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Everything posted by Deedlit
[color=green]Actually, I think it's with a very few accounts. Anna's account is just like that. She would be typing on the computer, push submit reply, and will make her login again, causing her post to be lost. I know it's not the computer because she's my sister and it never does that to me. :huh:[/color]
[color=green]Elsyan-Kain? Guys, come over here! Kain's disappeared now! [i]Everyone came hurrying over. It was then that Mara opened her eyes.[/i] Mara-ughhhh....W-where are we? Where's Relee? And Kain? Miko-We're in the tunnel, Mara. We don't know where they are though. First Relee disappeared, then Kain! Mara-We have to find them! Elsyan-We've been searching for hours. Kain was right here two seconds ago, but he's gone. I'm sure he was leaning right against this wall. Tyron-*knocks on the wall Elsyan indicated to them* Sounds solid to me. Miko-Who cares if it's solid? Let's try moving it or something! [i]They tried moving the door to the side, lifting it, pulling it, but it didn't budge until they all gave a mighty push. They all fell inwards into the chamber with Kain and the monster.[/i] Elsyan-Kain! You're alri--- [i]They then noticed the huge looming creature behind him.[/i] Miko-What the heck is that thing?! Mara-Where's Relee?[/color]
[color=green]YAY!! ^-^ Let the sequel of the sequel begin![/color]
[color=green]lol My dog does that too. Our dog does some wierd things. She eats lizards. o_O bleh. It's really gross! Once she was lying down on the couch and my dad was scratching her. Apparently she liked it because she stretched, but as she did she fell off the edge of the couch. lol That was so funny! ^_^ It's also funny when she goes on rampages. She'll jump on/over the couches, take tight turns around the coffee table, turn and weave around the furniture, it's hard to avoid tripping on her.[/color]
[color=green]Evicted means "To force out; eject." Basically you're just choosing the one you want to be kicked out of the competition.[/color]
[color=green]ooc: I'm not so sure about that, Domon. If you've read some books from [i]The Dragon Lance Chronicles[/i] by Weis Hickman, it describes how the Draconians look. Here's an excerpt: "Only Sturm stood outwardly calm and unmoved as he looked upon the twisted half-man, half-reptilian face of a draconian." There's probably some other examples, but it's kinda hard to find them when your flipping randomly through a book. I might also be wrong, but that's what it said so I'm going by that. Anyway, I gotta go now, so I'll talk to ya later. ^_~[/color]
[color=green][quote]1. what is the most embarass thing you ever done? 2. what one thing that you said and you want to take it back? 3. What's your view or opinion of true happiness?[/quote] 1.) That would be passing out from a shot. >_< 2.) all that profanity I shouted at someone who I despise...enough said about that.... 3.) happiness comes in many forms. Just depends on the person.[/color]
[color=green]Aiden-It's Tursi and the vampire! Over there, about a mile away! [i]Aiden forgot all about the Draconian and ran off after the vampire. Seeing his chance, Egan swiftly leapt to his feet and tried to make his get-away, despite his injured knee.[/i] Elsyan-Oh, no you don't! You're coming with us! [i]Egan gave a groan of displeasure as he felt her sword point against his back. Suddenly the Draconian got an idea. Moving his hand slowly into the folds of his robes, he drew a dagger, but because Egan had his back to Elsyan she didn't notice it until he struck. He swiftly turned around and knocked the sword from her hands and pushed her aside roughly against a tree. Then he ran at Aiden with his dagger raised as Aiden ran after the vampire.[/i] Egan-Now you die, Aiden!! -EDIT- I edited it, Domon. ^_~[/color]
[color=green][i]Elsyan shook her head in despair.[/i] Elsyan-Those poor people! They didn't even have a chance. Kris-Don't worry. We'll get that creep back for what he did in time. [i]They walked through the woods for about 4 hours until they came to the face of a cliff. Its prominence was well above the tree tops, and it seemed as if it went in both directions to the side for many miles.[/i] Elsyan-*sarcastically* Isn't this ironic? Silvia-*says sarcastically* There just has to be a cliff in our way, doesn't there? Tursi-[i]~Well, we can't go further this way, nor to the sides. Let's go back to the city and find another way out.~ None of them wanted to backtrack to the city for another four hours, but since there was no other obvious choice, they finally agreed. It was late in the afternoon when they arrived back in the town they were in earlier. The sky was thick with ash and debris, but it seemed as if the fire had been put out. Still there was much chaos in the streets as most of the citizens were trying to evacuate in case of another attack.[/i] Aiden-that was a whole day wasted! Kris-How were we to know there was a cliff blocking our way? Anyway, we have to find a different inn to stay at now that the other one is destroyed. Silvia-First let's find some place to eat. We haven't eaten all day! [i]To this they all agreed. They walked into a resturaunt (with the exception of Tursi. The only way she agreed to stay was when they promised to bring her some food out for her). They sat down at a table (Aiden had a bit of trouble, but he managed after a while and sat down as well) and ordered their food. Little did they know that in the corner there was a figure clothed in all black watching them. Seeing the group arrive, the unknown person rose from his seat and left the resturaunt to make his report. However, the group never noticed him and they continued eating their meal. They were half-way through when they could hear a faint sound. Elsyan with her keen hearing was the first to hear it.[/i] Elsyan-Shhh! What's that? [i]They fell silent as the sound became clear to them. Footsteps. It sounded as if many people were marching towards them. Suddenly they noticed that everyone in the resturaunt had fled, even the owner.[/i] Aiden-What's going on? Elsyan-I don't know, but I don't like it. [i]Silvia peeked out the window.[/i] Silvia-The streets are quiet. It's as if everyone disapp---Police! Kris-What? Silvia-There's a squad of police coming this way! They're coming towards the resturant!! [i]Everyone jumped to their feet in alarm(Aiden with some trouble as he winced from the pain).[/i] Elsyan-But everyone's fled from here. And they certainly can't be after us. We haven't done anything! Aiden-They might not be after us. But still, we should prepare just in case. [i]Kris pulled out her gun as the footsteps grew louder.[/i] Elsyan-No, Kris. Put the gun away. If they see any of us with our weapons drawn, they'll think that we're threatening us, and that could lead to even more trouble. Aiden-I agree. Let's just wait and see what they want. Silvia-I just hope that Tursi managed to get away at least. [i]The footsteps still grew louder. The police then came charging through the doors. With him they saw the person who had been watching them in the corner.[/i] person-There they are! Just as I told you. Where's my reward? police officer-You'll get it later. (to the companions)Now don't move a muscle. All of you are under arrest! Elsyan-And under what charge? We have done nothing wrong here. police officer-I don't have to tell you. All of you must come with us for the trial. [i]Trying hard to control their rising anger, the group allowed the police to lead them away. Fighting wouldn't do them the least bit of good, not while the police easily outnumbered them five to one.[/i][/color]
[color=green]Here's some people I didn't mention in my first list: Sere Tuscumbia-She was one of the first people I met on here, and she's also really nice. Liamc2-He's just a cool type of guy who I role-played with alot. Gold_Angewomon-She's really nice and optimistic. Great at writing poetry and drawing. Another one of my friends. ^_^ MysticDarkElf-It seems as if she doesn't get writers' block that often. I imagine that must be [i]very[/i] hard since I get them alot. Great role-player too. Stormwing-also one of the first people I met here. Also a great role-player. Lauren-She loves Legolas too! ^^ lol She also came up with ALOT of RPG's, and many of them were a great success. The Harlequin-I don't care if you like it or not, I consider you a role-model because of your posts and RPG's and such. Plus it's the way you word things. You just have excellent vocabulary. You and Raiha are the main reasons why I have dictionary.com under Favorites. lol Raiha-She's really nice. And as DGoD said, "great RPer even better writer."[/color]
[color=green]me: I know English. ^_^ everyone: DUH!! I've also been studying Japanese for about a year and a half now, and I can now carry on (short, simple, and basic) conversations. [/color]
[color=green]I think I did pretty well: (1)first period-Science- 98 (2)second period-Algebra- 90 (o_O *shocked*) (3)third period-Georgia History- 101 (4)fourth period-Band- 99 (hit the wrong note during a test...) (5)fifth period-Quest/Gifted- 96 (6)sixth period-English- 99 (L)6.5 period (and just because g_yyh was curious lol :cross: )-Lunch- 100+ (7)seventh period-Literature- 93 [/color]
[color=green]I think it should. ^_^ I believe this is the first RPG based on [i]The Silmarillion.[/i] Name: Samantha Tarayavie Age: 208 Race: Elf Weapons: her Elven Sword and a long bow with a quiver of arrows. Biography: Samantha is one of the companions from the second fellowship in which she and her companions set forth to destroy the Ring after it was recreated once more by Sauron. She was also part of the third fellowship where they set forth to destroy Bahamut, who was supposable the "Ultimate Evil." However, after he was destroyed they encountered the one who was Bahamut's master, the Void (she had a different name, but I can't think of it). After a long battle, the Void was also defeated. They thought that now Middle Earth was rid of all evil. But it turns out that there is yet another Evil. She will again join in the fourth fellowship to defeat Morgoth with the aid of her friends. Appearance: Samantha has long brown hair that goes past her waist, emerald-green eyes, wears a long green dress that goes down to her ankles, and wears a grey cape.[/color]
[color=green][i]Samantha Baldwin was walking down a well-trodden path, and had been for some time-for about two or three days. Deciding it was time to rest, she laid her pack down and sat against a tree and relaxed for a few minutes. Her father had told her to find someone named Artemis Graves, who was Nathan Graves' grandson. He told Samantha something about Dracula and Castlevania, and that it was important that she found Artemis soon.[/i] Samantha-This will take forever to find him! He could be anywhere right now. [i]Just as she said this, she felt a faint flicker in the air, like a stream of energy flowing. Deciding to follow it, Samantha shouldered her small bag and walked down the path once more.[/i][/color]
[color=green]1. Where are you from? (country, city, locate it if it's not known) 2. Tell us something we should know about it 3. no "it's boring" or "never comes here" 4. discuss about it! 1.)I was born in Utah, then we moved out here to Macon, Georgia. 2.)Lesse....well, there's alot of cow pastures, farms, and Georgia's known for its peaches and red-clay in the ground. 3.)sorry, but it is really boring.[/color]
[color=green]Lesse.... (in no particular order) James: for starting this message board and seeming to have an answer to all problems and conflicts Queen Asuka: She knows so much about anime and she's also really nice. ^-^ ElvenFoxKnight: He's just an excellent role-player and he's cool to talk to. Phantom: He's also an excellent role-player, and he's also pretty cool. Juuthena: She's just so nice and all. She also seems to be optimistic (which is something I need to work on a bit) DuoGod of Death: He's really cool to talk to, and he's also a good role-player. I've known him since...gaw, like since he joined. You're one of my best friends on here! ^_^ Mist: She's nice, she's cool, and she's a good role-player/sparer Dragon Warrior-I wish I could come up with some of the hilarious stories he's created. ^_^ Great role-player, great friend, funny guy. Gaw, those are just a few of them. ^_^ So many to name, such short memory of the names....[/color]
[color=green][i]Elsyan made sure Silvia wasn't looking and she drew out the charm to make sure she still had it. As she looked at it, she couldn't help but wonder what was so great about it. Then she heard Kris shouting.[/i] Kris-GUYS! GET OVER HERE NOW! SOMETHING'S HAPPENED TO AIDEN!! [i]Elsyan thrust the charm back into her pocket and jumped to her feet as she, Silvia, and Tursi ran to the back of the stable. There they saw the pitiful and unconcious form of Aiden on the ground. [/i] Silvia-Aiden!! Elsyan-What happened to him?! Did he commit suicide?!?! Tursi-No. It seems as if he was attacked by someone. Or something. [i]They carefully lifted Aiden up and took him to a different room inside. Tursi spoke to them from the stables.[/i] Tursi-We'll have to protect Aiden from whatever's trying to kill him. Kris-But who is it that's after him? The vampire? Tursi-maybe, maybe not.[/color]
[color=green]Yay! A Zelda RPG!! ^-^ Name: Elsyan Tarayavie Age: 15 Race: Hylian Appearance: long brown hair that goes past her waist, emerald-green eyes, wears a green dress that goes down to her ankles, and wears a blue cape. Bio: Elsyan grew up in Horon village for most of her life, but when her parents died she felt as if she must leave the sorrowful memories behind. She then traveled to Hyrule and is currently living there training. Mystical Artifacts: As of now, she only has a bow with some arrows (will get more as the RPG moves on). Dragon/Mount-none[/color]
[color=green]I haven't read the book, but this really sounds interesting. :) I'm not too late, am I? (BTW If I'm not too late, please save me a spot. My brother is pushing me off the computer. T_T)[/color]
[color=green][i]Elsyan notched an arrow to her bow and pulled the string back until it was against her cheek and watched as the demons charged at Jaudiar. Elsyan was about to kill one of them when she watched as Jaudiar swung her sword expertly, killing 4 demons in one strike. She was doing well when on her own when Elsyan saw some movement in the foliage. About 10 demons had seperated from the main force and were going to attack from the side. Jaudiar didn't see them, for she was already encircled by the rest of the force, but she was decreasing their force several demons at a time. Suddenly the demons lunged at her! [/i] Elsyan-Jaudiar! Lookout!! [i]Elsyan released her arrow not a second to soon, and her warning saved Jaudiar before they were upon her. A demon fell dead transfixed by an arrow while Jaudiar swung her blade and hewed the rest before they touched the ground. [/i] ooc: I gotta go. See ya later! ^_^[/color]
[color=green]Sorry it took me so long. Name: Samantha Baldwin Age: 15 Appearance: Samantha has long brown hair, emerald-green eyes, wears a light-green dress with a golden trim that goes down to her ankles. Bio: The Baldwins, a family famous for their invincible training methods and vitality are unmatched with their skill in archery and whips, they trained the Graves family personally. Hugh Baldwin and Nathan Graves were trained personally by Morris Baldwin, a strong friend of the Belmont-Morrises. He was trained by Eric Lecarde. Weapons: a sword and a black long-bow with a quiver of arrows with dark-green feathers. Abilities: she is able to move swiftly and silently, like a shadow in the night. She also has the ability to use a few practical elemental spells, but she doesn't use them much in battle. If I didn't post something correctly, John, let me know and I'll change it.[/color]
[color=green]*applauds* I LOVE that poem, Britty! ^^ *applauds some more*[/color]
[color=green]That's just awful! :( There's too much killing these days. Where will it all end?! It seems that as the years go by, the want to kill just increases! :bawl: It's just sick and depressing. V_V[/color]
[color=green]Age: 13, but 14 soon. Height: 5'3" Eyes: green (sometimes they look hazel) Hair: brown Weight: 108 Occupation: student. Bah! >_< Intrests: role-playing, drawing, internet, percussion in the school band, fencing (w00t!), anime, ROLW, LOTR, Elves, and other midevil stuff. ^^ Fav Anime: Record of Lodoss War Other: ........... [/color]
[color=green]Well, everyone knows (or should know) that I love LOTR, so I'll join. ^_~ Name: Elsyan Tarayavie (if you want us to be real characters such as Aragorn, Frodo, Legolas, ect., let me know and I'll change it.) Age: 375 Race: High Elf Weapons: a rapier and a black long-bow with a quiver of arrows Bio: Elsyan is an Elf from Rivendell, but she isn't seen around there much since she loves to wander and travel around the country. Description: Elsyan has long brown hair that goes down to her waist, stands at about 5'4", has emerald-green eyes, wears a green dress that goes down to her ankles, and has a bluish-silver cape with a hood. Personality: She is friendly, optimistic, caring, usually quiet, and loves being outdoors.[/color]