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Everything posted by Deedlit

  1. [color=009966]I knew about all those other things metioned with the exception of the belt thing. I didn't know anything about that. o_0;;[/color]
  2. [color=009966]I seldom get sick, but for some reason I have a splitting headache today.... >
  3. [color=009966][i]Fear crept over everyone as the Nazgûl approached Rivendell, some of them flinching. The only ones who seemed to be unaffected by the Fear was Elrond, Galadriel, and Legolas since they had already encountered the Nazgûl many times before. Elsyan drew her sword, even though she knew it would do little good against the immortal wraiths. Everyone else drew their weapons. The Ringwraiths' screams could be heard more clearly as they came closer.[/i] Elrond: "Hear come his spies now," [i]Elrond said ironically.[/i] ooc: sorry for the short post. I have a splitting headache right now.... >
  4. Deedlit

    The Crafters

    [color=009966][i]Elsyan walked wearily through a forest, heading in some random direction. Which direction she was taking, she didn't know. She didn't care. She had no home anymore, no friends, no family, nothing. She wanted to just lie down and die, yet for some reason, she couldn't. She had to keep on going. Her gaze had been abstracted for a while now, and when Elsyan looked up, she noticed that the trees were thinning and were growing few in number, meaning that she must be coming to the end of the forest. She looked towards the sky. It was a few hours before noon, the weather was cool, and by the looks of the sun's position, she was traveling northward. [/i] Elsyan: "That direction's as good as any," she thought to herself gloomily. [i]A chill breeze came from the east and forced Elsyan to wrap her white cape around her tightly. After a few more minutes she came out of the woods. Ahead of her was a village or city of some sorts. Weary from traveling, Elsyan approached the gates. On a plaque in the center of the gate was a sign that read "The Capital City of Malcom." Elsyan shrugged and walked through the gates. One of the first things she noticed was a man waving a book histerically. Many people backed away from the man, thinking that he was crazed or demented. Elsyan shifted to one side as the man ran past. She wondered if there were many more people like that in this city? Probably not. She shrugged and walked towards a tavern.[/i][/color]
  5. [color=009966]Name: Elsyan Aireserke Age: 17 Animalize Creature (Your animal): a falcon Magic Type: wind Description: Elsyan has long red hair, green eyes, and stands at about 5'4". She wears a black shirt, a green skirt, black leather boots, and a white hooded cape. When she's in her animal form, she still has green eyes, but her feathers are silver with a bit of black and red. Bio: Elsyan has lived in the town of Risha for as long as she can remember. She mainly spends her time helping around at her parents' shop, but when she's not working she spends time with her friends. (sorry it's short. It's all I can think of for now. :whoops: )[/color]
  6. [color=009966]For some reason, I imagine Liamc2's name differently. How do you pronounce that anyway? Lai am Lee am Lie am Lai ahm Lee ahm Lie ahm? As for Lady Macaiodh's name....well, I don't know how to pronounce that except for the "Lady" part. :bluesweat [/color]
  7. [color=009966]Okay, here's my sign-up. [b]Name:[/b] Elsyan Aireserke [b]Race:[/b] Quastrali [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]First Desired Item:[/b] the Light half of the necklace [b]Second Desired Item: [/b]the water necklace [b]Bio:[/b] Elsyan is of the Star Clan of the Quastrali Village. Quastrali is a race that looks much like humans (only they live slightly longer and resemble Elves alot) and tends to keep to themselves, therefore little is known about them, but they are known for being creatures of Light and Goodness (with the exception of a few who were evil, of course). Not long ago, the Quastrali village was utterly destroyed by a sudden and unexpected fire. With their home destroyed, Elsyan and the rest of her people have been forced out of their home, seeking shelter wherever possible for a while now. Two days ago however, a disease claimed most of the Quastrali villagers. Many have already died. Elsyan became ill with a high fever, and was delerious for a while. Somehow the sickness left her and Elsyan survived, but when she awoke, she found that no one else did. All of the villagers died. Elsyan is now the last of the Quastrali, but that won't stop her from obtaining answers. Answers about what's going on in the world and why. [b]Description:[/b] Elsyan has long red hair that goes past her waist, has emerald-green eyes, stands at about 5'4", wears a black shirt, a green skirt, black leather boots, a white hooded cape, and wears a sword at her side. [b]Unique Characteristics:[/b] Elsyan is the first in her village to have red hair, which is uncommon since everyone has either black or brown hair. She has also become very pale ever since the sickness claimed her. I hope this is good enough. ^_^[/color]
  8. [color=009966]ooooh! Sounds cool!! ^^ Can you save me a spot, DOK? I have to go to school right now... >_>;;[/color]
  9. [color=009966]Zelda: Oracle of Seasons, mainly because that and OOA is the only games I've played from the Zelda series, and I prefer it over OOA. ^_^[/color]
  10. [color=009966]I'm a Christian, but more specifically, I'm Mormon. Yes, Mormons ARE Christian. ^_- That's why our church is called The Church of [b]Jesus Christ[/b] of Latter Day Saints. Some of what needs to be said has already been said by my sisters Anna and Amibasuki and my sister-for-the-weekend-and-other-random-times-of-the-week, Queen Asuka, but one thing they didn't talk about was the Thirteen Articles of Faith. This almost sums it up, so I thought I should post it. ~*~ 1 WE believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost. 2 We believe that men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam?s transgression. 3 We believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel. 4 We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, Repentance; third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost. 5 We believe that a man must be called of God, by prophecy, and by the laying on of hands by those who are in authority, to preach the Gospel and administer in the ordinances thereof. 6 We believe in the same organization that existed in the Primitive Church, namely, apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelists, and so forth. 7 We believe in the gift of tongues, prophecy, revelation, visions, healing, interpretation of tongues, and so forth. 8 We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God. 9 We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God. 10 We believe in the literal gathering of Israel and in the restoration of the Ten Tribes; that Zion (the New Jerusalem) will be built upon the American continent; that Christ will reign personally upon the earth; and, that the earth will be renewed and receive its paradisiacal glory. 11 We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may. 12 We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law. 13 We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul?We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things. ~*~[/color]
  11. [color=009966]*reads post, then gives Bry a hug* ^^ I'm glad that you're comfortable enough here to tell us that, despite the fact that you probably haven't met any of us. Your parents should be able to accept the fact that you're still Bryan, and you'll always be Bryan. ^_- If they can't, then they're just daft. :whoops: You're still one and the same.[/color]
  12. [color=009966]Yep. If my memory serves me correctly, all of that's true. It had me a little confused because I had seen FotR before I read any of the books, and they made it look as if Frodo left his home the next day or something. And during that time, I thought that Frodo was about 28....o_0;;; Boy was I wrong....[/color]
  13. [color=009966]ooc: Strange, I always thought Botan could sense presences....o_0;; ic: Yusuke: "What's wrong with Keiko? What happened?" [i]Kuwabara didn't say anything.[/i] Yusuke: "Dammit, Kuwabara! Just tell me!!" [i]Kuwabara kept ignoring him, even when Yusuke threatened to blast his arm off. Botan kept running when suddenly a beeping sound went off. Some turned their heads to see what that sound was, and why Botan had stopped running.[/i] Botan: "All of you go on ahead. I'll catch up in a few seconds." [i]Botan fumbled through her bookbag muttering things like "now where did I put that thing?" Finally she pulled out a small circular object. Botan pushed a button and the beeping stopped, then a screen appeared with a very disturbed Koenma in the middle.[/i] Botan: "What is it, Koenma?" Koenma: "WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'WHAT IS IT'?! DON'T YOU FEEL THAT AWFUL PRESENCE?!" Botan: "Can't say that I can. I mean, it does seem like the air is filled with alot of tension, but that's about it." Koenma: "I'm sorry to say it's alot worse than that. Where's Yusuke, anyhow? WE NEED HIM TO INVESTIGATE THIS!!" Botan: "Something happened with Keiko. We were on our way to see what's wrong when you called." Koenma: "Great. Even [i]more[/i] trouble! Go see what's wrong, then call back to inform me. Meanwhile, I gotta fill out all this paperwork..." [i]Botan turned off the communicator and ran to catch up with the rest of them. Luckily she could still see them, so she wasn't too far behind. She caught up with them just as they stopped running.[/i] Yusuke: "Well? Where's Keiko?"[/color]
  14. [color=009966]Gay hobbits? oO;; There's not such thing!! Frodo and Sam are STRAIGHT and TRUE!! Just like Legolas' aim with an arrow! ^.^ LOL that was one of the best lines in the movie! ^__^ I like the comedy they put in the movie every now and then. I hope there's more in RotK.[/color]
  15. [color=009966]Let's start it today!! ^___^ School starts back up tomorrow..... >.>;[/color]
  16. [color=009966]There was another YYH RPG a while back, so I'm going to use the same character. Name: Botan (:p) Age: unknown Race: human (i guess....) Side: good Bio: A messenger of the Spirit World, Botan serves as a guide to newly-departed spirits. She is friendly and often quite chipper, but when it comes to performing her duties she is all business. After Yusuke is assigned the job of Spiritual Detective, Koenma assigns Botan to be his assistant. Her knowledge and experience often prove invaluable to Yusuke during his many adventures. Description/Picture: [img]http://www.boomspeed.com/deedlit02/botan.jpg[/img] Weapon/s: her powers, her oar, and an occasional baseball bat. ^__^;; Special Powers: Not sure about the names of them at the moment. I might come up with some names for them later.[/color]
  17. [color=009966]Wouldn't that be taking someone else's work though? Also I don't know if this would go under advertising, but luckily it's not my job to decide if it is. :p You might want to ask a mod if this is alright just to be safe. ^_-[/color]
  18. [color=009966]*shudders* I HATE shots.....>< I've only gotten one cavity so far, but I was really surprised that it didn't hurt a bit when they drilled it, but I think that there are a few reasons why it didn't: 1.) It was a very small cavity, 2.) the shot they gave me numbed my mouth, and 3.) I almost passed out from the shot, so I was semi-concious. I've never had any of my wisdom teeth yanked out, so I can't really relate to your situation. Just request that they give you several shots.[/color]
  19. [color=009966]Shhh! *claps hand over WT's mouth* Some people don't know about that part! Use the spoiler tags next time. ;) Yes, the battle at Helm's Deep was really cool. It gave me chills watching that part! [spoiler]Especially when the Elves came, and when they thought that they were almost defeated.[/spoiler] [/color]
  20. [color=009966]Okay, so I may not name them Deedlit or Zelda. Yes, those two names are just a phase 1.) because Deedlit's my fav anime character, and 2.)Zelda because she's my fav character from the Zelda games and SSBM. Yes, I said those [i]two[/i] names. :p I might come up with other girl names, but I'm DEFINATELY naming them Laurala, Thasthalion or Aelas. :p[/color]
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by anime_gurl [/i] [B]Yay! Go GA! I think it's because Georgia is probably one of the most anime-deprived states in the world. The stores around me have no anime whatsoever, and the ones that do don't have a lot of animes I like. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=009966]*sigh* How true.... V_V lol I remember when there were only a few people from GA on OB.... I think I treat newbies like any other member here. We were all newbies once, so you have to give them the same respect.[/color]
  22. [color=009966]If I have a girl, I'd name it Deedlit, Zelda, or Laurala. If I have a boy, I'd name it Thasthalion or Aelas.lol I know they'll most likely be picked on, but to me those names are cool. ^^[/color]
  23. [color=009966][i]Elsyan rose from her seat.[/i] Elsyan: "I will join the Fellowship as well. I'm sure my bow and my sword will come in handy. I will not suffer my friend Frodo to evil!" [i]Elsyan calmly walked over to stand beside the others and smiled. She was proud to be joining the Fellowship. Elrond and Galadriel nodded in approval.[/i][/color]
  24. [color=009966]Pokemon. x_x Geez, that was a major obsession with me from the fourth grade. -.-;; I was so obsessed that it took several years for me to get over it (like a year or two ago). *shudders* Then I became seriously obsessed with Magic Knight Rayearth. I still love the manga, but my love for it kinda wore off when I saw Record of Lodoss War. I'm still obsessed with it. ^^ Then I saw Legolas. Yes, I admit, I'm definately overly obsessed with him, but....he's Legolas! Need I say more? ^^[/color]
  25. [color=009966][i]Elsyan walked onto the balcany. Already many people had arrived and were taking their seats. Elsyan spotted Laitina and Legolas, then sat down next to her.[/i] Elsyan: "Good morning, Laitina and Legolas Greenleaf." Laitina: "Hello, Elsyan. You're here for the council too?" [i]Elsyan nods.[/i] Elsyan: "Frodo's my friend. I will never let anything happen to him if I can help it." [i]Elsyan looked around.[/i] Elsyan: "Where's Aratmacil? I thought she was soming to this council." Laitina: "She's supposed to be here, but we can't find her." Legolas: "She'll be here, Laitina. Just watch." Laitina: "I suppose you're right." [i]Elrond appeared on the balcany, accompanied by Galadriel. Everyone rose until they were seated, then sat down. Elrond stood up to talk.[/i][/color]
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