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Everything posted by Deedlit

  1. [color=009966]Keh! All of you are lucky. >.>;; We're gonna be too busy tomorrow, and we can't get our copy until Thursday, if even then. We should have it by Saturday, though....[size=1]hopefully....[/size][/color]
  2. [color=009966]ooooh! ^^ I like it! *saves so that she can brag about it when Gavin becomes famous. "I have an original pic of Ru Kaiyu by The Gavin!"*[/color]
  3. [color=009966]It's just a game. I mean, it's not like we're off creating our own religion or anything. As long as you don't take it seriously, I consider that it's OK.[/color]
  4. [color=009966]The hornets and mosquitoes are coming out.... >.> Those are some of the things that I [i]didn't[/i] miss during winter.... The bushes are growing buds and the flowers are blooming, the trees have white blossoms and the leaves are sprouting, and plus the weather is warming up alot. ^___^[/color]
  5. [color=009966][i]Elsyan finally arrived at the gates of the the village up ahead. She walked towards the center of the town where many small booths were located and glanced around when she saw one of these booths with a sign that said "Magical Items." Noticing that her pouch of spell components was really light, Elsyan walked over to the booth. The owner greeted her immediately.[/i] owner: "Hello, there! I bet you could really use some magic powder, couldn't you?" Elsyan: "Maybe. What kind of magic powder?" owner: "Well...it's...uh...really hard to pronounce, so I can't tell you right now." [i]Elsyan eyed the man doubtfully.[/i] Elsyan: (sarcastically) "Really? Let me see this magic powder." [i]The owner handed her a small pouchfull. She opened it and dumped a small portion of what looked like sand into her right palm. Saying just a single word of magic, she waited for the sand to react. Nothing. She dumped the sand back into the bag and handed it back to the owner.[/i] Elsyan: "No, thank you. I don't have a use for ordinary sand." [i]Elsyan walked away from the booth. Drat it. My supply of spell components is really low, too, she thought gloomily. I'll have to keep an eye open for a [/i]real[i] mageware shop. A small wind swept through the town. Just as Elsyan was moving her hair out of her eyes, she saw an herbal shop to the left. She went towards it, hoping that they might have some of the plants she needed here.[/i][/color]
  6. [quote]Ok facts man, who's to say that Saddam would even use or sell weapons to a terrorist? The man is not foolish, all the experts I've heard speak on 60 Mins have said that he only wants the weapons to insure that he is not take out of power.[/quote] [FONT=arial]Saddam has publicly supported acts of terrorism. I'm sure he has at least a small hand in helping them in some way.[/FONT] [quote]Why are we so worried about atrocities in Iraq, they go on all over the world in Africa, China, NK, the Philipiesn, etc. We are going after Iraq because Bush does not like Saddam, he is finnishing his father's job. The next reason is Oil, we love it and need it and we hate paying alot for it. The final reason is because they are manufacturing weapons of mass destruction. The last reason is the only worthy one. But right now Bush is pushing human rights, so lets fix the rest of the world while were at it.[/quote] [FONT=arial]oy, again with the oil. unless you've got some 'facts' to back up your accusations, don't bother saying them. one of the reasons why Bush is singling out Iraq at the moment is because its leader has weapons he wouldn't mind using on us, if given the chance. yeah, so does China and North Korea, etc., but Bush probably has enough on his plate to deal with as it is. deal with one thing at a time. [/FONT]
  7. [FONT=arial]I haven't heard or remember a lot of Beck (besides Loser and The New Pollution), but I really like those MP3's. yet another CD I have to add to my wish list. >.>'[/FONT]
  8. [FONT=arial]this is amibasuki posting in Deedlit's account, because her name won't log out for some reason :flaming:. oy, where to start..... I might repeat a lot of what was said in earlier posts (seeing as there's another 8 pages so far), but hear me out. speaking concerning the statement that the U.S. is going to war for the oil, the only proof anyone has against Bush about that is when he urged the Iraqi citizens not to burn their oil in his speech (if there is, please fill me in; not meaning to be sarcastic). even then, it doesn't mean he was implying he was going to have us take it for ourselves. if they burned all that oil, it would just make gas prices even worse than they already are. he said that out of concern for the economy; at least that's how I'm looking at it. anyway... I'll go ahead and say I [i]really[/i] don't like the idea of going to war. the thought that people somewhere are going to die because of it scares me. but if there's no other way to disarm Saddam and get him out of power, then I support it. something's got to be done. someone who doesn't feel guilt about killing his own citizens for the sake of experimentation and God knows what else shouldn't have the power to be a dictator. by all means, if peacefully talking it out would be all it took to disarm him, I'd be all for it; but he's already been given chances to peacefully disarm himself, and he didn't cooperate. if he didn't cooperate then, what in the [i]world[/i] would make anyone think that trying to peacefully talk him out of it (again) would work now? plus, he might be more of a threat than some think. nobody knows for sure just how many weapons he actually has at his disposal anyway. maybe this thought is a bit pessimistic (and maybe unrealistic), but he could be hiding 10 times as many WMD than the inspectors have seen or know about. like I said, might be unrealistic, but not totally impossible. think about it; assuming he [i]did[/i] have that many weapons, I doubt he'd be in a hurry to tell anybody, seeing as we'd be even more adamant about disarming him. but either way, he's certainly not keeping what weapons he does have to just look at and admire them. waiting for him to agree with us without doing something about it would just give him more time to find ways to make use of them. so yeah, I think some action should be taken against him. I don't think however that it's a good idea to automatically assume that everything's gonna go quick and easy just because 'hey, we're the U.S., no one can defeat us!', though the whole ordeal really could only last for a little while. anywho, I think I've said everything I wanted to say. hopefully I made some sense. please (politely) correct any facts I've gotten wrong. [/FONT]
  9. [color=009966]Yeah, it's really cool. I haven't played the original version though, so I only know the GC version, and it's awesome! ^__^ I'm only on the Forest Temple, but I've seen my brother play and beat the game so I know what's going to happen later on. Now if only they could make the other games for the GC...[/color]
  10. [color=009966]EVIL CUCCOS!!! :eek: Heh. I remember when I first saw it on the game. I accidentally hit it with my sword, and I saw that I hurt it. Being the curious person that I am, I kept hitting it, and hitting it, and hitting it....then the sky was clouded with cucoos! Needless to say that it surprised me and I almost died from them. :bluesweat The only time I mess with cucoos now is when there's a door nearby or when I'm on Epona.[/color]
  11. [color=009966]Stupid government...stupid Iraq... I think that sums it up for now.[/color]
  12. [color=009966]1) What do you collect? 2) How much of the item(s) do you have? 3) What is your favorite out of all the items? 4) How long have you been collecting it/them? 1.) Legolas, (:p) fantasy stuff, anime, and I used to collect bugs....until my mom threw them all out.... >.> 2.) Too many to count....x_x 3.) Legolas! ^__^ 4.) I've been collecting bugs for a few years, same with anime, fantasy stuff, and I started collecting Legolas ever since I first saw LOTR.[/color]
  13. [color=009966][b]Are you male or female?[/b] female [b]How long has your longest relationship lasted?[/b] Single [b]What was the worst ending to a relationship you have been in?[/b] Always been single. ^__^ [b]What is the one thing you hope to find in your perfect mate?[/b] someone who is sane. j/k [b]what is your pet peve about the people you date?[/b] I don't date, but I can't stand it when people are obnoxious. [b]Have you ever used a pick up line?[/b] no [b]Have you ever had a pick up line used on you? [/b] erm...not that I know of...:/ [b]Girls only What do men want?[/b] um...someone they can talk to? [b]In your opinon, what is the general behavior of women?[/b] that depends...[/color]
  14. [color=009966]Gavers! You're back! ^^ Name: Elsyan Maiya Age: 18 (in human years. ;)) Race: Elf Weapon: Her magical staff and a dagger bio: Elsyan Maiya is a mage, and technically, a young one going by elven standards. Even though she knows nothing about the Dragon Armory, she's about to find out soon enough. (Sorry it's so short. I'll try to add to it later. :bluesweat) description: Elsyan is about 5'3", has long red hair, and emerald-green eyes. She wears the White Robes--white robes that go down to her feet, have wide sleeves, and secret pockets hidden throughout. Her staff is wooden with a silver crystal at the top. Usually she uses this with some of her spells.[/color]
  15. [color=009966]I think that we will be extinct loooong before then if the world's current conditions keep multiplying and getting worse.[/color]
  16. [color=009966]I'm starting to wonder if there's an evil doctor that's tampering with viruses like that and adding all sorts of chemicals to them to make them like that....>.> o_0[/color]
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juuthena [/i] [B][color=ff00cc] [size=1]I forgot to include that! ^_^; *huggles life-size leggy poster* [i]He's mine...[/i][/color] [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=009966]Haha. You [i]wish![/i] :p My banner's still up if you want to drool over it. :p j/k *hugs her own Legolas poster along with her action figure and plushie.*[/color]
  18. [color=009966]What little peace, quiet, and solitude I can get. V_V I also like my anime, book, and Legolas collection. ^__^[/color]
  19. [color=009966]I'd buy a nice house first so that I can move out of here...^^ *sighs and thinks of her dream house* Then I'd spend some on art supplies, furniture, a small car, and then I think I'd put some into savings.[/color]
  20. [color=009966][i]After a few minutes of watching her pace back and forth, Tasamer decided to explore the room some, but Elsyan didn't notice. Every now and then she would hear her uncle's voice whispering to her "Come....Come to me, Elsyan....". Elsyan knew what she had to do, but how she would do it was the question. The door to Raistlin's laboratory was guarded by a specter, and even if she could get inside, there was still the matter about how she would be able to open the portal to the Abyss, which was guarded by the five dragon heads that represented the Queen of Darkness herself. All Raistlin had told her was to leave everything to him, and that was about all that she [/i]could[i] do. The Staff of Magius tapped lightly against the floor as she came out of her thoughts just in time to see Tasamer open the door. Staring at him were two disembodied eyes--a specter. Tasamer pleasantly launched into a conversation with it.[/i] Tasamer: "Hello, there. I'm Ta' Samerillth, but you can call me Tasamer. Who are you?" [i]The specter ignored the question.[/i] Specter: "Lord Dalamar summons you. Come with me." [/color]
  21. [color=009966]Hmmm. Tough one.... May I ask the audience? :toothy:[/color]
  22. [color=009966]Well, it depends on what you plan on doing when you get a job, and it depends on which college has the classes that you need. *nudge* go to UGA! ;)[/color]
  23. Deedlit


    [color=009966][i]Elsyan walked through the woods, lost in her own thoughts. She didn't notice anything unusual until an arrow embedded itself into the trunk of a tree an inch from her face. Startled, she popped out of her thoughts and glanced around. How could she not have realized that she had walked straight into a battle?! Elves and humans were going at each others throat! Elsyan groaned. When would they stop the fighting already? At this rate, they would kill each of the races off. She was about to walk away when one of the humans saw her.[/i] human: "Look! There's another Elf!" [i]Darn them! Several of the humans also noticed her and were advancing. It's too late now, Elsyan thought grimly. She reached into her sleeve and drew forth a long dagger and held her staff ready. One of the humans rushed at her, but Elsyan knocked him out cold with a single whack of her staff. The others hesitated for a moment, but then they decided that they would chance it. They moved forward to attack.[/i][/color]
  24. [color=009966][i]Elsyan Majere walked through the city of Palanthas. She stopped to glance around. It was almost sunset, but it still felt just as hot as a summer afternoon. There would be no peace in the evening from the pitiless heat that killed crops and took all the water greedily. She pulled her hood away from her face to try to cool herself off. It didn't help at all. She let her hair fall down her shoulders as she glanced left and right as if she were looking for something. Finally she found it: The Tower of High Sorcerry, commanded by Dalamar the Dark. It was in this tower not too long ago that Elsyan had taken her Test. Even though Dalamar told her that it was nothing but an illusion, it felt so real. She shivered a little, despite the merciless heat, and gazed at the dreaded tower that stood out so much in contrast to the golden city. This was where she was headed. She passed by many of the shops and through the city until she came to a road where the paving grew scarce, then stopped altogether, for no one wanted to step near the Shoikan Grove that protected the tower. Elsyan took a step near the giant oak trees. She shivered as if something cold, very cold, brushed up against her. She took another step, then another, and she was slowly lost to the mist and fog that came up from the ground.[/i][/color]
  25. [color=009966]Those are....um....very interesting....:/ :bluesweat[/color]
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