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Everything posted by Deedlit
[color=green]GAH! I can't believe I didn't see this sign-up sooner! Name: Elsyan Tarayavie Age: 160 Race: High Elf Description: Elsyan stands at about 5'3", has long brown hair that goes past her waist, emerald-green eyes, wears a light-green dress that goes to her ankles, wears a blueish-silver cape, and has a circlet on her head that has a star with a cresent moon in the center. Equipment: an Elven sword and a long bow/quiver of arrows[/color]
[color=green][i]The three had been keeping low for several minutes, not daring to breathe. When they were sure that the coast was clear, they let out a long sigh.[/i] Rae-That was close. Indrid-I'll say. He almost heard us! Elsyan-Get down! [i]They ducked their heads even lower as they saw someone emerge from the tent.[/i] ???-Wizard! Where have you taken my Orb?! Elsyan-[i]Moriquendi!![/i] [i]Rae and Indrid looked at her a bit puzzled.[/i] Indrid-"Moriquendi?" What's that? Elsyan-"Moriquendi" is the Elvish word for Dark Elf. Rae-You mean that he is a Dark Elf?! Elsyan-Yes, now be still. We need to see what this "Orb" is.[/color]
[color=green][i]A figure sat on the rooftop of a tall building, admiring the full moon. [/i] Elsyan-Tilion sure looks beautiful tonight. Tilion[i], the Elvish word they used for "moon," was sitting radiently in the night sky as it overlooked the city. The High Elf stood up and felt the wind rushing past her. Then her ears twitched. There were new tidings in the wind this night. Elsyan turned around and faced the other direction. With all the speed and grace that came to her naturally, she leapt off the roof and landed onto a lower rooftop, then onto another one until she landed on the ground. Keeping to the shadows of the buildings so she wouldn't attract any unwanted attention from the humans and citizens of the city, she hurried along towards the direction the wind came from.[/i][/color]
[color=green][i]Rae led them through the woods with her eyes searching the ground. They had tried to cover their tracks, but most soldiers are usually careless, and therefore even the most unexperienced person could follow them with little difficulty. They hurried along at a swift pace, moving like shadows, swift and silent through the trees and undergrowth. After a few hours of tracking the soldiers, they arrived at a clearing where the soldiers were resting in various places. Rae, Elsyan, and Indrid crouched down low and conversed in low tones.[/i] Indrid-There they are. Let's get 'em! Elsyan-Hold on there, Indrid! Let's wait and see what they're up to. Rae-Up to no good, no doubt. [i]The three remained hidden and silent, each with their hands on their weapons as they watched the soldiers and listened to what they had to say.[/i][/color]
[color=green]Are you well? :therock: I'm not the RPG starter. MysticDarkElf is. We're waiting on her to compile her first post, not waiting on me to finish my outfit. :rolleyes:[/color]
[color=green][i]The town seemed to be alot closer than it actually was. After about forty-five minutes to one hour they reached the city's edge.[/i] Kehho-We're finally here. Roe-Let's go find a tavern. Hey Where's Elsyan? [i]They turned to find Elsyan looking at a sign that was nailed to an oak tree.[/i] Elsyan-It says that this town is called "Malacrimi." That's a peculiar name. Kehho-I'll say it is. Roe-Oh well. Now let's go. I'm starving! [i]They walked along the road of Malacrimi until they were in the center of the village. Then they saw one on the right.[/i] Roe-Yay! We found one! [i]The three walked into the tavern and found a vacant table in the corner.[/i][/color]
[color=green][i]Elsyan and Indrid were sitting around the fire when Raellyra came dashing to the camp.[/i] Raellyra-Soldiers! [i]Elsyan and Indrid leapt to their feet and but a hand on their weapons.[/i] Elsyan-Soldiers? Where? Raellyra-I'm not sure. They were in this area around 24 hours ago. Indrid-Then they can't be far. I wonder what soldiers would be doing in this area? [i]The group looked around uneasily. After a few seconds, they decided to go after the soldiers before they caused any trouble or chaos.[/i][/color]
[color=green][i]Samantha swiftly notched an arrow to her bow.[/i] Samantha-Lalaith, don't be a fool! Abob's right. She'll kill Lauren anyway. Just wait and we'll think of-- Lalaith-There is no other way. [i]Lalaith continued walking towards Shiva. Samantha then raised her bow and took aim.[/i] Samantha-Lalaith, I will shoot! If you surrender yourself to Shiva, she'll just use you and try to kill us, not to mention she'll even make Lauren die at your hands! [i]Lalaith stopped dead in his tracks. He seemed to be thinking about this, and he looked at Lauren, then the rest of the fellowship, then Lauren again.[/i] Shiva-Don't be an idiot, Lalaith. Do you really want to see your loved one die? If not, then ignore them and come to me. [i]Lalaith hesitated for a while, then took another step forward. Samantha drew back the string and held the arrow to her cheek. Just as she was about to release it, she found that she couldn't. She had known Lalaith ever since their quest to destroy the ring after it was recreated, while they were part of the Second Fellowship. How could she kill one of her friends? But if she didn't kill Lalaith, Lauren would also die. She just couldn't kill one and leave the other to die. Slowly and hesitantly, she lowered her bow. There must be some other way to stop this.[/i][/color]
[color=green]I'm in. ^_~ Name: Elsyan Tarayavie Age: 160 Race: Calaquendi (High Elf) Weapons: a rapier and a long bow/quiver of arrows Magic element: water Magic spells: [i]Calaquenor[/i], [i]Luctorialias[/i], and [i]Terilysnian[/i]. (I might post the spells' description later.) Looks: Elsyan has long brown hair that goes past her waist, emerald green eyes, wears a light-green dress that goes down to her ankles, has a bluish-silver cape, and wears a circlet that has a star with a cresent moon in the center. Bio: Elsyan was away from home on one of her travels a few years back, but when she returned to her village, she found that she had nothing to return to; the entire village had been burned to the ground. All her loved ones: her mother, father, brother, sister, friends, everyone was dead. She is the only one of her village left. She swore that she would get revenge on anyone that had anything to do with this. Being alone for many years has made her a bit untrusting and she seldom speaks openly.[/color]
[color=green][i]Elsyan stared at Roe uncertainly for a while then sighed.[/i] Elsyan-I'm sorry. I guess I was frightened because it happened so suddenly. Kehho-Don't worry. I was a bit surprised myself when I saw that it was Roe. Roe-Yeah. I'd be surprised too if I suddenly saw a dragon appear. It's alright. Elsyan-Okay. Just try to warn me next time you change. Roe-Well, I don't know about that. I didn't even know that I was turning into a dragon, so I may not be able to tell you when I'm about to. [i]The three then went into a conversation about the battle, Roe turning into a dragon, and several other things when Eirian turned and cocked her head as if she were listening to something. Then she took off from Roe's shoulder and flew into the air. By the way she was circling, they could tell that something wasn't right.[/i] Roe-What's wrong, Eirian? [i]Eirian flew back down to Roe's shoulder and started to do a sort of hop-skip, trying to tell Roe about something.[/i] Kehho-What's she trying to say? Roe-I don't know. She seems to be frantic about something. Is something out there? [i]Eirian vigorously nodded her head and lifted a wing, pointing behind them. They all turned and to see the bushes behind them rattling.[/i][/color]
[color=green]Kain-This castle should be filled with guards. There's [i]always[/i] guards here. Elsyan-I've got a bad feeling about this now. [i]They continued on in such a silence that seemed to be so unnerving that all of their senses were alert.[/i] Miko-Look! There's two guards standing against the wall over there. Relee-That means that Auron hasn't gotten here yet! [i]The horses then picked up the pace once more and ran towards the two guards. However when the group was able to get closer, they could see that the guards weren't standing against the wall; each one was pinned to it by an arrow which they recongnized to be Auron's.[/i] Relee-Oh no! He has come this way. [i]The horses slowed down to their previous pace as they again continued on cautiously.[/i][/color]
[color=green][i]Elsyan and Kehho kept running down the path from the army of Orcs, thinking that Roe was right behind them. It wasn't until Elsyan glanced over her shoulder to see if the Orcs were gaining on them when she realized Roe was missing. She skidded to a sudden halt as Kehho did the same.[/i] Kehho-What's wrong? Elsyan-Roe! He's missing again! We gotta find him! He must've gotten lost back there. Kehho-This is just great! There's about 100 Orcs on our tails, and he disappears. [i]Kehho and Elsyan turn to face the Orcs. If they were to go back the way they came to look for Roe, they would have to go through the Orcs. Kehho drew her dagger and Elsyan drew her sword. Then they both charged at the oncoming Orcs.[/i][/color]
[color=green]Alright then. ^_^ I created the play version, so now we can start![/color]
[color=green]I play PERCUSSION!! WHOOHOO!! snare drum, base drum, bells, cymbols, tympani, ALL that good stuff! ^^[/color]
[color=green]Me? Dance? Not a chance. Why? Simple: I don't know how to dance.[/color]
[color=green]I don't think it will die. Dani's keeping us in WAY too much suspence about this. If the post is that long, it must be EXTREMELY excellent and enjoyable to read, so her work won't be for jack.[/color]
[color=green]I thought I would post the intro again so people wouldn't have to keep looking in the sign-up to remember the storyline. ^_~ INTRO: [i]Many centuries ago in the land known as Lysanor, the Dark Wizard known as Bashag had taken over most of the country. Try as they might, Lysanor's inhabbitants couldn't stop it. But one day, a Sacred Mage named Telsoron created several magical items that each contained a magical power and spirit that should defeat Bashag for good. Summoning the power of the Magical Items, he finally banished the Dark Wizard from this world. However, Bashag swore an unbreakable oath that he would return to seek vengence, and that the magical items would be his so that he may destroy the world. However, before the day was done, Telsoron died due to many injuries during the War. But before he died, he sealed all the Magical Items far away with a powerful spell from anyone and anything so that they would not fall into the hands of evil. The world was finally at peace once more. But that was then. This is the present. No one knew that one of Bashag's minions, Ghazboron, had survived through the war. Everyone thought that he had died since no one had seen nor heard anything of him, but he was just waiting. Waiting until he was even more powerful in strength than his master Bashag. During this time, he summoned demons, goblins, and any other horrible creatures to his side. He then ordered them to search the earth for the Magical Items, but yet they sought for them in vain. Anger builded inside Ghazboron, and he finally decided that he could not wait any longer. He was strong enough, and now that he had thousands of armies on his side, he would tear up the earth until he found the Magical Items. But he wouldn't use it to destroy the world. He would rule it and enslave all the races of earth. Now it's up to a group of travellers to retrieve the Magical Items and stop Ghazboron before it's too late.[/i] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [i]Elsyan was standing in the highest branch of an old oak tree getting a last view of her home land before she left on her journey. It was about one week ago that she heard the story about Bashag, Ghazboron, and the fabled Magical Items. It was on Midsummer's Eve while many festivities were taking place in the village when her ears picked up somone telling the story. She became so interested that she gave her full attention to the story for many hours. The story engraved itself in her mind. No matter how hard she tried, she could not think of anything but the story. Something kept pulling at her mind about it, as if there just might be some bit of truth to the story. She just had to get more information about it. Elsyan sighed then shouldered her pack, and with all the speed and grace of an Elf climbed down the tree. Without another backward glance of her home, she set off down the path.[/i][/color]
[color=green]I guess we have room for one more, and you can be good if you want to be. ^_~[/color]
[color=green]Lauren-We have to distract Void to buy us more time! Samantha-Abob and I will take care of that. Come on, Abob! [i]Samantha and Abob each notched an arrow to their bow and released it with surprising speed towards Void. [/i](ooc: Lauren's right. She does need another name. lol) [i]ic: However, she deflected the arrows with a swift sweep of her wrist. They kept this up for a while until they were running very short of arrows.[/i][/color]
[color=green][i]Samantha drew her sword and parried the dagger as Lalaith attacked her. As she fought, she tried to talk to him.[/i] Samantha-Lalaith! You've got....to...stop this!! Void-He'll only do what I tell him to do, Elf! All you're doing is wasting your breath! [i]Samantha was forced to double her speed and defence since Lalaith was fighting even harder now. However, Lalaith had a slight edge and found a subtle opening in Samantha's moves. He stabbed her in the shoulder as she fell back in pain.[/i] Void-Excellent, Lalaith. Make it quick now so that we will have one of my Soul Vials filled. ooc: short, I know, but I have WB. >_
[FONT=arial]before I start, lemme just say this is amibasuki, I'm just usin' kool_aid's account cuz somethin's wrong with the computer's cookies or somethin' (sorry k_a!)[/FONT] [QUOTE] [B][color=red] Hey, Nstink has [i]no[/i] talent whatsoever. The only reason they are as popular as they are is because they have [i]good looks[/i]. And yes I do have a talent, everyone does.[/color][/b][/quote] [FONT=arial] then what you just said makes no sense. anyways, it takes a lot of talent to be able to sing a capella well. NSYNC has sung a capella before, and they did a pretty darn good job at it, too. as for their looks, I don't find the whole 'pretty boy' thing very attractive, so their looks don't have anything to do with how I look at them as performers. I'm sure there are other people who like them for their talent rather than their looks also.[/FONT] [QUOTE][B] [color=red] *BASH BASH BASH BASH BASH BASH SUPER MEGA ULTRA GIGA SUPER ULTRA [i][b]BASH[/b][/i]. I can't stand Nstink, nor the :butthead: street boys. :flaming:[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=arial] if I didn't know any better, I'd swear you were a 10-year old. I also remember that others on the boards are supposed to respect other people's personal opinions, as long as they're not being rude about it. so since you've already said your piece about how you don't like boy bands a good number of times as it is, you can stop, I'm sure people have already gotten the picture. [/FONT]
[color=green]Okay, the sign-up's closed! I'll start it soon, in the next day or so, so keep an eye open for it. ^_~[/color]
[color=green][i]Roe, Elsyan, and Kehho dropped to the ground and covered their heads, lying as still as they could as the roc charged at another man. Screeching and cawing, reeling and circling, tearing and slashing, the mother roc slew many of the men with her lethal talons and beak. It wasn't but a few minutes later until all of the roughians were lying on the ground dead. Satisfied that she had gotten her revenge, the roc flew off towards the forest. Only when they were sure that the coast was clear did any of them dare to move another mussle.[/i] Kehho-That was close. Elsyan-It sure was. Roe-Hey! You're a Calith too, aren't you miss- Kehho-Kehho. And this is my friend Bip. [i]Introductions went all around as they quickly got up and left the awful bloody scene.[/i][/color]
[color=green]I'm in. :D ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Elsyan Tarayavie Age: 345 Speacies: High Elf Appearence: Elsyan has long brown hair, green eyes, wears a long light-green dress that goes down to her ankles, and wears a circlet on her head that has the shape of a star with a cresent moon in the center. Items: a rapier, a long bow/quiver of arrows, and the spells she knows are: Dragon's Spirit, Light's ray, Fire Arrows, Calarendi, and Wentriumi. Other: Usually quiet, is a ranger that roams the countryside, and I think that's all.[/color]
[color=green]The sign-up's coming along great! ^_^ I'll allow about one or two more people and then we can start.[/color]