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Everything posted by Deedlit

  1. Samantha-Well, we just have to cross this forest, travel for a few more miles, and we're at the coast. Lauren-good. That shouldn't be too hard. [i]They spent the rest of the night hiking through the woods until sunrise when the edge of the forest could be seen. Finally, they sat down to take a little rest.[/i] Angel-Phew. It's about time we had a break. Indrid-tell me about it. My bread got so soggy that it melted into solid rock. Lalaith-We'll rest for about a half-hour, then we won't rest until we reach the ocean. Samantha-Sounds like a good plan to me.
  2. I would want to stay the way I am, but the heck with it! I would be Queen Asuka because she is so nice, and yes we may be like family, but you're still nice. ;) Or maybe I would be DuoGod of Death because he plays so many sports and is good at them. Or maybe I'd be Gavin because he's funny, and he also likes Elves! ^_^ Or Liam because he's also funny. And Britty because she's funny, nice, and unpredictable (sometimes). Gah! I can't choose! But yeah. I'd prefer to be me. ;)
  3. ooc: it's alright, but there's no way we're going to drop your character and I don't think Lauren would let you either. ;) We'll keep you in this until you can get back online. Also, I have to get off the computer right now because it's midnight and I'm very tired. :sleep: Later.
  4. She does deserve to go to jail: first for murdering her children, then lying about it. If you ask me, she deserves worse than what she is already sentenced with.
  5. Name: Elsyan Eglaannun Age: 745 Race: High Elf Class: Warrior Bio: Elsyan's father faught in the Two-Year-War and died an honorable death in battle. A few months later, her mother was accused of assassinating a general and was executed even though she was innocent. Elsyan grew up in a small hut on the edge of an Elven village for many years and has decided to seek the Stones of Aniar because she feels it will make her parents' souls happy that she set things right. ~~NOTE~~ Because she is an Elf, she is an excellent Elementist. Appearance: Elsyan has long brown hair, blue eyes, like all Elves she has long pointy ears, she's about 5'3'' tall, slender, wears a long green shirt with black pants, a grey cape, black leather armor (look at the Elf in my banner) and wears a sword at her side. Personality: She can be serious in battle, light at heart when she's happy, or sometimes quiet when she's troubled or has alot on her mind (so in other words, it depends on her mood) Weapons: a rapier and a long bow with a quiver of arrows Other: she has a small blue dragon with her that she has had for many years. The dragon's name is Runeth, and it can expand its size to about 15 feet high or shrink to 2 feet high. The attachment is a picture of Runeth.
  6. No one has chosen a character from the show, so I guess I will be one! Name: Botan (^_^) Age: unknown (looks to be 14) Race: Human/grim reaper Special Ability: Spirit Beam (I don't know the names of some of her abilities, so I made that one up.) Bio: A messenger of the Spirit World, Botan serves as a guide to newly-departed spirits. She is friendly and often quite chipper, but when it comes to performing her duties she is all business. She aids the Spirit Detectives in their adventures. Appearance: You know what she looks like: blue hair, purple eyes, she sometimes wears a kimono, sometimes a school uniform, sometimes a leather jacket, ect.
  7. Elsyan-well, that's one way to defeat a monster: make it a pet. Eve-If he thinks he can leave us behind while he flies ahead of us, he has another thing coming. Mara-Don't worry. If he does, I'm sure we can catch up to him. And besides. He'll have to land some time otherwise his Hell-Hawk will be to tired to lift a wing. [i]Runeth had been clawing at some nearby branches and seemed to be getting ideas from Mara's warning.[/i] Elsyan-What do you think you're doing? Runeth-chewing some twigs. Elsyan-Oh no you don't, you mischivious little thing. Don't get any ideas.
  8. ooc: huh? erm.....no offence, but I think that's overstepping it a bit. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [i]Hunter and Elsyan stood their absolutely shocked at her decision, and Elsyan was turning red to the very tips of her long ears.[/i] Elsyan-huh? Hunter-uh....please forgive her. I don't really understand this either. But, if you want, I can give you a tour of the village.
  9. OOC: Why is it that I can never get on the computer when a Boss Fight is going on? heh oh well. BTW I like the way the new Eve looks. ;) Sorry to ruin this romantic moment between you two, but the monster still isn't defeated/dead. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [i]Meanwhile, Elsyan and Alriy were walking towards the monster that was staring into their eyes as they approached with weapons drawn and held ready. Then they lunged at it while fiercely attacking, but the Hell-Hawk merely brushed them aside and they landed on the ground. Elysan swiftly got up and held her sword, Nevloria, in front of her with the light blue flames running along its edges. Suddenly, a new feeling came into her. It was as if a soft breeze got into her very soul, telling her what to do. Without even knowing why, Elsyan stuck her sword into the ground in front of her. Elsyan then closed her eyes and seemed to be concentrating on something. She stood there silently and motionless. Then she slowly opened her eyes and looked into the beast's eyes and started to speak.[/i] Elsyan-Amangaladh Morsiwë Saurrodion. [i]A huge gust of energy came from beneath her as she spoke in the ancient tounge of the High Elf that was forgotten many centuries before. Elsyan spread her arms wide and continued to chant, but this time in a stronger and clearer tone.[/i] Elsyan-Teliâth Aratarátoien Lossengaeriel Nuquernaramwen Mithmenelion. Rûdhhirien! [i]Elsyan put her hands over the hilt of her sword as a small ball of energy started to form. Suddenly, the ball of energy enveloped her sword causing the blue flames to grow brighter.[/i] Elsyan-Nevberaid Maikaardaion! [i]The flames suddenly burst with energy as a figure started to emerge from it. It was energy in the form of a dragon that was about 15 feet tall. The dragon landed in front of the sword.[/i] Elsyan-DRAGON'S WRATH ATTACK!! [i]The dragon leapt forward and started to attack the Hell-Hawk by slashing and clawing at it. Then the dragon reared back and blew out golden fire that scorched the monster immediately. The monster was screaming in pain, and was glaring at the dragon as it tried to get vengence by attacking it with its talons and beak. Soon the dragon fell to the ground with a thud and started to shrink until it was about a foot tall. The flames on Elsyan's sword died down a bit, and Elsyan seemed to come back to reality. She looked around her, then she looked to her sword, and then to the group.[/i] Elsyan-um...what happened? Eve-How should we know? You just started chanting and that dragon appeared from your sword. Elsyan-dragon? [i]Elsyan looks at the small dragon in front of her sword as the dragon looks back at her.[/i] Since when did I have a dragon? dragon-I've been inside you the entire time. My name's Runeth. I just had to wait until you could release me. Elsyan-but if you were inside of me, how did you come from my sword? Runeth-You'll discover that later. [i]Runeth runs up Elsyan's arm and sits on her shoulder.[/i] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- OOC: Okay, my part is now done also. My new attack is Dragon's Wrath, the pic is what Runeth looks like, and I claim the Ring of Shadows or Necklace of Light. Either one, doesn't matter. :)
  10. heh. I can't wait to read the next episode. ^_^ I also liked the commercials (especially the Air Bud one).
  11. [i]Elsyan gracefully jumped out of the tree that was nearby the group.[/i] Elsyan-*yawn* What's so funny? [i]Elsyan notices that Hunter and Mara are soaked to the bone[/i] Elsyan-what happened? Eve-*looks angelic* Oh, Hunter and Mara just went for a swim. Mara-No, Illy and Eve are gonna get it so bad when we dry off. Elsyan-um....ok.
  12. ooc: it's alright, but someone will post eventually. They might have WB or something, so just edit your post and they'll probably check up on it later and get an idea. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [i]The group walked on through the forest with Ben in the lead, then Abob, Lauren, Elsyan, Tumini, Siren, Indrid, and Alriy. Abob and Ben were talking quietly.[/i] Abob-So who was that person that was attacking you? Ben-That was Lacroix. He keeps appearing and tries to kill us. We must avoid him at all costs. Abob-*nods* I see. I hope we don't meet up with him again. Ben-We will. He's not one who gives up so easily. [i]The group followed along with little or more conversations for the moment. They travelled for several hours when Ben called a halt.[/i]
  13. [i]Elsyan withdrew her sword from the dead creature and wiped her blade on the grass as she passed her hand across her brow.[/i] Elsyan-phew. That attack can take alot out of someone. Ilythiirtar-what was that? Elsyan-It was a spirit of the land that I summoned. Ilythiirtar-I see. Well, there's still plenty more of them. Let's go. [i]The small group was doing their best to take on the Cyclopians. Lacroix was slashing at them with his twin scimitars, Lauren was flying around them while attacking in mid-air, and Alriy was slashing at them with his rapiers.[/i]
  14. Angel-I'm not familiar with this part of the land. How far is it to the coast? Samantha-Just around two or three days away. Lalaith-I hope the two or three days go by easily. On the last journey, being in the wilderness for even a day was a fight over life and death. Iondarc-well, if the new threat is across the ocean then we shouldn't have any problems.
  15. ooc: dude, double-posting is bad enough. Triple-posting is right out. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elsyan-*slaps hand to forehead* oi. -.-' Indrid, that's overdoing it a bit. Indrid- but....the bartender-- Ben-just drop it. It happened years ago, and we have bigger worries. we're on a mission, and Lacroix is still out there. Let's move out quickly before he comes back. Abob-fine. Just keep me away from the drunk. Indrid-Hey! I'm not drunk! not yet, anyway. Lauren-oh brother.
  16. [i]It was a cloudy day when Samantha was taking one last look at Mythanmyre before she left. She had been raised there for as long as she could remember, and had the same feeling she had felt when she left to join the second fellowship. Now, she was to join the third fellowship and sail across the sea to some unknown land that some of the first fellowship themselves went to. She sighed and turned around to talk to some people.[/i] Samantha-*sigh* Well, if that's everyone, don't you think we should leave now, Lauren? Lauren-I guess. Is everyone ready? [i]The group nods[/i] Lauren-Well, let's go.
  17. lol. So [i]that's[/i] how you came up with it. ^_^ That was a lot to read though.
  18. Elsyan-*sigh* things are never easy for us, are they? [i]Elsyan quickly notches an arrow to her bow and fires it at one of the Dragoons, but the Dragoon deflected it with his sword.[/i] Elsyan-(thinks) Just as I thought. They have exellent reflexes and are fast. [i]The Dragoon charged forward on the horse with his sword ready. Out of the corner of her eye, Elsyan saw another charge forward towards her. Elsyan drew her sword and rushed forward to meet the attacks. Elsyan's sword found its mark in one's side, but the Dragoon's sword also found its mark on Elsyan's shoulder. The horses turned around and charged again, ready for another attack.[/i] Elsyan-I didn't want to use this, but it leaves me no choice. [i]Elsyan put her hands together and closed her eyes. She seemed to be concentrating very hard on focusing her energy. A soft, warm light could be seen around her hands. Then spreading her arms wide, the small ball of energy grew to a huge energy ball. The two Dragoons were coming closer by the second.[/i] Elsyan-Spirit...of...LIGHT!!! [i]The huge ball of energy engulfed the two Dragoon warriors just as they were about to strike. Soon, the light faded and there was no trace left of them but few bits of dust. Elsyan dropped to one knee as she regained her breath for that attack alone had zapped her of her energy. She was soon up and ready to aid someone else who may need help.[/i]
  19. OOC: Sarsy didn't post this, but she is also coming along to represent the Humans and Elves. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [i]Everyone was waiting at the gate to set off when Tarcamion appeared.[/i] Tarcamion-I have a few last words for all of you. You will be travelling west across the Grey Havens. A ship will be waiting for you there. You are to sail across the sea to stop this new threat, Bahamut. You will face some hard trials and tough battles, but all of you must be brave of heart. If all of you are ready, you should set off at once.
  20. [i]Elsyan was laughing at the entire situation.[/i] Elsyan-Aww, both of you look so cute with your boyfriends and girlfriends. ^_^ Illy-Aw, stop it. Elsyan-alright, but seriously! All of you look as if you don't have a care in the world. Hunter-But we all know that's not true. We all have our cares and worries, but it's nice to get all that off our chests. Eve-yeah. It does take off alot of stress.
  21. [i]Elsyan notches an arrow and fires it at the dragon's heart, but the arrow was deflected by its tough skin.[/i] Elsyan-(Elsyan is NOT happy) Darn! How could I forget that dragon's skin is one of the toughest skins?! We can't pierce it with weapons alone. Hunter-She's right, I'm afraid. We'll have to use our spells.
  22. Elsyan-oh no you don't! ELEMENT----FIRE!!!!! [i]Elsyan put her hands in front of her as a red orb formed in her palms. [/i] Elsyan-FIRE ARROW! [i]Several long beams of fire shot out of the orb in the shape of arrows. The arrows landed in the creatures eyes as a thick green ooze spilled forth, blinding it temporarily. Lauren continued to shoot arrows at them as Alriy and Illy used the opportuninty to attack with their swords. They were doing well fighting them, but there was still the Cylopians to take care of. Knowing that their centipedes were unable to see, they dismounted and charged towards the group.[/i]
  23. OOC: oi. I'm having trouble keeping up with this RPG lately.... -.-' Um, I think I'll post my new spell a little later or I'll edit this post. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [i]Elsyan awoke to the sound of birds chirping in the bright, beautiful dawn. She lept out of the tree in which she had slept in, with her new weapon Nevloria at her side. She silently walked to an edge of the clearing while she began to prepare breakfast. It wasn't long before everyone awoke.[/i] Elsyan-Here. Breakfast is ready. Hunter-thanks. We should eat before we have to set off again to retrieve the other weapons.
  24. Ilythiirtar-Lauren! Are you alright? Elsyan-what happened? Lauren-Just some dumb orcs. Don't worry about them. Alriy-Wow. You took care of 12 Orcs all by yourself without recieving a scratch?! [i]Meanwhile, Lacroix was walking amongst the fallen corpses while muttering to himself.[/i] Lacroix-Hmmm. Just a dozen of them? [i]Then Lacroix turned to the others.[/i] Lacroix-There's more around here. Orcs don't travel in such small numbers as this. Elsyan-then we'll have to be on our guard. [i]The group drew their weapons and awaited silently for any movements, sounds, or vibrations in the air. It wasn't long before the sound of footsteps could be heard coming towards the group. [/i]
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B] [COLOR=darkblue] oh, anna & tori, i'm coming to georgia in the middle of august, & i'm [i]forcing[/i] my road trip buddies to stop & visit you, so i'll see you in a couple of months.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] you're really coming here? That is so COOL! :D ^_^ I get to meet you too. Yeah, you get to come down to the boring, nothing-to-do Jones County here in Georgia, but that's beside the point. I hope you have a good wedding and that nothing will go wrong. Have fun. ^_^
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