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Everything posted by Deedlit

  1. [color=green][i]Tension was ever present as the silence seemed to be pressing closer to them with every second, and it seemed that years had passed while waiting during that single hour. Aiden could be seen constantly looking at the clock and tapping his foot imaptiently. Finally Silvia snapped.[/i] Silvia-Will you please stop tapping your foot?! Aiden-I can't help it!! It's been forty-five minutes, and Tursi still hasn't shown up. I still say that we should have left almost an hour ago. If she hasn't shown up by now, she won't show up in fifteen minutes! Elsyan-You never know, Aiden. We've waited this long, so what's fifteen minutes more? [i]Aiden sat down huffily again and crossed his arms, glaring at the clock as if it was its fault. Time still went on, and Tursi still hadn't returned.[/i][/color]
  2. [color=green]That's a tough situation. Is there any way you can change your password to keep him from going onto your account? That's one of the only other solutions I can think of that hasn't already been mentioned.[/color]
  3. [color=green]Ah yes. I remember that game! ^_^ :D I was in the stands watching all ya'll while getting soaked to the bone cheering you on. You should've seen everyone scatter when the rain began to pour. lol I was getting worried that someone on Color Guard or Drill Team would slip while dancing and break one of their legs or twist their ankles or somethin' awful. I'm just glad nothing like that happened.[/color]
  4. [color=green]lol I don't know much to say about that, but it's alright. ^_^[/color]
  5. [color=green]YAY!!! ^^ Let's go a-sailin', mates! *ahem* Don't worry. I'm not gonna talk like that either. Name: Elsyan Tarayavie Age: 16 Race: High Elf Information: Elsyan is a member of Roe's crew, but she came along more for the adventure, not the plunder or riches. Like Roe, she didn't expect anything that would be this adventurous. She's an expert with a bow, and her aim is sharp. She carries a rapier at her side, but she doesn't use it often. She has emerald-green eyes, long brown hair that she usually wears in a ponytail, wears a light-green dress that goes down to her ankles, but sometimes she wears a green shirt with some black pants.[/color]
  6. [color=green]Have you also deleted all the PM's in your outbox? BTW I might have to get off soon. It looks like we're due for another hurricane. Again. V_V;;;;;; [/color]
  7. [color=green]"Middle class?!" Raiha, you're one of the best role-players on here. ^_~ I consider myself an average role-player. I've only been role-playing for about a year, so there's still alot I have to learn. I'm not a really picky person about how others role-play, but what really aggrivates me, as Raiha said, is when people don't put a space between their sentences. Such as this: [i]He challenged me to a battle:I moved in for the attack.As I swung my battle axe at him,he dodged to the side.Then he drove the blade in my shoulder.I screamed in pain![/i] In this example, there's no entusiasm in the post, there's not much detail, if any at all, and the puctuation is awful. I can't think of anything else that really bothers me, so now that it's been said, I'll go back to role-playing.[/color]
  8. [color=green]Lauren, please clean out your PM box. ^_~ Anyway, I also vote for a new RPG. But it would also make it interesting if Lauren added a few other things to it.[/color]
  9. [color=green]Elsyan-Wait! Silvia, what did you just say? About the dream? [i]Silvia looked a bit confused.[/i] Silvia-I said that I dreamt that something with red eyes was looking at us through the window and that he was looking for something. Why? Elsyan-I just didn't hear you clearly. My ears must still be ringing from when I woke up. [i]Elsyan put her hand in her pocket to make sure the charm that she had found on her bed was still there. She would've told them, but she didn't know if Tursi wanted them to know, plus she didn't mention it should the vampire be listening on their conversation. The others went on talking.[/i] Kris-Do you think we should wait for Tursi? Aiden-She can catch up. We have to get the vampire before he causes more people to die! Silvia-But we might need Tursi. Let's just wait one more hour to see if she gets back. [i]Reluctantly Aiden agreed as he sat back down on the couch. Everyone else sat down in silence as they waited for Tursi's return.[/i][/color]
  10. [color=green]NGE, Martion Successor Nadesico, Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, Rurouni Kenshin, Fushigi Yuugi, Slayers, Card Captor Sakura, Love Hina, Ah! My Goddess, maybe some Ranma 1/2 or Inu Yasha, and (just because there are some kids who really like it) DBZ.[/color]
  11. [color=green]Yu Yu Hakusho's alright. I really enjoyed watching the first 10 or so episodes, but then it turned out to be pretty boring. Like DBZ it has a repetitive plot: villains are causing trouble, beat them up, get yourself beaten up, go home. Another villain reveals himself, get beaten up, beat him up, go home. But aren't alot of shows like that? Of course I've only seen the episodes they've shown on Adult Swim so far, so I don't know if it gets more interesting, but it's alright.[/color]
  12. [color=green]See? Not very easy. I can't stand it when I see two characters and say "Oh! They look alike!" but then I can't remember who it was. It's just so frustrating because you KNOW there's alot more out there. -__-;;;[/color]
  13. [color=green][b]Samantha-[/b]Ooh! I know someone who look alike: Goten and Goku! [b]everyone-[/b]Doi! T_T [b]Samantha-[/b]^_^;;;;;;;;; lol Other than that, I can't come up with any look-alikes at the moment.[/color]
  14. [color=green][i]As they walked away, Samantha talked aloud to herself.[/i] Samantha-It just doesn't make any sense... Abob-What doesn't? Samantha-We assumed that the Void was the source of all evil, am I right? Lalaith-Yes, but what are you getting at? Samantha-Try to think: Does the name "Morgoth" or "Melkor" ring a bell to anyone? [i]Everyone thought for a long time. They all shook their heads.[/i] Samantha-Alright, what about the Valar? Lauren-That word does sounds a bit familliar. Samantha-It should. Thousands of years ago in Valinor, which is the land west of the Grey Havens, were several Great Spirits that were called the Valar. However, one of them, Melkor, became evil and was cast out from the Valar. To cut a long story short, Melkor then went to Middle-Earth and is said to dwell to the far north in his fortress called Angband, and he was afterwards called Morgoth. Ever since then he has gathered servants and creatures to do his will. Sauron was one of them, as I assume the same for Bahamut and the Void. Lalaith-Come to think of it, that story does sound a bit familiar. Lauren-Do you think it's really Morgoth that's causing all this trouble? Lalaith-It sounds like that. Abob-I guess we're not finished, are we? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ooc: I didn't want this to end so quickly, so I thought I would add something from [i]The Silmarillion[/i] to this RPG. But if you really don't like the idea, just let me know and I'll delete the post.[/color]
  15. [color=green][i]Elsyan sat in the tallest branches of a beech tree as she looked upon the clouds that soared high above her, leaning against the trunk of it. She was glad that it was a bright sunny day; it brightened her spirits a bit, and that was something that she needed ever since her village was destroyed. Why did she have to go travelling during that time? If only she had stayed she could've helped to protect the village. Then her ears gave a slight twitch. She turned and looked to the left to see about a score of demons running down the path. She immediately sat up and followed the movements of them. They seemed to be following something, or someone. She could vaguely see a form of someone running from them, but then she saw the person fall down a hill as the demons kept running. She waited until the demons were lost from sight before she moved from her spot. She leapt from the branch and landed gracefully onto a lower brance, then onto a lower branch, and onto a lower one until she was on the ground. Moving silent as a whisp of smoke upon the wind, she crept through the woods until she was practically beside him. He didn't seem to be injured, but she could tell that he must've been exausted because the blood was still pounding in his face. She nudged him.[/i] Elsyan-Wake up. The demons have passed now. [i]It was after about five or ten minutes before he woke up. He sat up immediately and looked around as full memory flooded back to him.[/i] Tyron-The demons!! Where--- Elsyan-They've already passed. They're several miles from here. [i]He looked down at the ground for some while, thinking about what had happened earlier. Several minutes of silence passed until Elsyan spoke, but he didn't seem to hear her until the end of her sentence.[/i] Elsyan-.....name? Tyron-What? Elsyan-I said "what's you name?" Tyron-It's Tyron. Elsyan-I'm Elsyan Tarayavie the [i]Calaquendi.[/i] Tyron-The what? Elsyan-"Calaquendi." It means High Elf or Elf of the Light. Tyron-oh. [i]Tyron appeared to be troubled about something.[/i] Elsyan-What's wrong, Tyron?[/color]
  16. [color=green][i]Elsyan winced with every step she took as Rae and Indrid helped her to get away from the camp. The pain in her ankle was immense, and more than once she stumbled and collasped. However, they didn't get far when they saw Siren land next to them.[/i] Elsyan-It's you! You saved my life back there. I thank you sincerely. Siren-Don't worry about it. You three helped me back there too. I killed that Dark Elf Ryan back there, so you don't have to worry about him anymore. Well, I should be going. Rae-Wait! What's your name? Siren-It's Siren. Siren Kojia. ooc: AW, CRAP! I gotta go. Later![/color]
  17. [color=green][i]Deedlit hurried in the direction the Forest of Time was. She had traveled there before, but it was a very long time ago and she was just passing through, but she knew a shortcut to get there faster. It wasn't long before she saw the cabin just ahead of her. She slowly approached it and went inside. Had she gone the long way around, she would've seen Fox sitting outside in the front conversing with the wolves. There was only about one or two people inside the cabin, but she stood against the wall without a word. Then she felt a weird sensation. Her heart gave a leap as she looked up towards the front door. The feeling seemed to have passed now, but she was still a bit puzzled. Suddenly her eyes caught the glimmer of the silver ring that was around her ring-finger on her left hand. Her heart sank as the memories flooded back to her. Long ago her son was captured, and she had almost given up hope of ever finding him again. She looked down again as she fought to hold back her tears. She remained silent for several minutes.[/i][/color]
  18. [color=green]ooc: Sorry guys, but I've just been grounded for about a week. :grumble: If I don't post as much or if my posts are really short, now you know why. I'll try to sneak on as often as possible, though. ic: [i]It wasn't an easy task getting through the huge crowds that seemed to have come from the very walls itself. They had to push through most of the way, and they had to go at a slow pace so that they didn't stray from each other. They finally reached an elevator, but they stared at it groaning. There were so many people packed in there that they resembled sardines in a tin can! [/i] Raya-*sigh* Guess we'll have to take the stairs. [i]So now they were following Raya through the packed halls until they came to the stairs. Like the elevator they were just as crowded, only this time they could surprisingly get through. They climbed several stories until Raya led them to a door.[/i] Raya-Finally. Here's the fifth floor. The boy is in room C546. [i]Once again they had to push their way through until they got to the end of the hall. There were several people waiting at the door anxiously, but Raya pushed them away. She had to shout to be heard over the uproar of the crowd.[/i] Raya-PLEASE! BACK AWAY FROM THE DOOR AND ALLOW THESE PEOPLE TO GET THROUGH! [i]The crowd started to complain, but they ignored them and did as Raya told them to do. Raya then unlocked the door and led them inside.[/i] Elsyan-Tursi, we're in![/color]
  19. [color=green]Sorry guys, but I've just been grounded for a whole week. :grumble: I'll try to sneak on whenever possible, but I thought I'd give ya a heads up since I'm not posting as much. Until then....[/color]
  20. [color=green]LOL!!! I liked 10, 7, 4, and 1. Those are just HILARIOUS!! :haha: :rotflmao: I'm gonna try that one of these days. *sharpens pocket knife* "soon.....soon...." lol[/color]
  21. [color=green]Your life has more of a variety than mine. ^_~ lol[/color]
  22. [color=green][i]Elsyan hurried along through the streets when she saw a crowd of people huddled around someone lying on the ground. Elsyan stopped and pushed towards the front and saw a little boy unconcious. On his neck were two bite marks that still had blood trickling out of the holes.[/i] Elsyan-(thinks)What could've done this?! A vampire? [i]Soon the air became filled with sirens as two police cars and an ambulance arrived. Then she heard a hysterical person talking to them as they interrogated the witnesses of the awful act.[/i] person-It was a monster! It came from out of nowhere and grabbed the boy and...and--- [i]Elsyan took off from the scene running at a full sprint. She had to take care of first things first. Something in her mind just told her to keep on moving, as if she was supposed to be elsewhere. Besides. The police and peramedics would take care of the little boy. She just hoped that he would be alright. After about a mile or so, Elsyan slowed down to a walk. She then paused to listen for a while. Her ears picked up a peculiar vibration in the air, and she decided to follow it. It wasn't long before she came down an alley and found several people talking amongst themselves there. One was a black mare, another was a human who had wings, and the others seemed to look like ordinary humans. Not knowing if they were friends or not, she remained quiet for a while watching them from around the corner.[/i][/color]
  23. [color=green]My favorite hobbies are learing Japanese, playing percussion, fencing, role-playing, sewing, drawing anime, and other crafts. ^_^[/color]
  24. [color=green][i]Rae, Elsyan, and Indrid were forced to lie flat against the ground while covering their heads as the plantlife about them was still sizzling and steaming from the blast of evil energy. Indrid managed to raise his head about an inch to peek out between the branches of some bushes.[/i] Indrid-Look! You gotta check this out. [i]Elsyan and Rae lifted their heads as they saw an unconcious form of a girl being dragged off into the main tent.[/i] Indrid-That girl just walked straight into the camp as if there was nothing there!! Either she's drunk, or she's a fool. Rae-Should we rescue her? Elsyan-We should at least try, but first we should change our location and then think of a plan. I think the Dark Elf is getting a bit too suspicious of our presence. [i]Still keeping low, they walked extra warily and as silently as they could to the opposite side of the camp. Then they drew their weapons and began to formulate a plan.[/i][/color]
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