Here's mine:
1. I can't actually say it, I don't think...but it rhymes with cookie, and it's the name of a Limp Bizkit (sucks) song.
2. That new Need For Speed game
3. A new dress
4. some skirts
5. more stockings
6. some newer shoes (at least a pair or two)
7. get my hair permed ('nana curls!)
8. Assemblage 23's Addendum CD
9. more makeup
10. the Fort Minor - The Rising Tied CD
11. new bras and panties :animesmil
12. re-pierce my lip
13. money
14. a carton of Marlboro Menthol 100's (yes, cigarettes...mmmmmmm nicotene!)
15. a new purse (something with a pocket inside, so my cigarettes don't fall apart when I put them in there and go to smoke after school, and then I get all pissed off 'cuz my damn cig fell apart and now I have to pay Tim 50 cents to bum off of him!)
16. some condoms, to go with number 1, or for the future.
That's not all, but that's all I could think of, so yeah. I'm probably only going to get 1 of those things, probably numbers 2, 7, 9, 10, or 13. :animesmil :animesmil :animesmil