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Everything posted by Deedlit

  1. [color=green]Elsyan-My mother taught it to me over 100 years ago. She loved to sing it before she died. Lalaith-How'd she die? Elsyan-.........I don't want to talk about it at the moment. Maybe later. [i]They traveled in silence for a few hours, and just as they were about to sit down to take a break they could see a small village just over the hills in the distance. They finally reached the edge of the village after about 45 minutes of walking.[/i] Iyasu-Well, we're here. Jaudiar-Now let's find a tavern! ;) [i]Since they couldn't dissuade her, they agreed to go to a tavern first. [/i][/color]
  2. [color=green][i]It was late at night when Kehho, Roe, and Elsyan left the tavern to find an inn to spend the night. Luckily it wasn't that difficult to find one since there were at least three or four of them in that small town. After they paid for the rooms, the man behind the counter handed them the keys and told them which rooms were theirs.[/i] man-The last door on the right is your room, sir, and the one on the left is yours, ladies. Now remember to lock both of your doors before you go to sleep. You never know when there's a thief about. Good evening. [i]Then the man departed.[/i] Elsyan-That's a good idea. And remember not to open the door unless it's one of us. Roe-Yeah. Just knock seven times so we'll know. Good night. [i]They said good night to each other and went into their rooms, and taking his advice they locked both of the doors and settled down to rest.[/i][/color]
  3. [color=green]Silvia-It's not your fault, Tursi. We're in this together as a team, and we won't single one person out and blame them. [i]Elsyan lit another torch and held it aloft in the tunnel. She ran her hand over the edges of the walls.[/i] Elsyan-This tunnel is old. I wonder who made it? Aiden-Bandits, thieves, escaped prisoners, convicts, felons, this was probably their escape tunnel from the city. Kris-And it wouldn't surprise me either. But where exactly does the mouth of the tunnel start? Aiden-Probably in the back of an alley. Well, let's go before whoever was hunting us finds this tunnel. [/color]
  4. [color=green]Deedlit-Fox! Siren! Thank goodness both of you are alright! Fox-For the most part, anyway. How long has it been? Deedlit-About three hours. Siren-I see. Has Ryoko explained what we were summoned here for? Ryoko-Not yet, I haven't. We're still waiting for a few other arrivals. ----------------- ooc: sorry for such a short post. There's not much I can post on until Ryoko explains to everyone what we're here for.[/color]
  5. [color=green]Silvia-Tursi? What's wrong? Elsyan-Get down!! [i]Silvia ducked just in time as an arrow whizzed past her head and embedded itself in the trunk of a tree. Elsyan drew her sword and deflected another arrow that would've hit Silvia. [/i] Elsyan-Kris, try to calm Tursi. Aiden, I could use your help over here! [i]They stood facing the area where the first arrow came from, but then another arrow came flying from a totally different direction off to their side. Luckily the arrow only grazed her left arm, but another flew towards Aiden and scratched his shoulder.[/i] Elsyan-I can't tell where the arrows are coming from! We better get out of here quickly. [i]They retreated swiftly with Kris, Silvia, and Tursi in the front and Aiden and Elsyan in the rear deflecting more arrows as they assailed the group. [/i][/color]
  6. [color=green][i]Meanwhile....[/i] Miko-Wait! Everyone stop! Relee's vanished!! [i]Everyone turned around towards Miko and said in unison "WHAT?!?!"[/i] Kain-Wha'dya mean "Relee's vanished"!? She was beside you a second ago! Miko-Yeah, but she's not here anymore. I was talking to her, I turned around, and she's not there anymore! Tyron-Do you think Auron got her? Elsyan-No, if Auron were here he would've attacked all of us and take us by surprise. I think we can say that Auron isn't behind this. It might be King Malius, but I'm not sure. Kain-We gotta find her! We'll just retrace our steps. She probably wondered off into a side corridor that we didn't see. Elsyan-You're probably right, Kain. [i]Everyone then started knocking on the bricks of the walls and floor, hoping to find a hidden entrance that Relee might've fallen through. However after what seemed to be hours upon hours of searching every brick and stone, they found nothing. No corridors, no secret passages, no hidden or trap doors, nothing. Everyone was exausted and they slumped down to the floor.[/i] Miko-we must've searched every brick two times over and still not a clue. Elsyan-She has got to be somewhere. We'll just check again! Aerow-Do as you like, Elsyan, but I'm not moving until we get some rest. Elsyan-Alright then. [i]*Elsyan stood up resolutely*[/i] I'm going to take another look, and I'll be back shortly. [i]Elsyan walks off knocking on the walls again until she's so far that her knocking can no longer be heard.[/i][/color]
  7. [color=green]LOL I found this on that site you gave us, defbug. I found alot of them hilarious. ^_^ :D [b]50 Fun Things for Professors to Do on the First Day of Class[/b] 1. Wear a hood with one eyehole. Periodically make strange gurgling noises. 2. After confirming everyone's names on the roll, thank the class for attending "Advanced Astrodynamics 690" and mention that yesterday was the last day to drop. 3. After turning on the overhead projector, clutch your chest and scream "MY PACEMAKER!" 4. Wear a pointed Kaiser helmet and a monocle and carry a riding crop. 5. Gradually speak softer and softer and then suddenly point to a student and scream "YOU! WHAT DID I JUST SAY?" 6. Deliver your lecture through a hand puppet. If a student asks you a question directly, say in a high-pitched voice, "The Professor can't hear you, you'll have to ask *me*, Winky Willy". 7. If someone asks a question, walk silently over to their seat, hand them your piece of chalk, and ask, "Would YOU like to give the lecture, Mr. Smartypants?" 8. Pick out random students, ask them questions, and time their responses with a stop watch. Record their times in your grade book while muttering "tsk, tsk". 9. Ask students to call you "Tinkerbell" or "Surfin' Bird". 10. Stop in mid-lecture, frown for a moment, and then ask the class whether your butt looks fat. 11. Play "Kumbaya" on the banjo. 12. Show a video on medieval torture implements to your calculus class. Giggle throughout it. 13. Announce "you'll need this", and write the suicide prevention hotline number on the board. 14. Wear mirrored sunglasses and speak only in Turkish. Ignore all questions. 15. Start the lecture by dancing and lip-syncing to James Brown's "Sex Machine." 16. Ask occassional questions, but mutter "as if you gibbering simps would know" and move on before anyone can answer. 17. Ask the class to read Jenkins through Johnson of the local phone book by the next lecture. Vaguely imply that there will be a quiz. 18. Have one of your graduate students sprinkle flower petals ahead of you as you pace back and forth. 19. Address students as "worm". 20. Announce to students that their entire grades will be based on a single-question oral final exam. Imply that this could happen at any moment. 21. Turn off the lights, play a tape of crickets chirping, and begin singing spirituals. 22. Ask for a volunteer for a demonstration. Ask them to fill out a waiver as you put on a lead apron and light a blowtorch. 23. Point the overhead projector at the class. Demand each student's name, rank, and serial number. 24. Begin class by smashing the neck off a bottle of vodka, and announce that the lecture's over when the bottle's done. 25. Have a band waiting in the corner of the room. When anyone asks a question, have the band start playing and sing an Elvis song. 26. Every so often, freeze in mid sentence and stare off into space for several minutes. After a long, awkward silence, resume your sentence and proceed normally. 27. Wear a "virtual reality" helmet and strange gloves. When someone asks a question, turn in their direction and make throttling motions with your hands. 28. Mention in passing that you're wearing rubber underwear. 29. Growl constantly and address students as "matey". 30. Devote your math lecture to free verse about your favorite numbers and ask students to "sit back and groove". 31. Announce that last year's students have almost finished their class projects. 32. Inform your English class that they need to know Fortran and code all their essays. Deliver a lecture on output format statements. 33. Bring a small dog to class. Tell the class he's named "Boogers McGee" and is your "mascot". Whenever someone asks a question, walk over to the dog and ask it, "What'll be, McGee?" 34. Wear a feather boa and ask students to call you "Snuggles". 35. Tell your math students that they must do all their work in a base 11 number system. Use a complicated symbol you've named after yourself in place of the number 10 and threaten to fail students who don't use it. 36. Claim to be a chicken. Squat, cluck, and produce eggs at irregular intervals. 37. Bring a CPR dummy to class and announce that it will be the teaching assistant for the semester. Assign it an office and office hours. 38. Have a grad student in a black beret pluck at a bass while you lecture. 39. Sprint from the room in a panic if you hear sirens outside. 40. Give an opening monologue. Take two minute "commercial breaks" every ten minutes. 41. Tell students that you'll fail them if they cheat on exams or "fake the funk". 42. Announce that you need to deliver two lectures that day, and deliver them in rapid-fire auctioneer style. 43. Pass out dental floss to students and devote the lecture to oral hygiene. 44. Announce that the entire 32-volume Encyclopedia Britannica will be required reading for your class. Assign a report on Volume 1, Aardvark through Armenia, for next class. 45. Ask students to list their favorite showtunes on a signup sheet. Criticize their choices and make notes in your grade book. 46. Sneeze on students in the front row and wipe your nose on your tie. 47. Warn students that they should bring a sack lunch to exams. 48. Refer frequently to students who died while taking your class. 49. Show up to lecture in a ventilated clean suit. Advise students to keep their distance for their own safety and mutter something about "that bug I picked up in the field". 50. Jog into class, rip the textbook in half, and scream, "Are you pumped? ARE YOU PUMPED? I CAN'T HEEEEEEAR YOU!"[/color]
  8. [color=green][i]Jirai let out another blood-curdling scream that sounded more like laughter as she slung Aiden against a tree. Elsyan drew her rapier and dodged just as the immense spider spewed forth a thick string of the sticky web. She tried catch them all in the sticky net, but they were too fast for her. Suddenly Jirai got an idea. Acting swiftly, she shot out numerous webs around the surrounding trees. Before the group knew what she was doing, she had fenced them all inside the small area.[/i] Jirai-No more running now! Normally I don't mind if my quarry runs--it allows me the fun of hunting them down--but this time I'll make an exception. [i]Jirai then began to stomp with her many feet which were like thousands of horses stampeding across an open plain, and almost everyone lost their balance as the earth trembled beneath them. She took advantage of their confusement and continued to shoot webs at the group while continuing the stomping. Elsyan dodged as a web came flying towards her, but as she did so one of Jirai's many legs came crashing down close behind her as it pinned her cape to the ground. Elsyan tugged and yanked at it, but she then sliced off the spider's leg to free it. The spider screamed in pain as black blood issued forth from the wound.[/i] Jirai-*screams in agony* AAARRHHHHH!! Now all of you shall pay with your lives![/color]
  9. [color=green]"What does everyone seek by fighting? Does spilled blood cause flowers to bloom?" I can't think of any others, so that's all for now. ^_^[/color]
  10. [color=green]I've only seen the first episode, and it looks like a hilarious and cute series to watch. ^^ Hopefully I'll be able to watch some more episodes of it.[/color]
  11. [color=green]Deedlit-And I love you too, Fox. I will never lose you again! I swear it, Fox, I won't! [i]Deedlit cried as she held Fox tightly in her arms. Closing her eyes she sang the lullaby that she used to sing to him as he was still just a baby. Once the song was finished she turned to Ryoko and dried her eyes.[/i] Deedlit-Ryoko, it was you that reunited me with my son. Therefore I am eternally grateful to you and if there's anything you need of me, I shall do it without a moments hesitation. Ryoko-I gladly accept your assistance, for we will need all the help we can get. I have much to tell all of you once everyone is gathered. [i]Fox and Deedlit sat down in a corner as they talked about everything that had happened in all these past years, with much crying and many tears.[/i][/color]
  12. [color=green]Siren-Now what do we have here? Indrid-A spy of Ghazboron? Kaze-I'm not a spy! My name is Kaze Isihiro. Elsyan-Then if you're not a spy, what were you doing spying on us? Kaze-I was just making sure that the four of you were alright. [i]Siren still stared at Kaze a bit suspiciously.[/i] Rae-Don't worry, Siren. If he's not a spy of Ghazboron, he can't be all that bad. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ooc: Gotta go again. V_V I should be on again soon, though.[/color]
  13. [color=green]I don't care if this serial killer is as good as all of you say! I see what all of you are talking about, on both sides, but it's just heartless, inhumane, callous, shameless, virtueless, and [i]wrong[/i] nonetheless! When America was attacked on September 11, did you praise the people who high-jacked the planes for killing thousands of people, or those who had anything to do with it? No. A life is a life, and it can never be replaced.[/color]
  14. [color=green]ooc: Now I'm confused. In The Harlequin's sign-up post, he put:[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Harlequin [/i] [B][font=gothic][color=crimson] Information: Lacroix was exiled from the Underdark by his own kind. As well as the traditional twin axes carried by his kind, Lacroix fights with a bladed quarterstaff. He serves on Roe's crew as bosun. (Mainly because I know how to damn it!)[/font][/color] [/B][/QUOTE]
  15. [color=green]ooc: Don't let this RPG die now! :( D_A, I don't know why you want to die, but if you really want to, we can let you die during the next fight with Auron or somethin'. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [i]Everyone walked through the hole moving silently, hoping that there was no immense danger that awaited them.[/i] Miko-I wonder why Mara just passed out like that? Elsyan-I don't know, but she said some funny stuff. Relee-Like what? Elsyan-I don't think this is [i]exactly[/i] what she said, but she said something about a corridor to the left, dungeons and chambers, bring nothing other than your bravery, weapons and armor aren't of any use, and something about a dragon. [i]Everyone remained silent as they walked on through the tunnel, with Kain in the back looking all around him uncertainly.[/i] Relee-Look! There's a light up ahead! [i]Sure enough there was a faint light just ahead of them. Instead of running towards it, they went on even more warily than before since they didn't know what awaited them there.[/i][/color]
  16. [color=green]It'll work. ^_^ We finished it with this many, right? And like Bryan said, "as long as we are all active it will work!" We may even recruit a few others who are dedicated RPers.[/color]
  17. [color=green]aw, pickle. -__-;;; [/color]
  18. [color=green]Well, we have feelings, don't we? If we're hurt, we feel the pain. That's how I know I exist. I'm not an illusion................................................................................................or am I? o_O[/color]
  19. [color=green]That sounds right to me, Bryan. ^_^ As for your second riddle, the answer is that the doctor was a nurse.[/color]
  20. [color=green]Aiden-Who cares?! We've wasted enough time dawdling here, let's go! [i]Everyone hastily rushed out and shut the door behind them as they headed for the truck. [/i] Raya-Silvia, how far are we from the spot marked on the map? Silvia-Lesse.... [i]Silvia pulled out the map.[/i] Silvia-We're still really far. We've hardly gotten any closer from where we started. [i]They continued driving down the road going about 70 miles an hour. It wasn't far from the hotel when Elsyan spotted something on the ground.[/i] Aiden-Look! There's a pool of blood on the left side of the road! Kris, pull over a minute. [i]Kris pulled the truck to the side of the road as they all got out to examine it.[/i] Aiden-It looks like someone else became a victim last night, though I can't tell if this blood is from an animal or human. [i]Elsyan wasn't looking at the small pool. She was looking into the forest that bordered the road.[/i] Elsyan-There's a trail of blood that leads in the forest. Maybe once the vampire got its meal it ran in here to dodge the sun until nightfall. Aiden-I bet you're right. The vampire must've come this way dragging its meal with it. We'll have to continue on foot. Leave the truck here, Kris, and we can come back for it. [i]After Kris locked the door to the truck they walked into the woods with Elsyan in the front. She occasionally had to stop and wait for everyone to catch up, for the vines and thorns were giving everyone else trouble, but because Elsyan was an Elf they didn't hinder her at all.[/i] Elsyan-Can't you hurry any faster? It'll be nightfall before we even get out into open land again. Raya-Well excuse us if we're not Elves. These vines are everywhere! [i]It was now getting even darker in the forest; hardly any sunlight could peek through the branches of the trees. Once everyone else caught up, Elsyan continued ahead again with her light-green dress fluttering behind her. They followed slowly behind her when suddenly Kris tripped over a protruding root and fell on the ground next to a bush. Under it she saw a dead corpse of a little girl with blood all over her neck. She gave a scream as she scrambled to her feet. Elsyan came running back towards them to see what was going on.[/i] Kris-*shudders* Ugh. I think I just found where the trail of blood came from.[/color]
  21. [color=green]That happened to me a couple of times. I would be logged in, and then when my sisters want to get on they can't. We tried everything we could think of, and it was after we restarted the computer about 30 times that it finally logged me out. It's not the first time that's happened either.[/color]
  22. [color=green]lol That's one way of determining the answer. I'll give a try at the pipe riddle. Is it one of those tools they use to make sure a board or something is level? You know, it's a tube that has water in it, but it also has an air bubble. When you tilt the tube downwards, the air bubble goes up. When you tilt it up, the air bubble goes the down. Am I right, close, or a million miles from it?[/color]
  23. [color=green]*inches away from DeathKnight* That's just awful how someone can kill another human being. This brings to my mind the quote that DuoGod of Death has in his signature:[/color][QUOTE][b][color=red] "If the sun was painted red with the blood of humans, would mankind still lust for blood?"[/b][/QUOTE][/color][color=green] It's really depressing that someone would go that low as to kill someone just for the heck of it. Isn't a life more important than amusement?[/color]
  24. [color=green][i]Elsyan ran to the main mast of the ship and grabbed her sword. With the hilt she smote a bell: once, twice, thrice. That was the signal that a storm was on its way. Sheathing her sword she helped to gather some items and take them below. Once everyone and everything they needed was brought down, they sat against the wall and braced themselves as the ocean began to buck sideways, up, and down harshly. It was very hard to stay against the wall, and many of them went sliding across the floor. [/i] Lutra-Grab onto something, everyone! [i]Everyone grabbed onto something as the worst was yet to come.[/i][/color]
  25. [color=green][i]Deedlit stared in disbelief at Fox. She just couldn't believe it! After looking for him for so long, here he was in this very room! Just as she was about to run over to him, doubt gripped her heart. This was just too good to be true. She believed her son to be dead or in captivity by some evil creature with no hope of ever being rescued. What if this wasn't her son? What if it was just someone who happened to find or already have a silver ring? Once again she looked at the ground as the tears came even harder, but it was out of grief this time. She resolved that she would have to talk to him sooner or later and find out.[/i][/color]
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