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Everything posted by renayiiq

  1. *sighs* When people call me Victoria, or automatically assume that because I prefer to be called Vicki, that it's okay to come up and say, "Hey, Vik!" Uhm, no. And I really hate when people do this: Vicky, Vikki, Viki, Vickie, Vikie, Vikky, etc. Or this: Clackett, Claget, Clagett, Clagget, Claggette, Clagette, Claggete, Claggnet, etc. It's Claggett and not another word on it. (No misspelling of my first name or last name, and no assuming nicknames of your own for me. only really good friends can do that, not people that I barely meet or have a "hi" "bye" relationship with. And people calling me by my full first name.) I really hate this: "Wake up." "But I'm almost asleep." "You're not taking a nap in the *********n daytime! That's what night's for!" *Vicki sparks up cig* (Being woken up in the day when I was barely getting to sleep, and told that just because it's still light outside, I can't sleep.) This: "Hey, Vicki, can I bum?" "Me too?" "Please?" "Me, too?" "FINE. NOW NO MORE. GRRRR." (I don't like a million people assuming that I bought my pack of cigarettes to share with the world.) "Ew, that's disgusting! Why would you get pierced THERE?!" (remarks about my piercing telling me how disgusting they think it is or that I should take it out. Don't these people think that I might have heard this enough? Sometimes, you really should hold your tongue. Seriously. And not just because I don't like opinions, really, but because it's been very redundant. I get it so much, I could puke.) "[I]Somebody[/I] smells like smoke *looking at Vicki*" Duh, I smoke, and everyone knows it. I don't think anyone should care anymore, but a few people feel the need to repeat it every time I come to class. Alot of people smoke. Big whoop. Those are just some of my pet peeves. Oh, and I HATE being tickled. I'll hit you if you tickle me; I'll kick, punk, slap, scratch, bite, etc. I'm mean. This is it for this one.
  2. Okay, so here goes. Kill me with words if you wish, but this is it as I see it: I classify/label people all the time, we all do it, it's a natural thing in the human brain that says, "Hey that's a...whatchamacallit!" It's like "pretty" and "ugly." One person thinks you're pretty, and the next thinks you're ugly. That's a label. Any form of quality is a label. You can put a label on almost anything, whether it's how you dress, how you act, how you live, what you do. It's all a part of human mentality. Get over it. I have. Hell, they call me a rocker and a goth and a poseur. I don't care anymore. I am the almighty Vicki-ism, and if they don't like it and choose to associate me by what I wear and who I hang out with, that's fine with me. I'm probably doing the same to them, and the whole world does it to everybody, no matter how much we deny it. And Punk? To me, it's a style of music that I don't really care for, and it's also a group of people that are within my network of friends. If I were to classify Punk going by how my friends are, it would be this: fun, obnoxious, loud, some of them smoke, some do drugs, some drink, and some don't believe in any of that, some make their own clothes or alter clothes to how they like, get in trouble, go to shows alot even on weekdays, hate the administration and security at school, and are very up front, as well as being some of the nicest people that you could ever meet...while being quite perverse. That's just some of my friends. Not all people who are or who claim to be "punk" are like this, and I respect that, in some ways. The people who run around listening to Good Charlotte, Avril Lavigne, Simple Plan, Sum 41, Blink 182, etc., well, they make me sick. They probably don't even know how the whole punk movement started, except that it's "cool." Most of these people are actually pretty nice. There are some rotten eggs in the carton, but alot of people like to ignore them and throw them out before the rest go bad (i.e, people like my good friends Tim and Luke like to make them cry because of how idiotic they are, so they go away). I'd like to think that maybe, just maybe, there's not TRUE definition of what Punk is nowadays, but, too many people would argue over that and so I'll just stick with this: Cold Case. Can't be solved. There, that's my rant. I have nothing more to say as of right now, so yeah...Enjoy. :animesmil
  3. Personally, I just don't like other peoples' opinions. I mean, I asked for advice on how to do something, not whether or not someone thinks I'm a whiny brat. I stated that if they wanted to give me an opinion to PM me, so they should've just PM'd me instead, but they didn't. Maybe I should've made the text a bit bigger or a different color on that part, but if they didn't read it right, that's not my fault.
  4. I got a question about college....do you absolutely HAVE to live in a dorm?
  5. I got out of power rangers when I was six. After I stopped liking them, I realized how...not cool they were.
  6. renayiiq

    Linkin Park Fans?

    [quote name='Manic Webb']I find it so funny when rock fans who dislike rap and claim to be Linkin Park fans claim that the band has no hip-hop influences. Sure, I suppose you could say Linkin Park is completely devoid of hip-hop... once you get rid of the turntables and MC. An MC who, by the way, is releasing a hip-hop album this week. :rolleyes:[/quote] All's Mike does is rap over the rock. THAT'S IT. I mean, if they were putting a little more into it besides someone just rapping over the rock, then it could be considered a real element from hip-hop. And have you noticed that all Joe really does is turntables? I mean, besides samples and pressing buttons on that little keypad thing. I used to be a hardcore fan, and now I'm just mediocre because I woke up and realized that they were just like Limp Bizkit, except there's Chester. And their lyrics are almost all the same in content.
  7. Ryli -- trust me, i know how it feels to have a lot of bad things happen. I dare not say everything that has happened to me, but I've had some stuff happen. Hell, I've had to go all through my life since I can remember knowing that I have a sister but never being able to talk to her or know her and having the hurt of not knowing why and then finding out that it was someone's fault that I always thought loved me, when they were just a horrible person.
  8. renayiiq

    Linkin Park Fans?

    [QUOTE=Kotoko_Hikari]I looove linkin park. One of my absolute favorites I love hybrid theory. :animesmil[/QUOTE] I agree! I'm listening to Fort Minor right now, too...speaking of LP.
  9. What part of[B] [COLOR=Red][SIZE=3]"no opinions"[/SIZE][/COLOR] [/B] do you people not understand? If I seriously wanted to hear ANYONE'S opinions, don't you think that I'd ask specifically? And, why do you think that I specifically said that [B][COLOR=RED][SIZE=3]I DON'T WANT, nor do I give a damn about, YOUR OPINIONS? Your opinions do not count, and I do not wish to be insulted by them. SHUT UP.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [/B] And I'm deleting this thread in an hour, because certain people don't know how to[B] [COLOR=Red][SIZE=3]NOT GIVE ME ANY DAMN OPINIONS!!![/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]
  10. I'm a junior and I know what I want to do. I just know that it's gonna take me a long time to get into college. I'm not involved in any sports or anything that could get me a scholarship. I'm kinda poor. Occasionally, my family has money, but my dad is very horrible at saving. I have no way of getting into college right when I get out of high school. I'm going to be working at McDonald's for quite a while until I can conjure up the money to get myself into college. And then I have to worry about SAT's. I've never been good at tests. In fact, I have a credit-by-exam for French 2 on December 6th, and I know that I'm going to flunk. I've taken the class already and failed it, and I know the material, but I'm very forgetful when confronted with a test. I know I'd never get a high enough score on an SAT test to get in, and I do not desire to join the military because I just...I couldn't take it. I have a serious authority problem and I don't hand out respect on a silver platter. Basically, I'm screwed.
  11. I've had all sorts of racial problems. Don't even start with the, "You're white, so you have no problems" b.s. I've always had to feel like I'm a bad person, I'm a racist, simply because I'm white. I've never been able to be proud of being white. Blacks, Asians, Jews (although I have Jewish/Hebrew heritage), Hispanice, and other minority groups have always been told to be proud of their heritage and culture. White people are expected to embrace other people's cultures, rather than to embrace their own. Well, that's what I've always been taught. I've always been ashamed of being white. They say that "Black is beautiful." Isn't white beautiful, too? Or is it just too hideous to even think of it? I always hear people making jokes, and not uhm...not the nicest and most polite of jokes, to say the least, about white people. "Cracka" this and "honkey" that. In El Paso, you also hear things about "gringos." But if a white person makes a joke, they're racist. If a person of a certain minority decides to racially insult a white person, the white person is expected to take it and they're expected to shrug it off as, "they're just angry about racism." But if the white person doesn't shrug it off, and says a racial insult back to the person, they are a racist. Oh, yes, I know, White is everywhere. White people can get into college easier. Why don't people learn to make good grades and get involved in something in highschool, so they don't have to piss and moan about it? Why don't people learn to dig themselves out of the hole? Why depend on affirmative action? It's a sad excuse for being a wimp. Life is tough. It's not going to be easy for me to get into college. It may take a long time until I get into college. I'm not very rich. My dad's in the army, and he's an enlisted active duty soldier. Officers are the rich ones. Not regular enlisted soldiers. I'm going to have to dig myself out of the hole. If I can do it, then someone who belongs to a minority group can, too. Now shutup and don't criticize me. I don't want to feel bad for being white. Not for a while, anyways. Whenb I don't have the world on my shoulders, then you can criticize me. Until then, just play the "yep yep" game and at least PRETEND to agree.
  12. [QUOTE=SunfallE][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]If you are looking for advice then[B] indifference[/B] is correct. If your school receives federal funding then the only way to remove the club is to remove all of them. It goes both ways as the Act protects religious clubs and non-religious clubs. A while ago the state of Utah tried to ban a Gay-Straight Alliance club in one of the high schools in the main capital city of Salt Lake City Utah. The net result was that the students sued the state based on The Federal Equal Access Act and won the right to have their club as the school district was unwilling to remove all clubs. It was really annoying since the school district spent over 250,000 in legal fees in an attempt to bypass the law. It didn?t work. And if you belong to a privately funded school they can choose which clubs they will allow and there is no law to use against them. You can form petitions to remove the club but they have the right to simply ignore what the students prefer. So if you belong to a privately funded school I have no advice as they can do as they please in that respect, but if you belong to a public school then they only way to legally get rid of the club is to convince your school district to remove all non-curriculum clubs.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] The problem is that they won't allow a Pagan or Satanic club or anything to do with "witchcraft." They won't allow anything that isn't Judeo-Christian. I'm saying that if people like me and my friends can't have our types of religious clubs, they shouldn't have one, either, and that's why I want to get rid of it. And Chapin is a public school. With alot of problems. A really lame dresscode, biased opinion on what religious clubs are allowed, and no funding for adding on to the school (we're starting to get overcrowded). Yay for dysfunction.
  13. Yeah, you know, I am right. So here it is: I think that the person who is the creator of a thread should be able to delete undesired posts by other people in the thread. In example: my thread where I didn't ASK FOR AN OPINION, just advice on how to do what I wanted to do, some person name Boo (hey, that's my cat's name!) decided to insult me, and he/she made me pissed off to the point of where I wanted to jump through cyberspace and shank him/her. I would've rather had been able to just delete such an insulting reply (yes, trying to tell me that I am wrong is the biggest insult) instead of being so...much more like myself and telling him where to shove it. It would've been more constructive to just have been able to delete the post.
  14. Stand up and testify against someone. I won't reveal the details because I've been told that it's all my fault, and I refuse to hear it anymore. I've accepted that most of the blame is mine, and I don't need it to be shoved down my throat over and over again. That's why I started cutting, and eventually quit that only to start smoking. Enjoy guessing, because you'll never know. Only one person on here knows and I trust that they won't tell any of you.
  15. I didn't ask for an opinion, I asked for advice on how to get the club abolished. So you can have a nice day and play hide and go ____ yourself. You can choose the word appropriate of being in place of the blank. Buh-bye now.
  16. Long distance, especially over the internet, relationships are a waste of time. Over the internet long distance relationships aren't real. It's real when you see them, when you REALLY know them in person. Someone who is your online lover could turn out to be a total flake. I've run into this soo much, so I just stick to real relationships now. My boyfriend may be a member on here (but he hasn't been on here in a long long long time), but I met him at school. It's totally different. We see each other...at the least, once every three days...at the most, 4-5 times a day. I don't mind it. I think he does slightly, but he never says anything. My relationship in person with Korey -> REAL My past relationships with people I'd never met and probably will NEVER meet -> WASTE OF TIME. So there you have it. And girls, internet guys usually turn out to be total losers and jerkfaces. Not worth it.
  17. [center][img]http://img527.imageshack.us/img527/4713/briefcasekz5.jpg[/img][/center] Ok, so there's this club at my school that meets every Friday. It's called "Youth for Christ." Now, I've talked to a few of my friends about my issue with it, how if the Christians have their little religious congregation, why don't other people have it? Like Pagans, or Satanists? Ally and Tim said that you're not allowed to have any form of Satanism or Witchcraft in schools. Well, why are they allowed to have a religious club? It's not fair. Tim had already talked to Mr. Cannon about sponsoring a club for Satanists, because he knows Mr. Cannon would. Nope, didn't happen. He would've if he could, but he couldn't. I personally think that ANY form of religion in schools should be abolished. I'm not a stupid atheist /scientologist who wants to take away "one nation, under God" or "In God we trust," but I'd like to listen to the announcements without hearing, "Youth for Christ is having a meeting this Friday at lunch. Bring your own drinks, food will be provided. And remember, bring a friend!" [B][I][U]Bring a friend?![/U][/I][/B] That sounds rather convert-happy (my take on trigger-happy, but for Christians). I just don't see the use of so many hypocrites congregating on "how else to take over the world with our [I]kind, loving [/I] god that wants to send everyone to hell if they are not like us?" How do I put a stop to this...crap? How do I get this club abolished? No offense to all you Christians out there, but, I'm basing my opinions on my experiences. Not all of you are bad, but, I don't like preferential treatment. [I]For anyone.[/I] [COLOR=Red][FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=4]***REMEMBER*** I don't like your opinions, I want to know HOW TO GET RID OF THE CLUB, not how to deal with it, because I refuse to deal with it. And if you don't want to give me advice on how to make this club vanish into thin air, and would rather shove your opinion down my throat, this isn't the place to do it. PM me instead of trying to publicly prove me wrong, because I am always, always, always right.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  18. Need for Speed: Underground. The first one, not the second one. The second one is okay, but it's too jazzed up. Another favorite is Gran Turismo 2. I LOVE racing games! They're just so fun to me. I love to slam into other cars and make them crash. Sometimes, I get a HUGE adrenaline rush from it. It's mostly just when I have tried, and tried, and yet again, tried, and just can't beat a race, and then I finally beat it. I haven't got a chance to check out Gran Turismo 3 or GT 4 yet. I don't have a PS2, so yeah.
  19. renayiiq

    Malice Mizer

    ...and what type of music is this? Just curious. Might be something for me to be intersted in.
  20. Dude, NEVER give up on your dream. Even if it's something stupid, like wanting to be a rockstar or a celebrity, NEVER, EVER give up. It'll be the dumbest thing that you'll ever do. My mom wanted to go into the Navy.She never did. She really regrets it, and she gave up. Don't give up. You'll end up doing something else, and you probably won't enjoy it as much. Although, I must say, if you want to go into anything that involves theatre, movies, music, or art (drawing, etc.), be prepared for tons of criticism and high expectations. BUT, if it's what you love the most, and if it's your big dream, your goal, your aspiration, then GO FOR IT. And there will always someone better. There's going to be someone better than her, so don't worry. You shouldn't care if someone's "better" at something than you are. As long as you do it your way, and you're proud of what you do, it doesn't matter. She may have the skills, but does she have the determination? You see, in this world there's another thing: If you've got it, flaunt it. And just do your best and be proud, and by all means, FLAUNT IT!!! :animesmil :animesmil :animesmil
  21. Oh no...I fall into what I call the "Rocker Community." My definition of this is: Punks, Goths, Emos, Skaters, Potheads, Smokers, Video-Game Nerds, Multi-Classified and Unclassified. This includes people that dress unaccording to the labels, but have the personality of them and are cool with us. I fall into this category, but I have friends all over. In the "popularity contest" with prom queens and stuff like that, it's definitely the jocks and preps and "rappers," and those other peoples, but when it comes to social class at my school, the Rocker Community reighns supreme. I hate to sound shallow, but, that's my opinion. In high school, you can't help but to label. It's a part of how you describe someone. It happens to me. "Oh, that Rocker chick," or "Oh, that Goth chick." "You're Goth, huh?" It all happens to me. I've grown to not care, because people WILL classify you by how you dress. Even in the real world. So BOO HOO. Oh, and another thing: [quote name='Gaara kun']Poser (a wannabe person who changes constantly)[/quote] So...because I dress in one thing one day and another thing the next day (i.e., I dress preppy one day, goth the next), that would make me a poser? Wow, I didn't know that people could be so shallow. :rolleyes: I wear what I feel like wearing, and I change when I wish. It's a part of growing up, accept it. Some people are just more fickle than others. [SIZE=3][COLOR=Red]FACT of LIFE.[/COLOR][/SIZE] Get over it.
  22. Definitely dubbing. Not just for anime, but for foreign films as well. I speak French pretty well, and I still can't watch Queen Margot w/o subtitles or dubbing, and I prefer dubbing. And also, subtitles drive me crazy because I miss alot of details trying to read the subtitles and not paying enough attention to whatever I'm watching. I can multi-task, but not THAT well. So, like I said, defintiely dubbing. The only thing is that they have to change some of the things they say, so that it's not longer or shorter than any of the actual phrases, and so that the words and sentences aren't still going after or aren't stopping before the character has stopped speaking.
  23. renayiiq

    Linkin Park Fans?

    [COLOR=Red][SIZE=3]And I [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrchid]MUST[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=Red][SIZE=3]make a note of this, for anyone thinking that Linkin Park does not belong to a specific genre:[/SIZE][/COLOR] Linkin Park is NOT a combination of anything. Mike just raps over rock, and Joe just scratches. There's not a single element of REAL hip-hop in the music, except on Reanimation, and in the song Nobody's Listening. Cure for the Itch and Kyur4 Th Ich were the two songs closest to any form of dance or techno. They are modern rock, with a bit of scratching and some rap over it. They are NOT a "hybrid" form of music. Just rock. The project with Jay-Z was great, in my eyes, but they need to put out a new album. Actually, I don't think that they ever will. I think that LP is done. Ils sont finis. I do like Mike's Fort Minor stuff, though. I hope he continues with his own stuff. As for going back to Linkin Park, I don't see it happening, at least, not for a long time.
  24. renayiiq

    Linkin Park Fans?

    Even though I see this as pointless, because I've been in the LPU and there were so many threads like this that you could puke, but ah, what the heck. I love Linkin Park, I have been a fan for 4 years, and I've stuck with them as one of my most favourite bands, even if I don't agree with everything that they do. I'd have to say that Mike Shinoda is my favourite member. I don't like him in the regular cliché "oh he's so hot" type of way. I like the fact that he's a multi-instrumentalist, and that he is great at writing songs. He is also clever as a rapper/MC, whichever you prefer to call him.
  25. Death metal is okay. There's so many classifications for stuff that, to me, sounds the same. I just call it all metal because I get confused. I like Cannibal Corpse to some extent, and I don't think Cradle of Filth qualifies, but I do like them Yes, yes, I know, alot of metalheads call CoF a bunch of poseurs, but I don't think there's any way that I could care less than I already do about their opinions, because I like what I like, and if they condemn it, boo to them, too. Children of Bodom are pretty good, too.
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