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Everything posted by Deedlit

  1. [color=009966]Samantha: "Darn it! I'm lost [i]again![/i]" [i]Samantha had passed that same waterfountain at least three times. This was her first year at highschool, so she had no clue where she was. Samantha sighed and sat down next to the waterfountain.[/i] Samantha: "Stupid hall. Why does this school have to be so big!?" [i]Samantha rested her chin on her hand as she looked up. There was a sign on the wall with an arrow pointing to the right. [/i] [CENTER][B]BAND ROOM ----->[/B][/CENTER] [i]Samantha leapt up. At least that was a start. She had tried out for the band the previous summer and was thrilled when she found out that she was able to play the snare drum. She could ask the band directer, Mr. Johnson (no relation to the Mrs. Johnson in QA's post. ), where the 9th grade hall was. Samantha looked at her watch; the tardy bell would ring soon. Samantha ran down the hall towards the band room as fast as she could.[/i][/color]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juuthena [/i] [B][color=deeppink] [size=1]I've lived in a few places... Here's a list of where I've [i]lived[/i]. 1) Seoul, South Korea. 2) JaeJuDo, South Korea. 3) Aahus, Denmark. 4) Copenhagen, Denmark. 5) Dallas, TX, usa. 6) St. Louis, Missouri, usa. 7) Houston, TX, usa. 8) Galveston, TX, usa. 9) Plano, TX, usa. 9 1/2) Victoria, UK. (only for four months... - .-') Here are some places I've visited. ^^ 1) SanGeDong, South Korea 2) Myrtle Beach, South Carolina 3) Chicago, Illinois 4) LA, California 5) Santa Clara, California 6) San Jose, California 7) Napa Valley, California 8) Berkley, California 9) Angel Island, California 10) Union City, California 11) San Antonio, Texas 12) Texas City, Texas 13) Padre Island, Texas 14) Corpus Christi, Texas 15) Jefferson, Missori 16) Frankfurt, Germany 17) Stockholm, Sweden 18) A lake [i]on[/i] the border of N. and S. Korea... 19) Phoenix, Arizona 20) Orlando, Florida 21) Boston, Massachuetts. 22) Fremont, California 23) Fremont, Nebraska, 24) Baton Rouge, Louisiana 25) New Orleans, Louisiana 26) Santa Fe, New Mexico 27) Denver, Colorado. ^^; Anyway, My favorite place I've lived would either be Galveston, because I had so many good friends there, and wonderful teachers. Or, Aahus, because the weather was always nice there, and it wasn't so full with highways, cars, etc.. Also, Seoul was great, because everything's really convinient, despite all the bad air, cars, etc. My favorite place I've visited would definately be either New Orleans or San Antonio. They were all really fun, (especially on Mardi Gras), and I had alot of fun while I was there. ^_^[/color] [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=009966]oO;;; Geez! You've been to [b]alot[/b] of places, Juu![/color]
  3. [color=009966]I don't know if I'm psychic or not, but I think I have some psychic abilities. Sometimes, I would start humming a song, and it either is a song that someone else was thinking about, or it comes on the radio the next minute. Cool, huh? I also get deja-voo (sp?) alot, and it's really weird.....[/color]
  4. [color=009966]Name: Samantha Shinda Age: 15 What class year you are: Freshman --EDIT-- Oops. I forgot the description. Silly me. Description: Samantha has long brown hair that goes down to her wrists when her hands are by her side. She stands at 5'3", has green eyes, and wears a green T-shirt and cacki (sp?) pants.[/color]
  5. [color=009966]Elsyan: "Hunter! Hunter, no!" [i]Elsyan leaned over Hunter as he slowly changed back to his elven form. All thoughts of the ogre disappeared from her mind as she thought frantically for a spell that would heal Hunter. Finally she found one. The spell was extremely complicated and would require almost all of her energy, but it was the only one that would heal him completely. Spreading her hands over Hunter's body, she closed her eyes in concentration and recited the necessary words for the spell, entering into a trance-like state.[/i] Elsyan: [i]"Ath-nen celesion han to mitheltral. Camlion rah-hon olasti. Telstrai!"[/i] [i]A pale, blue light emitted forth from her hands as Elsyan focussed her energy. Slowly, the blood from Hunter's wound stopped flowing, and his backbone started mending. Hunter's eyes suddenly popped open as Elsyan lowered her hands once the spell was complete. She looked at Hunter and smiled weakly seeing that he was alright. Suddenly she swayed dizzily and collasped due to the lack of energy.[/i][/color]
  6. [FONT=arial]letsee, there was Utah (which I don't really remember much of), then the road trip from Utah to Georgia (don't remember much of that either), and Florida (Disney World). but no, I haven't lived there (Disney World, that is). oh, I remember being in Missouri for altogether a little over 2 hours. their airports were very clean. -amibasuki[/FONT]
  7. [quote]Socks are the best thing to get when you come from a creative family. Since my Father lives waaaay far away, i only see him a few times a year, thus, that side of the family has christmas early. This year my Aunt&Uncle gave me a pair of blue socks. I looked at them and laughed. Atleast they'd be warm. I then put on on my left foot, they fit blah blah blah. I was getting ready to go to school about 3 days later, and was out of socks, so i put them on. I found out that the other sock had 3 $20 bills in it. Talk about suprise.[/quote] [font=arial]*sighs* if only I had your luck....or at least your relatives :D the worst present I've received is a Christmas tree ornament. I feel kinda weird saying that. but lemme tell you, that thing was [i]ugly[/i]. and the only reason why I got that as a gift was because the person who gave it to me wanted to take the easy way out, so he simply took an ornament that nobody would care if it was missing off of the tree at his house. scumbag. -amibasuki[/FONT]
  8. Deedlit

    The Hot Chick

    [FONT=arial]oh yeah, I'm goin' to see it. the previews are hilarious. the concept is disturbing, but yeah, I guess that's why I'm going to see it. -amibasuki[/fONT]
  9. [color=009966]I lived in Utah until I was 4, then we moved here to Georgia. o_O Four days of driving.....Talk about boring..... ANYwho, the only other place I've been to was Flordia for about a week. [/color]
  10. [color=009966][i]Elsyan was bent over double as she struggled against the gale. She stopped for a moment and looked up. She could see the lights from Kakariko Village just up ahead! But in the lights' dim rays, she could see someone lying on the ground. Elsyan hurried over to the comatose figure as fast as she could against the wind. As she drew closer, she noticed that he was bleeding badly.[/i] Elsyan: "You're wounded! Come on. We need to get you to Kakariko Village." [i]The person groaned as Elsyan helped him to sit up. He seemed to be gradually waking up, at least. Just as she was helping him to stand up, a gust of wind nearly knocked them both down. They regained their footing, and after about fifteen minutes of struggling against the storm, they finally arrived at Kakariko Village.[/i][/color]
  11. [color=009966][i]Elsyan gathered what few possessions she had left from her small cotage. She couldn't bear living here any longer. Ever since her brother Nakuro had disappeared three years ago, their house seemed to become more dreary and gloomy, along with the forest outside. It was last night that Elsyan decided that she would search for Nakuro, even if it meant searching all of Hyrule and Dark World. Elsyan sighed as she looked around before she left. With her brother gone, there was nothing left here for her, but she did feel a bit reluctant to leave her home. After she had put her few supplies into her pack, she pulled on her cloak and opened the door. She was almost blown back inside because of the wind! Pulling the cloak closer around her, she gritted her teeth against the driving rain and slowly walked out into the storm. At this rate, it would take a while before she reached Kakariko Village.[/i] OOC: Here's my character's pic again.[/color]
  12. [color=009966][b]Name:[/b] Laithrielsyan Similothlas (Elsyan for short) [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Race:[/b] Hylian [b]Character Class:[/b] sage [b]Gender:[/b] female [b]Appearance:[/b] Somethin' like this, only without the sword. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=314052[/IMG] [b]Background/Bio:[/b] When Elsyan was 6 years old, she and her brothers used to live in a small house near Lake Hylia. But one night, her eldest brother, Klortian, was murdered by a roaming pack of monsters. Before Klortian died, he told his little brother, Nakuro, who was 12 years old at that time, to run and take Elsyan with him. Elsyan and Nakuro did not want to go. Nakuro insisted that he could help Klortian fight them since he knew some spells, but Klortian refused. Klortian finally convinced Nakuro and made him promise that they would flee. Elsyan can still remember running all night long until she and her brother collasped. They traveled for days around Hyrule, until they finally arrived at the Lost Woods, tired, exausted, and overcome by grief at the loss of their brother. Elsyan now lives alone in a small house on the outskirts of the Lost Woods. Ever since she and her brother arrived here, Nakuro had taught Elsyan some spells so that she could protect herself should they be attacked again. Nakuro dissappeared three years ago. Elsyan had an idea that he must have gone into a portal leading to Dark World to investigate, but he hadn't come back. After several months of waiting in anguish and anxiety, she had lost the will to live now that she had lost everyone she held dear to her. She wanted to kill herself, but she found that she couldn't. Not while there was still a chance that her brother might be alive. She's resolved that she would try to find him, even if it means going to Dark World and dying in the process. [b]Starting Location:[/b] The southern outskirts of Lost Woods, Light World. [b]Primary Spell:[/b] Ether [b]Secondary Weapon:[/b] bow and arrow [b]Items:[/b] For now, the Magic Cape. [b]Spells:[/b] Arrows of Fire/Ice, Forest's Light, and Fairy's Magic. (I know they're not very original names, but as you can tell, I'm not the best person to come up with names. :cross: ) Let me know if I need to change anything, and I will be more than happy to change it. ^_-[/color]
  13. [color=009966]OOC: lol Am I Deedlit, or am I Elsyan, John? You keep calling me both! :p ---------------------------------------------------------------------- IC: "Hunter? Hunter! Are you alright?" [i]Hunter woke with a start. He looked around wildly as he tried to seperate his dreams from reality. It was before dawn, but the sun's rays were already shining along the horizon, lighting the sky to a light-purple color.[/i] Hunter: "What...." Elsyan: "You were having a nightmare, and by the way you were shaking it must have been an awful one. Are you alright?" Hunter: "Yeah....I'm fine...." [i]Elsyan looked at Hunter with concern. Even though he said he was fine, he still looked a bit shaken from the dream. His face was very pale, and his eyes seemed to drift out of focus as if thinking back over the dream. She was about to ask what the dream was about, but she thought better of it. By the look on his face, it was one he didn't want to speak of. Elsyan laid her hand on his arm reasurringly. He came back from his dark thoughts and smiled at her, his face peaceful once more. Elsyan returned the warm smile as they watched the sun rise together.[/i][/color]
  14. [color=009966][i]It was after several hours of thinking when Elsyan had decided. She left the room, closing the door behind her quietly. Someone had told her that he had seen Hunter outside, so that was the first place she looked. She walked onto the wooden walkway that was just outside the inn.[/i] Elsyan: "Hunter, where are you? I really need to talk to you." [i]Just as she said this, Hunter jumped down from the roof to land behind her. Elsyan seemed a bit startled, but she quickly recovered and smiled at him.[/i] Hunter: "What is it?" Elsyan: "I was thinking...I don't know how I can explain my feelings, but I love you, Hunter." [i]Hunter smiled at her, but his face seemed to show relief and anxiety at the same time.[/i] Elsyan: "What's wrong?"[/color]
  15. [color=009966]I would really like to meet (in no particular order) James, sirven_2002, Boba Fett, ChibiTrunks, Dark_Apocalyps, Domon, Dragon Warrior, Etarah's Maverick, Gold_Angewomon, Juuthena, Kinetic, Lalaith Ril, liamc2, Mist, Mr. Maul, Mystic's Knight, ssj chic, Sere Tuscumbia, Raquel, Phantom's Angel, and many more. Too many to name......[/color]
  16. [color=009966]Name: Laithrielsyan Similothlas (Elsyan for short) Age: 32 Race: Calaquendi (High Elf) Weapons: a polished, black longbow with a quiver of arrows, and an elven sword. Bio: Elsyan's parents were killed during the war with Sauron when she was a little less than four years old. Her mother and father were friends with Elrond, so he took her in to Rivendale before he left Middle Earth. Since then she has trained and practiced using her longbow and sword and is now an expert. Description: She looks like [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=314052]this[/URL]. The only difference is that she also wears a dark blue cape that appears silver in sunlight.[/color]
  17. [color=009966][i]Elsyan stormed into the weapon sop fuming, her pointy-ears a dark crimson color. Imagine! That human Mikia thought that she was evil! The very thought of that angered her. Elsyan walked towards the back of the store where they had a large variety of bows and arrows hanging on a rack. She was admiring a polished, black longbow when she heard something that made her body go rigid.[/i] ???: ".....girl of the prophecy." ???2: "You mean she has finally come?!" ???: "Yes. Dairaiko will be most pleased. We have heard rumors that she has been seen in this village. We will search it high and low until we find her." [i]Elsyan listened intently to their conversation when a thought struck her. That girl! Mikia! She must be the one they were looking for! She had heard the prophecy only once, but it was still clear in her mind. A girl from another world....It must be her! That's why she had a strange accent! These people must be some of Dairaiko's minions sent to find Mikia. She had to warn her before these two found Mikia! Elsyan--trying hard to act casual--lifted the longbow from its rack and walked up to the counter to purchase it, all the while keeping an eye and ear open for the two who were still talking. She paid the cashier his money before he even had to say a word. Silently and moving swiftly, she followed the two men out of the store. She could only hope that Mikia wasn't around. Breathing a sigh, she wasn't, but that would mean that she would have to find Mikia and warn her before these two found her. But where could she have gone? [/i] [/color]
  18. [color=009966]First I read the Redwall books. They were good, so I started reading more of it. Then I read the Harry Potter books and that really boost my love for fantasy. Then I got into role-playing about a year or two ago, watched and read the Lord of the Rings books/movie, saw Record of Lodoss War (anime + fantasy = even [i]greater[/i] obsession) and that is what completed the circle. ^^ Then about a month ago, I first read the books from DragonLance, and gaw! It's my favorite book series now!! Now I'm obsessed with fantasy, obsessed with Elves, obsessed with role-playing, and it looks as if my love for it isn't going to diminish any time soon. ^^[/color]
  19. [color=009966][i]Elsyan walked through the streets Foxcross while keeping an eye out for a weapon store. Not long ago, a goblin had slashed her bow to splinters during a battle, and she was in dire need of another. Many people crowding the streets glared at her while many wondered what a High Elf would be doing in a human village, but their glances did not perturb her. Instead she kept walking until she found one. She was about to walk inside when she accidentally collided with a girl who was standing next to a young man.[/i] Elsyan: "Oh! I'm sorry. I didn't see you. Please forgive me." girl: "It's alright. By the way, my name's Mikia, and this is Chirimi." Elsyan: "I'm Laithrielsyan Similothlas, but you can just call me Elsyan. I'm pleased to meet you." [i]Elsyan paused for a moment, slightly confused. Mikia had a strange accent in her voice, one she had never heard before.[/i] Elsyan: "You're not from around here, are you?"[/color]
  20. [color=009966]Adesso e Fortuna is a really good song too, but I REALLY love the opening to Chronicles of the Heroic Knight! Gaw, I can listen to that for hours! It's really beautiful and touching..... *listens to [i]Kiseki no Umi[/i] and just dazes off*[/color]
  21. [color=009966]Don't belittle yourself, DBZChikaGhan. ^_~ You're great just the way you are. ;) Postscript: No the world does not hate you. ^_-[/color]
  22. [color=009966]Books, art supplies, anime, or gift cards so I can get them at a nearby store. [/color]
  23. [color=009966]Republican. The less the government tells me, the better. :p:cross:[/color]
  24. [color=009966]Our Thanksgiving was good. ^^ I loved the turkey, especially, (:tasty: ) and the best part was....no school! :excited: Too bad that vacation was so short....[/color]
  25. [color=009966][i]Dawn filtered in through the windows of Hogwarts. Samantha sat up and stretched when she heard someone scream.[/i] girl: "Hermione! Hermione! Something's wrong with Hermione!" [i]Everyone crowded around her bed. Samantha pushed through them until she could see her. Hermione's eyes were wide open in terror, her body cold and rigid. Samantha turned to Ginny who was standing beside her.[/i] Samantha: "Ginny! What happened to Hermione?" Ginny: "I don't know! She was like this when we woke up!" girl: "Someone get Madam Pomphrey quick!" Samantha: "Ginny and I will get her. Meanwhile someone should tell Harry, Ron, and Dumbledore about this. Come on, Ginny!" [i]Ginny and Samantha ran out of the Gryffindor dormitory, out of the common room and into the hallway, heading towards the hospital wing.[/i][/color]
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