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Everything posted by Deedlit
[color=009966]Just when I'm about to post my congrats, this has to happen.... I'm sorry, Deb. I hope you'll be alright.[/color]
[img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=426060[/img] [color=009966]Ohhhh! So [i]that's[/i] who drank my bottle of Surge....[/color]
Sign Up Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Deedlit replied to Shikaku Kitoku's topic in Theater
[color=009966][b]Name:[/b] Shizumi Tristan [b]Age:[/b] 11 [b]Sex:[/b] female [b]Eye:[/b] green [b]Hair:[/b] long and brown [b]Wand:[/b] 14 1/2 inches, birch wood, Gryffin's feather [b]House:[/b] TBA [b]Year:[/b] 1 [b]Personality:[/b] Shizumi is creative and imaginative, and is always nit-picky when it comes to work, partly because it's her first year and she's not sure what will happen if she falls behind. She's very optimistic and tries to be helpful to her friends. [b]Biography:[/b] Shizumi's dad is a wizard, her mum is a muggle. She has an older brother, a fifth year, named Alexander (Alex) Tristan and she had a twin sister named Chilainey, but she died two years ago because she fell off Alex's broom while she was flying two hundred feet in the air. Despite what happened, Shizumi loves watching and playing Quidditch, mainly because it was one of the only things they both loved together. She hopes to play it while at Hogwarts, but sadly, first years can't play Quidditch. Her favorite class is Charms and Defence Against the Dark Arts, her least favorite is The History of Magic, hands down. She loves hanging with her friends, and when she's not around them, she's usually seen scribbling some pictures on a sheet of parchment. [b]Pet:[/b] She owns an owl named Totley. It's snow white, but it has a black circle over it's eye and a bit of brown on its left wing. [EDIT]w00t! We have internet access here!! I'll be able to post afterall! ^_____^[/EDIT] [/color] -
[color=009966]No cartoons... >_< The movie doesn't sound like a bad idea, but it might turn out horrible.[/color]
[color=009966]I've never had surgery (thank goodness!), so I don't know what it's like. I hope the pain goes away soon, Raiha. ;)[/color]
My coming out party and you're all invited!
Deedlit replied to Sui Generis's topic in General Discussion
[color=009966]Seph! You're back! Glad to see that you didn't leave afterall. ^___^[/color] -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sage [/i] [B][size=1]Uh, Logan? You can't quite speak to Rei, because Rei is in the Rainbow Alliance Gathering Tree, and you are apparently at the Winterpalace. Please pay attention. :blusweat [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=009966]She was paying attention, silly rabbit. It's you who wasn't. :p See?[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Logan [/i] [B][color=red]She looked around, noticing no one responding to her idea. She sighed, as she remembered she wasn't part of the Rainbow Alliance. She was here, by order of Queen Titania, to spy. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=009966]She was there because she's a spy. ;)[/color]
[color=009966]If you mean "Is [i]you're[/i] death bad," then no. I'm not scared to die, but if it's something like dying by torture/torn limb-from-limb/drowning/eaten alive/burried alive, ect., then that's a different story. *shudders* But if you mean "When [i]someone else[/i] dies, is death bad," then yes. A friend of mine died in a fire two weeks ago, and I still can't get over it......I guess it's the part where they have to leave you forever that makes it bad......[/color]
My coming out party and you're all invited!
Deedlit replied to Sui Generis's topic in General Discussion
[color=009966]^____^ I'm glad that you know who you are now, and hopefully your parents will get over it. I'm really glad that you feel like we're family and can talk to us about things like this. ^^ *gives you a lollypop*[/color] -
[color=009966]Here it goes....>.>;;; Walking around this maze of Life We all must battle with our strife For some it pierces like a knife But, yet, it doesn't end People grow wayward and are confused They murder and kill, and some abuse Because they feel that they've been used For Man's own selfish ends Death and Destruction plagued the lands Red blood is stained upon their hands Their time ran short just like the sand Inside an hourglass Darkness had come, the day had gone The world had seen its final dawn Joy was lost, but some moved on While lovers said "Good-bye." The world was at its final hour Many people had fallen and cowered They all stood to witness a mighty power That showed them impending doom But a ray of light shone down from the sky When many believed that their death was nigh It banished the darkness from on high And spared them of that fate[/color]
[color=009966][i]As soon as Zelaelas reached her room, she immediately closed the door. She walked over to the wooden desk on the far side of the room. It was littered with scrolls, magical rings, plants, and a bit of dust. She carefully pushed these aside as she picked up a blank sheet of parchment and a quill. She dipped the quill in ink and wrote in her crisp elvish writing: [center]Queen Titania, I have stepped out for a moment to gather some herbs for my spells and potions. It won't take long, and I'll be back soon. ~Zelaelas Tatylanavi[/center] She picked up the sheet and walked over her bed and put the note on the pillow, where it was plainly in sight. Then she walked over to the center of the room, and traced a wide circle on the floor with her finger. Where she had touched it, the circle started to glow with a golden light. She stepped into the circle, and disappeared. She reappeared just beside Niran and her scouting party. They didn't even jump; they were used to her appearing out of thin air by now. Niran walked over to talk to Zelaelas.[/i] Niran: "Hello again, Zelaelas. What brings you here?" Zelaelas: "I just need to gather some herbs for my spell components. I'm running very low on Winterslite and Berrywort." Niran: "True, but I have the feeling that you're not just here to go picking plants." [i]Zelaelas smiled. Niran was always very perceptive and keen about things like this.[/i] Zelaelas: "I need to go to the nearest village and try to persuade them to make peace with Auberon. They're starting to cause riots and kill travelers. They're just so jumpy." [i]Niran stretched a bit and looked at her out of the corner of her eye.[/i] Niran: "If I didn't know any better, Zel, I'd say that you were part of that Alliance. What's it called?" Zelaelas: "The 'Rainbow Alliance?' I've thought about joining it lots of times, but I can't just leave Her Majesty like that." Niran: "Of course not! Well, good luck, Zelaelas. And be careful. You never know what's around here anymore." [i]Zelaelas nodded as the scouting party continued on towards the Palace. When they were gone, she headed in the direction of the river by which the village was.[/i][/color]
[color=009966]I love fencing! I used to go, but class is on Wednseday, and that's when we have church activities, so I can't go anymore. I haven't gone since November...[/color]
[color=009966]That dude is just stupid. End of story.[/color]
If I could be the President of the United States for just one day
Deedlit replied to Phantom's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Phantom [/i] [B]Why really? Hmm..Sam what would you do if you were the President for a day? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=009966]It's on page two, but I'll post some of it again. ^_-[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deedlit [/i] [B][color=009966]On a different note, I would: *make it harder for children under the age of 16 to get ahold of cigaretts, drugs, and alchohol. *raise minimum wage so that people on the streets could get a job and have at least enough to support themselves. I'd also try to make it easier for them to get a job. *aid Mexico in any way to try and make their water more drinkable and clean. *give equal rights to everyone, including gays/lesbians. *have an OB Reunion at the White House during that one day that I'm president. :D [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] -
[color=009966][i]Zelaelas wrapped her cloak around her more tightly. For some reason, the Winterpalace was colder than usual. She walked silently into the throne room where Queen Titania sat uneasily. She drummed her fingers on the armrest of her chair. [/i] Zelaelas: "Is everything alright, Your Majesty? And where is His Highness?" Queen Titania: "He is unwell today. These humans are so frail, and the cold here must be very uncomfortable." Zelaelas: "It is a bit colder than usual." Queen Titania: "I know. There seems to be a tension in the air as well. Has the scouting party reported yet?" [i]Zelaelas opened one of the pouches she wore on her belt and drew out a crystal ball, no bigger than a marble. At one magical word, it expanded until it was about one foot in diameter.[/i] Zelaelas: "Yes, Your Majesty. In fact, they're already waiting to report." [i]The colors swirled round and round, then gradually slowed and formed the image of a face. It was a nymph, the captain of the scouting party.[/i] Queen Titania: "Hello, Niran. What's the news?" Niran: "We've caught a few of Auberon's minions, spies or assassins, no doubt. We've tried to interegate them, but they refuse to talk no matter what." Queen Titania: "Is that all?" Niran: "For now, Your Majesty." Queen Titania: "You have done well. Continue your search and report back if you find anything else." Niran: "Yes, Your Majesty." [i]The colors in the crystal swirled again, and the image of Niran vanished. The surface of the crystal was still again.[/i] Queen Titania: "It's just like Auberon to try and have my husband killed. He's jealous, that's all. He can't stand the thought of my love towards someone else." Zelaelas: (*thinking* [i]"Here we go again...."[/i]) Queen Titania: "Well, I'll show him. Next time he tries to do anything to him, he will pay dearly." [i]Zelaelas bowed as she left the throneroom and closed the door. [/i][/color]
[color=009966]Name: Elsyan Eglaannun Age: 750 Race: High Elf Class: Warrior Bio: Elsyan's father faught in the Two-Year-War and died an honorable death in battle. A few months later, her mother was accused of assassinating a general and was executed even though she was innocent. Elsyan grew up in a small hut on the edge of an Elven village for many years and has decided to seek the Stones of Aniar because she feels it will make her parents' souls happy that she set things right. A few years later, she joined up with some adventurers to gather the Aniar Stones. They succeeded, but at a high cost. She lost two of her best friends, then the rest of the group parted and went their separate ways. Five years have passed since then, and Elsyan has been training hard not only with her sword, but she has been learning a bit of magic as well, but it's still very weak. Appearance: Elsyan has long brown hair, green eyes, like all Elves she has long pointy ears, she's about 5'3" tall, slender, now wears a dark-blue tunic with black pants, a green cape, black leather armor and wears a sword at her side with a few pouches around her belt. Personality: She can be serious in battle, light at heart when she's happy, or sometimes quiet when she's troubled or has alot on her mind (so in other words, it depends on her mood) Weapons: a sword and a long bow/quiver of arrows Other: she has a small blue dragon with her that she has had for many years. The dragon's name is Runeth, and it can expand its size to about 15 feet high or shrink to 2 feet high. He helped out alot during the battle against Malius.[/color]
If I could be the President of the United States for just one day
Deedlit replied to Phantom's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Phantom [/i] [B]I would also give confederate lovers the freedom to have slaves as well hehe. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=009966]That was uncalled for, Mike, even if it was just a joke.[/color] -
If I could be the President of the United States for just one day
Deedlit replied to Phantom's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kinetic [/i] [B]I hope by [b]southern language[/b] you mean Spanish. If you're talking about people who live in southern states being less intellecutal, I find that highly offending. The whole stereotype about people living in the southern states is mostly not true, or was sort of true at one point. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=009966]Actually, there is some truth to what Phantom said, but what you say is true too. Many people do stereo-type us as less intellectual, and that is wrong. There are actually very intellegent people down here. But Phantom is right about the dialect being hard to understand. Now I'm not saying by any means that everyone talks like that, but there are several to whom you have to say "Um....can you slow down and say that again?" just to understand them. They just tend to slur their words together a bit. One time we were at a drive-thru at Burger King, and we had to give up and leave because we couldn't understand what the lady was saying. Sorry if that offends you, but it's the truth. ;)[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crimson Spider [/i] [B]First, I would destroy several contries, such as mexico and france. No really, I would. Then I would raise taxes. Then I would arrest all those protesters in the street for disturbing the piece and being stupid. Then I would make simulated child pornography illegal and arrest all who had made stuff like that. I would lower the price of housing such as electricity and water with these new raised attacks. Then I would launch an investigation for all the pedifle priests in the baptist church. I would force people to say the pledge. I would put the 10 commandments back up in the Courts. Every person that was a terrorist or accused of something like that will be executed and not put on trial to set an example for all the idiots who still come to america to start problems. I would also remove gay rights. And I would arrest all who quoted my and said something not to my liking. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=009966]Congratulations, Crimson Spider. You have just made the most narrow-minded and stupidest post on OtakuBoards. And I'm quoting you anyway since you'll never become the President. First of all, you are a :butthead:. Secondly, you can't just annihalate Mexico and France. That's called "mass-murder." Third, haven't you thought that the protesting might be for a good cause? That would also violate our freedom of speech, and you can't force someone to say the pledge. Fourth, why did you single out priests in the baptist church? Are you implying that it's [i]just[/i] priests in the baptist church who are pedofile? If you are, you probably just put yourself on someone's hit-list. Now, about the court thing. Let's say that you are the Pres. (yeah. Like [i]that[/i] will happen....), and someone is [i]accused[/i] of being a terroist. Haven't you heard of "innocent until proven guilty?" That accused person could've been framed by someone, but you just go ahead and execute them. Congrats again, CS. You have commited murder. *end rant* ``````````````````````````` On a different note, I would: *make it harder for children under the age of 16 to get ahold of cigaretts, drugs, and alchohol. *raise minimum wage so that people on the streets could get a job and have at least enough to support themselves. I'd also try to make it easier for them to get a job. *aid Mexico in any way to try and make their water more drinkable and clean. *give equal rights to everyone, including gays/lesbians. *have an OB Reunion at the White House during that one day that I'm president. :D [/color] -
[color=009966]Aelas: "Queen Jernie! Queen Jernie! Dida you come for the feast? We're haffing lots of fun!" Hilder: "Yep! Rip comed up wiff a new game! You jump inna pond, and then Skip comes in and tries to save you before you're catched by the big fishy inna pond! Wanna try it?" Rip: "It wasn't a game." Jerine: "Mabye some other time, Hilder. Right now I need to see Abbot Jericho." Rip: "He's right over there next to Skipper." Jerine: "Thank you, Rip. I'll be right back." [i]Queen Jerine walked off to talk to Abbot Jericho, leaving the dibbuns by themselves.[/i][/color]
[color=009966]I do it. Sometimes during winter, my eye starts to twitch a bit....kinda like this....:twitch: Usually when I'm sitting, my leg will kick out. It's kinda wierd. Then my hand and fingers twitch sometimes. heh :twitch::twitch::twitch:[/color]
[color=009966]This sounds very interesting....:) [b]name:[/b] Zelaelas Tatylanavi [b]gender:[/b] female [b]age-group:[/b] young (looks to be around 16 or 17) [b]race:[/b] elf [b]alliance:[/b] Titania [b]appereance:[/b] Zelaelas has long golden-red hair that she keeps in a braid. She has bright emerald-green eyes, and wears white, silk robes with silver runes stitched at the hems. Like all elves, she has long pointed ears and is slender. (I'll try to post a pic of her later, maybe with a few changes though.) [b]biography:[/b] Although she was also loyal to her King, Zelaelas chose to remain with Queen Titania. She would've chosen to be a part of the Rainbow Alliance, but she couldn't leave her Queen. She urges those loyal to the Queen to try to keep the peace between their former king, but that's not going over too well. [/color]
[color=009966][i]Everyone watched anxiously as they saw air bubbles float to the top of the surface. The dibbuns, however, didn't understand the situation too well.[/i] Aelas: "What's Rip doin' taking a baff atta time like this?" Siskle: "Maybe it'n be a new game?" Hilder: "I dunno....Abbot Jeko doesn't look like he's having much fun wiff the game." Aelas: "Neiver do anyone else...." [i]They watched as a mole came running from the Abbey carrying a torch.[/i] Mole: "Burr! Hurr's the torch you'm be wantin', Mizz!" Skipper: "Thanks. Badgermum, hold it right here while I dive in." [i]After that, she jumped in the murky water, near where the last little air bubble floated to the surface.[/i][/color]
[color=009966]Heh I zone out just about every day, but I did it alot during Algebra and Georgia History, and especially in the car. One time we were going somewhere and one of Ste's friends asked me something....I didn't even know it until she poked me. heh [b]Zoning out=BOREDOM[/b][/color]
[color=009966][i]Within a few minutes, the pie had vanished completely. Well, almost. There was still traces of it on the dibbuns' paws and snouts. Rip looked up just in time to see Skipper come out carrying two dibbuns.[/i] Rip: "'Hoy! Who are they? I've never seen them in Redwall Abbey before." Aelas: "They musta be the dibbuns that were out in Mossyfowler Woods today." Hilder: "Let's go talk to 'em. Imma sure that theym musta been reeeeaaaally bored up inna firmary all day." [i]Skipper had just set the two dibbuns down when they walked up.[/i] Hilder: "Hi! What's your names? Mine's Hilder." Hedgehog: "Siskle. And thisa is Kitra." Rip: "I'm Rip." Aelas: "And I'mma Aelas." [i]The dibbuns talked happily as they walked over to the table. They had just sat down when Badgermum came up from behind them. She didn't look too pleased, either.[/i] Badgermum: "There you are! Sister Kallie was just telling me about how her pie went missing. Then Abbot Jericho told me a tale about how he came across a walking pie. Would you dibbuns know anything about it?" Hilder: "Ummmm.....No?" Badgermum: "Really? Then just [i]what[/i], pray tell, is that all over your paws and faces?" Aelas: "Ummmm.....Noffing?" [i]Badgermum grabbed them by their ears and hauled the wailing dibbuns towards the Abbey.[/i] Badgermum: "Now go in and wash up! When you come out to eat, I want to see clean and crumb-free paws and faces." [i]After a few minutes, the solemn-faced dibbuns came out of the kitchen and showed their paws to Badgermum, who briefly nodded approval.[/i] Badgermum: "Good. Now, Rip, Hilder, Aeslia, go sit down and stay out of trouble!" [i]They sat down next to Siskle and Kitra and wrinkled their noses in disgust.[/i] Hilder: "Awwww! Now I smell like icky soap! Bleh!!" Aelas: "Anda next time she say my name wrong, I'mma gonna make [i]her[/i] washa her face and paws until theys smell like soap foreva! My name is Aelas, norra Aeslia!"[/color]
[color=009966][i]Aelas (that's what the rest of the dibbuns call her. Her real name is Aeslia) was in the apple tree with the other dibbuns when they saw Hilder run up, giggling to himself.[/i] Aelas: "Watcha got, Hilder?" Hilder: "Whatn it look like? It a pie! Abbot Jeko amost catched me, but I too smart. Him thought I be a waking pie! Heheheh! But thatn not all I hear. I got arwful bad news." [i]All the dibbuns jumped down from the tree to stand beside Hilder as he whispered to them.[/i] Hilder: "We not allowed into Mossyfolwer Woods anymore. Some likkle dibbuns were almost catched by vermin!" [i]All the dibbuns groaned. "Mossyfolwer Woods," as they called it, was one of their favorite places to go when they got bored.[/i] Rip: "Awwww! Where are we supposed to hide from Badgermum now when she tries to give us baths?" [i]All the dibbuns groaned again. They dreaded baths more than not getting desserts at supper.[/i] Aelas: "Norra baff! The bubbly suds go up my nose and inna my eyes." [i]She drew the short wooden sword that Sakura had carved for her a few weeks ago that looked like Martin's Sword.[/i] Aelas: "Iffn they scared of nasty vermin, we show them! We kill alla vermin, and then Abbot Jeko and Badgermum will say 'Why, what strong dibbuns we haff! They can go into Mossyfowler Woods anytime they want.'" Hilder: "Yeah! Then they say 'And to reward you likkle dibbuns, you get to haff alla pies and candied scones you can eat. And no more baffs!' Easy as that." [i]The dibbuns kept talking excitedly to themselves as they began to eat the pie, but saving a bit of room for the desserts at the feast.[/i][/color]