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Everything posted by Deedlit

  1. [i]Elsyan looks to the ground and closed her eyes.[/i] Elsyan-It's because of your presence. [i]Everyone turns to stare at Elsyan. Then she looked up and stared Alriy in the eyes.[/i] Elsyan-You are meant to fit right in the center. In my dreams, I saw several people that seemed vague and I could never see their faces. But there was one that was less vague and I could almost see the face. It was as if there was a light in the sky shining on the person. The person is you. The light singled you out, meaning that you are the one. Ilythiirtar-So as you can see, you should be in the center. All of us seem to think so. [i]The group then became silent for some while until someone spoke.[/i]
  2. Elsyan-My travels? Siren-sure. You look like one who's been on several journeys. Elsyan-Well actually, I haven't travelled very much. Or not very far anyway. I've been to the east to several villages so I could see old friends again, but that's probably the farthest I've gone. What about you?
  3. [i]Samantha remained at the main entrance to welcome anyone else that should show up. She then saw two more figures come through the gate.[/i] Samantha-Hello and welcome to Mythanmyre. I'm Samantha. Angel-I'm Angel. Pleased to meet you. Indrid-And I'm Indrid. Would you happen to have any moss boots for my goat? Samantha-huh? erm.... Angel-You'll have to excuse my friend here. He has some problems. Samantha-oh. Alright. Um, follow me please and I'll show you to your rooms.
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DuoGod of Death [/i] [B]It truly was a pleasure guys. And yes it too was my first RPG ever completely finished. [/B][/QUOTE] oh no it's not. Remember the RPG that DeathKnight started a LOOOOONG time ago? I think it was called "-Appocalypse-" or something. Well, that was one that we finished.
  5. [i]Alriy was about to answer when they heard a shout coming from somewhere to the right of the path. They could just barely see some large shapes running through the forest as if after something. They quickly ran over to see Elsyan shooting arrows, dodging, and running as several large, well armored beasts came near. Elsyan then notices the group as she dodged a huge fist that came pounding down.[/i] Elsyan-It's about time you came! Hunter-What are those things? Elsyan-I don't know. They saw me a while ago when I heard them talking. Ilthiirtar-talking? talking about what? Elsyan-I'll tell you later, just hurry over here! [i]They rush over and join the fight.[/i]
  6. Vardaréion-Samantha, three people have arrived. Some Elves named Lauren and Lalaith and a man in all black and a silver beard. Samantha-alright. I'm coming. [i]Samantha walked through the city until she came to the main entrance.[/i] Samantha-Lauren! Lalaith! It's been a while. How's Nev? Lauren-she's doing alright. We left her with Redgar. He didn't seem to want to come. Samantha-that's too bad. *notices the new comer* Hello. What's your name? ???-I'm Iondarc. And you are? Samantha-I'm Samantha. Thank you for coming. Lalaith-So this is Mythanmyre? Samantha-yes. Come this way please. I can show you to your rooms until everyone arrives for the council. Lauren-What's it about? the council, I mean. Samantha-I'm not quite sure yet. The Lord here, Tarcamion, hasn't said anything about it. Anyway, this way please. [i]Samantha led them to their rooms. There they unpacked and laid their equiptment down.[/i] Samantha-If you wish, I can give you a tour later. But for right now, you can rest after your journey.
  7. OOC: alright. See ya in one week. ------------------------------------------------------ Elsyan-How far is it to Cthar, anyway? Lacriox-they say it is hundreds of miles away. Hunter-Don't we have to cross the mountains to get there? Lacriox-yes. It's said that almost no one has made it past them. [i]The group then continues on in silence for the rest of the day, only stopping at nightfall.[/i] OOC: sorry for a short post.
  8. I've never heard that potato chips and potato products cause cancer, and I've never heard that ketchup prevented it either. :confuse2: anywho, I'm gonna cut back on potato chip products and junk. I wonder how long going without french fries will last....
  9. OOC: for those of you who don't know, Mythanmyre is where my character lives. It's like Rivendell, but it's north of the Shire. It was created after the original Fellowship destroyed the Ring. :) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [i]Samantha was staring to the east out of her window. The Lord of Mythanmyre, Tarcamion, has decided to summon some of the best and bravest people in Middle Earth to a Council. He hasn't told anyone what the council is about though, just that it was urgent, and that some of the second Fellowship would be there. Samantha couldn't wait to see them again. It had indeed been a while. She left the window and decided to go to the garden. On the way there, she saw two Elf scouts,[/i] Samantha-Hello Mithlain. Hello Vardaréion. Did you see anything while you were out today? Vardaréion-Are you expecting someone, Samantha? Samantha-Yes. Some of my friends should be arriving any day now. Mithlain-Ah yes. The ones that are to come to the coucil? Sorry, but no we haven't. We'll keep an eye out for them though. Samantha-Alright. Thank you. [i]She continues walking towards the garden. She was very excited, and could hardly wait for them to arrive. Maybe being outdoors would calm her down.[/i]
  10. OOC: I could've sworn I posted here at least twice....:twitch: --------------------------------------------------------- [i]The group walks down a path that leads to the west. They walk for several hours with no trouble when they decide to take a break.[/i] Ben-well, we've gone pretty far since dawn. I think we won't have any trouble for a few days. Elsyan-that's good. Where are we going, by the way? Ben-There should be a village or castle or something in the west that should help us. Lauren-wait. Can we back up? You said "there should be." Does that mean that you're not sure yourself? Ben-well, in a dream I had, we were to follow the setting sun for a few days, and there should be a place that should aid our quest. Indrid-Well I hope this "place" really does exist, otherwise 'twill be a waste of time going in the wrong direction.
  11. Deedlit

    Ship wrecked

    *Suddenly, a group of TV producers and the SWAT Team come crashing through the forest.* Kool-What the---- producer-SILENCE!! Now we had an agreement here. Iris-What "agreement?" producer-*holds up a contract with everyone's signatures on it* All of you agreed to do this show for us. All you've done is deny, run, avoid, and kill some of us. Now we DEMAND that you finish up the season! Liam-We already finished a season. SEVERAL of them. We've been here since Fall, Winter, Spring----- producer-not THOSE seasons!! We have only aired about 2 episodes of you on TV, and the public is getting demanding to see how you're holding out. Rex-We were on TV?! :excited: COOL!!! producer-duh! That's what we agreed on. We've done our part of trying to film you, now you must do your part by [u]letting[/u] us film you. Sere-And why? producer-Because if you don't, I'll let these SWAT men fire at you, and then we'll see how well you survive while dodging bullets. SWAT-*takes aim* all-*gulp* Chole-erm....give us a better reason why we should. producer-well, erm.......we have something you want. Yes, that's it. Something you've been mising. Rex-*gasp* My tinker toy! You must have it! :eek: producer-erm....yes, I do have it. It's in my pocket. Iris-Oh please! Can't you see he's lying, Rex? Rex-but it has been missing for a while. Alright, Mister Producer, we'll finish up the season for you. Kool/Iris/Chole/Sere/Liam-REX!!! :eek: Iris-Oooh I wanna----- producer-Just sign here, Mister Rex. Rex-*signs the contract* There. Now can I have my toy? producer-what toy? Rex-The toy of mine you said you had. producer-Mwahahahahaha! You're so gullable, fool! Now all of you must obey my will! everyone-*glares at Rex*
  12. [i]Elsyan was walking down a well-trodden path trying to find a decent place to sleep since it seemed that all the cabins were full and she didn't know where the rest of the group was staying. She then came across an oak tree that was about 30 meters from the main path. [/i] Elsyan-that will have to do. It's almost hidden by the other trees, but still has a good view of the path if anything should appear. [i]With all the grace that comes naturally to Elves, she leapt from branch to branch until she was high above the ground. She sat down on a branch with her back against the trunk facing east and she soon fell into a light sleep. It was the middle of the night when Elsyan was ripped out of her peaceful slumber. Her keen ears had picked up a faint noise that did not seem normal to her. She immediately became alert and held perfectly still and silent. It wasn't long before she heard the sound again. The sound was some sort of a [/i]tink![i] like someone was moving while wearing heavy armor. She peered in the direction of which the sound came forth from. She could see enormous shapes appearing and coming down the path. Some birds flew from their resting places when they came near their trees. Elsyan drew her sword quietly and became prepared for whatever they were.[/i]
  13. [i]The group then went on towards the castle. Elsyan caught up with them and smiled sweetly at Hunter. Soon they came to the huge stone fortress that loomed up high above their heads. A guard's head appeared over the ramparts and called down to them.[/i] guard-Who goes there? What is your business here? Hunter-I am Fox Hunter, this is Raistlin Majere, and Elsyan Eglaannûn. We were told that we would recieve our orders here at this castle. guard-Oooh. So [i]you're[/i] the ones we've been told to watch for. But, one thing troubles me: We were told that there would be around 5 or 6 of you. there's only three. Hmmm.... *thinks for a while* Oh well. We'll open the gate for you in a moment. [i]Soon the small group was inside the castle. There were many guards about, and soon about 5 guards walked up to them.[/i] guard-We were told to escort you. Follow me, please. [i]The group was then led down a long chamber, up some stone stairs, then into another chamber with huge stone doors at the other end. Elsyan was looking around her, and Hunter noticed.[/i] Hunter-(whisper) What's wrong? You look troubled. Elsyan-(whisper) Something doesn't feel right here. An evil presence of some sort. It's disturbing. Hunter-(whisper) Are you saying that someone here, or the King, might be evil or something? Elsyan-(whisper) yes, but I don't think that the King is evil. (to both) Just be on your guard. [i]They all nod and then stop right in front of the huge stone doors.[/i] guard-Wait here while I announce your coming to his Highness. [i]the guard walks through the doors that were slightly opened. He soon comes back out.[/i] guard-Right. Follow me. [i]The guard opened the doors and the small group was led into the King's Royal Hall.[/i]
  14. [i]Suddenly, the door opens once more. A figure wearing a green robe and hood walked in. The person sat down at a table near the group and ordered a small pint to drink. The group continued to talk of the Black Mage and his doings. Soon, the figure started to listen.[/i] Lacroix-They say that he kills all people that may pose a threat and destroys the weapons. Hunter-If he destroyed my Alaris, Nilothakir will be dead before dawn! [i]Then the figure turned to face the group.[/i] ???-Nilothakir, you say? [i]The group stared at the person suspiciously. Then Hunter spoke.[/i] Hunter-Yes, the Black Mage. I am Serenol Ashenmyst, prince of all lands in Ashrenia. Are you an ally to Nilothakir? ???-I should say not. [i]Then the person drew back the hood. It was an Elf with long brown hair and blue eyes.[/i] I am Elsyan Eglaannûn the High Elf. I am pleased to meet you.
  15. [i]Elsyan and Alriy had senced it too. The turned their heads in differnet directions trying to find where the strange presence was coming from.[/i] Elsyan-It's coming from over there. *Elsyan points in the direction* Alriy-if it's an enemy, will you be able to fight, miss---erm.... Lauren-Lauren. My name is Lauren, and yes, I am able to fight. *Now, the presence was coming closer. They could now hear it as it moved through the bushes. Suddenly, a form appeared.*
  16. [i]Suddenly, some goblins leapt out of the bushes. Alriy was about to attack them when a figure leapt out after the goblins and slashed them with a sword. Alriy was in a fighting position in case the newcomer was a foe. The figure had its back turned to Alriy, so he couldn't see the face. Then the figure started to mumble to itself.[/i] ???-darn goblins. I can't believe they got away after they killed my companion. [i]The figure didn't seem to notice Alriy yet. It knelt to the ground and cleaned the blood-covered sword on the grass and stood up. Alriy took a step forward. The person suddenly became alert and swiftly turned around to face him. Alriy noticed that the person was a female Elf with blue eyes and long brown hair.[/i] Alriy-Who are you? [i]The Elf stared at him suspiciously. It was a while before she spoke.[/i] ???-Elsyan Tarayavie the High Elf. What about you? Are you a friend or foe? Alriy-I'm Alriy. As for friend or foe, it depends on what side you're on.
  17. Deedlit

    Ship wrecked

    Iris-Ya know, if they want Liam and Rex, why don't we give them to the producers? :devil: Kool-You mean to just hand them over? Iris-exactly! :devil: Rex-You--you wouldn't really do that, would you? :nervous: Iris-well, I don't know. You two are causing alot of trouble.... Liam/Rex-*bow on their knees* NOOO!! Not that! :bawl:
  18. OOC: Well, you don't expect them to just [i]let[/i] it be this easy, now do you? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [i]While the group is searching the torn, battered, and dead bodies, Elsyan walks over to sit under a tree. She hated to dig through them. She waited until they were through before she stood up.[/i] Elsyan-well, shall we be going again? Hunter-let's take one last look around here first. Raistlin-for more werewolves? Lacriox-yes, and this time we need to make sure none got away.
  19. I like it. ^_^ I especially like the text. ;)
  20. I know. ^_^ I wonder how long it will take for them to beat him. He doesn't seem like he will be any easy target or give up as easily, so it should be a hard fight. I wonder if he'll set up a trap for them or anything, or if all of them will have to fight with all their strenght to beat him.
  21. OOC: YAY!! LOTR lives on!! :D -------------------------------------- Name-Samantha Age-200 (I forgot how old I was in the other RPG) race-Elf Weapons-her Elven Sword and a long bow with a quiver of arrows. Bio-Samantha is one of the companions from the second fellowship. She lives at Mythanmyre, and is overjoyed when she hears that her friends will be coming to a council that will be held there. Appearnce-Samantha has long brown hair, blue eyes, wears a green shirt, black pants, and has a grey cape.
  22. the name seems to fit. :) You can be sure that I'll be there. ^_^
  23. It's just rediculous in my opinion that people are prejudice just because of religion. Jews are not "pigs and apes." I would know because I have a friend who's father is Jewish. Anyway, it should just STOP because it's pointless slaughter and massacres.
  24. Okay! :D Is there going to be a sign-up? If so, what will it be called?
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