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Everything posted by Deedlit

  1. [color=009966][b]Even though I do post in the newbie lounge every now and then, I admit that it is getting a bit sloppy there. But please don't delete the Pictures Forum. It doesn't resemble the quality of the Newbie Lounge in the least. As for DK all Dolled up.....*covers Mike's mouth* Shh! He's not supposed to know about that! I think the My Otaku is a great idea. :) It'll help all the newbies with any questions they might have so we won't have to have people asking "How do I do this?" or "What is that?" Although if they would just read the Sticky that Navi posted in the Newbie Lounge, most of their questions would probably be answered already.[/color][/b]
  2. Deedlit


    [color=009966][b]I wish I could drive....-__-;;;; Just two more years before I can get my learner's permit......[/color][/b]
  3. [color=009966][b]Well, I finished [i]DragonLance: Dragons of Winter Night II[/i] today. Gaw, I LOVED it!! ^^ I don't want to give away any spoilers, but it really was a sort of twist-ending about the Dragon Highlord and all, but yet sad all the same. I can't wait to read the third one and see what happens! [/color][/b]
  4. [color=009966][b]That's kinda scary knowing that people know how to make bombs like that, but I don't think you should kill them for it. I know there's alot more I want to say on this subject, but I can't think of the right words at the moment. =_= [/color][/b]
  5. [color=009966][b][i]Samantha drew her sword and glanced over her shoulder at Lalaith and Strider. She sighed in relief as she saw he was alright, for the most part anyway. She turned around just as an arrow whizzed past her, barely grazing her shoulder. The monsters were now starting to come out of hiding. "So these are what Strider and Lalaith were talking about!" she thought to herself. They indeed had features of Elves, Orcs, Man, and Goblin as they had said, and they were also very fast too. There were so many that it was very difficult to dodge their attacks and fight at the same time, and everyone had a large group to fight against. Samantha had killed three already, but there were many more left yet. As she was deflecting some arrows with her sword, one of the creatures crept up behind her and slashed her across her back. Samantha screamed in pain. She felt herself falling to her knees, as she saw them raise their weapons to finish her off. Using a great deal of strength and effort, she raised her sword above her head.[/i] Samantha-I shall send you to the halls of Mandos before I let monsters like you kill me! [i]Samantha stabbed the one that was nearest to her in its heart. It screamed in pain as it fell lifeless to the ground. She withdrew her sword quickly from the corpse and tried to stand up while slashing away at the creatures that pressed in around her. She managed, however, and looked around to see how the rest of the Fellowship was doing. [/i][/b][/color]
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B]....I just didn't agree with a lot of the politics than have been going on in Georgia. Especially the whole huge deal with Roy Barnes screwing up the public education system. That dude is definately not going to be in that governor's seat for much longer. Anyway, voting is important.... everyone who can should! ^_^ [/B][/QUOTE] [color=009966][b]bleh....I can't [i]stand[/i] Gov. Barnes.....He took away our second exploritory class and replaced it with EOL (Extension Of Learning), and took away some other stuff. ick....He's DEFINATELY not gonna be governor any more.[/color][/b]
  7. [color=009966][b]No, I didn't vote, seeing as I'm only 14 (duh). However I did vote at our school. It was "Vote for Student Council Day," so the only voting I did was for my peers.[/color][/b]
  8. [color=009966][b]You can edit your posts, Raiye. ^_~[/color][/b]
  9. [color=009966][b]Aw, pickle. :( Oh well. I guess a few days of delay wouldn't hurt.... *sits at the piano and waits patiently* [/color][/b]
  10. [color=009966][b][i]Samantha sat with everyone else in the brush, waiting for Lalaith and Strider to return from scouting the area that they had seen some movement in. Her sword was halfway out of its sheath with her hand resting on the hilt. Apparently, word of their departure had gotten out and had already reached Angband. She looked around and noticed that everyone else was getting anxious. What was taking so long? Just as it looked as if one of the Fellowship would jump up from hiding and see what the problem was for themselves, they heard footsteps coming closer and saw Lalaith and Strider.[/i] Lauren-Lalaith! We were all getting worried about you two. [i]Although their expressions did not show it, they had a curious look in their eyes as Lalaith and Stider exchanged glances.[/i] Samantha-What's wrong? What did you find? Strider-Strange creatures. Not Elf, human, goblin, orc, but all of them combined into one creature. [i]They started describing these things while all of them listened intently.[/i] ooc: I was planning on typing more, but I gotta go for now. [/color][/b]
  11. [color=009966][b]No, I've never been stalked or anything like that. Once I [i]thought[/i] I was being followed, but it was just my imagination. Last year my friend at school had said that she noticed that a guy with brown hair in a red truck kept following this one girl because her mom and him had a fight about something. The next day, the red truck came to my friend's house, and she thought that the guy somehow must've found out that she knew he was stalking the other girl. I was starting to get a little freaked out, so that afternoon I went outside and hid myself in some bushes to do a little spying. I was about to go inside when I saw a red truck pull into our driveway, and the driver had brown hair! He stayed there for a few seconds and then pulled out and drove away. I was really scared so I told my mom and she said that it was just coincidance. I haven't seen the guy ever since, so I guess it was just a coincidance. It really scared me though.[/color][/b]
  12. [color=009966][b]Name: Laithrielsyan Similothlas (goes by Elsyan instead) Race: High Elf Element: moon Weapon: an sword called Calunari, and a longbow with a quiver of arrows. Age: 16 Biography: Elsyan has been living alone for a long time as the armies of Rizno invaded her beautiful home of Leto. There was no possible way she could attack them all, but she felt she had to do something. Then one night as she felt all hope was lost, the Goddess of the Moon (do you want us to just make up a name, or have you already thought of them?) blessed her with some magical abilities. Along with this, she recieved a lightening-shape scar that runs along her left arm. Looks/Description: Elsyan is about 5'4", has long brown hair that goes past her waist, emerald-green eyes, like all Elves she has long pointy ears, has the Scar along her left arm, wears a green dress with a golden trim that goes down to her ankles, and she wears a bluish-silver cape.[/b][/color]
  13. [color=009966][b]Ick. I hate Neopets. x_x I was sick of it after about a week....[/color][/b]
  14. [color=009966][b]I've also seen volumes 1, 6, and 7, but it was a while ago. There's only one problem with the show: they shout too much! Geez, all I basically hear is "Akito! Akito! AKITO!!", and Akito saying: "LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" It's as if everyone onboard the Nadesico is a lunatic! In my opinion, I think Ruri's the only sane person there. It's just funny how she can remain serious the entire time without snapping. Ruri-baka. T_T[/color][/b]
  15. [color=009966][b]I'm currently reading DragonLance: Dragons of Winter Night II. It's the only book I've read so far, but I own two of them. I haven't read the other one, yet. I think it's called DragonLance: War of the Souls or somethin' like that. Gaw, I can't wait to get the rest of the series. ^^[/color][/b]
  16. [color=009966]I think that's how they spell it in Europe or something, but that's just what my teacher said. *shrugs* LOL I get it, TN. [/color]
  17. [color=009966]My name is Samantha. It means "one who listens." My last name is Dutch, and I have no clue what it could possibly mean.[/color]
  18. [color=009966]Raquel is Stormwing. She just changed her name. [/color]
  19. [color=009966]I always imagined The Harlequin (Flynn) of having long black hair, wears all black, black, black, black, black, black, or at least looking like a drow or somethin.' XD I imagined Raquel with bright blue hair, Raiha with long blonde hair, Sere with black hair and blue streaks, and Mist with short brown hair. I know some (if not ALL) of them are wrong, but that's how I imagined they looked.[/color]
  20. [color=009966]First of all, I don't believe the time travel thing. It'd be nice if it would work, but I wouldn't dwell on that idea for long. As for the part about the "revenge spell," that could be pure coincidance, or there might be (which I highly doubt) a real force of power or something at work. I had two friends who were into witchcraft and such, and they cast a spell on two people that they absolutely hated. Well, the next day, neither of them showed up for school. A few days later, one had caught the flu, and the other had pulled some ligaments (sp?) in her knee. It's basically superstition.[/color]
  21. [color=009966]lol Can I be invited? I can play the organ or somethin'. [/color]
  22. [color=009966]Name: Elsyan Tarayavie of the Calaquendi (High Elves) Age: 16 Element: light Side: Good Weapons: a sword, and a longbow with a quiver of arrows. Powers: She is able to see good in all people (with the exception of those who are truly evil). She can cast light spells to light up even the darkest of places, and has the ability to move silently as a shadow as well. appearance: Elsyan has long brown hair that goes past her waist, emerald-green eyes, like all Elves she has long pointy ears, she wears a green dress with a golden trim that goes down to her ankles, and wears a bluish-silver cape.[/color]
  23. [color=009966]I was an Otaku Friend, and I got that every time, no matter how many times I took it. I know I know a decent amount of anime, but most of that knowledge is for other animes that weren't listed there. oh well. I got all the MKR questions right, though.[/color]
  24. [color=009966]Well, I was [b][i]hoping[/i][/b] to go trick-or-treating today, but my mom wouldn't let me. :grumble: Says I'm too old, despite the fact that some people have come to our house who are at least 16 when I'm only 14.....:grumble: Now I'm stuck giving out candy. She won't even let me scare the Trick-or-Treaters for crying outloud!![/color]
  25. [color=009966][i]Aiden and Silvia entered the cave again and sat down on the floor. Elsyan sat down next to Silvia with Aiden on Silvia's other side.[/i] Aiden-Silvia, we know you're a servant of the vampire, but you [i]can't[/i] listen to him! He's using you for his evil. [i]Silvia looked down on the ground. It was still dark outside, but they all could see the somber expression on her face.[/i] Elsyan-Silvia, we're here for you. All of us. If you want to talk about it, you know who you can come to. We're your friends. [i]Silvia looked up and smiled.[/i] Silvia-Alright. Aiden-Well since that's settled, let's go back to sleep. It's still late. Silvia-*yawn* sounds good to me. Elsyan-Silvia, before you go to sleep, could you please return the charm you took? [i]Silvia, slightly seeming somehow reluctant they thought, gave Elsyan the charm.[/i] Silvia-sorry. Elsyan-It's alright. You couldn't control it. Just don't do it ever again. Anyway, good night. [i]She smiled and walked over to the other side of the cave, then sat down. Elsyan reached into her other pocket and drew forth a chain. She put the charm on it and hung the necklace around her neck. She sat against the wall with her cloak wrapped around her, and fell into an uneasy sleep.[/i][/color]
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