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Everything posted by Deedlit

  1. [color=009966][b]You mean you already started it?! :eek: I didn't even know![/color][/b]
  2. [color=009966][b]It's been about two years since I've read any of the books....I don't think I can remember any of the other side characters. Mind if I create my own, Tori? Name: Samantha Myris House: Gryffindor Year of School: 5 Personality: quiet, good-natured, caring Appearance: Samantha has long brown hair, green eyes, and stands at about 5'3" Type of wand: yew, 11.5" long, phoenix feather Subject Mastered: charms Misc: Plays on the Gryffindor Quidditch team as the new Keeper[/color][/b]
  3. [color=009966][b]1. Your OtakuBoards name: Deedlit 2. Your favorite character of Trigun: Vash (who else? :p) 3. Your favorite episode of Trigun: So many....I guess the one where Vash first meets Legato. 4. Your favorite song of Trigun: The opening!! :excited: 5. Your favorite scene of Trigun: when Vash is acting silly 6. Something that you want to say about Trigun: [i]Vash-sama sugoi desu!! ^^[/i] lol Queen Asuka introduced me to it. I've loved it ever since. 7. Your America Online Instant Messenger screen name: none (I wish I had AIM or instant messanger :()[/color][/b]
  4. [color=009966][b]Well, there are both positive things and negative things about the NL being deleted, so I'm neutral.[/color][/b]
  5. [color=009966][b][i]Hunter and Elsyan were having a great conversation with Riona as she seemed to overcome her shyness. She and Hunter were talking, when she looked up at him and felt a twinge in her stomach. There was just something about him like a warm glow, or a peaceful feeling. Suddenly she realized that they had stopped talking and had turned their attention to the door. Twomoons even seemed troubled about something. She shifted from paw to paw uneasily, and they seemed to be listening for something. Elsyan's ears picked up the sound then too. It was like a low rumbling coming towards Solace.[/i] Elsyan-What is it? Riona-It sounds like thunder. Hunter-Whatever it is, it's trouble, that's for sure. [i]The three of them stood up. It seemed that everyone in the inn could hear the rumbling noise now. The three of them reached for their weapons as the sound came closer.[/i][/color][/b]
  6. [FONT=arial]what I'd like to see is a prequel to the whole Spike/Julia/Vicious thing. in the series, they gave little flashbacks about what happened, but not enough to get a really good story of what all went down. hey, it worked for Kenshin, it could certainly work for Cowboy Bebop. -amibasuki EDIT: dagummit! I just reread vegeta rocker's post and realized I had basically put the same thing! my my, silly me. I feel like a fool now :flush:[/FONT]
  7. [FONT=arial]OB has been pretty neat. I've been here since v.2 (yeah, big whoopty, some have been here since the v.1, lol). that's gotta be sayin' somethin' when there's people here from about....what, two or three years ago who still regularly post. I don't go to any other forums because frankly, most message boards suck. but these are pretty cool, so....yeah! :mrt: -amibasuki[/FONT]
  8. [color=009966][b]Same here. He also has to look out for the people though.[/color][/b]
  9. [color=009966][b]OtakuBoards is all that [i]and[/i] a bag of chips! ^_^ lol It's also really addicting......[/color][/b]
  10. [color=009966][b]*Name: Laithrielsyan Similothlas (or Elsyan for short) *Race: High Elf *Character Class: Cleric *Alignment: neutral good *Description: Elsyan has long brown hair, emerald green eyes, stands at about 5'4", wears a green dress that goes down to her ankles, and wears a bluish-silver cape. *Spells: Ray of Frost, Dancing Lights, Mending, Shield, Comprehend Languages *History: Can I edit this later? I gotta go in a few minutes.[/color][/b]
  11. [color=009966][b]name: Elsyan Tarayavie age: 357 (looks like she's 16) alliance: good Appearence: Elsyan has long brown hair, wears a green shirt, black pants, has emerald-green eyes, and stands at about 5'3". personality: loyal to her friends, optimistic, usually quiet though. Weapons: a sword, dagger, bow/quiver of arrows magic: I'll edit this later. ^_- magic elemental: light new age person or revived person: new age Bio: Elsyan cannot remember most of her past. She can just remember a few things, such as watching her parents die to the Evil many years ago. Since then she has sworn to try to destroy whatever is causing evil and chaos in the world. Starting Point: Um....I dunno....I guess in a forest or something. How's that, Valen?[/color][/b]
  12. [color=009966][b][i]Elsyan could now see the outskirts of Solace. She had been traveling for many days from Qualinesti and was relieved when she saw the many buildings and houses built in the trees. She walked towards it and looked around. One of the first things she had wanted to do once she finally reached Solace was to visit the Tomb that contained Tanis Half-Elven's body. She had heard of the marvellous deeds that he had done, and felt it just wouldn't be right if she left the city without paying her respects to him. However, finding the tomb would be very difficult since the city was big. Since many people were wandering the streets, she had to keep to one side so she wouldn't get lost in the crowds. [/i] Elsyan-(thinks)It's going to take a while before I can get anywhere in this city! ooc: I gotta go. Sorry[/color][/b]
  13. [FONT=arial]amibasuki again. well yeah, if you stare at something long enough, your eyes [i]will[/i] start playing tricks on you. [/FONT]
  14. [FONT=arial]amibasuki speaking. yup, Lupin was some of his older stuff. the first Lupin stuff was made in the late 70's, I think. the older Lupin stuff is supposed to be a heck of a lot better than the newer stuff.[/FONT]
  15. [FONT=arial]amibasuki speaking. lol, you would have had a really good chance at winning anyway. it would've been neat-o to enter, but darn-it-all, I can't find a microphone. plus I can't sing that well anyway, so :cross:.[/FONT]
  16. [FONT=arial]amibasuki speaking. I like a lot of Diney movies, and some stuff from the Disney Channel. some of the original movies really suck though. I think the original movies that I probably hate the most are My Thirteenth Year (or something like that), Smart House, Can of Worms, and the Zenon movies. I'm sure I could think of others, but not at the top of my head. I do like Seventeen Again, Even Stevens and Kim Possible though, Ron's a hoot :D. [/FONT]
  17. [FONT=arial]amibasuki speaking. good lord, some of you are looking into this [i]far[/i] too much. granted, I can believe that there are a few people (let me stress a [i]few[/i] people) who have some psychic abilities, from whatever source they get the power from. but it sounds like quite a few of you are just grabbing at any little tidbit you can get your hands on of something that you probably just imagined in the first place.[/FONT]
  18. [FONT=arial]amibasuki speaking. the only thing that would make the Cowboy Bebop section better is if the song midis were MP3's *hint hint* :toothy:. ah well, figured I'd give it a shot :cross:. spiffy site, by the way.[/FONT]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by hot head [/i] [B]your pet cant die....[/B][/QUOTE] [color=009966][b]crap....I was hoping it would..... No, I don't know of any other virtual pet sites. Sorry, Dibi2004.[/color][/b]
  20. [color=009966][b]Thanks for the link, Bryan. Like I said, I have a friend who's a Wicca, so that really helped me to understand her better. ^_~ It said that they don't harm anyone, and they don't associate themselves with Satan, so I don't understand why some people think badly of Wicca. It just shows how narrow-minded some people are. [/color][/b]
  21. [color=009966][b]Alrighty, then. I'll do that. ^_~ [/color][/b]
  22. [color=009966][b]All these poems are great!! I might post one later. :) BTW Clean out your PM box, Mr. Maul. ^_~[/color][/b]
  23. [color=009966][b]Name: Samantha V********* Age: 14 DOB: October 18, 1988 Location: Macon, GA. USA One Word: devious No, seriously. Describe yourself in one word: tranquil Occupation: Trying to live my own life Color: teal/silver Food: pizza Beverage: orage juice (got a problem with it? :p) Alter Ego: Deedlit Dream Job: Writer/manga artist Self-Proclaimed: me! Ethnicity: Dutch, English, a pit of Polish.... Extracurricular: Band Hobby: band, art, role-playing, internet, fencing, sports.... Dessert: cheesecake or icecream Musician: I dunno....John Schmidt Group: New Found Glory, Aquabats, Linkin Park Nics: Sam/Deedlit/Kool Aid/Elf Girl (people at school gave me that name.....) Blog: I guess yes.... Home Page: It's in my profile. Religion: Christian, but if you want me to be more specific, Mormon (LDS) Book: [i]The DragonLance Chronicles, Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, [/i]ect. Collections: Anime, fantasy stuff, a few coins. Sport: fencing and softball Won't Eat: chilli TV Show: anime or CN. Words to live by: "As long as you keep moving forward, you can always find radiance." Addicted to: internet....:p Comic: Garfield Movie: [i]Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring[/i][/b] [E D I T]Oi. This sure needs editing.....o.0;[/E D I T][/color]
  24. [color=009966][b][i]Samantha sheathed her sword and sat down against a tree and looked around. It seemed that everyone had been injured, some worse than others. Lalaith was sitting on the grass while Abob tended to his arm while everyone else cleaned their cuts. Samantha looked up to the sky to see that it was already past dawn. She didn't even realize they were fighting for so long. After Lalaith's arm was properly bandaged, he stood up. Seeing as how everyone was exausted, he suggested that they sould rest here for a few hours. Everyone agreed to this wholeheartedly and started to prepare breakfast. Samantha glanced up from the fire to see Abob, Lalaith, and Strider talking about something in hushed voices.[/i][/color][/b]
  25. [color=009966][b]I'm still here, but yeah, we can't do this without Blanko. Well, I'll see ya'll when we can procede with this. [/color][/b]
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