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Everything posted by Deedlit

  1. [color=009966]I'm sorry to hear that, BG. :( I've never lost anyone who was close to me, so I don't think that I can be much of a help. I just wish that you'll feel better soon. [/color]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Etarah's Maverick [/i] [B][color=teal]Today, I had a revelation: I am a failure. My father gave me a lecture about exactly how stupid I am because I failed to do the dishes, laundry, vacuuming, and room-cleaning wrong. Then, I received a lecture from my uncle about life over the phone because of my "authority" issue. On top of all of this, I got another lecture from my dad, who had to redo all of my chores even though he has pneumonia. A few days ago, I had an argument with the closest friend I have over the phone. My grades have been dropping. I took an eye screening on Friday and got news that my eyesight is way below par for a teenager, and I might need glasses or laser surgery. And the icing on the cake is that Jaimie, my girlfriend, left me. Now, I ask....what do I do? I'm not known for giving up on anything, so what do I do? Turn away from tradition and give up? Keep going, hoping I can live through this storm? Or just stand still, keeping things as bad as they are, not improving, but not getting worse? Or do I end it all.......what do I do?[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=009966]Cheer up, John. There's no way possible that you're a failure, unless you keep thinking that you are. That's the only time you really fail. If you did the chores wrong, don't worry about it. It was probably an accident. ^_- As for lectures, every parent has to give them out sooner or later. It's like a second job for them. They're just trying to help. ^_- The reason why your grades are dropping is because you're preoccupied with other things. Just get your head out of the gloom and keep going. ;) John, if you think that being a failure means having bad eyes, that must make me a failure ten times over. :drunk: You can't help having bad eyes, so it's not your fault. It's not really my business to ask about your love situation, but just keep going. All in all, I think you know what my answer is: Keep going, and don't forget that you have us here at OtakuBoards. ^_-[/color]
  3. [color=009966]Meh, might as well....happy Valentine's Day. It was funny though. Everyone at school showed up wearing white, pink, or red. I must've been the only one to show up in a black shirt. lol :p But yeah, just another ordinary day if you ask me. [/color]
  4. [color=009966]I was sick on Thursday, Friday, all weekend, Monday, and I'm still sick! After the first three days of staying home, I decided that I was gonna go to school whether I was better or not since everyone else at school was/is sick anyhow.... >.>; Stupid bronochitis.....(sp?) *walks off mumbling and coughing*[/color]
  5. [color=009966]Ahhh....My own little world....^-^ Yeah, I zone out alot and go there. Everything is just the way it should be....but sometimes I love it so much that when I have to come back here, such as when my day-dream is over, I get depressed easily. It makes me want to just stay there forever instead of being in this miserable place.[/color]
  6. [color=009966]Disney and....Tokyopop!? :faint: I never thought the day would come when something so evil and diabolical would happen between the two. I can easily imagine Kim Possible as a manga, and I'm OK with that since I find the show highly amusing and entertaining, but Lizzie Maguire?! Come now. That show is so annoying. Lizzie's too overdramatic and makes a big deal over everything....bleh.... *walks off mumbling "Why? Why must this dishonor come to anime?"*[/color]
  7. [color=009966]:therock: That's just absurd. I have plenty of guy friends, and none of them think that if they hang out with a girl they will be considered a loser. Bleh, don't think too much on what they said. They're just being ignorant.[/color]
  8. [color=009966]No thanks, JC. I'm sure everyone will pass on that one....>.>;;[/color]
  9. [color=009966]Grrr....I hate chain letters! :bash::evil3::angry2: All they do is take up space in my mailbox. Whenever someone sends me one, I just delete it. I don't have the patience to scroll down through all those names until I find the actual message, which just says something dumb like "Send this to 20 people and a dog will run across your screen! Yay!" Bah! So what if a dog runs across the screen, if it even works! They act like we have nothing better to do with our time. Even though that's not exactly a lie....:p I don't believe it's bad luck at all. Just ignore it....[/color]
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juuthena [/i] [B][color=ff00cc] [size=1]omigosh!! I love Valentine's Day!!!!! eeeeeeeee!!! ^_______^ *prances around* I just learned how to make Origami Hearts in Japanese Class, and I can't wait to pass them out! ^^ I can't wait to pass out all the cards, the candy... So much to do! ^^ I really like Valentine's Day. It's my favorite holiday all year! It's always fun to celebrate, and I love decorating! eeeee... *makes more cards*[/color] [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=009966]o_0 Juu, you are the definition of "enthusiastic."[/color]
  11. [color=009966]Bah! I can't stand Valentine's Day. >< too many hearts and pink stuff....Plus, I don't see a point in it.[/color]
  12. [color=009966]A man decided to rob a bank. He stole the money, then ran back outside to his Get-Away car. When he got inside his car, he noticed that he was out of gas. The man gets out of his car and runs down the street until he gets to a car dealer. The crook then says to the manager that he would like to buy a car, so the manager hands the him some paperwork. While the dude was filling out the papers, the manager calls 911. About 5 minutes later, the police arrived and arrested the crook. But how did the manager know that he was a crook? ......Perhaps he should've taken the mask off his head.....[/color]
  13. [color=009966]Aeslia: "Had your fun, did you?" [i]John turned around to find Aeslia calmly walking across the bridge towards the shattered door. The only sound she made was the Staff of Duraast tapping lightly against the floor and her black robes rustling about her ankles. She stopped a short distance away from John.[/i] John: "I guess you could say that, if you would consider defeating these pathetic knights entertaining." [i]Aeslia didn't reply, but moved to the door and looked outside, stepping over the charred bodies. [/i] Aeslia: "Hmph. Those knights didn't stand a chance....I find it amusing, yet I can't help but pity them." [i]John sniffed derisively.[/i] John: "Don't waste your sympathy on them. They got what was coming to them." Aeslia: "Perhaps..."[/color]
  14. [color=009966][i]Elsyan quickly stood up and followed after Fli.[/i] Elsyan: "Fli, wait up! It won't do any good going out there alone. I'll come with you." [i]Fli paused for a moment to wait for her to catch up.[/i] Fli: "Alright, but we gotta hurry. For all we know, they could've frozen to death, fallen through some thin ice and drowned, get lost, or be dragged away by some creature." Ace: "Gee, aren't we being pessimistic?" Fli: "I'm just stating the facts." [i]They didn't have to go far before they found some prints in the ground. They were very obscurred, however, and just look like someone was playing in the snow.[/i] Elsyan: "You know what, I think they were dragged away by some creature...." Fli: "What makes you say that? It just looks like someone was rolling around here." [i]Elsyan knelt down and pointed to some talon marks in the snow. The claws were the size of a watermellon. [/i] Ace: "That is one big bird....." Elsyan: "Apparently while they were wandering around, something appeared out of the blizard." [i]Elsyan stared from one marking to the next, reading the prints as if she were reading a book.[/i] Elsyan: "It looks as if someone was sitting right here, then dodged to the side just as the bird came after it, or at least judging by the imprint in the snow with the talon mark on top of it. Then it looks like there was a struggle of some sort, then the tracks end here." Fli: "That's probably when the thing carried them off." [i]All three of them were quiet a moment, then looked at each other, sharing the same thought.[/i] Elsyan: "You don't think that it's the bird Bozel was telling us about, do you?" Fli: "I'll bet anything that it is. Come on. We've wasted enough time already. Let's find the others."[/color]
  15. [color=009966]LOL I really liked the last part! ^_____^[/color]
  16. [color=009966]Yes, that would be ssj chic. Maybe this thread should be moved to the picture forum....[/color]
  17. [color=009966]lol It's just as good as season one! :D:haha: Bring on the episodes!! :excited:[/color]
  18. [color=009966]I'm watching it on CNN right now. The strange thing is is that this morning when we were driving to church, I looked out the window and saw some black smoke in a thin line really high up in the sky. I know that it happened over Texas, but is it possible that we can see part of the damage all the way from Georgia? I just thought it was really wierd....[/color]
  19. [color=009966]Luckily nothing that serious has ever happened....or at least from what I've seen....(small town...) The worst that has happened is a minor car wreck or a nearby house burning down.[/color]
  20. [color=009966]Evil, eh? Haven't been evil in a while.... [b]Name:[/b] Aeslia Camrion [b]Race:[/b] High Elf (See bio...) [b]Class:[/b] Mage [b]Alignment:[/b] The Axis of Evil [b]Weaponry/Armor:[/b] No armor, but she does have many daggers hidden in her robes, and she has the Staff of Duraast. [b]Description:[/b] Aeslia has long red hair that goes down past her waist. She has liquid-gold eyes, which was a scar from what happened to her several years ago. She wears long black robes with wide sleeves, which holds a cleverly made sheath where she keeps one of her many daggers in. The Staff of Duraast is just as tall as Aeslia if not an inch or two taller. The staff is made of pewter, and at the top there's a large piece of black diamond that was shaped into the form of a dragon's claw using magic. Clutched in the diamond's claw is a green crystal which sometimes helps Aeslia with her spells. [b]Bio:[/b] When Aeslia was 10 years old, she was kidnapped from her home by some of Cloricus's minions who were trying to recruit some people to the Axis of Evil. Cloricus threatened that if she didn't join his side that he would kill her and her family. Aeslia had no choice but to agree, and now the only life she knows is a life of evil. Cloricus then taught her magic, and Aeslia is now very skilled in it. Since she was learning Black Magic, however, and elves are known as the embodiment of good, the Art caused her eyes to change color drastically, going from emerald-green to a liquid-gold. Let me know if I need to change anything.[/color]
  21. [color=009966]Is it too late to sign up?[/color]
  22. [color=009966]I don't have a sword, though I've always wanted one....>.>;; [/color]
  23. [color=009966][i]Zelda listened to the story. Even though it was the second time she heard it, it was still very confusing. It was near the end of the story when a man with brown hair, wearing a knight's uniform walked into the room. He stopped abruptly when he saw Link and three other people in the room. His hand went to the hilt of his sword as he ran over to stand beside Zelda and Link.[/i] ???: "Princess Zelda! Link! Are you all right? Who are these two? And what's this deamon doing here?" Nado: "I'm not evil, for crying out loud!!" Zelda: "We're alright, Grisunda. Link and some of his friends decided to drop by for a while." Grisunda: "Alright, but who are they?" Link: "This is Zudo, Nado, and Miaku--" [i]Grisunda drew his sword.[/i] Grisunda: "And what's [i]he[/i] doing with the Master Sword? How'd he take it from the Sacred Pedistal?! Did he steal it?" Miaku: "Of course I didn't!" Zelda: "It's alright, Grisunda. Please put your sword away." [i]Grisunda reluctantly agreed, but he still kept it loose in its sheath.[/i] Link: "We'll try to explain it as best as we can. You see, it's like this...." Zudo: "How many times in one day do we have to repeat this?"[/color]
  24. [color=009966]Eh, ight as well be one of the original characters.... [b]Name:[/b] Zelda [b]Race:[/b] Hylian [b]Age:[/b] I'm not exactly sure on Zelda's age...I'll just put 22...:bluesweat [b]Items/Weapons:[/b] For the moment, a blessed dagger with ancient runes [b]Description:[/b] See attachment [b]Bio:[/b] Zelda is part of the Royal Family and is a best friend to Link. She keeps the Triforce of Wisdom, something that Gannondorf had been trying to take from her years ago. She also has the ability to turn into Shiek. [/color]
  25. [color=009966][i]Elsyan swam to the surface of the freezing water, taking a deep breath that turned to a gasp as she felt the stinging cold wind whip across her wet face. Her teeth rattling, she swam over to one of the many drifting ice-floats and climbed onto it. She glanced up and saw that many of the others were scattered around on other ice-floats. Now what pop quiz was Bozel up to? Some objective they had to complete first? She doubted that since they already completed that test. Survival? Possibly. Elsyan stood up and, walking along the ice-floats, reached the others.[/i][/color]
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