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Everything posted by Deedlit

  1. DUDE....so much has changed! lol. I might have to browse around here a bit. This is definitely not the OB that I knew! lol. X)

  2. [color=yellowgreen][b]Name:[/b] Iris Tarayavie [b]Age:[/b] unknown [b]Genus:[/b] angel [b]Element:[/b] Bless, Life [b]Occupation:[/b] hanging around with Aria and keeping an eye on things[/color] [color=black] [color=yellowgreen][b]Arms:[/b] sniper rifle and throwing knives [b]Melee:[/b] twin swords (don't know if that counts as two, but I'm okay with it.)[/color] [color=yellowgreen][b]Appearance:[/b] [/color] [color=yellowgreen][img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=25436[/img][/color] [color=yellowgreen]see pic, but instead of blue eyes she has gold [b]Personality:[/b] She's very blunt and often speaks her mind, sometimes to a fault. Apart from that she's easy to get along with. She's shy at first, and it may take a while for her to come outside her "bubble" when she meets someone new, but after that she's loyal to them to the end. She prefers hand-to-hand combat, but she's pretty good with a sniper rifle and okay with throwing knives. She's dependable in and out of battle.[/color] [color=yellowgreen][b]Biography:[/b] will edit soon [/color] [/color]
  3. [QUOTE=Dragon Warrior]Well, Sean and I have been known to take real life jokes with friends and make them into comics (ergo that's why some comics are dedicated to said people). So we wouldn't mind if you threw something in. You'd get rightful credit like everyone else does. [center][img]http://img141.imageshack.us/img141/1192/slackers859al.jpg[/img][/center][/QUOTE] [color=#009966]Indeed. =Þ Your comics make my day, Gavin. You should make T-shirts for these. I'd buy one. ^_~[/color]
  4. [color=#009966]I have officially decided that I need to visit OB more often. Must have more Slackers! XD I think that your SIS comics are even better than "Concerning Midgets," [size=1]which you didn't finish, by the way. *cough*[/size] ^_- I can't pick a favorite. I love them all! ^__^ May your creative genius never run dry. [/color]
  5. [QUOTE][b]SCIENTISTS ASTOUNDED BY HUMAN 'HOBBIT' DISCOVERY[/b][/QUOTE][color=#009966]I knew it. Actually, I think it's pretty interesting, but I don't know if they have any solid evidence. There's alot of "midgets" today, so it's possible that it could be that the one person was short, not an entire species. But if they can find another similar in height to the first, then I'll believe it.[/color]
  6. [color=#009966][i]About five inches of water had already gathered about their boots, tuning the soft soil to a sticky mud. Deedlit nocked two arrows and released them, sending them shooting towards the crying smilie. The arrows hit their mark; but it did nothing to injure the smilie. Instead the arrows vanished, somehow being pulled into the animated body. Matt swore again with a much stronger and colorful word. He and Deedlit exchanged looks, and then as one they both dodged to the left as the arrows flew out, zipping past their shoulders. The crying continued, the tears getting larger with each drop. Just then the body of a n00b, hurled in their direction, landed with a loud splash in the muddy water. He was bleeding profusely from a gash near his temple, and his breathing was ragged. He turned his head, a ghastly smile plastered on his face, and looked at them. He let out a low chuckle.[/i] n00b: "lolololol. d34th t0 teh otak00s an t0 ur m0ddz!!!!!!11" [i]The n00b, using a great deal of effort, threw something into the air. It soared upward and upward, then with a burst of yellow light it changed into a yellow smilie, that shook its index finger like a mother scolding a child. Underneath it in red writing were the words[/i][/color][color=crimson] "d00m t0 mst3r J4mz!!!1" [/color][color=#009966][i]As if this was a signal, hundreds of n00bs started to head towards the frowning smilie. Now it was Deedlit's turn to mutter something under her breath as she kicked the now unconscious n00b out of their way with her boot. It was then they realized the water in the trench was up to their shins.[/i] Matt: "We need to find Terra fast!" [i]Without wasting time replying, they ran sloshing through the water while Matt once again turned on his communicator.[/i][/color]
  7. [color=#009966][i]Deedlit reached down to a fallen n00b and retrieved her dagger, which had firmly lodged itself in the enemy's ribs when she threw it at the oncoming army. The sound of charging boots came at her from behind. She whirled around and paried a blow from a n00b dressed in a DBZ Goku outfit, then clubbed him in the jaw with the pommel of her sword. He fell heavily to the side, crashing into two other n00bs who were trying to capture one of her comrades. [/i] [i]Some of the n00bs were starting to fall back a few steps. She decided to take advantage of this and return to the Adventure Inn to stock up on her arrows; they had been spent half an hour before. She made her way swiftly and carefully towards the Inn while leaping over the bodies of the n00bs. Once there she opened the door, stepped inside, and bolted it shut behind her. She walked to a table that had a full quiver, discarded her old one, and strapped the replacement over her shoulder. She looked around the room at the others who were there. She saw some members bandaging their minor wounds, some otakus trying to get some rest, others talking, and she also saw Captain Legacy talking to an otaku. Not wanting to interrupt, Deedlit walked over to a window and looked outside. Yes, the n00bs were retreating, but a few individuals were still trying to gain an advantage, however samll it may be.[/i] Deedlit: "Sonic Blaster may try, but he will never take over The Arena."[/color]
  8. [color=#009966]Spiffy-ness.... [b]Name:[/b] Deedlit [b]Status:[/b] Otaku [b]Location:[/b] The Arena [b]Team: [/b]Hanzo [b]Appearance:[/b] See image, only instead of green hair I have brown. [b]Weapons:[/b] A longbow, a sword, and two daggers. This should be good....^__^[/color]
  9. [color=#009966]I don't know much about Huma, but it's DragonLance nonetheless. ^__^ [b]Name:[/b] Vinlysaii (Lysaii for short) [b]Age:[/b] 74 [b]Race:[/b] Silvanesti Elf [b]Class:[/b] Mage of Neutrality [b]Magic:[/b] yes; Lunitari [b]Weapon:[/b] a wooden staff that holds a clear crystal in the branches of a platinum aspen tree, and, because of the war, she has two long daggers at her side [b]Appearance:[/b] See the attachment. (That's what her clothes look like, and it will give you a good idea about her appearance.) She has dark green eyes with flecks of gold; long brown hair that she usually keeps pulled back; pointed ears that all elves are born with; and a red hooded cloak with deep sleeves. [b]Bio:[/b] Lysaii, born to good parents, was raised to worship Paladine ever since her early childhood. When she was around the age of thirty, she studied magic as a mage of Solinari. For years she practiced her magic, and excelled to the top of her class. After many years, however, when the Kingpriest had gained a stronger hold on the elves, her parents wanted her to consider dropping magic and becoming a cleric, as had the rest of the Silvanesti youth. Lysaii, of course, told them that she would never consider doing such as thing, that her magic was, in essence, her very core of life. They were angry, of course, but said nothing more for the time. Shortly after, Lysaii donned the Red Robes of Neutrality so that she could sharpen her magic skills by seeing from both ends of the Spectrum. Her parents became increasingly angry, and soon the people started worrying if she would wear the Black Robes next. Her parents told her to leave Silvanesti before the people complained to the Speaker, who would undoubtedly send her into exile. So Lysaii left, hoping to study magic at one of the Towers of High Sorcery. ooc: Is this good?[/color]
  10. [color=#009966]You've got more patience than I've got, Gavynn. ;) :p [/color]
  11. [color=#009966]I killed 40 insects last year for my biology project. Ha! I beat you. :p j/k[/color]
  12. [color=#009966]I'm an old member. In fact, I celebrated my 3rd-year anniversary a little more than a week ago. :D If my memory is correct, I joined way back on Oct. 9th, 2001. [strike]Or was it 2000? I don't know, I'll have to check my profile after I type this post.[/strike] :p I used to be called kool_aid13 back then, but I changed my name to Deedlit, and now I can't put new names to old faces since everyone changed their name. I joined back in version 3 (I'm 99.9999999% sure it was version 3). Ah, good times. ^____^ That was when all newbies and junior members had to earn 500 posts before they were able to customize their own avatar. Now I'm kinda annoyed that the new members don't have to earn that honor like we did.... E D I T: Yep. It was 2001. ^__^[/color]
  13. [color=#009966]My most memorable Halloween costume was when I dressed up as Deedlit. X.x The outfit was cool, but I never want to make armor again....[/color]
  14. [color=#009966]I don't think I can go trick-or-treating this year, but sinse I usually go to one or two Halloween parties a year, I'm dressing up as Arwen!! ^^ (partly because she's cool, partly because her outfit's easy to make, and partly because I'm running out of ideas.)[/color]
  15. [color=#009966][i]Iris walked casually through the streets of the village, her dark read cloak swishing behind her as she stepped. From the depths of her hood, her green eyes took in everything and everyone around her. Most of the villagers recongnized her since she visited once in a while, and as she passed and they gave her a wide berth, none wanting anything to do with her. She didn't mind and pretended not to notice.[/i] [i]After walking some distance along the cobblestone road she found the inn that she always stayed in when she visited. She opened the large wooden door and stepped inside. She raised her hands and removed her hood, allowing her eyes to become adjusted to the dim light. The patrons glanced towards the doorway when they heard it shut, but they turned back to their drinks, acting as if the person at the doorway didn't exist, as many secretly hoped. Iris walked towards the back, carrying herself with dignity, to an empty table in the corner next to her favorite window and sat down. She removed her heavy traveling cloak off her shoulders, setting it down beside her. She opened up one of her pouches and withdrew her ivory flute, full of both good, bad, and strange memories. She put it to her lips and began to play a soft melody to herself. [/i] [i]She had played no more than three measures when something on the window caught her eye. She stopped the song abruptly and read the message. It was short, to the point, but very vague. Iris leaned back in the chair, tapping the tip of her flute against her lips, pondering the message and looking at it from all angles. She didn't know what this "long adventure" could be, and she almost thought it was a trick. But what could someone possibly gain by advertising something like this? Eventually her curiosity won out. She stood up, grabbing her cloak in one arm, gently holding her flute in her other hand, and walked up the stairs. She decided that she would ask a few questions, and if she was interested, then she would agree to go. If it was a joke, then she would leave. Simple. [/i] [i]She arrived at the appointed door and knocked.[/i][/color]
  16. [color=#009966]It's their job to overexaggerate. Try to expain to them that you know the difference between the gaming world and reality. If they don't believe you, then....I don't know. I would handle the situation in my own way, but I don't think "my way" is very good advice to you right now, seeing as my parents are *slightly* more reasonable. :cross: So, good luck I guess.[/color]
  17. [QUOTE=Tigervx][font=Arial][color=teal] One I found extremely strange is James and the Giant Peach... [/color][/font][/QUOTE] [color=#009966]Maybe they want to ban it because it teaches kids to run away? *shrugs* In that case they have a lot more books to try and get rid of....>_>[/color]
  18. [color=#009966]I ADORE the DragonLance books!! I've only had the pleasure of reading the 11 main books written by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman, but I'm keeping both eyes open for more. My favorite characters are Laurana (as shown in my avatar), Tasslehoff, and Raistlin. Laurana kicked butt at the end of "Dragons of Spring Dawning" and in "Dragons of a Lost Star" ([spoiler]I was so angry when she died....grrrrrrrrrr.......[/spoiler]), Tas was awesome throughout the series. You gotta love that kender. ^___^ And Raistlin was awesome, but he made me angry sometimes. Bwee, I can't decide which one I like more though. Oooh! And Dalamar! He was cool, but he was around fourth or fifth on my "favorites" list. I didn't like Kitiara [cross]that much[/cross] at all. Her lack of moral and personal standards just disgusts me....>.>; I didn't like Mina either. I hope she's the next to die if they write another book after "Dragons of a Vanished Moon." I agree with you, SB. Flint's death was lame, [spoiler]but Elistan's was lamer. I read a commentary the Margaret Weis wanted to kill Elistan somewhere between "Dragons of Winter Night" and "Dragons of Spring Dawning," but Tracy wouldn't let her. He reminded her that he was the only cleric of Paladine on Krynn, and so Margaret decided she wouldn't kill him *yet*. As soon as he got followers she sent him straight to Paladine, though. lol[/spoiler] :rolleyes: Yeah, I think they mentioned that in one of the books, Elk. [spoiler]Just imagine how powerful they would be together! That would be cool and scary at once.[/spoiler] Gotta go. I assure you I'll visit this thread again. ^____^[/color]
  19. [color=#009966]You're not the only one trying to get over the death of a friend.... I know it's hard, but you just gotta pick yourself up. It was his decision and is his consequence, no matter how stupid his reasons were.[/color]
  20. [quote name='Bio][font=Trebuchet MS']Banning LOTR and Harry Potter? What, kids can't read anything made up? So now imagination is innapropriate. Great.[/font][/quote] [color=#009966]Bio, I loved that so much I'm going to quote it. Literature is a form of art. Why is it that people try to ban / destroy books when they don't try to ban / destroy artwork? Everyone hears that people (mainly Christians) are causing riots over Harry Potter, but you never hear non-Christians pitching fits when they see paintings of Jesus in textbooks or anything like that. *sarcasm* Hey, that gives me an idea! Let's try and ban school textbooks! :worried: Ergh. This is so stupid. The day they ban LOTR and Harry Potter is the day that I take my collections of books and start reprinting them illegally.[/color]
  21. [font=Tahoma][color=#009966]Cripes. It's been months since I've done an RPG....[/color][/font] [font=Tahoma][color=#009966] [b]Name:[/b] Iris [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Race:[/b] Zaban [b]Appearance:[/b] Iris has reddish-gold hair that stops slightly above her elbows. She is about 5'5", slender, and she has very pale skin and dark green eyes with flecks of gold towards the center. Normally she wears a dark blue ankle-length dress with a Mandarin collar, and ontop of that she sometimes wears a dark-red (almost a brownish color) cloak with a hood. She carries with her at all times a magical flute made of ivory and her pouches of spell components. (I'll try to get a picture of her soon.) [b]Background:[/b] Iris and her twin brother, Athos, had practically been inseperable during childhood. And why not? Their mother and father had left to try and offer peace to Kanin, but had never returned. It was later discovered that they were brutally killed by a Kanin hunting party. The orphans were raised by their aunt until the they were eleven, but their aunt died of heart failure shortly after. In her will she left Athos, who was older than Iris, an ivory flute that had belonged to their mother. It was believed that the flute had magically properties, but none had been able to discover its secret. For a few years they worked hard, saving every bronze piece, which was just enough to survive; Athos worked in the fields, and Iris worked in the stables tending to the horses. Then about a year or two later, an unknown man in the village started the rumor that Athos and Iris were actually spies, that their mother and father had left them to join Kanin. The citizens were angry, and soon a riot had formed. Iris had been away from home at the time, and when she arrived at their small cottage she found her brother's corpse just inside the doorway. If the mayor of the village hadn't told the angry town that the man who started the rumor was a fraud, Iris would have found herself in a similar situation as Athos was in. The next day after Athos' funeral, she packed her few possessions, including Athos' flute, and left to study under an elderly wizard. Her teacher, Zedd, examined her flute and discovered that it indeed was magical. Zedd taught Iris a few of the flute's secrets and songs, some of which could put one to sleep, or freeze an enemy in its tracks. After about eight months, she left the man, thanking him kindly, and set out once more. Because she has seen that even the Light can become corrupted by wickedness, Iris feels that she must walk the path of Neutrality so that she will not be consumed by either power. (note: Because she is neutral, she is not predjudiced against either race, but because of her upbringing her morals and standards lean more towards the Light end of the Spectrum.) [b]Popularity:[/b] From reading about Iris' background, you can probably already guess that she's not too popular around the village. When she does visit, she is treated politely only because some of the citizens have a twinge of guilt about her twin brother. Even though they treat her kindly, there's a large gap between her and everyone else. [b]Gossip:[/b] Because of the incident that happened a few years earlier, many suspect that Iris wants revenge for her brother. Although she shows no outward signs of this, everyone is wary of her. [b]Zaban Race:[/b] Iris is a wizardress. [b]Weapon:[/b] She has a small dagger concealed in the sleeve of her red cloak, and she also has her magic flute.[/color][/font]
  22. [color=#009966]A friend of mine has eyes that change colors. When she's sad, her irises are blue. When she's happy, they're green (they're green natuarally anyway), and when she's angry, her eyes are a reddish-brown clay-color. It's pretty convenient, actually; if she's angry, I look at her eyes and immediately tell everyone not to piss her off. She's dangerous enough when we're just playing around, but if she is [i]really[/i] angry....:blackeye: The only time my eyes change colors is when I'm sad, and even then my eyes only turn to a bright green. My sister says every once in a while that my eyes look blue, but that was because of the lighting. In truth my eyes are three colors: first there's a small ring of brown around my pupil. Around that is a large portion of green, which is the color most of my eye is. Then at the very edge is a thin ring of blue. It's pretty spiffy. ^__^[/color]
  23. [color=#009966]Gavynn! ^^ Bwee. Happy Anniversary! ^__^ I'll send ya another gift similar to the last when I come back online. *wink wink* :rotflmao:[/color] [font=ARIAL][size=2]YOOOOOO, home schkillit! this is much cause for celebration. I've still got that male stripper if you want him back. ;) consider it my 'present,' if you will. he'll give you very much....joy, since I've had him 'trained' in the time I've had him. [color=black]besides, I suck at banners, meh. :p [/color] [color=black]~Amibasuki[/color][/size][/font]
  24. [size=2][color=#009966]The 5th episode was kinda....irrelevant, but funny anyways. ^_^;[/color][/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][color=#009966]BRING ON NUMBER 6!!![/color][/size]
  25. [color=#009966]lol That was better than DC! ^^ I want to see the next one! OR ELSE!![/color]
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