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Everything posted by Deedlit
[color=009966][i]Samantha, Ron, Hermoine, and Harry were laughing and talking together when they heard the girl scream. They stood up and saw the blond-haired girl, shaking with fear on the floor as the teachers assisted her to the Hospital Wing. Many of the first years began to get scared and started to cry. Professor McGonagal silenced everyone.[/i] McGonagal: "Students! Quiet down! We will assist this young lady to the Hospital Wing, and everything will be well once again. Prefects are to maintain order while we are gone, and then they are to lead the students to their dormitories as soon as possible." [i]The staff helped the girl to her feet and walked out of the Great Hall. Everyone was silent, but as soon as the huge doors closed, everyone broke out into a frantic whisper.[/i] Ron: "Now that was strange!" Samantha: "What do you supposed happened?" Harry: "I don't know. It just feels like something's not quite right about this." [i]Samantha got a strange qualm in her stomach. For some reason, she turned around and glanced over her shoulder to the Slytherin table and saw a boy with cold blue eyes talking to Draco. She shuddered and turned around. Those eyes were creepy. She seemed to lose her appetite and pushed the plate away from her. Soon the prefects stood up and led everyone out of the Great Hall towards their common rooms, but even as they walked, Samantha could still see those strange eyes.[/i][/color]
[color=009966][i]Elsyan, a High Elf, hadn't spoken a word ever since the council meeting the previous day. Instead she remained silent and took all of this into her thoughts. Her green eyes observed everyone, took in everything around her. Presently she sat in one of the higher branches of a rowan tree, watching as everyone conversed with each other and walk around. She turned her eyes away from them and looked up at the sky and closed her eyes. She thought about what the hobbit named Fox had said.[/i] Elsyan: "The One Ring. I have heard many stories and tales of it,"[i] she thought.[/i] "Sauron was once in possession of It, and It betrayed him and allowed him to be defeated. That much is certain." [i]She opened her eyes as she heard movement down below. She gracefully leapt down from her perch onto the ground as she looked around. It was then that she noticed that a Drow, whom she had not seen yet, had also joined them it seemed. He and Fox were busy talking. I wonder what about? she thought. She sat down and began to daydream of when she was back at Rivendell when she was young.[/i][/color]
[color=009966]We haven't gotten our tree yet, but we're about to.[/color]
[color=009966]Name: Laithrielsyan Similothlas (Elsyan for short) Age: 160 Race: High Elf Gender: female Appearance: see attachment Bio: Elsyan has lived in the Woods of Fanoria in the west of Bynara for as long as she could remember. She had been trained to use a bow while she was young and is now an expert with it and never misses. She also learned to use a sword, but she tends to be a tad bit clumsy with it, but she is getting better as she practices with it more. Her symbol appears on the back of her right hand, which she's had since she was a child. Attitude: Elsyan is caring and loyal to her friends. She is usually quiet and is easy to make friends with, providing you're not her enemy. [/color]
[color=009966]YES!!! I was wondering if anyone would ever make an RPG based on FY!! ^^ Save me a spot as an Elf, please! :toothy:[/color]
[color=009966]That's really kinda pointless arguing about since thousands of people across the world did it before they did. :p[/color]
[color=009966]Medival/Magic, and Anime/Fantasy. That was a tie, but I had to go with medival and magic. ^_^[/color]
[color=009966]That's a great poem, Mist. ^_~ Not surprising though since you're one of the best poets on here. ^_-[/color]
[color=009966]Yeah, that song is really beautiful. ^_^ I downloaded it a while back and was listening to it for hours on end..... Did they really butcher her character that bad? I've read some reviews saying that it was the best one yet, but I have yet to see for myself. There's not a very good supply of anime where I live.....[/color]
[color=009966]AWESOME!! ^^ *applauds loudly* That's an excellent poem! I love the way all the words fit together and all. As Britty said, can I save it? ^^[/color]
[color=009966]When I was about three years old, my mom brought home a movie called [i]Little Nimo.[/i] Even though I didn't know it was anime--actually, I didn't even know what anime was. :cross:--, it was still my favortie movie. About four years later, I got into Sailor Moon and LOVED it! :D (although over the years my love for it kinda dwindled). Then when I was in third grade, my friend brought some Pokemon cards over to my house and started teaching me about the game. I loved the game, and then I started trading cards with my other friends. Now that I reflect on it, I wonder how the creators made it so.....addicting.... Then when I was in sixth grade, my friends started telling me about DBZ. I had already seen a few episodes of it from the Frieza Saga (which is, in my opinion, one of the worst sagas of the show), so it left a bit of a bad impression. But I gave it another chance and watched the Cell Saga, and I was hooked! Then I started drawing pictures of DBZ characters, and that was what got me to draw anime. Then in the spring, Queen Asuka let us borrow Fushigi Yuugi and Nadesico, and that is what sealed my love for anime! ^^:D Ever since then, I started watching (and drawing) more and more anime, and that's how it happened. ^_^[/color]
[color=009966]Some kids at school are calling each other "crackers." No, not [i]that,[/i] type of cracker if that's what you're thinking. I'm talking about the grain-type crackers. Don't ask me why, though. Someone named James started it.[/color]
[color=009966][i]Sunlight filtered into Elsyan's window as she opened her eyes. It was dawn. She rose from her bed and got dressed, putting on her outfit and armor, and strapped on her weapons. She grabbed her cloak and put it on, and was about to pull the hood over her face when she stopped and thought better of it. Her new companions would find out that she was a High Elf sooner or later, so she might as well show them now. That would be better than to deceive them. She grabbed her pack and walked down the hall. She came to the main door and opened it to find the High Priest and a Drow standing there. She was taken aback to find him, a Drow, here. Her people had taught that all Drow were evil, murderous, callous and calamitous, so it was hard to imagine that one would be joining them to stop evil. She decided that he mustn't be all that bad. She smiled politely and stood against a wall, waiting for the rest of her companions to arrive.[/i][/color]
[color=009966][i]As Elsyan was walking down the long hallway, she saw the High Priest walking towards her. [/i] Priest: "You're late." Elsyan: "I'm sorry, High Priest. I had a small problem with the crowds," she said as she bowed in respect. Priest: [i]smiles[/i] "That is quite alright. The streets usually do get fairly crowded at this time of the day. Now come with me and I will show you to your room. You can get aquainted with your companions for the Quest tomorrow at dawn. I will then explain once more what the Quest is about once everyone arrives." [i]Elsyan followed as he led her down another hall to his left, then to the second room on the right.[/i] Priest: "This is your room. I expect to see you at dawn, prepared for the journey." Elsyan: "Yes, High Priest. Thank you." [i]Samantha waited until the Priest left and then walked into the room. She took off her cloak and layed down on the bed to get some rest while she could before she embarked on this quest with her new companions.[/i][/color]
[color=009966][i]Samantha is almost always in a good mood, but today she was in an especially good mood now that she was at Hogwarts again. As Samantha got off the train, she saw a group of students talking. Among them, she recongnized Harry, Ron, and Hermoine whom she already knew because Samantha was also in the Gryffindor house. Eager to see her friends since she hadn't seen them in what seemed to be forever, Samantha ran over to them.[/i] Samantha: "Harry! Ron! Hermoine! Hullo! I haven't seen you three in a while." ^_^ [i]Samantha then noticed Cho, Mike, and Ginny. She smiled politely.[/i] Samantha: "Hi there! I don't think we've met. I'm Samantha Myris. What's your names?" Cho: "I'm Cho Chang." Mike: "Mihkael Robinson, although I prefer Mike." Ginny M.: "And I'm Ginny Malloy." [i]The seven of them started walking towards Hogwarts again while talking about how they had spent their summer.[/i][/color]
[color=009966]Elsyan: "Darn these people! How's someone supposed to get around with all these crowds?" [i]Elsyan kept to one side of the road to avoid getting lost in the many bustling crowds of people as they went towards their seperate destinations. She was starting to get very anxious. If she didn't reach the Temple soon, it might be too late by the time she did reach it.[/i] Elsyan: (thinks) "That's it. Crowds or no crowds, I'm not waiting a moment longer!" [i]She dashed straight into the road, weaving her way through the crowd, and was almost to the Temple when her hood fell off and exposed her pointy-ears. She cursed to herself and pulled the hood back over her head, but it was too late. Everyone had seen them. They flashed her angry glances, and for a minute it looked as if there might be a riot had she not ran for the Temple before they had a time to think about it. She closed the door behind her and sighed deeply. Some people these days! She wondered when the discrimination in the world would end. Regaining her composure, she walked down the hall towards the door that stood at the end.[/i][/color]
[color=009966]OOC: Sorry I haven't been posting as much. I'll try to post more often here. IC: [i]Samantha stood on Platform 9¾ with her mom and dad, who seemed to be a bit reluctant to let her go to Hogwarts ever since the attack at Diagon Alley. Her mom had tried to dissuade her all morning, but she was steadfast on going.[/i] Samantha: "Mum, Dad, you know that Hogwarts is like a second home to me and that I wouldn't miss it for anything." Mom: "Yes, but wouldn't you like to be safe at your real home? Who knows when the Death Eaters will strike again?" Dad: "Come now, Tippy. I doubt the Death Eaters will attack Hogwarts while Dumbledore is there. You worry too much." Mom: "But you saw how they attacked Diagon Alley [i]in broad daylight." she said, laying emphisis on the last three words.[/i] "They won't be scared to attack a school. And there are rumours that You-Know-Who has come back." Samantha: "His name is Voldemort, Mum." Hearing the name, her mother paled. "Don't be scared to say his name." Dad: "She's right Tippy, even if the name does frighten us, we shouldn't be scared to say it, (*mumbles under his breath*) [size=1]even though you'll never catch me saying it, that's for sure.[/size] And besides. You and I both know that if the students were in any real danger that they would be sent home immediately." Mom: "Oh, alright. You can go to Hogwarts, Samantha. Just be sure to send me letters every week so that I'll know you're safe." Samantha: "I will." [i]Samantha said good-bye to her parents and boarded the train, dragging her luggage behind her. She found an empty car and sat down as she looked out the window.[/i][/color]
[color=009966]I can only make .jpg avatars, so I'm sorry that they're not .gif's. Here's one. (I know you wanted us to e-mail them to you, but the site I use to upload my pics is offline and I can't upload anything, so I'm posting them here.[/color]
[color=009966]I'm sorry to hear that, Bry. :( I haven't been seriously depressed like that, so I doubt that any of my advice will be of any use, but just think happy thoughts. And remember there's always us here on OB that can help you.[/color]
[color=009966]OOC:Rapier 20 GP Longbow 75 GP Arrows 1 GP Plain 10 GP Amount left: 134 IC: [i]Elsyan was walking around a small weapon store, looking at weapons and armor. She had already selected some plain leather armor, a polished black longbow, and a quiver of arrows when she stopped to admire some swords and rapiers. One rapier in particular, a silhouette rapier, caught her eye. She held it in her hand and was satisfied to find that its weight was well-balanced, light, and when it cut the air it had a nice hum to it. She took her items to the counter to purchase.[/i] Store owner: That will be 106 gold coins. [i]Elsyan withdrew her pouch and laid her money one the counter. The man took it, counted it, recounted it, and eyed her suspiciously. That's no surprise since most people in this town are distrustful of Elves, Elsyan thought. While the man was recounting it for the third time, Elsyan put on the leather armor over her green dress, shouldered the bow and quiver, and fastened the rapier around her small waist. Satisfied, the man put the money in his own pouch and bid that she be on her way. Elsyan pulled the hood of her cloak over her face and departed from the store, heading towards the High Temple of Heironius.[/i][/color]
[color=009966][b]OOC: Raiye, I'm curious as to why you continue to spell my name as "Elsyn." It's "[u]Elsyan.[/u]" Also, I'm currently grounded, and I can only sneak on occasionally, so this post will have to be short (really short). ¬_¬ Sorry for the inconvieniance. IC: [i]Now that Elsyan was alone in the room, she could think about all this. She sat down on the bed and read the note again. She had known Hunter for only a few hours, and he was already asking her to marry him! It was just too sudden. However, she had a strange feeling inside her every time she thought of him, like she had butterflies in her stomach. What could that mean? she asked herself. Was this....love?[/i][/color][/b]
[color=009966][b]Sounds cool. I'm in! ^^ Name: Elsyan Tarayavie Reincarnated from: Elsyan Calmadon Age: 18 Race: Witch Powers: Premonitions, Psyball (a ball of energy that is moderately weak, but it can serve as a shield or energy blast, depending on the user's will), and.....um....can I edit this later? I can't think of a third one. Personality: calm, usually quiet, doesn't like to fight much, friendly and loyal to her friends. Is this good?[/color][/b]
[color=009966][b][i]Samantha was less than a few steps away from the Bookstore when there was a large flash of green light that totally destroyed the shop! The force of the spell threw her away from the store, scattering her items in the street. She could hear screams of terror and of pain coming from those who were still inside. When the blinding light faded, Samantha sat up and gasped. What used to be the store was now a sindering pile of rubble and ashes. Samantha turned pale.[/i] Samantha-How....what on earth....Who did this?! [i]She heard gleeful laughter nearby. She turned around to see about thirteen people dressed in black robes walking through the streets, blasting almost everything in sight.[/i] Samantha-Death Eaters.....[/color][/b]
[color=009966][b][i]Samantha was looking down at her seemingly endless list of items she would have to bring to school for her 5th year. She had already bought most of them, but there were still many more to go. [/i] "Hmm...It looks like I'll have to go to the Bookstore next." [i]she said as she folded her list and stuffed into the folds of her robe. She rounded a corner when she passed by the broom store. In the center of the window was the newest broom, [/i]the Firebolt. Samantha-Wow...The Firebolt! Having a broom like that would be amazing! It would also come in handy for the Quidditch matches. [i]Samantha came out a few minutes later carrying the broom in a paper bag. She placed it on the cart and pulled out the list again.[/i] Samantha-Now where was I? Oh yeah! The Bookstore. [i]She packed the list away again and headed towards the Bookstore.[/i][/color][/b]
[color=009966][b]I agree with everything Endymion said. Plus, it seemed that Lizzie had an excuse for just about everything. Geez. I think that's kinda obvious in itself. And her behavior was absurd. *imitates Lizzie* "There's paint stains on the dress. That's why I'm burning it." *ends imitation* What's up with that?! I think there was really blood on it, and she was just destroying the evidence, as she did with the rest of the evidence.[/color][/b]