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Everything posted by renayiiq

  1. Here's mine: 1. I can't actually say it, I don't think...but it rhymes with cookie, and it's the name of a Limp Bizkit (sucks) song. 2. That new Need For Speed game 3. A new dress 4. some skirts 5. more stockings 6. some newer shoes (at least a pair or two) 7. get my hair permed ('nana curls!) 8. Assemblage 23's Addendum CD 9. more makeup 10. the Fort Minor - The Rising Tied CD 11. new bras and panties :animesmil 12. re-pierce my lip 13. money 14. a carton of Marlboro Menthol 100's (yes, cigarettes...mmmmmmm nicotene!) 15. a new purse (something with a pocket inside, so my cigarettes don't fall apart when I put them in there and go to smoke after school, and then I get all pissed off 'cuz my damn cig fell apart and now I have to pay Tim 50 cents to bum off of him!) 16. some condoms, to go with number 1, or for the future. That's not all, but that's all I could think of, so yeah. I'm probably only going to get 1 of those things, probably numbers 2, 7, 9, 10, or 13. :animesmil :animesmil :animesmil
  2. I don't quite remember my first serious crush, but my first love was...let's just say, a pedophile. He gets out of prison soon, too. But how about my second "love?" His name was Grant and it was a stupid little online/on the phone relationship. We met on LPU (Linkin Park Underground), and we both had serious depression. That's about it.
  3. [quote name='Lady Katana][color=darkblue']It's an unwritten rule that "grave-digging" (or bringing back threads more than two months old) isn't allowed on OB generally. However, since there aren't any recent threads regarding Princess Ai and you brought it back up in a detailed manner, I'll go ahead and leave this open. ^^[/color][/quote] Sorry 'bout that, didn't quite see the date there. Like I've told Panda, I'm not quite used to everything here; I'm used to LPU and NecroticObsession. :animesmil
  4. I've heard about it, through looking at some stuff on Hot Topic. I must say, she looks rather pretty, very fitting of being called a princess. I took a look at the link in the post above, as well, and saw the manga preview. I'm not much of a fan for comics or anything of the nature, [I]and[/I] I had heard that it's partly written or whatever by Courtney Love. I doubted Courtney Love's ability to do [I]anything[/I] good, for my personal opinions on her involvment with Kurt Cobain's death and the fact that I don't like her music, but when I read the preview, I liked it alot. I'm gonna see if my mom can get me at least vol. 1, and maybe continue buying them, to fully see Courtney Love's potential (even though it's kinda partial, because it's also half-written by some one dude) That's my review, so far. I say dig in.
  5. Well, I do think that Princess Ai is extremely hot, so I suppose her. As for a guy, Yusuke from YuYu Hakusho is very enticing. I also find Kurama to be rather attractive as well. Maybe a polyamorous relationship between me and those three...yeeeeeaaaah. :animesmil
  6. yay! *uber-dancing* Hm...this is pretty easy because it's by vbulletin (however you spell it), but I'm still used to LPU (linkin park underground).
  7. Boo! The wonderful Vicki has appeared, and is quite new here. *ahem* I suppose an introduction would be nice, so here it is: Hi, I'm Vicki. Does anyone wanna be my friend? :animesmil
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