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Everything posted by Deedlit

  1. [color=009966][i]Elsyan slowly turned around as the flapping grew louder, then the sun was blotted out. At first, she thought it was just a low cloud, but this was a cloud of feathers, squaking, beaks, wings, and angry eyes. Elsyan almost dropped her sword.[/i] Elsyan: "Oh.....my...." Tasis: "RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!" [i]Everyone turned and ran in the opposite direction, running as if a squad of monsters were on their tails. Tasis, being a faster runner, took the lead, shouting madly over his shoulders.[/i] Tasis: "I TOLD YOU! I TOLD YOU CHICKENS WERE EVIL!!" Rokar: "Why'd you have to get it pissed off, Tasis?!" Tasis: "How the heck was I supposed to know it was an accursed demonic chicken?!" Elsyan: "Quit talking, more running!!"[/color]
  2. [color=009966][i]Everyone gasped for air once they were finished laughing. Rokar, Tasis, and Elsyan wiped their eyes with the back of their hands as tears blurred their vision. [/i] Rokar: "Seriously, now. Why can't we go take a look at the fortune teller's hut? I'm sure he or she has some worthless junk that can bring us some rupees. All it takes is a little slash, and we get free rupees! Elsyan, you can distract him while Tasis and I hack apart some vases or his lawn. It's a great idea!" Tasis: "No it's not. Look." [i]Tasis jurked a thumb in the hut's general direction. Elsyan and Rokar turned to look around. [/i] Elsyan: "I don't see anything. Just the path, trees, the grass, the hut, a chicken walking around outside the hut---" Tasis: "That's just it." Elsyan: "What?" [i]Rokar hid a smile.[/i] Rokar: "Tasis is afraid of chickens." [i]Tasis shot Rokar an angry glance.[/i] Tasis: "For a good reason! You didn't see those blood-thirsty beasts in action!!" Elsyan: "It's just one chicken. What's to be afraid of?" Tasis: "Oh sure, it's just one chicken now, but if you attack it, MILLIONS come after you and try to KILL you!!!" [i]Elsyan and Rokar stared at Tasis blankly. Then Elsyan spoke slowly.[/i] Elsyan: "Oooookaaaay. Um....It's alright to be scared of chickens, Tasis, but....I don't think they try to kill anybody....Maybe you're just paranoid, or....you have a bump on your head from when you were attacked." Tasis: "I'm just fine!! You'll see. One of these days, the chickens will attack. THEN you'll believe me." [i]Tasis walked ahead with a smug grin on his face. Elsyan and Rokar exchanged glances, shrugged, and walked after him. The creature that was watching them from the underbrush watched on in silence, then hurried forward, staying parallel to the path, staying slightly behind the three as they got even closer to the graveyard.[/i][/color]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Tigervx [/i] [B][SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] Favorite LOTR TT quote [spoiler] Pippin: We should go south, because the closer you are to danger, the farther you are from harm. Treebeerd (yes, in the book it is beerd, not beard) Hmm, that doesn't make sense. [/spoiler] [/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=009966]LOL I remember that! Pippin has some strange logic..... I've heard some people say that the books are better than the movies, and I've heard it vice-versa. Which do you prefer? Personally I don't mind it either way, but I just want to know what others think about it.[/color]
  4. [color=009966]>< That's no good. *hands FF a new FotR* Too bad you can't take it in real life.[/color]
  5. [color=009966]*some clothes *a bit of jewelry (^^) *candy *a Legolas poster (^^) *a Legolas action figure (^^) *LOTR game for the PS2 *Harry Potter for the PS2 *a manga called "Wish", volume 2 *a sketch pad *a Gamecube (^^) *a planner *$50 (WHOOHOO!!) *Dragons of Autumn Twilight I, Dragons of Winter Night II, and Dragons of Spring Dawning III(I already had all three of them, but it's the thought that counts. ^_^) *A CD player/carrying case *a porcelin fairy [/color]
  6. [color=009966][b]Your name:[/b] Samantha (I can't give my last name, so let's just say VW. No, it has nothing to do with a car.... T_T;;; ) [b]Your character name: [/b]Laithrielsyan Similothlas (Elsyan; it's pronounced as Ell'see'an) [b]Your email address:[/b] [email]high_elf_deedlit2002@yahoo.com[/email] [b]Location:[/b] Otakuboards, or my e-mail [b]appearance:[/b] Elsyan respectively looks like [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=314052]this[/URL]. She stands at about 5'4", has long brown hair, emerald-green eyes, and like all Elves (there can be Elves here, right? If not, let me know and I'll be more than happy to change it.), has pointy, leaf-shaped ears (even though they're not exactly that long.) She wears a light-wieght chain-mail shirt ontop of a green dress, with black leather armor on top of that. She wears black boots, a dark blue cape, and wears a sword at her side. [b]Character History:[/b] Elsyan is very quiet and shy, loyal to her friends, honest, and outgoing. When Elsyan was about ten, her homeland was being raided and destroyed. She doesn't remember much about that night, only that it was a night of chaos with the stench of burning trees and blinding smoke. Somehow Elsyan got lost while everyone was fleeing, and so she wandered around aimlessly until she came upon a small town a few days later. Elsyan immediatly loved the village. It was very peaceful and very quiet, a good place for her to live until she could find her way back to her home. [/color]
  7. [color=009966]lol I don't think Legolas is that old, but I could be wrong. Name: Laithrielsyan Similothlas (called "Elsyan" for short. It's pronounced as Ell'see'an) Age: 345 Race: Calaquendi (High Elf) Weapons: a sword and a longbow with a quiver of 30 arrows Description: Something like the attachment. Bio: Elsyan has lived in Rivendale for as long as she could remember. She is good friends with Laitina and her family, and once Legolas even introduced her to Frodo. They became friends, and Elsyan was grieved to hear that he was taken hostage at Isenguard. She is determined to help him. [/color]
  8. [color=009966]It's about three hours long, so it's a good bit shorter than the first one. ^_-[/color]
  9. [color=009966]I think the multi-player mode would be awesome! ^^ I wonder if you could use muli-player to defeat bosses too? Oh well. I guess if you could, it wouldn't be much fun since you would beat him/it too easily. I really want to try it out though. ^_^[/color]
  10. [color=009966]My SN is Deedlit because she's my fav anime character. :p No secret there....^^ [/color]
  11. [color=009966]Yes, I read Shonen Jump. I really liked it! ^^ I wouldn't mind reading the next issue. ^_^[/color]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ChibiTrunks [/i] [B][COLOR=royalblue][SIZE=1][FONT=arial] [i]Steals her Leggy Plushie away fom Juu and sits in a darkened corners rocking back and forth muttering "He's mine..."[/i] No matter what either of you say, I was, I am, and always WILL be the Ultimate Lover Of Leggy^^ [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=009966]uh-huh. Riiiiiiiiight. :rolleyes: You just think that, Lauren. You just think that.... You're mom thought Legolas was a girl!?!? :therock: Well, he is feminine-looking. ^.^ *ahem*[/color]
  13. [color=009966][spoiler]Whoops. We're both wrong. I just looked in [i]The Two Towers[/i] book and it's spelled as Sméagol. :p[/spoiler][/color]
  14. [color=009966]Don't get down in the dumps, YYH. ^_- Some of my friends haven't seen it yet either.[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shinobi [/i] [B]I loved this and think it is amazing, i just cant wait to play the game on Xmas Day :D. Oh yeah.....GOLLUM R0x0Rz! [spoiler]How do you spell Smiegal? Is it Smeegal/Smiegal/Smeigal/Smiegil I dunno :( i R0x0Rz anyway.[/spoiler] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=009966][spoiler]I think it's spelled as "Smeagle." ^_-[/spoiler] Yeah, we got the game too. ^^ I can't believe my mom's making us wait until Christmas, though. Everyone knows that we already got it....Oh well. I just can't wait until I can play as Legolas! ^^[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ChibiTrunks [/i] [B]:therock: :nono: :evil3: :twitch: [COLOR=red][FONT=arial][SIZE=4] You lie![/SIZE][/B][/QUOTE][/FONT][/COLOR] [color=009966]'Tisn't a lie. It's the truth! Legolas is MINE no matter how much you hate me for it! :p *hugs Legolas action figure* :love2:[/color]
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ChibiTrunks [/i] [B][COLOR=green][SIZE=1][FONT=arial] AIIIIIIEEE! [i]Jumps on Juu's head[/i] He's mine! My own... my [i]presious...[/i] Oy. Sorry 'bout that^^ BUt, Juu, its was Aragorn who did that;) And Gimli said [spoiler]"Oh, and dont tell the elf
  16. [color=009966][i]Elsyan thought about Fox and what he had said. "USED to be John Schock," "This blade changed me," what did that mean? Oh well. Things were getting wierder and wierder anyway. Besides, it was none of her business anyway. But what confused her the most was the feeling she got when she thought about him. Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted when she saw Elise walk down the sidewalk towards the inn. Elsyan reached for her sword. As Elise came closer, Elsyan saw that there were two other people with her: A man with long white hair, and a man with short brown hair. They seemed to be deep in conversation.[/i] Elsyan: "Great. Even more trouble...." [i]Elsyan quickly closed the curtains so they couldn't see her, but she left them open just a crack so she could see them. Soon they were close enough that she could hear what they were saying. The guy with the white hair spoke first.[/i] ???: "Good. Now what about you, Elise? Did you find her yet? Elise: "No. I searched her apartment completely. She wasn't there." ???: "Then we'll just search this town until we find them." [i]She wondered if they would simply pass by the inn completely, but that idea was scratched when the one with the long white hair pointed at the inn, and they all walked inside. She locked the door to her room, then tightened the grip she had on her sword.[/i][/color]
  17. [QUOTE][b]We believe that Peter Jackson and New Line Cinema's actions are in fact hate speech. The movie is intentionally being named The Two Towers in order to capitalize on the tragedy of September 11. [/b][/QUOTE] [color=009966]GARH!! Those stupid little......That is absurd! That is ridiculous! That's just some BS! I suddenly have the urge to kick something.... *ends rant* ANYwho, I was a little disappointed that they took out the last few chapters about [SPOILER]Frodo getting stung by Shelob, when Gandalf faced Saurmon and he recieved that ball thingy (I forgot what it was called.) In the book, he was stung at the end of TTT, then at the last sentence of the book, you find out that he's alive. I think it would've been better to show Frodo get stung, then end the movie and leave everyone in suspense about the next movie [i]Return of the King[/i], but that's my opinion.[/SPOILER][/color]
  18. [color=009966]ooc: Have fun on vacation, Juu! ^_~ ------------------------------------------- ic: [i]Elsyan was walking towards an inn that was nearby. She would have gone to her home, but she had a feeling that Elise would go there looking for her. She quickly crossed the street--receiving a few awkward glances from people when they saw the sword at her side--and sighed when she reached the inn. She opened the door and walked up to the counter, placing some money infront of the innkeeper.[/i] Elsyan: "I need a room for the night." [i]The innkeeper looked at her shrewdly.[/i] Innkeep: "Aren't you a bit young to be wandering alone by yourself? Are your parents around?" Elsyan: "No, they're not. They're...on vacation. I need a room for the night." [i]This wasn't true, and Elsyan hoped that he wouldn't bother her with any more questions. Her parents died about two years ago, leaving her alone. The police had said that they died in a car accident, but something told her that they were hiding something. The innkeeper shrugged and handed her a key. Elsyan walked up the stairs until she found her room, then sat down on the bed, gazing out the window.[/i][/color]
  19. [color=009966][i]Eseian and her brother Kaharu were walking back from the store. Their mom was very busy at work, so Eseian had to do all the chores and shopping while she was gone. She held two paper bags of food held in one arm, while she held her little brother's hand in the other. They were just passing the park when her little brother stopped and tugged on her sleeve.[/i] Kaharu: "Eseian, what's that?" [i]Eseian looked where Kaharu indicated and gasped. There was someone there who looked to be about 14 or 15 fighting some....well, monster! She had never seen anything like this in her life! The creature charged through the park and rammed a car, sending it flying towards them. Kaharu smiled like a child who would smile when he saw a magic trick performed for the first time.[/i] Kaharu: "I didn't know cars could fly!" [i]Eseian stared in horror at the car, then grabbed Kaharu's arm and ran. Kaharu just stared at the car in amazement, not even knowing the danger of the situation. Suddenly, he broke free of her grasp and ran back to where he had been standing previously. Eseian dropped her bags and screamed.[/i] Eseian: "Kaharu! No!!" Kaharu: "I want to see the Flying Car, Eseian!" [i]Eseian paled and ran towards her brother, but it was too late. Kaharu, who had been staring at the car in excitement, now went rigid, his eyes wide in terror. The car hit him, killing him instantly from the impact. Eseian suddenly felt weak, like she would faint. She fell to her knees as time seemed to slow down, then freeze.[/i] ---------------- -EDIT- ooc: John and I posted at the same time, but this happened while Tohru was fighting.[/color]
  20. [color=009966][b]Name:[/b] Eseian Kinu [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=324739[/IMG] [b]Age:[/b] 14 [b]Height:[/b] 5'3" [b]Eyes:[/b] emerald green [b]Hair:[/b] long and brown. It goes down to her wrists when her arms are at her sides. [b]Distinguishing Features:[/b] none that I can think of [b]Casual Clothing:[/b] a green or blue shirt with either blue jeans or cacki (sp?) pants. [b]Likes:[/b] RPG's, anime, drawing, reading, and she's really into the fantasy stuff. [b]Dislikes:[/b] cheerleading and fighting [b]Personality:[/b] honest, sensitive, brave, outgoing, and loyal to her friends. [b]Zodiac Sign:[/b] Dragon (lol I just found out that my sign really was a dragon) [b]Personal Element:[/b] Air [b]Bio:[/b] When Eseian was in the 6th grade, she saw a show called "Record of Lodoss War" and ever since then, she has been obsessed with fantasy-stuff and role-playing.(:p) Most people consider her weird, but she doesn't care. Her dad died about two years ago, and she lives alone with her little brother and her mom. [b]Typical character quote:[/b] "Thank you, Captain Obvious" [/color]
  21. [color=009966][i]Elsyan walked down the sidewalk. Ahead of her, she saw a large group around a store window,staring at the TV. Some people were crying, others stared in disbelief while some shook their heads. Elsyan walked over to hear what all the fuss was about.[/i] News Reporter: [i]"With the recent death of the Pope, John Paul and our President, George Bush, the country is in chaos. We do not know as of yet who is behind these assassinations. Many people believe that the assassin who murdered the Pope is the same one who murdered the President, but the dectectives investigating the cases don't believe that. I am Joan Brown, and we will be right back after this commercial break."[/i] [i]"That's just great," Elsyan thought. She sighed and continued on her way. About three minutes later, Elsyan had an eerie feeling that she was being followed. She glanced over her shoulder. Nothing.[/i] Elsyan: "Why am I so paranoid all of a sudden?" [i]She shook her head and kept on walking. Soon after she got that feeling again. This time when Elsyan turned around, someone with long blonde hair was there staring at her with her blue-grey eyes. The girl flicked her hair over her shoulder and walked closer towards Elsyan with a smug grin on her face, then stopped about five paces away from her.[/i] ???: "I've finally found you, Elsyan Celtra." Elsyan: "How---?" [i]But before Elsyan could ask who she was and how she knew her name, there was a flash of steel as the girl threw a knife at Elsyan. Elsyan quickly dodged to the right as the knife simply grazed her arm.[/i] Elsyan: (thinks)"This woman's nuts!! She somehow knows my name, and now she's trying to kill me!" [i]Elsyan turned around and ran. She didn't have anything to defend herself with, and she didn't intend to get killed by a psychopathic lady. She could hear the woman's steps behind her as she chased after Elsyan. What was her problem?! Elsyan saw a large alley on her right and ran right in. It was littered with old boxes and crates, along with a bunch of other junk. Elsyan ran towards the back and hid behind a large stack of old newspapers. She tried to calm her breathing as she heard the woman enter the alley warily. The woman did not go in the alley too far, but instead stayed near the entrance, peering around. Not wanting to waste her time by digging through junk, the woman started to turn around and leave. A few feet from the sidewalk, she called over her shoulder.[/i] ???: "I know you're hiding in there somewhere, but you're not worth my time. Just know this: I am Elise Ceatre, and we will meet again soon! Very soon." [i]With that, Elise walked back to the sidewalk and disappeared in the crowd. Elsyan waited about five more minutes to make sure that she was gone, then slowly stood up. She was about to leave when she saw something wrapped in brown paper underneath a box. Elsyan bent down and picked it up. She carefully removed the paper and caught her breath. It was a sword! She held in her hands the fine, leather sheath. Elsyan grasped the hilt and slowly removed it. It was the most beautiful weapon she had ever seen! Engraved along the sides of the blade were many different runes. Elsyan tested the weapon by swinging it in a wide arc above her head. It was well balanced and Elsyan had a strange feeling that it was made just for her. She sheathed it and attached it to her belt, then left the alley, trying to keep near crowds so she wouldn't be spotted so easily.[/i][/color]
  22. [color=009966]Elsyan: "Good. You're awake. How are you feeling?" Tasis: "I'm fine.....just a bit confused. Who are you and what happened?" Elsyan: "I'm Laithrielsyan Similothlas, but I'm called Elsyan instead, and this is Glen the Innkeeper. As far aw what happened, I'm not sure. You were just outside of Kakariko Village when I found you." [i]Tasis closed his eyes as more memories came back to him. Then Glen spoke.[/i] Glen: "So what are you two going to do now?" -------------------------- OOC: Sorry it's so short. I'm trying to fight off a WB.[/color]
  23. [color=009966]Name: Elsyan Celtra Alignment: Good Z-Keeper/Mortal counterpart: Elise Ceatre Age: 14 Hair: long brown hair that goes down to her wrists when her arms are at her sides. Eyes: emerald green Build: 5'4", slender Weapon: a sword with ancient and magical runes engraved along the sides, and a bow with a quiver of arrows. Abilities: Dragon's Rage (an attack in the shape of the dragon that has the same ferocity as a real dragon), and Fairy's Love (a healing spell). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Z-Keeper: Elise Ceatre Alignment: Evil Age: 20 Hair: Long blonde hair that goes down to her waist Eyes: bluish-grey Build: 5'6", slender Weapon: A longsword with a black blade with silver runes engraved along the side by a Dark Wizard, a dagger, and throwing knives Abilities: Flaming Tempest (a huge gust of wind like a tornado with flames), Cursed Hope (an illusion type attack. The illusion can't be hurt, but it can inflict damage on its opponent.)[/color]
  24. [color=009966]ooc: Sorry I haven't posted here much. I've been babysitting someone [i]all...day...long[/i], and by the time I get home, I'm exausted. X_X I can only post every so often. Sorry -------------------------------------------------------------------- ic: [i]Samantha got off the bus as fast as she could. Ugh, she [/i]hated[i] riding the bus, but she didn't have a choice since she was too young to drive. She walked to the front doors, grabbed the door handle, and was about to open it when someone from the inside ran outward and knocked her down to the pavement. It was a boy with glasses and dark brown hair, who was probably a Freshman or Sophmore, running from someone who was a Senior, and by the looks of the person, the School Bully. The kid with the glasses was about to stop and help Samantha up, but the bully grabbed him by the shirt collar and lifted him up.[/i] Bully: "Hey, Joey--or should I say Shrimp? You still owe me that ten dollars that I let you borrow." Joey: "But I didn't borrow any money from you!" Bully: "So? That doesn't mean that I couldn't use the extra money. Fork it over. Now!" [i]Reluctantly, the kid reached into his pocket and pulled out a few dollars. The bully dropped him as he flipped through the money, counting it. Samantha stood up and confronted the Senior.[/i] Samantha: "You can't just take his money like that!" Bully: "What are you gonna do about it? Lecture me?" [i]The bully pushed Samantha back to the ground.[/i] Bully: "Stupid Freshman. Stay out of my way and you won't get hurt. Hey, wait a sec!" [i]Joey was starting to sneak away when the bully grabbed him again.[/i] Bully: "Where do you think you're goin'? You only gave me eight dollars and twenty-five cents! Time to teach you a lesson." [i]The bully grabbed Joey and hauled him back inside to who-only-knows-where, probably the bathroom for a swirley or something. Samantha stood up, again, and picked up her stuff. She opened the door (not before making sure no one was charging out) and walked towards her locker. At least she wouldn't get lost today, she thought.[/color][/i]
  25. [color=009966][i]Elsyan stared at this new person. She was certainly taken aback by this, but who was this person? She couldn't tell who this person was because of the hood that hid her face, and she only knew this person was a woman because of her voice. The main question on Elsyan's mind was whether she was good or evil? [/i] Elsyan: "Yes, I am Laithrielsyan Similothlas. How did you know, and who are you?[/color]
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