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Do your parents make you do everything!?
Deedlit replied to mononoke_man's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet']I was excercising my right to be sarcastic[/color][/quote] [color=#009966]Sorry, CH. :whoops: Sarcasm is sometimes hard to discern when alot of the posts in the thread are serious.[/color] -
Do your parents make you do everything!?
Deedlit replied to mononoke_man's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet]Not true, I had a job when I was sixteen and my parents still wanted me to do stupid things like clean my room and load and unload the dishwasher. Oh and do the laundry. Of course, if you end up like me you'll get some kind of spouse or partner or whatever and he or she will make you do stupid things like clean the apartment, make up a grocery list and balance the check book. Oh and do the laundry.[/color][/QUOTE] [color=#009966]You call cleaning the house, washing the dishes, keeping a record of expenses, making sure you have food, and doing laundry stupid? :therock:[/color] -
[size=2][color=#009966][i]Alex sat in a large, red chair next to the fire, drawing in her sketchpad in the Gryffindor common room. Finally she set down her pencil when she finished her drawing, but she lifted her head sharply as the silent common room suddenly burst into chaos as a dozen more boys ran out of the boys dorm, heading towards the exit. [/i][/color][/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][color=#009966]Alex: "What's going on?"[/color][/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][color=#009966]Boy 1: "Jeff says that Michelle fainted! She's in the Hospital Wing!"[/color][/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][color=#009966]Alex: "What? How did that happen?"[/color][/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][color=#009966]Boy 2: "I dunno. Let's go!"[/color][/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][color=#009966][i]Alex jumped up, rushed past the boys, and ran down the corridors to the Hospital Wing. She turned a sharp corner and ran into Madam Pomfrey.[/i][/color][/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][color=#009966]Alex: "Madam Pomfrey! I need to see---"[/color][/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][color=#009966]Madam Pomfrey: *sigh* "Yes, yes. Michelle is fine. She's in there, but good luck getting to her."[/color][/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][color=#009966][i]Alex saw that it was no secret where Michelle was. She made her way through the crowd until she reached her bed.[/i][/color][/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][color=#009966]Alex: "Michelle, what happened?" [/color][/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][color=#009966]ooc: sorry for shortness. I gotta go.[/color][/size]
[size=2][color=#009966][i]The two caravans rolled along steadily, its caravaners either riding or walking in silence, encountering no one along the way. The sun was rising higher in the sky, marking each hour as it came and went. The moogles chatted among themselves quietly, hovering about four feet off the ground and a few feet in front of the caravans. It was after several hours of seeminly endless walking when they came to a fork in the road. Dwam stepped forward and read the sign.[/i][/color][/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][color=#009966]Dwam: "Left---Marr's Pass. Right---River Belle Path (DANGER)"[/color][/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][color=#009966]Selpheii: "That sounds like the road we need to take."[/color][/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][color=#009966][i]They steered the caravans to the right, and shortly after they came to a gate. One of the doors was hanging loosely from a broken hinge. Biggs stepped forward and gave a slight push. The door fell to the grass with a dull[/i] clang![i] echoing through the still air. They flinched, and with hands on their weapons, warily entered the silent area. Everyone looked around in awe.[/i][/color][/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][color=#009966]Taoru: "It's so huge!"[/color][/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][color=#009966]Fayt: "And much too quiet."[/color][/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][color=#009966]Lunei: "It might take days to find our way through this place."[/color][/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][color=#009966]Selpheii: "Then we'll just split up to cover more ground. I think that might have been the Elder's intentions anyway, otherwise he would've put us all in one caravan. We'll go left. Dwam, your caravan will go right. If all goes well, we should meet again at the myrrh tree."[/color][/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][color=#009966]Dwam: "Sounds like a good plan." [/color][/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][color=#009966][i]He shouldered his partisan, and the two caravans separated.[/i][/color][/size]
[font=Tahoma][color=#009966]ooc: DaisukeAngel and Cysword6, I'm sorry, but we can't wait any longer. If you wish to continue in the RPG, please PM me and we'll try to fit you in somewhere.[/color][/font] [color=#009966]ic: [i]Everyone was sitting around close to the caravans, polishing their new weapons, staring into the stream, or lost in his or her own thoughts. They were so distracted that no one except the Elder noticed. He caught everyone's attention as he hailed the new arrival.[/i] Elder: "Ah, Fayt, there you are. Welcome. You are just in time. I suppose there wasn't anyone else coming after you on the road?" Fayt: "No. The roads were empty." [i]The Elder sighed.[/i] Elder: "I guess they have changed their minds....Very well." [i]He turned to address the eight people waiting patiently to depart.[/i] "We shall have a small change in plans." [i]The Elder pointed to the caravan on the left.[/i] Elder: "Selpheii, Skip, Biggs, and Lunei---the four of you will be in the first caravan." [i]He pointed to the caravan on the right.[/i] "Dwam, Taoru, Fayt, and Marat---you will be in the second caravan. Now start loading your belongings into your caravan." [i]It didn't take long until the caravans were packed. The Elder had two more things to take care of before they set off. He went around to everyone, giving them each 800 gil. Now for the other.[/i] Elder: "It is important to remember a few things while on the road: The first, stay together. Bandits and swindlers roam the highways, and we don't want you to be caught offguard. The second, be careful. In a dangerous world such as this, I think that should be quite obvious. And the last, don't forget to write and let your families know that you are well. We will expect to see you soon. Good luck." [i]And with that, the caravans left Tipa village.[/i][/color]
[color=#009966][i]Arith lashed out with her sword, severing whatever was in the blade's sweeping path. The other two men were doing the same, and for a moment there was a slight break in the onslaught. She took advantage of the pause and activated the ring, muttering the proper words. For a moment it seemed as if nothing had changed, but then, as if by some invisible force, the wolfenbares were once again under attack, though Arith had made no movement. That was because the warrior side of Arith was invisible, causing confusion among the wolfenbares while both Ariths continued to fight. One wolfenbare, gathering his wits, used his keen sense of smell to find the invisible Arith. His nostrils flared, and with his notorious speed, his sharp claw slashed at the air. A few drops of Arith's blood from a scratch on her left arm fell on the upturned earth, and in half a moment the wolfenbare's head fell right beside it. She looked up and saw the other two men finish with their lot of the creatures, and the few remaining wolfenbares turned and fled. With the fight finished, she murmered the reverse spell, joining both Arith's back into one.[/i][/color]
[size=2][color=#009966]Arith: "Finally!"[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#009966][i]Arith was vastly relieved to finally be by herself. She had been trying to get from her home to the village exit so that she could deliver a letter, but today was market day, and all the streets were swarming with merchants, peddlers, and hundreds of people buying food or running errands. Just when she thought that she would go insane, she saw the gates come into sight. She ran to them as if they were her only sanctuary and tried to catch her breath. After she calmed herself, she started walking down the trail, making sure that the letter was still safely secured in her cloak pocket.[/i][/color][/size] [size=2][color=#009966][i][/color][/size][/i] [i][size=2][color=#009966]It was about mid-afternoon when Arith stopped to rest. She sat down under a tree near the edge of a river and took out the letter, making sure she knew exactly where it was to be delivered. She was reciting the address over and over when a gust of wind suddenly ripped the letter out of her hand and flung it into the river. With a wild cry, she ran to the edge and was about to dive into the river when the letter disappeared completely. She stopped herself, letting her shoulders droop as she heaved a deep sigh. [/i][/color][/size] [size=2][color=#009966]Arith: "Well, there goes the rest of my career...."[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#009966][i]She turned, facing the direction back home, imagining the woman's anger should she find that the letter was lost when she heard a twig snap some yards behind her. She whirled around, one hand reaching for the hilt of her sword and the other reaching for her ring. She stilled her breathing long enough to listen for any sounds. She heard hooves, moving at an easy walk. Arith moved swiftly off the path, hiding behind the large tree. She held her breath, waiting until she was sure that the horse and rider had passed. She let out her breath softly and stepped back onto the path.[/i][/color][/size]
[color=#009966]Alex: "Ugh....History of Magic. It's bad enough that it's a double---heck, it's bad enough that it's about history, but it's also with the Slytherins." [i]Alex could still recall the cold eyes that most of the Slytherins had; she saw the second year Gryffindor crumple to the floor by the two Slytherin siblings; she could remember the cruel jeering that the Slytherins used towards the Slytherin....what did they call him---a mudblood? Alex knew that she would dread this class. When they walked into the classroom, Alex was shocked to see Zeos and Imi sitting together. Alex and Michelle chose a desk beside them. Something was different about Imi. Alex studied her face for a while and noticed some warmth there that had replaced the coldness. She smiled. So Imi had found a friend. She couldn't be as bad as what she had first thought. Alex and Michelle were about to introduce themselves to Imi and Zeos but at that moment Professor Binns came into the room. He addressed the class in his monotonous voice.[/i] Professor Binns: "Hello, class, and welcome to History of Magic. Now if you will please take out your quill and some parchment, we will begin to take notes...."[/color]
[color=#009966](This is my own opinion, and I do not intend to go against anyone else's beliefs.) I think that most people who are scared of death are either 1.) worried about what their death will do to their loved ones, 2.) unsure where they're going in the Afterlife (if they believe in one at all. I guess the thought of someone being "Nothing" would be a little unnerving to them.) , or 3.) they're not sure if it's their "time" to die. Maybe they think there's still alot of things they have to do or set right. There could be more reasons. Heck, there probably [i]are[/i] more. It just depends on what's going on in the person's mind, I guess. Then again, maybe some people can't draw the line between [i]dying[/i] and [i]death.[/i] Yes, I'm scared about [i]how[/i] I die. No one wants a long, painful, torture-like death. Heh. I'd prefer something quick like an instant poison or just a large lightning bolt to knock my lights out then and there. But as for death itself, I'm not afraid. Sure, I'd have my regrets. Maybe I will die in a car crash before I go to college. Oh well. There's not much I could do about that. :p But death's not a bad thing. Anyway, that's my two-cents worth.[/color]
[color=#009966][i]The cart slowed to a stop as they neared the bridge, and Selpheii noticed that the elder was waiting for them, and behind him were two caravans. Her father helped to unload all of her belongings, and then they walked towards the elder.[/i] Selpheii: "Hello, Elder." [i]She looked around.[/i] "Where is everybody?" Elder: "They're coming, Selpheii. In fact, here comes one now." [i]She turned and saw a cart also stop at the bridge. Seated in the front were two Lilties. They climbed out of the cart when the Elder greeted them.[/i] Elder: "Hullo, Skip. Are you ready to join the caravan?" Skip: "As ready as I'll ever be, sir!" [i]Soon after that more carts pulled up one after the other. The Elder greeted them all warmly.[/i] Elder: "Greetings, Marat. How's your mother?" "Hullo, Lunei. Is Mina-wren well? I know she's going to miss you alot. Be sure to write to her." "Biggs Talefynn. Hullo! How did that birthing go? Is the mother and calf alright?" "Welcome, Taoru. What a nice flute. I bet Shizo gave that to you, eh?" "Greetings, Dwam Ciam. You cannot know how grateful I am that you came all the way from Port Tipa to join the caravan." [i]The Elder glanced around, taking count of everyone who had arrived.[/i] Elder: "Five....Six....and seven....Hm....It seems that we are still waiting for three people to arrive....We'll wait for them, but we won't wait long." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - OOC: Alright, this is a bit of information that we will use throughout the RPG. PiroMunkie brought up alot of questions, so I thank him for helping to make this RPG runs smoothly. If anyone has any other questions or suggestions, please PM me. Reading this may be a bit tedius, but it will help the RPG immensely. 1. First of all, he gave me this site, and I would like everyone to look at it. [url="http://tartarus.rpgclassics.com/~ffcc/weapons.shtml#Swords"]http://tartarus.rpgclassics.com/~ffcc/weapons.shtml#Swords[/url] Just scroll down until you find your tribe. Consider the weapon that you currently have as your "Novice's Weapon." (***NOTE: The order of weapons is out of order. The strength of the weapon from weakest to greatest gradually increases, so look at the next highest strength to determine your next weapon when the time comes.***) Before you can have a new weapon forged, you must purchase a blueprint first. Then when you're ready, go to a blacksmith, and he will tell you the necessary items you will need and how much it will cost to craft that weapon. If you don't have every item required, your weapon cannot be forged. (Also, it may take [i]years[/i] before you even get to your next weapon because some of the items needed are so rare, so don't go zipping through the list of weapons.) 2. Random materials (such as iron, bronze, Zu's beak, mythril, etc.) will not appear after you defeat an enemy. Instead, you must buy these in markets. Because some items only appear at certain levels at certain times (ie: on the game I didn't get a giga's claw until year three or four when I played Selepation Cave), some markets may get new items in stock as the RPG progresses. And I know it's hard to save 5,000 gil just to buy one piece of mythril, so some items may also become cheaper as well. PiroMunkie has generously offered to make an HTML table showing the market name, the items in stock, a short description of them, and how much it will cost. Again, THANK YOU!! Money, however, is a different story. At the beginning of the RPG (not far from now), the Elder will give everyone 800 gil to help us get to a good start. Unlike with items, when you kill a monster you will have a chance to make a couple gil. The monsters are nothing but simple footsoldiers, though, so they're not going to be rolling in money. And after the loot is divided among your teammates, you might only get about 10-15 gil at the most. 3. Monsters won't attack individually, though. It'd be [i]way[/i] to easy if five people jumped one goblin, so monsters will attack in groups, maybe about 8-10 per group, and they will be slightly harder to kill. That should make the dungeons a bit more interesting. Some monsters can cast basic magic (such as slow, fire, thunder, blizzard, and some can poison you), so be creative. ;) It's been decided that the caravans will travel together [i]at first[/i], but once we reach a dungeon we will separate to cover more ground. The dungeons are going to be [i]much[/i] larger than the dungeons on the game, and there will be two different bosses per dungeon. That way we won't get something like this: [color=#009966]*Caravan 1 beats Dungeon A while Caravan 2 beats Dungeon B; *They move to the next dungeon; *Caravan 2 beats Dungeon A while Caravan 1 beats Dungeon B[/color] [color=#009966][/color] [color=#009966]Then after the bosses are defeated, each caravan will get a drop of myrrh in their chalice. [/color] [color=#009966][/color] [color=#009966]4. Now here's the bothersome part. There are alot of treasure chests scattered throughout dungeons. Many of these chests contain artifacts that can give you another command slot, another heart, or they can increase your strength, defense, or magic by a few points. Once the boss for each level is defeated, each caravaner has the option of picking [i]one[/i] of the artifacts found in the dungeon. I don't want one person to always get the best of the lot and leave everyone with weaker artifacts, so I would like to do this as fair as possible. Unfortunately the only thing I can think of is to put names and artifacts in a hat and drawing randomly, so if you have any other suggestions that could make it run a bit smoother, [i]please[/i] tell me![/color] [color=#009966][/color] [color=#009966]I think that should cover alot of things, but if you have any questions, let me know. [/color][/color]
[size=2][color=#009966]Alex: "Michelle, I don't think I'm doing it right."[/color][/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][color=#009966][i]Michelle glanced over at Alex's feather. It was levitating, just like it was supposed to, but it was doing cartwheels in the air. Alex and her partner, a shy first-year boy named Josh, were slowly shifting their chairs away from the beserk feather, afraid that it would suddenly explode or something to that degree. She glanced at Michelle out of the corner of her eye, not daring to let the feather out of her sight.[/i][/color][/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][color=#009966]Alex: "What do I do?!"[/color][/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][color=#009966]Michelle: "Try countering it."[/color][/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][color=#009966][i]Alex tried to get it to stop bouncing around with a flick of her wrist, but instead the feather shot through the classroom and flew out the window, squawking like a bird. Professor Flitwick approached Alex and Josh and gave them a new feather.[/i][/color][/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][color=#009966]Professor Flitwick: "Um, maybe you should use a little [i]less[/i] wrist, Ms. Tristan."[/color][/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][color=#009966][i]Alex looked a bit disappointed. She could tell that she would love Charms....if she could only cast the spells right. She sighed, picked up her wand, and tried again with a bit more progress.[/i][/color][/size]
[color=#009966][b]Name:[/b] Arith Mondar [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Look:[/b] Arith wears a[/color] [color=#000080][b]dark blue[/b] [/color][color=black][color=#009966]sleeveless silk dress that ends a few inches above her knees, and it has a Mandarin collar-thing. Nothing too fancy, but it's practical. Since she's always outside wandering or running errands, she wears a dark green hooded cloak. She has reddish-gold hair tied in a loose braid, and she has dark green eyes. [/color][/color] [color=#009966][b]Personality:[/b] She gets bored easily. And she's claustrophobic. But other than that, she's quick to learn, and loves to spend her free time outside of the village (obviously because of her claustrophobia). But because she tends to avoid people, many people call her antisocial, and some who don't know her very well tend to think that she is a snob. [b]Ring Type:[/b] Cloak Ring [b]Information:[/b] Arith has a relatively large family: a mother, a father, 3 older brothers, an older sister, two little brothers, a little sister, and a little dog. (Heh. No wonder she freaks out around large groups.) Her father's a merchant, her oldest two brothers are city guards, and her mother and other siblings help around the house. She also loves maps. Alot. Which is why her family sends her on all the errands to and from different villages, and also why she was given the cloak ring when she turned 20. If she ever came across any trouble on the road---such as Ring Hunters, she could easily avoid it. She's currently trying to start a delivery service.[/color]
[font=Tahoma][/font][color=#009966]It was alright. Out of 10, I give it a 6.5, 7 at the most. I liked the Dementors. At the beginning of the movie when the train stopped and the Dementor poked his head in the car, I burst out laughing and whispered "My Precious...." lol They looked just like the Nazgul on LOTR. The only thing that urked me in that scene was when it was when Harry first saw it. Anyone would be like :eek:, but Harry was just calm and like -_-. Then at the end [spoiler]when the Dementors were killing Sirius and Harry, he was [i][b]too[/i][/b] overdramatic. It annoyed me.[/spoiler] Dumbledore annoyed me more than Harry though. He was too....I can't even think of a word to describe it. Instead of the calm, quiet, mysterious Dumbledore that was in the books and the other two movies, the new Dumbledore seemed noisy, less mysterious, and less subtle. If there's no other possible Dumbledore, I hope that the new one can learn to [i]act[/i] like the old Dumbledore! But the worst part was the ending. Gah, I wanted to rip my hair out! Or at least the idiot's who came up with it. That was one of the worst endings I've ever seen. Instead of the [i]real[/i] ending when Harry's uncle finds out that Harry has a godfather who's escaped from Azkaban and that Sirius will check on Harry to make sure that he's being treated well, it ends with him flying on his broom. :bash: Well, that concludes my rant.[/color]
[color=#009966][i]Alex finished eating just as Professor Dumbledore dismissed everyone. The Gryffindor Head Boy stood up and ordered everyone to follow him to the dorms. Just as Alex stood up, she noticed that the table was, once again, clean and bare, all of the food having been taken to some unknown place beneath the castle. She clutched her sketch pad and hurried to catch up to the rest of the group. She found herself standing beside the other first year girl, Michelle. She remembered that many people referred to her as "the Veela." Alex had no idea what a veela was, but she stored it somewhere in the back of her mind to think about later. Right now they were approaching the staircases. The Head Boy stopped and waited for the one that would take them to the appropriate landing, and then he instructed everyone to quickly hurry so they wouldn't be separated. When the last person stepped off the staircase, it moved to another part of the hall. Alex was so distracted that she didn't realize that the Slytherins and the Gryffindors were on the same landing, but heading in different directions. She saw a boy not far in front of her fall to the ground, revealing two grinning Slytherins who had been standing in front of them. They went on with the rest of their house without a second glance. Alex shot a scathing glare at them, but otherwise her face revealed no other emotion. The second year boy was being helped to his feet.[/i] Alex: "What snobs! Are all other Slytherins like that?" [i]she asked Michelle.[/i] Michelle: "No, not all of them. A good thing, too." [i]The Head Boy stopped at a large portrait of a lady, then turned and addressed the students.[/i] Head Boy: "This is where we will be staying. Do not forget the password; it is your key to getting in here. [i]'Spotted Salamander'," he said to the lady in the portrait. She nodded slightly, and then she disappeared, revealing a small doorway. They followed the Head Boy into the common room. A warm and cheerful fire had been lit in the fireplace, and the chairs were luxurious and inviting. He pointed right, to a staircase that led upwards. [/i] Head Boy: "Girls, this is your dorm. Boys, yours is on the left. Remember the rule: No one is allowed outside the dorms after dark. Good night." [i]Michelle, Alex, and the rest of the Gryffindor girls went upstairs, and Alex was surprised to find all of her belongings already unpacked. Her owl Steel was perched on her bedpost, waiting for her. Alex stroked his black feathers gently, then sat on her bed and immediately began sketching, trying to draw everything that she had seen tonight.[/i][/color]
[size=2][color=#009966][i][b]TIPA VILLAGE[/i][/b] OOC: Everyone, say your good-byes and head towards the bridge. From there we will separate. IC: Peter: "So you're really leaving." [i]It wasn't a question, but Selpheii knew that her older brother was having a hard time grasping it. Peter had always wanted to join the caravan, but, being the oldest of five children, his parents needed his help around the house and shop. Now his little sister was leaving on his dream.[/i] Selpheii: "Don't worry, Pete. I'll be back soon," she said as she packed her small pouch. Peter: "Soon indeed," he replied sarcastically, crossing his arms and leaning against the doorway of her small room. "The caravan only comes back once a year to give the crystal more myrrh, and who knows---" [i]Peter was nearly knocked down as their mother came hurring into the room, carrying a large bag of fruit in her arms. She dropped them in Selpheii's arms, almost bringing her to the ground under the large load.[/i] Mother: "There's plenty of fruit in here for you and all your little friends, so that should be a really good start. Now here's some gil---don't spend it all too quickly; we're not made of money, you know. And here's a jacket, we don't want you to freeze to death out there. Now did you remember to pack---" Selpheii: "I'll be fine, mom," she said between gasps as she heaved the large sack onto her bed. "I'll send you letters whenever I see the mailmoogle." Mother: "And you better come home with the speed of the mailmoogle, too," she said softly. She grabbed Selpheii's packs easily and added, "Here, let me help you with these." [i]The three of them walked out of the small house when Selpheii's father rode up on a small pony pulling a small cart. Selpheii's other siblings were riding in this cart: the twins Shawn and Joseph, both younger than Peter but older than Selpheii, and their little sister Renee, the youngest of the family. Their father gave the reins a small tug and stepped off the cart. He carried two wrapped bundles, one under each arm. He gave Selpheii the one in his right hand first. [/i] Father: "These are your new traveling clothes." He smiled fondly. "Everyone pitched in to make them. Even little Renee." [i]Then he gave her the other package. It was much heavier than the first one, and Selpheii had an idea what it was. She unwrapped it until she caught a glint of sunlight on metal. It was a sword and shield.[/i] Father: "Well, you better get going. The caravan's not going to wait for you." Then he said quietly, "Take care of yourself, you hear?" Selpheii:"I will....I promise." Shawn: "Yeah, take care of yourself, Squirt," he said as he teasingly nudged Joseph in the ribs. "Because as soon as you get back, you'll be stitching your little fingers to the bone to make up for all the time you missed!" Joseph: "Ha! Just make sure that some monster doesn't eat your fingers or arms before then!" Mother: "And speaking of stitching," she turned to the twins, "there's a pile of cloth with your names on it. Get busy and out of trouble!" [i]She followed the groaning and complaining twins into the house, pausing to wave good-bye in the doorway. Selpheii's father helped her pile her stuff in the cart, then they set off towards the village exit where the other caravaners would be waiting.[/i][/color][/size]
[size=2][color=#009966]My geometry teacher Mr. Martin, hands down. You should see him. He has black hair, an almost-unibrow, big round glasses, a goatee, but that's not the funniest part. He [i]loves[/i] to dress like a nerdy teacher! :glasses: He'll wear a wool vest, suspenders, and a bow tie, and act crazy in class. :bow: Then around exam time he'll give us a break and we'll just play games like Mafia. Heh. Good times, good times....[/color][/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][color=#009966]Not only that, but the dude is a complete Veggie-Tales fan. When he does wear a normal tie, it'll have characters from the show on it, and on his filing cabinet he has an action figure of Bob the Tomato and Larry-Boy. lol[/color][/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][color=#009966]And sometimes when it's raining he'll start grinning and lock the door just as someone's about to come in, and then he'll cackle evilly and jump up and down. Of course he only lets them stand out there for a few seconds (and there's a small porch outside the door), so they don't get too wet. ^__^[/color][/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][color=#009966]And apart from that, he teaches geometry well and simplifies all of those accursed postulates and theorems so that we can understand them. [/color][/size]
[size=2][color=#009966][b]Name:[/b] Alex Iris Tristan[/color][/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][color=#009966][b]Age: [/b]11[/color][/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][color=#009966][b]Sex:[/b] female[/color][/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][color=#009966][b]Eye:[/b] [/color][/size][b] [color=green]Dark green[/color][/b] [size=2][color=#009966][b]Hair:[/b] brown, long, usually kept up in a loose braid or bun[/color][/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][color=#009966][b]Wand:[/b] Phoenix feather, aspen wood, 14 [size=1]1/2[/size][size=2] inches[/color][/size][/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][color=#009966][b]House:[/b] TBA[/color][/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][color=#009966][b]Year:[/b] 1[/color][/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][color=#009966][b]Personality:[/b] An observer, level-headed, quick to learn, loyal to friends, and she tries to conceal her anger as much as possible[/color][/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][color=#009966][b]Bio: [/b][i]Angela Mondar, a witch. Jon Tristan, a muggle. They met, fell in love, and were married in less than one year. And during all of this, Jon knew nothing of Angela's true identity. Together they had three children: two sons, Jared, who is now 17, and Shawn, who is 15, and a daughter, Alex, who recently turned 11 in April. Everyone knew that Alex took after her mother the most; they were almost identical. But Angela knew that the resemblance went beyond appearance.[/color] [/i][/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][i][color=#009966]It was shortly after Alex's 11 birthday when her mother came home with a strange parcel. She gave it to Alex, and when she opened it, she saw a jet-black owl peering at her intently with large, golden eyes. Everyone was thoroughly confused. Then it was a few days later when she received her letter to Hogwarts. Of course her father, Jared, or Shawn knew nothing about it. They decided that it was just a hoax and were about to throw it away when their mother stopped them. She told them that she was a witch. Naturally, they were shocked, but it went a bit beyond that.[/color][/i][/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][i][color=#009966]They all started treating Alex and Angela differently. Jon would no longer even glance at his wife, let alone talk to her. Jared, who was always rough with Alex in a brotherly sort of way, was now cold and often shoved her aside as he would have done to any stranger in the crowded streets of London. Shawn often stuck up for her. He loved all the midieval stuff and was the fantasy-freak of the family, so to him it was no different than reading a book.[/color][/i][/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][i][color=#009966]Since Alex was often alone much more than ever, she had alot more time to practice drawing, something she had never had much time to do. She realized that drawing was soothing to her. She could put all her emotions onto paper. It was during times when she was drawing that she would remind herself to be the better person and not let her anger show, especially around Jared. She would not give him the satisfaction that he had upset her. [/color][/i][/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][i][color=#009966]And soon the day will come when she will leave and go to Hogwarts.[/color][/i][/size]
[font=Tahoma][color=#009966]Yes, there is a limit, but it might be by fault for not being clear. In my first post I asked if there would be one or two per hometown. Well, since everyone is starting in Tipa, there should only be one or two of each trade. As of now, here is the count:[/color][/font] [b][color=#009966]Clavats: 4[/b] [b]Lilties: 2[/b] [b]Yukes: 1[/b] [b]Selkies: 3[/color][/b] [b][color=#009966]Blacksmith: 3[/b] [b]Farmer: 0[/b] [b]Rancher: 1[/b] [b]Tailor: 1[/b] [b]Merchant: 2[/b] [b]Alchemist: 1[/b] [b]Fisherman: 0[/b] [b]Miller: 0[/b] [b]Librarian / Scholar: 1[/b] [b]Elder: 0[/b] [b]Guard: 1[/color][/b] [b][color=#009966]Total number of players: 10[/b] [b]Number of moogles: 3[/color][/b] [color=#009966]Some of the numbers are stretched. We don't need 3 blacksmiths for a small little town; not even the larger cities have that many. So unless we can recruit some more people to even out some of the empty spaces, we might have to cut or change a few characters. [/color] [color=#009966]Now for the moogles. Currently there are four caravans leaving from the same small town, three of them with only one person each, one with seven characters. I don't want four different versions of the same adventure in one RPG. Trust me, it gets very confusing. However, I do know that you can't fit all ten in one caravan. So I will divide everyone into either two or three groups (it all depends on how many more people will sign up by the end of the day), and each group will get one moogle. If the final count by the time the sign up ends is still ten, we will be divided into two groups, which means that someone must delete their moogle. If we get at least 12, then there will be four characters per group with one moogle per caravan. [/color] [color=#009966][b]MOOGLE POSITIONS ARE CLOSED![/b] [/color] [color=#009966]I would also like to have at least one representative of each tribe for each caravan, which obviously means we need more Yukes, and possibly another Lilty. We have a surplus of Clavats and just the right number of Selkies, so please no more of those two. [/color] [color=#009966]I think that about covers everything. [strike]The sign-ups will close at 10 [size=1]PM[/size].[/strike][/color] [color=#009966][EDIT][/color] [color=#009966][color=red][b]SIGN-UPS ARE NOW CLOSED!![/color][/b][/color] [color=#009966][color=#009966]I've tried to divide everyone as evenly as possible into two groups based on your stats. [/color][/color] [color=#009966][center][img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19438[/img][/color] [color=#009966] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19450[/img] [/color][color=#009966] [/center] [color=#009966]Look for this thread around Tuesday or Wednsday. :)[/color][/color]
[color=#009966]The sign-ups are looking great so far, fellow caravaners. :) The sign-ups will be open until June 6, and there's still plenty of positions open. Hopefully by then we can get a few Yukes in the RPG as well. [/color]
[font=Garamond][font=Tahoma][color=#009966]Barbies, eh?[/color] [/font] [color=#009966]I remember a certain Christmas when I was about three....maybe four. I woke up that morning, went downstairs, and there, right on the table, was an entire Beauty and the Beast Barbie set, with the dishes and furniture and everything. I had only played with Belle for one day when my little sister got a hold of her. My sister didn't mean to do anything (*cough* mostofthetime *cough*). She took my Belle Barbie up to her crib so she could take a nap with her. The only horror was that in her sleep, my sister had an uncanny habbit of twisting her fingers in dolls' hair to the point when her finger would turn a shade of blue, the hair would be in knots, and the only way to free the finger from the hair was with a pair of scissors. Only hours later when I was looking for my new Barbie, my mom showed me a bald, grinning, Belle. I was screaming and crying at the same time for a while....:bawl: [/color][/font]
[color=#009966]I know it's been a looooong time since I started an RPG, but out of boredom and desperateness, I'm going to give it another go. Anyone who is familiar with the game probably knows the basics of the story, so I'll make it brief.[/color] [center][b]PROLOGUE[/b][/center] [center][i]"Seek the water of life.[/i][/center] [center][i]"Long ago, miasma swallowed the world. Its very touch was fatal, and it claimed many lives. But we have since discovered a way to hold it at bay.[/i][/center] [center][i]"Crystals protect us from miasma. Smaller crystals now guard the villages of the world, while greater ones guard the cities. We all live our lives within the embrace of the crystals' blessing.[/i][/center] [center][i]"The power of the crystals is not limitless, however; it gradually diminishes over time. We must rekindle the crystals' radiance each year by purifying them with myrrh. In turn, they protect us from the miasma for another year.[/i][/center] [center][i]"But myrrh cannot be found just anywhere. We must seek it in the dank depths of dungeons, across forbidding mountains, even beyond the sea.[/i][/center] [center][i]"This task falls to groups of young men and women sent off each year by every town the world over. It is their duty to collect myrrh and bring it home. They are known as the crystal caravans.[/i][/center] [center][i]"This is the tale of one such caravan and its adventures."[/i][/center] [left][color=#009966]That's basically it as far as the story goes, but now I'm going to make a few changes. I don't want this RPG to be [i]exactly[/i] like the game. It would be great if we could come up with all new dungeons, all new bosses, maybe an extra town here and there, etc., but as the story goes along, you will gain some attacks that will be permanant, and then you can upgrade them, but that's not until later. [/left] And just like the game, it will take a year to collect three drops of myrrh, so don't worry about stretching the plot and adding subplots, but make sure the posts inbetween the dungeons aren't spam. ;) [/color] [b]TRIBES[/b] [color=#009966]Your character must belong to one of the tribes: Clavats, Lilties, Yukes, or Selkies. Based on your tribe, you will be given some stats.[/color] [left][color=green][b]Clavats:[/b] [center][img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19330[/img][/center][/color][/left] [color=green] [center] [/center] [u]Specialty:[/u] Defense [u]Traits:[/u] High defense and skill in magic [u]Stats:[/u] Strength=21, Defense=24, Magic=13 [u]One sentence that describes them:[/u] "A gentle people that value harmony above all."[/color] [color=crimson][b]Lilties:[/b] [center][img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19331[/img][/center][/color] [color=crimson] [u]Specialty:[/u] Offense [u]Traits:[/u] High strength and proficiency with many types of spears. [u]Stats:[/u] Strength=23, Defense=23, Magic=10 [u]One sentence that describes them:[/u] "A proud warrior tribe with infamously short tempers."[/color] [color=black][color=blue][b]Yukes:[/b] [center][img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19332[/img][/center][/color][/color] [color=black][color=blue] [/color][u][color=blue][font=Tahoma]Specialty:[/font][/u][font=Tahoma] Magic[/font] [size=2][u]Traits:[/u] Quicker spellcasting[/size] [size=2][u]Stats:[/u] Strength=20, Defense=20, Magic=15[/size] [size=2][u]One sentence that describes them:[/u] "A mysterious tribe of great lore and wisdom."[/size][/color][/color] [color=purple][b]Selkies:[/b] [center][img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19333[/img][/center][/color] [color=purple] [u]Specialty:[/u] Agility [u]Traits:[/u] Quicker focus attacks and longer range [u]Stats:[/u] Strength=22, Defense=21, Magic=12 [u]One sentence that describes them:[/u] "Independent people who put themselves first."[/color] [b]YOUR SIGN-UP[/b] [b]Name:[/b] (this is a given) [b]Moogle:[/b] (yes or no. Remember, you only get a moogle companion if you set off alone. If yes, state your moogle's name.) [b]Tribe:[/b] (see above) [b]Gender:[/b] (male or female) [b]Appearance:[/b] (Please pick from given appearances above. All you have to do is look at the name under the image of the character you want and, if you want, you can post a special picture. HOWEVER, there is a catch: [b]ONLY ONE CHARACTER APPEARANCE PER PERSON![/b] If the appearance you want is taken by another character, pick one that isn't taken.) [b]Hometown:[/b] (I would like Tipa to be the starting place for most of the characters, but if we get some characters from other towns, it would add some variety and allow us to meet on the road.) [b]Family Trade / Parents' Occupation:[/b] (blacksmith, farmer, rancher, tailor, merchant, alchemist, fisherman, miller, librarian, village elder, or city guard. Please try to have only one or two per hometown.) [b]Brothers / Sisters:[/b] (how many siblings you have and their names.) [color=#009966]Alright, that should cover it. Let the sign-ups begin![/color] [center]~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~[/center] [color=teal][b]Name:[/b] Selpheii [b]Moogle:[/b] no [b]Tribe:[/b] Clavat [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] Long Hair [center][img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19334[/img][/center] [b]Hometown:[/b] Tipa [b]Family Trade / Parents' Occupation:[/b] Tailor [b]Brothers / Sisters:[/b] 3 brothers: Peter, Shawn, Joseph, 1 sister: Renee [color=#009966]Alright, I think that's it. Sign-ups end next sunday![/color][/color]
You know you're easily amused when. . .
Deedlit replied to kenshinsbabe's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=Guess?][size=2][color=#2e8b57]6) Super glueing coins to the ground and watching people try to get them while trying to look casual. This keeps me entertained in school[/color][/size] [/QUOTE] [color=#009966]:rotflmao: Holy crap. I have [i]got[/i] to try that one. :D 1.) You stare at your digital alarmclock and, without counting the seconds, try to guess the EXACT moment when the minute will change. 2.) You put a blanket over your head and scare your dog (it's even more hilarious if it's a chihuahua) 3.) You stare at a very bright lightbulb, without squinting, until you can see the orange wire in the center surrounded by a strange color of blue.... 4.) You open the refridgerator door, trying to see if you can look through the door before the light comes on. 5.) You laugh at your friend because he/ she laughed. 6.) You listen to someone trying to immitate a racecar and just kill over laughing 7.) When you play mafia in geometry and kill everyone during the nightime, and then during the daytime you make false accusations towards innocent citizens and laugh when they're "executed." 8.) You tap your window, trying to make the stupid spider on the other side move. 9.) When you play Majora's Mask and you try to kill Tingle with your sword, the blast mask, arrows, whatever. (This can last for quite a while.) 10.) When you poke the person sitting in front of you with a pencil during geometry, and watch as his reflexes get better day-by-day.[/color] -
[quote name='Falkon']Look at Japan for example. They have less murders per year than we do here in the US, and they MAKE all of the damn video games. [/quote] [color=#009966]True, but they also have a very high rate of teenage suicides.[/color] [quote name='the_fizz][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=royalblue]I mean I know this stuff happens, but WHY do they have to show it over and over and over.[/color][/size'][/font][/quote] [color=#009966]They're showing all of this to the public because it is the very nature of the media to reveal any and every scandal they can. Not only that, but it's election year. The democrats are trying to show everyone what has happened ever since Bush came in to office. It's only going to get worse.[/color]
[font=Impact][quote name='Spike88]You people really have a lot of nerve. Every thing may be political be at least amercans go for humiliation rather than inhuman treatment of innocent people. ALl the news has the stuff about how harshly those people who took pictures of the Iraqi prisoners. Firsts things first the Iraqi's who we took pictures of were guilty thats why they were in jail. Secondly it was humiliating but it wasn't brutal murder.[/font'][font=Impact][/quote][/font] [color=#009966]If you pondered on the fact that the American soldiers took and submitted degrading images to the public of the prisoners [i]and[/i] that the American soldiers sexually assulted them [i]while smiling[/i], then you should have realized that the American soldiers were more inhuman to the Iraqi prisoners than they were to us. No, it was not "brutal murder." They gave him a quick death, and if you think that's bad, just think of all the other tortures they could do. They didn't split his knee caps or twist his elbows out of its sockets, they didn't burn his eyes with a hot iron, they didn't shove sharp knives under his finger nails--- trust me, there are alot of worse things they could've done. Yes, it was wrong that they killed an innocent man, but alot of things are wrong in the world today, aren't there? Bush wanted to start a war, and it's a packaged deal. You get it all, the killing, the terrorism, the deaths, or nothing. He got it.[/color]
[color=#009966]:D This game looks AWESOME!! :wigout: I love the graphics, and the monsters look better than ever. I just wish they would tell us more about the plot....>_>; This should definately be a "must-have" for all Zelda fans. ^__^[/color]