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Everything posted by Deedlit
[color=009966][i]Elsyan still eyed the man strangely as he began tightening the stirrups on his horse. She sighed deeply then walked over to Athenos. [/i] Elsyan: "I'm sorry that I was rude. It's just that I've been too suspicious of everyone lately." [i]Athenos shrugged.[/i] Athenos: "It's alright. [i]Elsyan walked over to Fielith and stroked his neck.[/i] Elsyan: "Is it true what people say? About the Azra being the best horse breeders?"[/color]
[color=009966]meh, I'll give it a try.... Name: Samantha Airserke Age: 18 Sex: female Appearance: Samantha has long red hair that goes down to her waist, stands at 5'4", and has dark green eyes. She wears black pants and a black shirt with the picture of a dragon on it. Bio: Samantha can't remember much about her life. The only things she does remember came to her through sudden flashbacks. It was after one of these that she discovered that she knew some magic. (sorry, but it's the only thing that I can think of for a bio. :bluesweat) Weapon: dagger Armor: leather Accessory: a wooden staff with a blue crystal at the top. Materia: Earth and Restore Spells: Bolt2, Ice3, and Life2 Limit Breaks: 1a: Magi-force (her eyes change to a liquid-gold color and her magic become much stronger) 1b: Trikick (she kicks out at someone, kicking it three times per second) 2b: Sun's Radiance (A bright flash of light temporarily blinds someone) Let me know if I need to change anything.[/color]
[color=009966][i]Elsyan's head snapped up with a jerk. She looked out the window and noticed that it was morning. She cursed to herself angrily. She must've dozed off--probably because she didn't get any sleep the night before--when she came down here last night to get something to eat. She rubbed her eyes and clutched her staff, reassuring herself that she still had it. She looked around the common room; business was better today and more people were there. She stood up and was heading towards the stairs when she felt a hot wave of air come down the stairs. [/i] Elsyan: "What the...?" [i]Elsyan curiously walked up the stairs to see what was causing the immense heat. She saw two people near the end of the hall talking. One of them looked like he was a priest, so the heat or fire or whatever was in there must have something to do with his studies or meditation. The heat was becoming unbearably hot, and Elsyan thought better of staying up there. She turned back around and walked back downstairs. The heat, however, continued to crawl its way to the common room until it was nearly as hot as it was upstairs. Elsyan decided to take a walk outside for a while. She opened the door of The Post and walked out into the cool refreshing air.[/i][/color]
[color=009966]I love the LOTR soundtrack! ^^ My favorites are Concerning Hobbits and A Knife in the Dark. Those are really cool! Some of the songs even gave me chills at some parts.[/color]
[color=009966][i]Elsyan moved to stand beside the other two.[/i] Elsyan: "I will also go. We need all the help we can get to defeat him, and I'm sure that my bow can be of some use."[/color]
[color=009966]Elsyan: "Here goes nothing...." [i]Elsyan threw the smoke bomb at one of the strange beasts. It landed in front of a group, causing them all to choke and gag until they fell to the ground unconcious. Elsyan smiled to herself in satisfaction and looked up, then frowned. What was there to be happy about? Sure, she took down about four of them, but what good would that do now that there were still thousands more left? Again, she raised the dagger, but she stopped when she realized that her right hand was extremely warm. She looked down to see the stone lying in her right palm, the inner flame glowing brighter than ever. She had forgotten all about it up until now. She stared at the stone curiously.[/i] Elsyan: "Surely this thing has some power in it. How the heck do I use it though?" [i]Elsyan became so frustrated from the puzzle and was about to put the stone in one of her pockets when she felt a surge of energy go up her arm and into her very being. It was a wonderful fascination, and she became a bit giddy and lightheaded from the unexpected burst of energy. Some firey words in a strange language she had never heard of before conjured into her mind, imprinting themselves in her brain. She realized that this must be some of the power from the stone! She could see the flaming words clearly, as if she were reading them off a page from a book, and before she knew what she was doing, she was chanting them aloud. White hot fire shot from her fingers, which had been raised and pointed at the beasts. Normally one would think that the fire would consume them and scorch their flesh, but this was not so. The fire wrapped around many of the beasts ankles and necks, forming manacles. The creatures tripped when their feet would not keep moving forward in the charge, and the flaming noose around their necks kept them from standing up. They wiggled on the ground angrily, trying to free themselves. Elsyan was pleased to see that she had taken down at least 50. [/i] Elsyan: "Yes! There's a way to stop these things after all!"[/color]
[color=009966]Yeah, you should read [i]The Hobbit.[/i] It's shorter, so you can finish it faster, it's a good way to introduce you to FotR when you get it back from you dad, plus it'll be easier to summarize. ^_- -EDIT- Yes, don't read [i]The Silmarillion.[/i] It was like trying to read an encyclopedia or history book.... x_x Geez, and it's hard to remember the names....I had to take notes on the freakin' book just to remember who was who and what was what for crying out loud! *ahem* It only gets good around the last 100 pages.[/color]
[color=009966]'Tis the sad truth about PE....V_V But luckily, I don't have to take PE! :p [size=1]yet, anyway.....[/size]>.>;;[/color]
[color=009966][i]Elsyan walked through the streets of Gondolin, the kindom of Turgon. The sun on her pale cheek was crimson, meaning that a great deal of blood was spilt as the belief goes. She entered the halls and her emerald eyes swept over the room. Many people had already gathered, and they were whispering urgently. Elsyan's ears caught "Melkor" and "Morgoth" in many of their sentences and conversations. This wasn't good....not good at all.... She entered and saw Turgon sitting at the table. She approached him then bowed in respect.[/i] Elsyan: "[i]Suilad, Targon Aran. Elsyan estan-en, a an maeth Morgoth ah lînn im iest.[/i]" ("Greetings, King Targon. My name is Elysan, and I wish to help you fight Morgoth.")[/color]
[color=009966]Why is it that writing poems and stories comes so naturally to you? o.O I really liked that poem! Heck, I like both of them! ^__^ Keep writing them, O Gavin, Master of Poetry. ^_-[/color]
[color=009966]Long live the dragon!! ^-^ heh I don't think it died either....I defy the odds! :p That was a great poem, Gavers! ^__^ [/color]
[color=009966]Yeah! When will this start? It has enough people....^_^[/color]
[color=009966][i]Elsyan stared at the strange creatures in awe. She had never seen anything like this before! She reached into her sleeve and pulled out a long dagger from its cunningly made sheath, had it raised and ready to bring it down and stab at any moment. She stared at them from behind the barrier when she caught movement far away. Her keen elven-sight strained to see what it was, and soon she saw a small light near several large things. Straining her eyes a bit more, she noticed that they were packs of those creatures. She cursed softly to herself.[/i] Elsyan: "[i]Na Rodyn...[/i] There's thousands of those things!!" [/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juuthena [/i] [B][color=ff00cc] [size=1]I'm an only child... = \[/QUOTE][/b][/size][/color] [color=009966]You're lucky....>.>;;[/color] [QUOTE][B][color=ff00cc][size=1]I wish I had a little four year old brother. [/color] [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=009966]Be careful of what you wish for....[/color]
[color=009966]oooh! That picture's [i]adorable,[/i] Juu!! ^^ I especially love the way it fades from blue to black. ^_-[/color]
[color=009966][i]Elsyan stood looking out the window of her room. She had spent a sleepless night staying alert, clutching her staff in her hand, expecting a team of assassins to come barging in at any moment, but she was still just as alert as she had been hours ago. Her emerald eyes quickly scanned the city for any signs of them. Luckily there wasn't. She shut the curtains and pulled the hood of her white cape over her head. She tightened the grip she kept on her staff, using it as a sort of reasurrance, then searched the room to make sure that there wasn't a single trace that she had been there. When she saw that it was satisfactory, she left her room and walked downstairs. She was dismayed to see that it was a slow day and not very crowded; she had hoped to escape in the crowds. She gave a soft curse and walked towards the darkest corner in The Post.[/i] Elsyan: "This is just great. Now what?" [i]She glanced around the room, saying a silent prayer that she wouldn't be discovered. She kept glancing around nervously and almost jumped out of her skin when someone came to ask what she would like to eat. She ordered just a bit of wine and put a coin on the table. The waitor took the coin and walked off. Elsyan paid him no attention. She glanced out a window, staring out of it gloomily with her own thoughts.[/i][/color]
[color=009966]Yes. I have four, in fact. One is Anna, the same one on here on OB. She's the oldest. Then there's Stephani, known as Amibasuki. She's older than me by one year. Then there's Susan, known as Anime Goddess on here. She's about a year and a half younger than me. Then I have a little brother named CJ. He's not on here though. But yes, they're all annoying, but that's OK since I'm sure I'm annoying to them sometimes. :p[/color]
[color=009966]Goodness man! Quit rhyming! Your continuous rhymes are really tiring. Oh, pooh! Look what you did! You gave me the disease, you big doodooheads! >.>;; "Doodooheads"? :therock: What kind of an insult was that? Does the disease make you say stupid things on top of that? Now I have to come up with another insult. I hope it won't be too difficult. Is there a cure for this thing? It's really starting to get me peeved.... No! Must resist! >< All this rhyming is getting me [strike]pissed[/strike] angry! Hope you finish those cards quickly...along with this accursed [strike]rhyming[/strike] disease. >
[color=009966]Finally!! An RPG about [i]The Silmarillion![/i] It's been a while since I read the book though. [b]Name:[/b] Elsyan Airserke [b]Age:[/b] 148 [b]Race:[/b] Calaquendi (High Elf) [b]Description:[/b] Elsyan has long red hair that goes down to her wrists when her arms are at her sides. She stands at about 5'4" and has emerald-green eyes. She wears a green dress, knee-high black boots, and a white hooded cape. [b]History including any motives or goals:[/b] Elsyan was one of the elves that followed Feanor and left Valinor to Middle Earth, but was one of the elves that Feanor left with Fingolfin (I think that's his name....) after he destroyed the ships with the exception of the one that he used. Fingolfin's followers kept on going, and after a while they reached Middle Earth. The land was new, and Elsyan wanted to explore it. For a while she forgot about the Silmarills, and now wanders the strange land of Middle Earth. [b]Weapons:[/b] A sword, and a bow/quiver of arrows Let me know if I need to change anything. ^_^[/color]
[color=009966]Can you make me one more card while you're at it? I know you might strangle me since you're swamped with requests, but you can work on it whenever you can. :) Here it is. [b]Name:[/b] Legolas, Son of Thranduil [b]Magic:[/b] Light [b]type:[/b] Warrior [b]picture:[/b] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=344454[/img] [b]effects:[/b] 1.)Archer: While Legolas, Son of Thranduil is on the field, choose one card and add 300 to its attack or defence. 2.)Double Shot: Legolas notches two arrows to his bow and fires at his opponents.[/color]
[color=009966]lol That was one that GL posted. No one's opinion of you dropped at all. ^_-[/color]
[color=009966]LOL :rotflmao::haha: Those are great, GinnyLyn! ^_- Here's one that I got from a DragonLance book. A chicken with its neck wrung is different from a chicken with its head cut off, but does it matter to the chicken?[/color]
[color=009966][i]Elsyan wrapped her arms around herself tightly to keep herself from shivering, but that didn't help to keep her teeth from chattering.[/i] Elsyan: "[i]K-k-kruntai![/i] It's f-freezing here!" Karina: "I know! Isn't it great? The temperature must be almost zero degrees here!" ^_^ [i]Everyone stared at the teacher in disbelief, thinking that either her brain had frozen or she was crazy. [/i] Fli: "Where are we?" Karina: "We're in HEAVEN!!" ^_^ Elsyan: "You m-m-mean we d-died?!" Karina: "Not at all. I'm just saying that it's like paradise here!"[/color]
[color=009966]Didn't you read Gavin's last post, Genkai? He said he'll work on them tomorrow. Patience is a virtue....use it. :p[/color]
[color=009966][b]Name:[/b] Elsyan Airserke [b]Race:[/b] High Elf [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Bio/History:[/b] Ever since Elsyan was 9 years old, she dreamed of becoming a mage. At first her parents, who were the Rulers of the Elven Kingdom disagreed, thinking that having a mage in the family would disgrace them, but when she turned 15, they allowed her to go to school for a few years to learn a few simple spells. After all, they thought that it was simply a fancy and that she would soon grow out of it, so they might as well show her that her dream of becoming a mage was pointless. Despite their predictions, she loved using magic! She learned all she could during those few years. When she turned 17, she felt that she was ready to take the Test that all pupils must take in order to become a true mage and to move on to more complicated spells. She knew that her parents would forbid her to take the Test, maybe even try to stop her, so she decided that she would take it without them knowing. The Test was very hard and complicated, but at last Elsyan completed it successfully. She was then accepted into the Assembly of Mages, and was given the Staff of Tridoris as proof that she passed. She then returned home to visit her family, but the homecoming was certainly not a friendly one. Her parents were royally pissed (to say the least), and it was soon obvious that they dispised her now. They took her staff and threatened that if she didn't drop the use of magic, that they would punish her severely, and maybe even cast her into exile. When she refused, they locked her away so that she could rethink her decision. One night while her parents were sleeping, Elsyan decided that this was just the oppurtune moment to escape. Using her magic, she melted the lock and slipped out of the chamber to her parents' room. At the foot of their bed was a trunk, and Elsyan knew that her staff was in there. Picking the lock carefully (her parents would probably wake up when they smelt the metal burning, so she had to do it the old-fashioned way), she opened the lid and grabbed the Staff of Tridoris, then ran away from home. She went into exile on her own will, living and wandering the land by herself. The next morning, her parents woke to find that she was gone. While many of the people thought "Good ridance," her parents sent out runners to retrieve her and bring her back for punishment. Three days later, the runners returned reporting that Elsyan had eluded them by covering her tracks using magic. Her father then decided that the only punishment suitable for her acts was death. He sent out about eight assassins to kill her and bring back her staff as proof. They weren't to return until they did. Elsyan has been on the run ever since then, living in fear of pursuit, discovery, and always on the run. She never stays in one place for too long should the assassins find her. [b]Description:[/b] Elsyan is slender and stands at about 5'4". She has long red hair that goes past her waist and down to her wrists when her arms are at her sides. She has emerald-green eyes, and wears a long green dress that stops at her ankles. She wears black knee-high boots, and wears a white hooded cape, signifying that, as a mage, her alliance is to Good. She wears a pouch around her waist that contains some spell components. [b]Equipment:[/b] Her Magical Staff, her pouch, and a dagger concealed in her long wide sleeves. [b]Reason for being at The Post:[/b] Elsyan is seeking a place to stay and hide herself since she can feel that the assassins are gaining on her each day. She would much prefer to fight them, but it would be suicide since they're trained to kill and she's just a newly appointed mage. She hopes to lose them in the crowd at The Post.[/color]