, and I'm not supposed to hang out with her. We got in trouble together with this girl named Katie. I hate Katie, because when Lahsawn, Mari, and me were all friends, Katie came in and screwed everything up. Right now I'm talking to Lashawn's boyfriend because she moved to an alternative school (for "bad kids"), and he goes to my school to I tell him to tell her that I say 'hi' and stuff. We actuall met when I was homeschooled for a year and a half, and we got off to a bad start. One day, Mari and I were ditching, and she was going across the bridge that we had to cross, and we caught up with her, and we all just became friends. My two best guy friends: Justin, also known as Roach, who I've known for two years now. We met at school, and became very good friends after we'd had a conversation about songs that are great to have sex while listening to it. He's awesome. Jeremy, aka Jimmy, the Chesire cat, and Jerm, is a good friend of mine. I've only met him in person once, via Roach, and we've been talking online for about a year. We dated for about 2 weeks as an online/on the phone long distance relationship. We've become great friends, and I love him. He's a great person, but he degrades himself like crazy.
  11. [QUOTE=Shinji][size=1][color=crimson] If it is true that CN is planning to cancell TT, then I will continue to believe that the network is in fact a secret government program to see if they can actually train a bunch of monkey's to run television stations. Seriously, here is a great show that is a nod to japanim'e culture, and it's funny too. They're cancelling it why? There is a ton of crap on that network that should be axe fodder way before this show is even considered. Why don't they consider getting rid of something like Ed Edd 'n Eddy? That show is just plain moronic and only tries to be funny, they would do themselves a grater good there in the long run. Yet, they axe Teen Titans, which is, all things considered, a breath of fresh air.[/size][/color][/QUOTE] Nah, not Ed Edd n Eddy. I think that Camp Lazlo should go. And Mucha Lucha. There's a few others on my list that I think they should nix, too. But Teen Titans is great. There's no real reason to cancel it. It's a very loved cartoon.
  12. They can't cancel Teen Titans! That's so unfair!
  13. I do like some undergroundish things (more like, people that aren't even signed). Could you name me some underground artists? By the way, what I meant by my post was more of my distaste for the mainstream of it.
  14. I don't like the misogyny of it. I think that these artists have a mistaken mentality, that women are to be won over by money, cars, clothes, and then screwed. And the lady rappers just love to make themselves sound like whores. Sometimes they wear little enough clothing to look like whores, too. It's always about busting a cap in someone's ***, represent here and there and your clique and blah blah, treat women like queens with money but yet you're with a whole bunch of different girls, god knows how many stds and unclaimed kids you've got. Wow, that's really great. I don't care much for southern hip-hop, and there are my reasons.
  15. Boo watched Hitomi storm out of class. She didn't think it was fair of the teacher to give her such a hard time. So, she asked, "Why'd you have to go and do that? You have serious issues." "Would you like a seat in the office, too?" "Hmm...now I have to think about this...well, you're being a prick today, more so than usual, so sure. Buh-bye. Bye everyone!" she waved and blew a kiss as she walked out of the room. She'd wanted to get out of that class anyways. She caught up with Hitomi and told her what happened. "You shouldn't have stuck up for me. We're both in trouble now," said Hitomi. "Eh, I decided that it wasn't right for him to be such an ass, and I didn't want to stay in that class another minute longer. He was getting on my nerves. So, you going to the dance with anyone?" "Mmhm. Suzu asked me and I said yes. What about you?" Hitomi asked. "I'm thinking about asking Nick, but I'm not sure if he's interested. I might go alone. I don't really know, yet. But I'm making my own dress. I've already been sketching it in my booklet. I have 3 ideas. Wanna see?" "Sure, why not," replied Hitomi. Boo showed her the three designs. One was a floor-length halter dress, black and attaching to a choker, and about 3 inches below the knees, flaring out with ruffles. The next was similar, but directly above the knee in length, the whole skirt part in ruffles, but it had arm openings that hung around the shoulders (like belle from beauty and the beast?), and it was supposed to be a dark bluish purple. The third was a deep-necked, puffy-sleeved long dress done in mostly medieval style, except the sleeves were short. It had a corset design in front and was designed with green embroidery. "Wow, that's really neat," said Hitomi. "Which one are you going to make?" "I don't know. I love all three, but the third appeals to me the most," replied Boo. "You know, I'm making my own dress, too," said Hitomi. "That's awesome. Oh, great, we're almost to the principal's office," stated Boo. "Great..." ======== "This is unacceptable behavior for both of you ladies, especially you, Miss Shiozu," said the Principal. "Sir, you don't understand. He was giving me a hard time. I think I had every right to do it," replied Hitomi. "And you, Miss Lazrach, what is [I]your[/I] excuse?" "For one, it's pronounced 'luh-räk,' not 'lazz-rack.' My excuse? I was telling him how it is. Plain and simple. So, what's my punishment?" asked Boo. "You both have to write an essay, explaining why you must respect authority in all cases. Your teacher has earned your respect, he's your elder. It will be no shorter than three pages. Am I making myself clear?" "Yes, sir," the girls replied. "Now go to the library for the rest of the class period. The essay is due by the end of the day." The girls left the principal's office. That was just too easy... "He's never been that nice to me," said Boo. "He usually gives me suspension or something like that." "I know. Have you noticed that alot of the teachers and staff are acting weird lately?" asked Hitomi. "Uh-huh," said Boo. "So, we basically have to just type an ass-kissing paper?" "I suppose so." "Well, one tip...never try to justify your actions in an apologetic letter, even if you're simply explaining your side...that'll just get you into more trouble. I know this because it happened to me alot last year. Kiss as much ass as possible, but don't make it too good to be true. You want me to type both of ours?" asked Boo. "You sure? I mean, I don't want you to go through the trouble of it," said Hitomi. "Nah, it's okay, I can type them up in the library and have both done in no time. It's sorta my specialty. I should go to college for quickly writing kiss-ass letters of apology," she laughed. Hitomi laughed, too. "Let's go, then," Hitomi said.
  16. [quote name='Outlaw']The only problem I have is that whenever I mention I'm from Maryland, everyone assumes: "South of the Mason-Dickson line. You mean you screw your cousin?" No, no I do not. I'm not West Virginian.[/quote] Well, at least you don't have my problem. When i go up to Maryland to visit my grandparents, I'll sometimes meet people at the mall or something, and I mention that I'm visiting from Texas. They usually ask why I don't have an accent or if there's alot of cowboys there. LOL.
  17. "'Ello, 'ello," said Boo as she approached the table where Brandi, Leah, B, and Nick were sitting. She didn't wait for a welcome and sat down. "Hi," said Nick, "my name is Nick." "I'm Boudicca, but you can call me Boo. I assume you've heard about the dance? Everyone else seems to have." "Yes, I just saw the poster a few minutes ago. Are you going?" "I don't know yet," replied Boo. "I've no one to go with, so I just may not go. Of course, I've been itching to wear the dress that I've recently made. I might go just to have somewhere to wear it to." "Ah, ok," said Nick. The five of them sat there and talked about school and asked Nick about where he was from and what type of stuff he liked, etc. Boo began fiddling with her bridge piercing, and Nick gave her a strange look. "Did that [I]hurt[/I] ?" he asked. "Oh yes, very much. It is the most painful thing that I've ever experienced," she said. "Then why did you get it?" asked Leah. "Because I didn't think that it would hurt that much, and I thought that it would look better than a bull ring." "Oh, okay, that's cool," said Leah.
  18. Before I tell you people where I live you will have to realize this: 1.) I'm not really from here, I'm from Maryland. I'm not a hick or a redneck, and no, I don't know spanish. I hate this place, it is truly a hell on earth. If people knew my reasons, they'd call me racist. I live in El Pisshole -- I mean, El Paso, TX. It's just an extension of Juarez. "No hablo ingles." I'm a minority in this city, so don't even try to play the race card. Not gonna work. This place sucks. It's dry, it's dead...it sucks. There's no such thing as GREEEEN. It's all brown, yellow, and yellow-green. Uck.
  19. ooc: why does nobody like my character? nobody wants to socialize with me. and my posts would make a little more sense if they didn't have to be just personal thoughts instead of real dialogue. I can do dialogue, but, it's not gonna make sense if I'm talking to myself. What the hell?
  20. The bell rang, and Boo hurried out of class. She ran to her locker, which was nearby, and she spied a poster for an upcoming school dance. "Won't that just be lovely," she mumbled to herself, "nope, not going...not by myself like last year..." She got her novel out of her locker and headed to her next class. In the hall, she almost walked right past Brandi. "Are you going to the dance?" asked Brandi. "Nope," replied Boudicca. "Why not?" "No one to go with, and besides, I've got better things to do." "If you say so." Boo walked past her and went to her next period class. This was going to be a long day.
  21. Boo sat there, bored, thinking about how boring this day was. She thought about faking sickness so she could go home and light up a cancer stick. Mmmm, menthol. That would be so great. She thought about Jason. "He's kinda cute..." she thought, "Ah well, I'm not getting anywhere by daydreaming. I should write or something." She set to work on writing a poem, but she couldn't decide what to call it. She didn't care anyways. It'd be stuck in her folder and it wouldn't see the light of day for months, just like all the others. Wasted effort. She walked over to where Quincy was and kicked his chair. "Hey, punk ass," she said. "What the hell do you want?" He retorted. "I thought you might like some company, instead of pouting like an idiot." "I'd rather you leave me alone. I'm not a people person and you're already annoying me. Goodbye." Boo walked back to where she was sitting before, and realized that she's never really been great at making friends. Maybe Quincy was right...annoying. The word stuck in her head as she sat there, staring off into space.
  22. "Well, I guess there's no one left but me," stated Boudicca (aka Boo)," I'm from Scotland, but moved here when I was 5. I don't know why my parents moved here. My mom stopped working and became suicidal, and my dad's an alcoholic. That's all you should know." "That's it?" asked Suzu, "You're not going to tell about yourself?" "Like I said, that was all that you should know." "Just tell us more, what's there to hide?" asked Hitomi. "Alot of things, I'm leaving it at that," replied Boo. "Fine. But if you want to be a part of this group, I think you should participate and tell us at least a bit about yourself," said Hitomi. "Ok, fine, you wanna know? Then here it is. I'm a smoker, I know French and English, and I'm working on getting my Gaelic back. I like body modification, also known as tattoos, piercings, brandings, tongue splittings, and really extreme things that I won't mention, as well. I smoke menthol cigarettes, and I like to box. I like people alot and I'm usualy open, but not today." "Why not?" asked Suzu. "My dad. I don't want to talk about it. So, is this it? We just share our history?" asked Boo. "I suppose so,"said Hitomi.
  23. Name: Boudicca "Boo" Lasrach (pronounced boo-di-cuh luh-rak) Age:16 Gender: Female Personality: Very open and friendly, loves to communicate, talks alot, can be really hyper, likes to smoke. Short Bio: Boudicca Lasrach comes from Scotland, but her family moved to Timber Valley when she was 5. She prefers to be called Boo. She can speak fluent French, but she has lost her gift for Gaelic due to the move, because her parents started speaking only English around her instead of their Gaelic. She is very ambitious. She likes tattoos and piercings, as well as partying occasionally. She's not extremely popular, but most people can tolerate her. She is a smoker and has been since she was twelve. Her father is an alcoholic, and her mother is suicidal. She gets out her stress by boxing. Boo loves to box, and has even gotten into trouble for it. She is also bi. Most people in school know it, but she doesn't talk about it, and no one asks. She doesn't want her parents to know, either, because they'd kick her out. She likes to smoke menthols. The Crush List: Nick Appearance: see attachment...thanks to ~RockAngel at DeviantArt. The only difference is that Boo has a bridge piercing, like the 2nd pic (that's actually me!).
  24. My boyfriend Korey, my two greatest friends Justin (a.k.a Roach) and Jeremy (a.k.a Jerm), my three sisters (not by blood, though!) Tara, Lashawn, and Mari, my other friends (smoking buddies and school friends), and that I'm not a poor person living in a third world country where they don't celebrate thanksgiving or anything of the sort.
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