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Everything posted by Deedlit

  1. [color=009966][b]Name:[/b] Elsyan Airserke [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Race:[/b] High Elf [b]Occupation:[/b] Mage [b]Bio:[/b] Ever since Elsyan was 9 years old, she dreamed of becoming a mage. At first her parents, who were the Rulers of the Elven Kingdom disagreed, thinking that having a mage in the family would disgrace them, but when she turned 13, they allowed her to go to school for a few years to learn a few simple spells. After all, they thought that it was simply a fancy and that she would soon grow out of it, so they might as well show her that her dream of becoming a mage was pointless. Despite their predictions, she loved using magic! She learned all she could during those few years. When she turned 15, she felt that she was ready to take the Test that all pupils must take in order to become a true mage and to move on to more complicated spells. She knew that her parents would forbid her to take the Test, maybe even try to stop her, so she decided that she would take it without them knowing. The Test was very hard and complicated, but at last Elsyan completed it successfully. She was then accepted into the Assembly of Mages, and was given the Staff of Tridoris as proof that she passed. She then returned home to visit her family, but the homecoming was certainly not a friendly one. Her parents were royally pissed (to say the least), and it was soon obvious that they dispised her now. They took her staff and threatened that if she didn't drop the use of magic, that they would punish her severely, and maybe even cast her into exile. When she refused, they locked her away so that she could rethink her decision. One night while her parents were sleeping, Elsyan decided that this was just the oppurtune moment to escape. Using her magic, she melted the lock and slipped out of the chamber to her parents' room. At the foot of their bed was a trunk, and Elsyan knew that her staff was in there. Picking the lock carefully (her parents would probably wake up when they smelt the metal burning, so she had to do it the old-fashioned way), she opened the lid and grabbed the Staff of Tridoris, then ran away from home. She went into exile on her own will, living and wandering the land by herself. The next morning, her parents woke to find that she was gone. While many of the people thought "Good ridance," her parents sent out runners to retrieve her and bring her back for punishment. Three days later, the runners returned reporting that Elsyan had eluded them by covering her tracks using magic. Her father then decided that the only punishment suitable for her acts was death. He sent out about eight assassins to kill her and bring back her staff as proof. They weren't to return until they did. Elsyan has been on the run ever since then, living in fear of pursuit, discovery, and always on the run. She never stays in one place for too long should the assassins find her. [b]Appearance:[/b] Elsyan is slender and stands at about 5'4". She has long red hair that goes past her waist and down to her wrists when her arms are at her sides. She has emerald-green eyes, and wears a long green dress that stops at her ankles. She wears black ankle-high boots, and wears a white hooded cape, signifying that, as a mage, her alliance is to Good. She wears a pouch around her waist that contains some spell components. [b]Alliance:[/b] Good [b]Weapons:[/b] Her Magical Staff, and a dagger concealed in the long wide sleeves. [b]Powers:[/b] Um...quite a few. ^_^;;;; [b]Special moves:[/b] [i]Celeshika, Khashi, Sildrion.[/i] I'll post the descriptions later. [/color]
  2. [color=009966]Yes, Genkai. We all know about your Secret Queen Asuka Love Files. You can't hide anything from us! *snickers evilly* ahem.... Don't pressure Gavin. He's doing the best he can. Right Gavers? Gavin: "I am? I mean...of course I am! Eheheh...heh...:bluesweat um...working on cards!" [/color]
  3. [color=009966][i]Elsyan stared at the stones uncertainly and watched as each stone chose its partner. Before Elsyan knew what was happening, she was walking towards one of the stones, as if her legs were moving on their own. When she came near, the circle started turning until it stopped on a round gem in front of her. She reached out her hand and grasped it. Elsyan noted that the jewel had a warm glow, like an inner flame burning inside it. She walked to stand beside the others who had also decided to take part in this. She smiled at them then looked back to the others, wondering who else would join them.[/i][/color]
  4. [color=009966]I want to bust out laughing and start cheering that Spongebob's getting sued, but I can't because that poor little child died trying to find a demented sponge.... >.>;;[/color]
  5. [color=009966]Oooh! Yay! My ultimate card is complete!! ^^ MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA---I mean, thanks, gavers. :)[/color]
  6. [color=009966][i]Elsyan followed after Sather warily, keeping her distance. It seemed kinda strange that just when about a score of Dark Elves was looking for her that he would appear. On top of all that, Sather didn't seem the least bit perturbed at all. He kept up his nonchalant attitude while he ran. Finally Elsyan couldn't stand his easygoing smile any longer.[/i] Elsyan: "Just where are we going?" [i]Sather turned to look at her with a silly grin on his face.[/i] Sather: "Where are [i]you[/i] going?" Elsyan: [i]"Arh! This is useless! Here I am with an battalion of Dark Elves hunting me, and I'm following some heedless Sather who probably doesn't even realize the danger judging by his careless attitude!" Elsyan sighed. "Still, I wouldn't be much better off if I decided not to follow him." Elsyan was thinking this when she heard Sather chuckle to himself.[/i] Elsyan: "What's so funny this time?" Sather: "Nothing." ^__^ [i]Elsyan sighed again and slapped her hand to her forhead.[/i][/color]
  7. [color=009966][i]Elsyan made her way towards the Lost Pool. It was her first year at Torneko High, and she was already getting lost. She kept wandering through coridors and opening doors, but she couldn't find the way to the Pool. She spoke to herself in Elvish.[/i] Elsyan: "This is just great....My first day here, and I'm already lost!" [i]Elsyan was passing down a hall when her green eyes caught the glimmer of sunlight on water outside of a window. There was the Lost Pool! Now only if she could get to it. Elsyan turned around on her heel and ran down the hall. Already teachers and students were gathering out there. Finally--after opening several doors--she found the exit. She left the coridor and ran out onto the sunshine when she ran headlong into someone with brown hair and strange golden eyes. Picking herself up hastily and moving her long red hair out of her face so that she could see again, Elsyan began to appologize in the best form of English she knew even though her Elvish accent was very thick.[/i] Elsyan: "I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there! You see, I was trying to get to the Pool--I'm really sorry!" ???: "It's alright. I'm Karina Winter, the Lost Magick teacher. What's your name?" Elsyan: "I'm Elsyan Airserke. Um...Can you please tell me where the Lost Pool is?" Karina: "It's in that direction." Elsyan: "Thank you. It was nice meeting you." [i]Now that Elsyan knew where the Pool was, she headed in the direction, only going alot slower this time. Soon she could see the Lost Pool up ahead and hurried over to it.[/i][/color]
  8. [quote][i]Originally posted by Dragon Warrior[/i] [b]Heh. Nice card, deeds ^^ *chuckles at her antics* [/b][/quote] [color=009966]teehee ^__^ Thanks, Gavers. I can't wait to see it.[/color]
  9. [color=009966][i]Elsyan slashed at the last Dark Elf around her. Elsyan could tell that they were just part of the scouting party and that there would be plenty more in ther area, and she might not get defeat them with the same ease as she beat the scouters, meaning that she would have to hurry. Already she was about a mile away from Alatariel on the hill, making good time. Elsyan looked upwards at the dull sun. Why? Why must Darkness come with the waning of the Sun? She shook her head sadly. A sudden gust of wind came towards Elsyan from the right, blowing her long red hair away from her face. She caught a scent in the air that came with the breeze. Drow. Somehow they had discovered her and were heading towards her. How, she had no idea. She could already hear that rustling of many leaves and many feet coming closer. She knew she couldn't fight that many. She looked back towards the hill. Running would be her only chance of losing them. Elsyan leapt behind a tree, running towards the hill under the cover of the shadows.[/i][/color]
  10. [color=009966]Ooooh! I love my cards, Gavin! ^^ Thank you!![/color]
  11. [color=009966][b]Goth/Freaks:[/b] All black, wear their hair in spikes, outcasts. [b]Rednecks:[/b] They're the ones that wear Dixie Outfiters, listen to nothing but country music, and have a picture of the Confederate Flag in their locker. :therock: [b]Preps:[/b] Their the "In crowd," "popular kids," the "What's up homie G-Dawg" and Ghetto people. Most of them like cheerleading and listen to "hip" bands. They wear the "coolest" clothes, fashions, and styles, and if you don't, then they think you're mud. :therock: [b]Jocks:[/b] They're the ones that play sports and such. They're usually really nice. [b]Losers:[/b] The ones that get picked on. [b]Blendies:[/b] They're people who are really nice and can get along with anyone no matter what clique they're in. That's pretty much it.[/color]
  12. [color=009966]I'm obsessed with Elves, Legolas, and anime, which is considered kinda wierd over here, but that's just who I am. ^_^[/color]
  13. [color=009966][i]Elsyan nodded.[/i] Elsyan: "Yes. It's said that Aragorn of the first Fellowship used fire to defend themselves against the Wraiths at Weathertop." Abob: "Great! That's all I needed to know." [i]Abob pulled an arrow from his quiver and thrust it into a torch nearby until the tip was alight in flame. He notched the arrow and fired at a wraith that was charging towards Laitina, setting its black cloak on fire. The wraith screamed in pain and ran around, but it bumped into another wraith that Aratmacil and Winter were fighting, causing that Nazgûl to catch on fire. Everyone used this chance to attack the wraiths while they were still in confusion. [/i] ooc: sorry it's so short.[/color]
  14. [color=009966]Gavin, I was wondering if you could make me a second card. Pwease? :toothy: If so, here's the info stuff. [b]Name:[/b] Deedlit's Rival [b]Magic Type:[/b] Dark [b]type:[/b] sorceress [b]picture:[/b] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=339836[/img] [b]effects:[/b] 1.)Necromancy: Summons a monster from the discard deck, but it's attack and defence decrease by 300. 2.)Elven Fate: In order to use this move, both Deedlit the High Elf and Deedlit's Rival must be on the field at the same time. When you use this move, Deedlit's Rival and Deedlit the High Elf fuse together, thereby increasing their attack and defence by 500 points. [/color]
  15. [color=009966]AWESOME!! My cards look [b]great![/b] ^^ Thanks so much, Gavers! ^___^[/color]
  16. [color=009966]"Dressed for the round?" :therock: Is that the best combat they have? *feh* Anyway, it doesn't really matter what they say. They're just sore losers who wanted to get some sort of victory from that remark, but all they really did was make idiots out of themselves.[/color]
  17. [color=009966]People actually voted for me? O.O; [b][u][i]General Awards[/b][/u][/i] [b]Overall Member of the Year:[/b] Juuthena [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] Mist [b]Male Otaku of the Year:[/b] Tough one....Lalaith Ril [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size]Etarah's Maverick [b]Female Otaku of the Year:[/b] Juu [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] Queen Asuka [b]Most improved Member of the Year:[/b] Rhys [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] --- [b]Thread of the Year:[/b] Lord of the Rings; the Two Towers (for obvious reasons....Teehee ^.^) [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] Person you'd like to meet in real life [b]Silliest Thread of the Year:[/b] Kobra and Lamb Show [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] Lil me...T.T [b]Funniest Member:[/b] Dragon Warrior (Gavers) [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] CrazyWhiteBoy [b]Silliest Username:[/b] Jesus Chicken [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] Mnelmoth [b]Member most likely to be here in two years:[/b] Lalaith Ril [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] Juuthena [b]Avatar of the Year:[/b] Too many to choose from. ^_^;;; [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] --- [b]Signature of the Year:[/b] Final_Flash (the Moderator's Stone thing) [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] James' CTD [b]Best Otaku Couple:[/b] Queen Asuka & PiroMunkie [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] Juu and Lalaith [b]Best looking Otaku:[/b] Juu [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] Queen Asuka [b]Otaku clique of the Year:[/b] A Clique Against Cliques [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] --- [b]Best Newbie:[/b] Progressive [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] --- [b]Best Oldie:[/b] James [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] Seph [b]Best Otaku-Related site:[/b] theOtaku.com (:p) [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] QA's Pic Site [b]Most likely to become a Staff Member:[/b] Juu [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] Raiha [b][u][i]Otaku Writers[/b][/u][/i] [b]Poet Laureate:[/b] Mist [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] Etarah's Maverick [b]Writer of the Year:[/b] Mnelmoth [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] The Harlequin [b]Role-Player of the Year:[/b] The Harlequin [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] Raiha [b]Brawler of the Year (sparring):[/b] Mist [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] Etarah's Maverick [b]Role-Playing Game of the Year[/b] Too many....:bluesweat [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] Too many.... [b][u][i]Social Otakus[/b][/u][/i] [b]Otaku Social member of the year:[/b] Lady Asphyxia [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] Rain [b]Entertainment Otaku of the Year:[/b] --- [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] --- [b][u][i]Anime Otakus[/b][/u][/i] [b]Otaku of the Year: [/b]Amiboshi [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] Rick Hunter [b]DragonBall Guru:[/b] DBZMan [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] --- [b]Digipeep of the Year:[/b] --- [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] --- [b]Gundam Member of the Year:[/b] --- [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] --- [b]Yu-Gi-Oh Member of the Year:[/b] --- [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] --- [b][u][i]Otaku Gamers[/b][/u][/i] [b]Gamer of the Year:[/b] Seph [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] Desbreko [b]Nintendo "Mario" Award:[/b] James [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] --- [b]The Sony Award:[/b] --- [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] --- [b]Xbox Gamer of the Year:[/b] --- [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] --- [b]PC Gamer of the Year:[/b] --- [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] --- [b][u][i]Otaku Artists[/b][/u][/i] [b]Best Graphic Designer:[/b] Kinetic [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] Nomad [b]Best "Traditional" Artist:[/b] Sara [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] Ginny [b]Best Spriter:[/b] Final_Flash [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] --- [b][u][i]Series Otaku[/b][/u][/i] [B]Series Otaku Member of the Year:[/b] Desbreko [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] Break [b]The Chocobo Award (Final Fantasy):[/b] --- [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] --- [b]Liberty City Award (Grand Theft Auto):[/b] --- [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] --- [b]Mushroom Kingdom Honors (Mario):[/b] --- [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] --- [b]PokéPlaque (Pokemon):[/b] Lady Katana [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] --- [b]The Triforce Award (Zelda):[/b] Desbreko [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] Etarah's Maverick[/color]
  18. [color=009966]Gavers, why didn't you tell me about this??? j/k [b]Name:[/b] Deedlit the High Elf [b]Magic Type:[/b] Light [b]Type:[/b] Sorceress (:p) [b]Picture:[/b] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=338150[/img] [b]Effects:[/b] 1.) Soul of Light: Changes the opponents soul so that your opponents monster is now under your command for three turns. 2.) Elven Magick: A powerful attack that can kill a foe, as long as it's attack is stronger than its defence or whatever. [b]Description:[/b] Deedlit. Blonde hair, pointy ears, elven, the works. ^^[/color]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by JesterSpirit [/i] [B]And just put your characters name Deedlit. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=009966]Samantha Elsyan Airserke is my character's name. :bluesweat [/color]
  20. [color=009966]Wow....This sounds awesome!! Like a mixture of Harry Potter and anime or something! ^^ [b]Name:[/b] (When you say "real name," do you mean our chara's real name, or our real name? I'll go ahead and post my chara's name.) Samantha Elsyan Airserke, but she goes by Elsyan instead of Samantha. [b]Race:[/b] High Elf [b]Powers: [/b]Spirit of Light, Healing's Breath, Shield, Earth's Gift, Flaming Arrows [b]Age:[/b] 14 in human years [b]Height:[/b] 5'4" [b]Weight: [/b]102 lbs [b]Others control:[/b] Yes. I don't mind if others control my character, just as long as they don't portray her wrong. [b]Appearance:[/b] Elsyan has long red hair that goes down past her waist. She has emerald-green eyes, wears a green blouse with cacki (sp?) pants. [b]History:[/b] I think everyone knows what Elves are, but I'll write it here anyway. A High Elf is just a race of Elven, and they are sometimes referred to as Light Elves. Her powers mainly consist of nature, light magic, ect. Since her parents are also Elvish, they don't have any currency that the humans use, and since they live in deserted areas away from the humans, it seemed that attending Torneko High was the only school Elsyan could attend. I hope that's good enough. ^_^ Let me know if I need to change anything. -EDIT- Sorry, I forgot to put what classes I'm in. :bluesweat Martial Arts Weapons-Simple Swimming White Magick[/color]
  21. [color=009966]2 pounds? They make it look as if the sword weighs about 4 or 5...meh, oh well. Here's one some of you might not know, and I thought this one was wierd. Did you know that under Medieval law, animals could be tried and sentenced for crimes, just as though they were people? There are records of farm animals being tried for injuring or killing people. Animals were charged with smaller crimes, too. Some mice were taken to court for stealing part of the harvest, and, in another case, a flock of locusts was convicted of eating crops. Wierd, huh? o_0;;[/color]
  22. [color=009966]Great job, Gavers! ^^ teehee Amber's gonna get angry at you in chapter 3...Write the next chapter soon! ^_^[/color]
  23. Deedlit

    The Crafters

    [color=009966][i]Elsyan had arrived at the inn the night before, a little after sunset. Now sunlight came in through the window in her room. She stood up and stretched as she walked over to the window. It was a few hours after dawn. Elsyan frowned a bit. She had planned on leaving around the first hour of day. But then again, what hurry was she in? She sighed and shook her head as she pull on her shirt, skirt, and boots. She grabbed her white cloak off the peg on the door and fastened it around her shoulders. She grabbed her sword and left her room. She walked down the stairs and noticed that is was more crowded than what it was yesterday. Many looked at her suspiciously, but she pretended not to notice as she walked up to the counter. The clerk greeted her good-naturedly.[/i] Clerk: "Good morning, Miss. What can I get for you?" Elsyan: "Just a few apples and some water," [i]she said as she gave him the key to the room and a few gold coins. [/i] Clerk: "You must have a journey ahead of you. Where ya bound for?" [i]Elsyan shrugged.[/i] Elsyan: "Don't know, don't care." Clerk: "You might want to be careful. Some person came in last night with talk of a demon in these parts." [i]The clerk stared at her closely. [/i] Clerk: "Say, aren't you a Quastrali? Rumors are going 'round that [i]all[/i] the Quastrali were killed when their village burned down, then the survivors died from a plague of sorts and that there's no more of 'em left. You being here ends that rumor right now. I'm glad that it was just a rumor and not true." [i]Elsyan's expression grew grim as she answered him slowly.[/i] Elsyan: "No...It wasn't a rumor...It's true. All of my people died...I'm the last of the Quastrali..." Clerk: "Oh! I'm sorry to hear that, Miss. I thought--" Elsyan: "It doesn't matter...What's done is done, and one can't change the past." [i]Elsyan sighed deeply.[/i] "I should be going now." Clerk: "Right. Sorry I held you up. Here's your apples and water. Anything else you may need?" Elsyan: "No, thank you." [i]Elsyan took the bag of apples and flask of water and left the tavern. She then headed towards the gates that led to the city's exit.[/color][/i]
  24. [color=009966]Gah! I'm gone for a 12 hours and you've already posted a full page? >_>; Oh well. :bluesweat I just hope that you decide who's post to use so I can dovetail the post.[/color]
  25. [color=009966]It wouldn't feel the same if I wasn't an Elf, so here comes another! :bluesweat Name: Elsyan Aireserke Age: 137 Race: High Elf, Light Elf, Calaquendi, whatever you want to call them. Weapons: bow/quiver with 30 arrows and a sword bio: Sun, moon, stars, Elsyan has always admired them. However now that the sun has turned to a sickly yellow and does not give off much of its loved light, Elsyan starts to hate the very sight of it, for with the diminishing sun comes growing evil. The Drow are walking freely now, destroying anything and everything that is living or beautiful. It's dangerous to be roaming the land these days, but that doesn't stop Elsyan. She always loves being outdoors and traveling, and she isn't going to let a handful of Dark Elves get in her way. Apperance: Elsyan has long red hair that goes down past her waist. She has emerald-green eyes, and--like all Elves--has pointy "leaf-shaped" ears. She wears black leather armor over a green dress, has ankle-high boots, and wears a white cape. I gotta go, guys, but I should be on tomorrow.[/color]
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