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Everything posted by renayiiq
Okay, so I've got a boyfriend, and you know, I love him. I care about him very much and I love him. Things are a little rough right now because he's been so busy with wrestling and stuff, so yeah. Well, I've always had feelings for my friend Jeremy. He's one of my best friends, and we had a little bit of a long-distance thing going on for about 2 weeks. We broke up because we both decided that it was unwise to pursue a relationship with such distance. Since then, we've been really great friends, and we've always had something for each other. I have been denying it, but I love him. Not just as a friend, either. I feel so horrible, because I'm with Korey (my b/f), and I love him, but I love Jeremy, too. I mean, I don't know what to do. I love Korey and I love being with him and he's wonderful and stuff, but then again, I love Jeremy. What do I do? I feel so f***ed up. :( Am I a bad person? I mean, I don't know what to do. Please give me some advice. Opinions welcome, no matter how much I may hate opinions.
Don't get the new Amityville Horror. It was a BIG disappointment. Land of the Dead was pretty good. it scared the piss out of me. Of course, I have 2 weak spots. Anything raised from the dead, things that actually look as if they're decomposing. I don't like uber-scary demonic things either. I'm scared of them. And werewolves, too. House of Wax was alright, Land of the Dead was pretty good, Amityville Horror sucked, Saw sucked, and that's all that I've seen as of this year. Oh, and the Ring Two was pretty good. And White Noise was spectacular. That's the newest stuff. I liked Dawn of the Dead (the newer version) because it just scared me. I like the thrill when I'm watching it. It's just the after-effects. Can't sleep. Need coffee. Exorcist was great. I like it because the little girl just looks so repulsive that she's scary, and I have a thing for god vs. satan themes, even though god always ends up winning (damn!). I like the Mummy (the one with Brendan Frasier). The chick who plays Anck-su-namun in the beginning is beautiful. and I feel sorry for Imhotep in a way.It's a combination between horror and comedy, because Brendan Frasier has some of the greatest one-liners in this movie. The Evil Dead trilogy kicked so much ***. Bruce Cambell also has good one-liners in it, and it's scared me since I was ten when my parents let me see it. I think I'll watch it tonight, as a matter of fact; haven't seen it in a while. That's it for now.
Gaming Do You Think Sex Should be on Video Games?
renayiiq replied to serenayasha's topic in Noosphere
This seems a bit immature. Like the dude above me said, if it's an adult video game, why shouldn't it have adult themes in it? I mean, besides, sex is just as much a part of life as violence, and why shouldn't it be part of something based on fantasies and things that come out of people's heads? I mean, video games, where do you think the idea comes from (key word: idea)? Out of someones arse? No, out of their head. And if they're sick and twisted or if they just think of sex n violence, there's nothing wrong with expressing it by putting it into making a video game for other like-minded people. And it's not even a big deal. You'll end up having sex one day and understanding that it's not gross...oh, and one thing, there's no such thing as cooties. -
Which songs have the funniest or most interesting lyrics?
renayiiq replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in Noosphere
Jack off Jill - My Cat "When I see him walking It makes no sense to me My cat is everywhere We watch him on TV... My cat is amazing He can play the guitar He may not be an actor But he's a ***** super STAR!" -
*ahem* I like Hot Topic. I find it very convenient. I can find everything (well, not everything, but alot of things) that I want there. It's easier than going to a million different online places. I can just take a trip to the mall, go to Hot Topic, Spencer's, and Psycha's, and then head over to Wal*Mart. Convenience is key. Labels are not. But it is human nature to label, so whoop-dee-screw. EDIT: Oh, and here's something on this actual topic here: WHO CARES? As long as people are doing what they enjoy, are listening to what they enjoy, and wear and act how they want to, and enjoy it, I don't think it matters. People would label me "goth" or "rocker," but I don't even really have much of a clue what I am. I'm a smoker...I'll just go by the addiction. Punk isn't dead. You wanna see dead? Grunge is dead. Compare the deadness...hmm..Punk--Grunge? Punk--Grunge? I'll say that Punk is pretty damn alive. *kicks punk* *punk jumps* Yep, stil livin'. Nah, but seriously, people, why argue over Punk? It's obvious that it's still alive. It's just more resserved, and not as much of a big deal. No one cares if you're punk anymore, man. Or goth. Or whatever the hell you are. As long as you are you and aren't being someone else to be "hip" or "cool" or "popular," then no one should care. I don't believe in such a thing as posers, either, because at one time in our lives, we all will be a poser. No matter when or where, we will pose, and we will love it, and then we'll get it over with, and life goes on. That's how life is. Your so-called "posers" have been around for a long time. People wanting to fit in and doing things that they wouldn't normally do so that they can fit in. It's not a new thing, and it's not about to disappear. Ok, yeah, I'm done.
The GOOD SINGLE people are usually not online (no offense). You usually have to dive into the real world instead of the graphic interface that is the internet.
For some people, sexual orientation can be very confusing. I have a guy friend who is actually going through the same thing. I, personally, don't know what it's like to be confused about it. I've always had a bit of an attraction for girls and guys, and until I was about 12, I thought that it was wrong and I tried to stop thinking about girls. Well, one day, I kinda just woke up and accepted the fact that I'm bi, and I decided to no longer care what anyone would think. Ever since, I've had my share of boyfriends and girlfriends. Although, I've figured this out, usually, someone who is bisexual will favor one gender over the other. I, personally, prefer guys, although I do still like girls a hell of a lot. Back to your situation. I'll tell you just what I told my friend: don't worry about it, go with your instincts. You'll figure it out someday, and if you don't, that's perfectly fine, because there are more important things in this world besides your sexual orientation. You're only 14, like someone else said, you've got plenty of time ahead of you. :animesmil Oh, and to this person that said that being gay is wrong: ooh, I'd love to flame the hell out of you, but I'll keep it nice. Think what you want, but love doesn't have any gender, love defies gender, love is love, no matter age or gender or race or nationality or social class or any of those things, because love is the one thing that humans have that can save this world from total destruction (besides hope and truth). It is not wrong to love someone who is of the same gender. It is not wrong to love people of both genders. Love isn't wrong.
I'd live forever. I'm afraid of the "afterlife." Well, my fear is eternal darkness with no thoughts or dreams or ANYTHING, just seeing black forever. You never forget someone, and although they may die, and you will not, you will soon find others to bond with. Then they will die, and you'll find, again, others to bond with, and the cycle will continue for all eternity. I'd like that instead. Misery and depression are no strangers to me, I can't remember a time when I haven't known them. I'd rather that they stick with me forever rather than to not even be able to feel or think or anything, to just sit there in the darkness.
[QUOTE=Deucalion][color=darkslategray][size=1][FONT=Arial Narrow] Brown Recluse Spiders: Garsh darn you Goddess! You got me scared to hell of these things. Their bites can cause necrosis, and I'm near a bit of a hot-spot for them. If you could call it that. *Curses Goddess for all of oblivion.*[/list][/color][/size][/font][/QUOTE] Oh, I hate those! I ran across one in my room a few days ago. I screamed my head off until my mom came in and put it in a jar. Then, I got to torment it by shaking the jar. It was fun revenge.
I'm scared of spiders and zombies. When I see a spider in my house, especially if it's rather big, I scream at the top of my lungs and hyperventilate. I'm also afraid of evil spirits. My worst fear is that after I die, there will be nothing but darkness...no thoughts, no dreams, NOTHING, just total darkness. That's my biggest fear. That's like my hell.
I'm addicted to cigarettes.
NO! Not a typical banner thread! I know how to make one, that's easy as pie for me. I need to know how to get it onto the internet so I can put it in my sig. A wee bit of help? (Note to mods: I don't know if this is a frequent problem, you know, people asking for this sort of thing, so I decided just to ask anyways, because I figure that if it is a frequent type of thread, you'll just combine into another thread or redirect me. Thanks.)
I've seen the TV ads for Need for Speed: Most Wanted, and it looks pretty cool. I know it came out on Nov. 17, and I was thinking of using my Christmas money to get it for myself. Has anyone here bought it yet? If so, is it any good/worth the money? I'd like some reviews before I actually spend money on it.
So, the trailer looks pretty good. My mom used to watch it on TV. I want to go see it, and I probably will. Anyone here going to go see it when it comes out (I believe) Dec. 2? ps -- the actress who plays her is hot. :animesmil
thoughts of "don't kill me" fill the air while the ones left to die gasp for air they perilously fight & it lasts through night shallow graves in the morning, as warriors are mourning They have no hope in any light
I don't even know where I got "renayiiq" from. I made it up when I was like almost 14 years old. Doesn't even mean anything. My title thing makes more sense. I have all these things that I say, that nobody else really says as often as I say them, and one time my friend Justin said, "You're a ********n goober!" to our friend Jeremy, and he was like, "Hey, that's one of Vicki's Vicki-isms!" Jeremy calls all my little catch phrases Vicki-isms, and says it's all in the cuteness and sexiness of Vicki. Too bad I haven't heard from him in forever.
[quote name='Outlaw']Here's one with the potential for some funny answers. Were's the weirdest place you've ever hooked up?[/quote] Hooked up meaning met someone and started dating, or hooked up meaning had sex? met someone & ended up dating: homecoming dance sex: in a park, lol My question: Why is it that all the guys like to date chicks who are fugly as hell, but they never date the girls who are REALLY pretty? (my smoking buddy Gwen has this problem)
Thanksgiving? Staying home. Well, my dad's going to yell at me, I'm going to be FORCED to sit at the table and eat with my family, even though I can't stand it. They're gonna go around and have everyone say what they're thankful for, and I'm not gonna know what to say, because I can't list off my boring material items and clothes or else I'm a shallow *****, and I don't have anything non-pesimistic to be thankful about (*ahem* starving children in other countries), so I just lie and say that I'm thankful for my family. And then, afterwards, I'm going to be, once again, FORCED to sit with my family, decorating christmas ornaments. My dad's gonna yell at me again, for how I choose to decorate mine. Then, after that, I will get drunk off of spiked egg nog and I may even stay up so I can get stoned, and smoke more cigarettes. Yay. There's something missing...oh yeah, there's no sex. Damn.
thanks for the advice you guys.
I'm only 16, I haven't met my true love. Oh, wait! I forgot! I'll never have one. :animesmil
I can't recall everywhere that I've been. I've been to Juarez, Mexico, I know that. I don't really count that as going to another country, though, because I live in El Paso. I've lived in Maryland, then Alabama, then Maryland, then Hawaii, then Maryland, then El Paso, Tx, then Maryland, then here again.
I'm curious as to how people can shove all their pain inside and not want anyone to care. I mean, people act as if that's how it's supposed to be done; nobody's supposed to know if someone's screwed up. And another thing, why do people always tell me that the only way to stop my pain is to become cold-hearted? That's impossible. I may be rotten online, but that's where it ends with being cold-hearted. I can't become totally cold-hearted. Is there something wrong with me? I mean, I know part of why I need people to care and give me attention (good, nice, loving attention) when I'm depressed; everyone who cared about me even once forsook me a long time ago. I don't have any friends, I've never really had any friends. These people at school aren't really friends, not the type that I talk to on the phone or online or hang out with on the weekends. They're school-friends, and that's where it stays: school. The last time that I hung out with a friend (not boyfriend, just plain regular friend) was Aug. 31 at a friend's house, partying and getting drunk. I'm beginning to think that people really don't like me or something. The only purpose they serve is to just be there at school, bum cigarettes of of me, and that's it. I don't really have anyone. My boyfriend and I are taking a break, and everyone knows what "taking a break" means. It means that we're breaking up, giving each other false hopes of getting back together. I'm pretty much single. And this stuff always happens whan I'm depressed. All of a sudden, when I even start to go into my depressions, everyone just tries to keep as far away from me as possible...Why? Is there something wrong with me? I mean, why do people seem to not want me around anymore? I would prefer it if no one would try to further my anger and depression by insulting me, but sadly, I know that people will. I'm ready to take it. Give me the verbal abuse that I so much deserve...not sure why I deserve it, but to have some of the really bad things that have happened to me in the past, I must have deserved everything that I have gotten, and I suppose that I deserve anything bad that happens to me in the future...After all, it was all my fault.
Perfect Boyfriend: Looks: He's gotta be cute, doesn't matter what else. And he has to be taller than me, but not towering over me. I don't date overweight people, because when I get into a relationship, I look at it realistically: I want sex, and I have a huge possibility of having sex with this person, and for sex to work, the person's body should turn you on, not turn you off. I mean, I just don't date overweight people if I think that I'm actually going to have sex with them...it doesn't turn me on, and that's just how I am. That doesn't mean that I don't like overweight people, but, I just don't date them, because I am a whore, and I love sex. :animesmil Personality: Has to be the opposite of me, or at least understand me if he's not the opposite (most people that are from the same crowd, listen to the same type of music, etc. don't understand me for some weird reason). Nice, SMART, funny, sweet. Athletic, involved, pays at least some attention to me, caring, looks into my eyes, will be upfront with me and willing to work out any problems that we have. Others: Good kisser, great in bed. Damn, I have this! I wrote all that, and then I looked over it, and I realized that that describes my boyfriend. Well, all except the last one (great in bed); I haven't tried him out yet. Perfect Girlfriend: Looks: Preferably black or white with a tan. And I like extremely pale, like bleached. When I say white w/ a tan, I mean like the Calvin Klein model that did the photoshoot for Euphoria. I like how she looked in those pictures. The way she looked in those photos was just perfect. When it comes to black girls, I like them thin, medium height or short, really dark. Extremely pale girls, I like with the whole goth and bondage thing going on, but to where they could still dress up in victorian garb and be beautiful, around my height, medium - long hair...once again, thin. I don't like really big breasts, either...big titties are just nasty. Personality: That've got to be nice, and very feminine. Need to not expect alot of material things from me, but know that I will always give all the attention that they may want...and if they're perfect, they'll love attention. Others: Well, when it comes to how they are in bed, for one, no long nails, and when they are long, they are not to...well, you get the picture. that's the time for tongue. Or they can wear them on one hand and not the other. Must be very talented. *sighs* I don't think I'll ever find my ideal woman. Well, I know one girl that I've always wanted, and she's a good friend of mine. She's perfect, but she's just...straight.
[QUOTE=Doomberg]Me as a atheeist I do believe in a thery[you mite have herd of it]it called science.science ancerse to all for my theroy there is no such thing as a begining with out a end dont you think bye the way.if your a critian I am glad you are and I didnt mean to sound mean on my statements. :D[/QUOTE] I didn't understand a word of this. What's an "ancerse?" What's a "critian?"