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Everything posted by Deedlit

  1. [color=009966]heh. Guess you're right.....:bluesweat[/color]
  2. [color=009966]Sunken City lies to the west, and Spool Swamp lies to the east. If you just got Ricky, then you should go to the Swamp. ;)[/color]
  3. [color=009966]Guess: a Moby?[/color]
  4. [color=009966]If the mods here are too strict, then why am I still here? Gosh, I spammed so much in my first month on OB that it's not even funny..... o_0[/color]
  5. [size=1][color=red][b]PERSONAL[/b][/color] [b]Member Name:[/b][color=009966] Deedlit[/color] [b]Former Member Names:[/b][color=009966] kool_aid13[/color] [b]Member Since:[/b][color=009966] October 9, 2001[/color] [b]Current Status:[/b][color=009966] Otaku Idol (Otaku)[/color] [b]Nicknames:[/b][color=009966] Deed, Sam, Samie, Elf-girl, and Sam Antha (since I don't have a middle name, some people at school find it funny to divide my first name to form two names.)[/color] [b]Favorite Forums:[/b][color=009966] Zelda, Adventure Arena[/color] [b]Favorite RPG:[/b][color=009966] How can I limit all the RPG's to only one?! :p[/color] [b]Favorite Threads:[/b][color=009966][i] Caption Contest Begin![/i][/color] [b]Favorite Smiley:[/b] :therock:, :p [b]Most [strike] Memorable [/strike] Embarrasing Moment:[/b][color=009966] When I posted my pic... >.>[/color] [b]Quotable Quote:[/b][color=009966] "I fling flaming poo!" -Piro (or it was something like that...)[/color] [b]Words of Wisdom:[/b][color=009966] Be sure to always clean out your refridgerator.[/color] [b]Wish to be remembered for:[/b][color=009966] My love of Legolas. [/color] [b]Desired Epitaph:[/b][color=009966] Don't think you've gotten rid of me just yet....[/color] [b]Favorites:[/b][color=009966] fencing, drawing, painting, role-playing, relaxing, ect.[/color] [b]I will....[/b][color=009966] .......my [u]love of Legolas[/u] to [u]Juu[/u]...[i]just to see how much love one man can take. :cross:[/i] .......my [u]brother[/u] to [u]my sisters[/u]...[i]just because.[/i] .......my [u]anime collection[/u] to [u]Amy[/u]...[i]since she could really need it.[/i] ;)[/color] [color=red][b]MOST AND BEST[/b][/color] [b]Most likely to succeed:[/b][color=009966] Charles[/color] [b]Most likely to secede:[/b][color=009966] *shrugs*[/color] [b]Worst spelling:[/b][color=009966] Kuja, definately.[/color] [b]Best poster:[/b][color=009966] Raiha[/color] [b]Cutest couple:[/b][color=009966] Asuka and Piro[/color] [b]Best writer:[/b][color=009966] Mne[/color] [b]Best artist:[/b][color=009966] too many....[/color] [b]Best...spar-er?:[/b][color=009966] dunno[/color] [b]Craziest:[/b][color=009966] Lady A.[/color] [b]Funniest/wittiest:[/b][color=009966] Heaven's Cloud (you should see the stuff he comes up with in the caption contest thread...)[/color] [b]Interesting-er-ist:[/b][color=009966] Weh[/color] [b]Random award:[/b][color=009966] everyone! [/color] [color=red][b]SIGNATURES[/b][/color] [color=009966][i]Juu:[/i] Hey, Juu! ^^ heh. It's kinda creepy that someone can love Legolas as much as I do, but oh well. We're a clique now anyways. ;) -[i]Deedlit[/i] [i]Dragon Warrior:[/i] Gavers! ^^ You're just a busy bee, aren't ya? What, with your game, radio show, stories and all. Keep it up! -[i]Deedlit[/i] [i]Anyone I Forgot:[/i] There's just too many to put here, and my fingers are too tired to type, so anyone can put their name here and what the message says. -[i]Deedlit[/i][/size] [/color]
  6. Deedlit


    [color=009966]Cool! I'm gonna be a dibbun! Name: Aeslia Soldin (all the other dibbuns call her Aelas instead) Species: Mouse Gender: female Description: Aelas wears a wooden sword that looks like the Sword of Martin the Warrior, which Sakura now holds. She wears a small green habbit, and has cream-colored fur.[/color]
  7. [quote][b]When was the happist moment of you life? When was the most puressuresed monment? When was the saddest?[/b][/quote] [color=009966][b]Happiest:[/b] When I got our dog, Lizzy. [b]Pressured:[/b] My exams. [b]Saddest:[/b] Today....[/color]
  8. [color=009966]I don't have a problem with most of my teachers, but there is one that I can't stand.... >.>;[/color]
  9. [color=009966]Since HV didn't get the answer correct to Juna's question, that means that people still have to answer her's before a new question is asked, so HV's question doesn't really count. ;)[/color]
  10. [color=009966]ooc: I was going to wait a bit longer, but I'll be away at camp from Monday through Friday. Many years ago, to the far west of the continent known as Arthenost, there was a land known as Lysanor. It was believed that Lysanor was the land most beloved of the gods, for its beauty was unmatched by any other land, save the One where souls go once they die. It was even rumored that angels would descend from the heavens and visit the rich and prosperous land where humans, elves, dwarves, sprites and nature lived in peace with each other. But one night, that one, fateful night, Mamnor, the most powerful necromancer that ever existed, set off from the poor countries of Arthenost to take over Lysanor. It is said that even the stars and the moons trembled at his coming, and they cloaked themselves in darkness to hide them from the terrible sight. The world was plunged into darkness, even before the necromancer set foot on Lysanor. His legions of demons and warriors stormed the shores and the nearby villages and killed anyone who came to stop them. The demons, skasteries, dark elves, witherchi, black mages, and dark knights, who all had long watched in loathing and hatred at the other races, were only too willing to join the forces of the Necromancer. Within two days, Mamnor had taken over the eastern half of Lysanor, and within a few weeks had taken over the southern half as well. The elves, dwarves, and humans, now homeless and utterly miserable, could do nothing against the might of the Necromancer. Their anger bubbled up inside of them, so much that the Elders were afraid that it would lead to the destruction of them all, and there was nothing left to do but blame the other races for the damage that had happened. The elves blamed the humans, the humans blamed the dwarves, and the dwarves blamed the elves. After it looked as if there would be a war between themselves, one representitive of each race held a private council. They would discuss what should be done to restore the alliance between them and what must be done to stop the Necromancer. The meeting lasted for many days, and still they had not reached a conclusion. Suddenly one came up with the solution: the Rhistar. The Rhistar was a collection of many arcane and sacred items with mysterious magical powers, but they were scattered about Lysanor centuries ago. One elder said that it was a child's bedtime story and nothing more, but another elder protested. What if this "bedtime story" was true? It could mean salvation for them all. But the former elder pointed out that they were not as young as they used to be, and traveling all across Lysanor in this time of conflict was unheard of. They voted that if they could find someone willing to undertake this quest then it would be settled. Having come to an agreement, the Elders put the council to a close and summoned everyone to meet at the old willow tree an hour before midnight. The tension at the meeting was high as all the races against Mamnor came together. The Elders informed them of their decision to find all the pieces of the Rhistar and asked for volunteers. The silence that followed was almost smothering. Just when the Elders were about to give up, a human boy with the name of Teryn, no more than sixteen years of age stepped forward. Soon to follow was a young elven maiden named Litasai who was a very talented mage, a dwarf named Rochnar who's battle axe had many notches along the blade, and a human warrior called Koryu, who was slightly older than the boy. The Elders thanked them for offering to risk their lives for the cause. Just when they were about to be dismissed, a figure cloaked in black emerged from the shadows and stepped into the firelight. Everyone was astounded to see that this man was a dark elf! Everyone's hands shifted to their weapons, but the drow informed them that he had no intention of fighting them. He was a renegade warrior known as Aelas who was exiled when he defied the Necromancer while his brethren agreed to fight for Mamnor. After that, he walked over to take his place next to the other four. The Elders eyed him warily, but they eventually gave their approval. At dawn of the next day, the small group departed in search of the first piece, which was said to lie far to the north. As they stood on the peaks of the Gwenar Mountains, they could see that the armies of Mamnor were expanding across Lysanor. Forts and fortresses were being built, trees were being cut down to make wider bridges across the rivers, and the smell of burning coal for the furnaces was ever-present in the air, even at this elevation. The group gloomily trudged through the mountain pass until they came to what looked like a deserted temple. They approached it warily, moving as silently as a shadow. As they approached the door, there was a sign that was engraved upon with ancient runes. It read: "Pass only if thou art confident in thy skills, for once ye pass through, thou must face the trials of the labyrinth." Drawing out their weapons, each entered through the crumbling doorway. How long they fought their way through the maze, none could tell. There were no windows, and the entire place smelled thickly of dust, mold, and death. Finally, exausted and weary, they reached the end. They were now in what once must have been a grand and magnificent room. At the end was a large oval mirror. At their approach, a shining white light appeared. Once it dimmed, a person clad in majestic white robes and large, delicate wings stood before them---an angel. In his hands he held what appeared to be a large green disk with intricate patterns, designs, and runes on it. Suddenly, as swift as lightning, he hurled it at Teryn. The boy raised his hand to block the attack, but as suddenly as it came at him, it was gone. He looked questionly towards the angel, but the angel merely smiled and glanced at the boy's hand. And there it was: the same, glowing, green disk-shaped pattern on his hand. The angel explained that they had passed the Trial of the Labyrinth, and that the image on his hand was a piece of the Rhistar. When its power was summoned, a holy weapon would appear to help him in a time of need. But there were still four more that they must find before the entire power of the Rhistar could be unleashed. The angel told them that the next piece would be found to the west. After that, he vanished and the group vanished with him. When they awoke, they were right outside of the crumbling temple, and they started off to the next location. About a month had passed since Teryn defeated the Trial of the Labyrinth, and they had passed many more trials: Litasai passed the Trial of Illusion, Rochnar passed the Trial of Strength, Koryu passed the Trial of Courage, and Aelas passed the Trial of Darkness. Time, however, was running out. During the month, Mamnor's legions had extended their reach to the north and farther west. More than once they had to battle their way through the enemies camps and new territories. After thinking that they must have been walking for ages, they arrived at the gates to the Necromancer's stronghold. They ran through the courtyard, fighting off what monsters remained (luckily for their sake, most of Mamnor's minions were on a scouting expedition that the group had managed to dodge). They ran up a long flight of steps until they came to a long hallway with a huge wooden door at the end. This was where the Necromancer was. The pieces of the Rhistar began to glow now. Feeling the presence of evil, the magic of the Rhistar wanted to be released to fight it. Deciding that now was the moment that they've been waiting for, everyone began to summon the mysterious powers that had been dormant for so long. Just as the angel in the labyrinth had predicted, they were given weapons that would aid them in the final battle. Teryn was given a longsword with a mithril blade. Litasai recieved a magical staff that would greatly increase her magic's strength. Koryu was given armor that was as strong as mithril, light as a feather, and allowed him to move freely. Rochnar recieved gauntlets that increased his strength and boots that allowed him to move faster. Aelas was given twin scimitars that glowed with fire. Just when they were about to open the door, a soft and deep cackle filled the air as the door opened by itself. Cautiously, they entered. It was dim inside the large room, and it took a few moments for their eyes to grow accustomed to it. Aelas, having the sharpest eyes, was the first to see Mamnor as he was preparing a large energy blast to hurl at them. He shouted a warning and everyone barely managed to dodge the attack that shot a large chunk of the doorframe off. The Necromancer was preparing another attack when he noticed that the pieces of the Rhistar were glowing even more brightly. The light from them was so bright that even the companions turned their eyes away from the light shining forth from their hands. All could hear Mamnor shriek in pain as he fell to the floor and shielded his eyes with his hands. The angel that they met in the Labyrinth appeared in front of the companions and told them that now was the chance to attack Mamnor while he was weak. They held their weapons ready and charged forward, but Mamnor was not defeated yet. He hurled lightning at them with one hand while the other protected his face as much as it could. The heroes flew all the way across the room from the force of the blast, which gave Mamnor time to get to his feet. Litasai used her magical staff to help her rise to her feet. Then she had an idea. Saying the words of magic, she aimed her staff at Mamnor just as he was about to finish them all off. Mamnor froze where he stood and couldn't move. With a bitter curse, he tried to break free, but with the help of the Rhistar, the restrainig spell was to strong for him. By then the others were on their feet as well and they quickly attacked him. Mamnor sank to his knees from the pain as Litasai staggered from exhaustion. With a final, bitter vow, the Necromancer's eyes clouded over, and he died. Even though Mamnor's reign was over and his minions fled into hiding once more, the damage he had caused remained. The trees were still cut down or burned, the villages and cities were still ashes and cinders, and the alliances between elves, humans, and dwarves were still stretched thin. It would take many years for Lysanor to heal. Just as the heroes trudged wearily out of the stronghold, a rumbling came from behind them. They turned around and saw that the fortress was sinking in upon itself. When the dust cleared and the earth stopped shaking, it was no more than a pile of rubble. They decided that now was the time to go home. Aelas, however, had other plans. Since he just couldn't grow accustomed to living the same way the others did, and since he couldn't go back home, he headed off in a seperate direction and became a traveler. Eventually, everyone decided to go their seperate ways. Rochnar went to the mountains up north, Litasai traveled farther west where there were still a few forests remaining, Koryu traveled back out west to take care of the remaining demons that might still be lurking about, and Teryn went to the south. When they were gone, the angel returned at the site where all five of them were last together. And upon a large rock, the angel engraved the following: [i]Lysanor is forever grateful to Teryn, Koryu, Litasai, Rochnar, and Aelas---the Heroes of the Rhistar.[/i] The End[/color]
  11. [color=009966]Yep. It's not free, but (if my memory serves me right) I think he lowers the price of the shield by 20 rupees or something. [/color]
  12. [color=009966]Maybe you can teleport like Zelda? ;) You do have magical powers, ya know.[/color]
  13. [color=009966]Dude, that is so cool! ^________^ I just wish that in the demo you could leave Koikiri Forest, but the idea is great. [/color]
  14. [color=009966]Ooooooh....All the choices.... Alot of those were really funny, but Heaven's Cloud's caption really made me laugh. ^_____^ Take it away, HC. BTW, I do [i]NOT[/i] steal pics from Juu's notebook. :cross:[/color]
  15. [color=009966][i]Samantha was almost there now. Up ahead she could almost see the hollow log that would lead to the village. Just a bit more.... Suddenly a bush-like creature jumped up in front of her---a Deku Shrub. Samantha stopped suddenly as it blocked the way to the village. Then she noticed that it wasn't an ordinary deku shrub; this one was black with dark green leaves and red eyes. She grabbed her slingshot and loaded it, but barely managed to dodge as the deku shrub shot a large seed of its own at her. She released the shot, reloaded and shot again before the deku shrub took off running. Samantha stared at it as it ran away from the village.[/i] Samantha: "What's a creature like that doing in our peaceful home?"[/color]
  16. [color=009966][i]Lita was helping Samantha aim with her Deku Slingshot when she saw Sakura coming towards her.[/i] Samantha: "Hey, Sakura! Are you out training again?" Sakura: "No, I already finished that." [i]Samantha put her slingshot around her small belt as Lita and Davi flew off to play together, but always staying close to their companions.[/i] Sakura: "The Deku Tree is about to start telling some of his stories. Do you want to come?" Samantha: "Sure. The Deku Tree's stories are great! Who would want to miss out?" [i]Samantha and Sakura, followed by Lita and Davi, ran to the edge of Koikiri Forest. In the clearing, all the other Koikiri were gathered around listening as the Deku Tree started his story. He was retelling the tale of the Triforce when suddenly, a dark shadow covered the sky.[/color][/i]
  17. [color=009966]Looks like I left out alot more than I thought....Sorry 'bout that. :bluesweat[/color]
  18. [color=009966]Coolness! Here's the new pic that some of the LOTR fans might like. ^____^ Enjoy![/color] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=402882[/img]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ohkami [/i] [B]My Profile: Name:Sakura Age:16 Description:Chocolate brown hair,emerald eyes,a blue tunic suit like Link's. Weapon(s):The master sword passed on from Link,Bow and arrows,Hookshot Race:Hyrulian Parent:Link Extra Item:Ocarina of Time with all the Songs. Sign up and Enjoy!!I hope it goes well!!!:D [/B][/QUOTE] [color=009966]Sorry, Shinkoru, but Ohkami has already claimed the Ocarina of Time. ;)[/color]
  20. [color=009966]Tourguide: "And if you will look straight ahead, you see our two pilots, Bill and....HOLY CRAP!!"[/color]
  21. [color=009966]Name: Samantha Age: 14 (looks like 8) Description: about 3'4", red-golden hair, blue eyes, wears a green shirt and skirt, small, brown ankle-high boots, and pointy ears. Weapon: Slingshot Race: Kokiri Parent: Saria Extra Item: a fairy named Lita[/color]
  22. [color=009966]Since all the bards are taken.... Name: Zelaisyan Airserke (How to say it: Zell* eye* see* ann Air* serr* kay) Type: Instead of a warrior, can I be a mage? :toothy: Age: 17 Weapon: dagger Bio: Zelaisyan was raised in a forest by her mother, a merchant, and father, a knight. Since her parents were gone most of the time, she grew bored easily until she acquired a spellbook her mother had purchased from a young wizard. Having nothing better to do, she soon began studying and deciphering the magical runes until she cast her first spell. After that she realized that she loved the Art and went to a school of sorcerry where her Master, Maurmor, taught her almost everything that she currently knows about magic. Now not only is she gifted in the Art of magic, she has also taken to wandering and she never stays in one place for too long. If I need to change anything, just let me know. [/color]
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juuthena [/i] [B][color=ff00cc] [size=1]*pokes* You forgot 'Weird'! x.x [/color] [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=009966]I knew I forgot one.... >.>; Geez! I'm gone for two hours, and there's already this many replies!? o_0 [/color] [QUOTE][b][color=ff00cc][size=1]Though, I'm a totally different person depending on who I am at the time. (Juu/Dyne/Purple Cow) [/color][/size][/b][/QUOTE] [color=009966]"Purple Cow"? Why are you called that?[/color]
  24. [color=009966]What I mean is, what describes you the most in your family? In every family, everyone has their own spirits/personalities, likes/dislikes, habbits/hobbies, characteristics/traits. So what are [i]you?[/i] [b]The Angel:[/b] You're the one who doesn't do anything wrong. You do what you're told when you're told, you get along with everyone, you always do your school work, ect. :angel: [b]The Demon:[/b] You're the one who's always out causing trouble or mischief. You don't care what people think of you, and if they got a problem with you, they just might find something nasty waiting for them in their locker or such.... :devil: [b]The Athlete:[/b] Just what it means: you're the athlete of the family. You're always participating in sports, watching sports, have pictures of professional athletes around your room, ect. [b]The Rebel:[/b] You are the one who rebels against anything and everything, even if there's no cause. If your mom tells you to do the dirty dishes, you don't do it. If your teacher tells you to do your classwork, you refuse to do it. You just [i]won't[/i] do anything that you don't want to do. [b]The Bookworm:[/b] You're the one who reads any chance you can get. During your free time, you read. At school, your nose is burried in a book. When you're at the computer, you're reading fan-fics, posts, and such. There's no stopping you once you get your hands on a book. [b]The Comedian:[/b] At home, you're the one who makes everyone laugh. At school, you're the class clown. At a dance, you're the life of the party telling your jokes. No one can help but to smile when you're around 'cause you're always goofing off. You're just the Funny Guy. [b]The Musician:[/b] Piano, trumpet, flute, drums, singing, you love to play/sing those instruments/songs. You're very talented when it comes to music, and it's fun for you. [b]The Brains:[/b] What would your family do without you? *thinks for a moment* Oh well. If someone needs help with homework, you always know how to help with the math or science stuff, and you launch into a long explanation about how to do it....while the person you're helping get's lost in your lecture. :lecture: [b]The Artist:[/b] Art, photography, writing literature/RPG's, poetry, drawing, you just love art! You're very creative when it comes to this type of stuff, plus it's fun! What's [i]not[/i] to like about art? [b]The Emotional One:[/b] When something bad happens at school, you're depressed for the rest of the day. When something good happens to you, you're so happy and you're on top of the world! If your goldfish dies, you cry for hours. If you're angry, stand back! You're not afraid to let your emotions and feelings show---it's just who you are. [b]The Silent One:[/b] You withdraw from everyone and hardly say anything. You tend to just sit in a corner and observe everyone while you keep your thoughts to yourself, and you tend to blend in a bit. Maybe not very social, but you enjoy the silence and solitude. So, vote away. I know that some may fall under more than one category, but vote what you think suits you best. ;)[/color]
  25. [color=009966]Those are sad....and disturbing. The second one is funny though....[/color]
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