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Everything posted by Deedlit

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deedlit [/i] [color=009966](notice the spelling, Ste, [b]though I still say you are at least 10 times more awesome than me. :smooch: ) [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=009966]Stephanie, if you [b]EVER[/b] edit one of my posts ever again......:flaming::bash: [b]QUIT, STE! :flaming:[/b][/color]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amibasuki [/i] [B][FONT=arial]the cooolest thing we got this year is a PUPPY!!! she's this cute, white little chihuahua that we got from Tori and her family when Anna and I went to go send them their presents. so far we've decided on the name Puppet. teh cuteness. some other neato stuff I got today was the Italian Job soundtrack (yay!), some coolish-looking shirts and a skirt, light blue fleece bathrobe, a harmonica (?), Media Play gift certificate (not sure how much it's worth though ^_^'), candy (of course), and jewelry. one of my friends got me the Jason Mraz and Clay Aiken albums with a Chik-Fil-A cow plushie the day school let out, so I was really happy with that, too. yes, it's been a good, good Christmas.... *goes off and plays with Puppet* [i]EDIT:[/i] as of now, her name is Pippen. ^_^[/FONT] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=009966]Darn. You beat me to it.... Yes, we got her about an hour ago. [i]Pippin[/i] (notice the spelling, Ste.) is about six weeks old, so she's not that big either. I already made her a cute little collar too! I think our beagle is a tad bit jealous though, but they get along great. ^^ [/color]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Harry [/i] [B]By holding them? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=009966]:therock: So you're saying that a random passerby, who happens to be holding scissors, would just wait at the bottom of a stair case, hoping that some unfortunate victim will go into a blackout? Whoever does that must 1.)have no life, or 2.)be deranged. If it happens to be the first, then he or she needs to get a hobby....or a dog. If it's the latter, then he or she needs to see a doctor/therapist as well.[/color]
  4. [color=009966]I got a watch, two decks of playing cards, some jewelry, a sewing machine, a bottle of cinnamin (sp?), a big jar to put the cinnamin in, a few embroidered dish towels (if you can't already tell, my mom insists on getting us stuff that we can use in our future home ;)), the LOTR: ROTK soundtrack, a Media Play gift card, candy, a toothbrush (to go along with the candy, of course :cross: ), a pair of slippers (*is very grateful because her toes are cold*), and a black bathrobe with a hood that my mom bought me, but she hates it now. mom: "Try on your bathrobe, Samantha." me: *puts on the bathrobe and pulls on the hood* mom: "........Nevermind. Take it off!" lol It really freaks her out when I wear it because I look like a ringwraith, so I plan on wearing it constantly. *devilish laugh*[/color]
  5. [color=009966][i]Iris gazed around dizzily to see what was happening when she saw the demons materialize out of nowhere. They looked human enough, but she could feel their unholy powers fill the room. It made her shudder, and her eyes were drawn to Belial. So he's one of them, she thought to herself. It certainly explained alot of things at least, all except why he wanted to come with them. [/i] Iris: "Never mind that now," [i]she said to herself aloud. She stood up wearily and looked around. How could so many demons fit into one small inn? It was a wonder that they weren't spilling out the windows. She brought the flute to her lips and started playing a different song, but instead of the sweet, soft melody that was supposed to come out, it was a song that was off-key and harsh that made her flinch even as she was playing. She stopped suddenly and stared at it in alarm. She didn't have enough magic energy to cast the spell! She heard that familiar chuckle behind her and glanced at Belial. He had at first been apprehensive when he saw the flute, but now he lowered his hands from his ears with a smirk on his face. Fine, she thought to herself. She unsheathed her dagger and stabbed a demon in the middle of its chest, all in one swift movement. It fell dead, then promptly burst into flame. [/i] ooc: I'm grounded. >>; I'll try to sneak on whenver I can (like now....heh), so if I don't post in a while don't assume I've given up.[/color]
  6. [color=teal][i]Artea gave another chirp and flew from Elsyan's shoulder, resuming her former place opposite of Runeth. Everyone was looking outside at Corellon's glowing form. Hunter lead everyone outside and walked around to the side of the inn where Corellon was waiting for him. Artea and Runeth were woken from their nap as they stood before him. Artea gave a chirp of surprise and flew over to where Eve stood beside Valen, and Runeth flew over to Elsyan. Everyone's eyes followed Hunter as he walked forward. He stopped about 10 paces away and bowed.[/i] Hunter: "Greetings, Lord Corellon Larethian. What brings you here tonight?"[/color] [color=009966]ooc: Sorry it's such a short post, but my dad's home, and I'm grounded. >>; I'll try to sneak on later, and hopefully Iris will meet up with the group when you all set out to travel somewhere again. [/color]
  7. [color=009966]ooc: oops. I'm a little behind....>_
  8. [color=009966]Some people at school have started calling me by my SN. Kinda odd considering the fact that the main people who call me Deedlit don't even talk to me online or anything. *shrugs* It almost makes me wonder how they know it....:shifty: In Geometry I've recently acquired a new nickname that everyone calls me: Saha. >>; Mr. Martin (my teacher) was typing my name into the computer for something, but my name was too long, so it shortened it by taking out the "mant" out of "Samantha." >.< Ah, so annoying....[/color]
  9. [color=009966]ooc: I had no idea that you started this already. My apologies. ic: Iris: "What do you mean?! I killed those bandits that were stealing from your shop. What about our agreement?" [i]The shopkeeper grinned hugely as he looked down at Iris. The gang of bandits that she had referred to had been scaring off his customers for months and stealing what they could. He had hired many people to try and stop them, but the bandit leader had a few magical powers. No mercenary could stop him, and if one fortunate warrior had escaped alive, he was wounded severely. The shopkeeper's hopes rose again when he found Iris, a mage-in-training. He promised that if she would kill the gang of pests he would give her 15 silver coins. Now that the job was done, he was trying to back out of it with his excuses.[/i] Shopkeeper: "A little girl like you? There's no way you could've killed them all by yourself. You obviously had help. But....I guess I can give you [i]five[/i] coins for your efforts." [i]Iris started to protest, but the shopkeeper was obviously more confident now.[/i] Shopkeeper: "Now GET LOST before I call the guards!" [i]Iris walked away casting dark looks at him over her shoulder. That jerk! It was the same with every person. Iris often wondered why she even bothered. Her hand went to the hilt of her dagger. Perhaps later that night she could settle her score with him.... She looked up suddenly as she heard a voice in the wind.[/i] "Dark and alone, trapped and improsioned, I call to thee...." [i]Iris looked around, trying to find who had spoken. No one seemed to have even heard it! [/i] "Be my saviour and come to my aid....Please find my brother...." [i]She took one last look around the streets. People were still walking along unperturbed. Iris shrugged and set off in the direction from which the voice had come. She could settle things with the shopkeeper later....[/i][/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=teal] Runeth: "I'm telling you, Elsyan. Something's not right! I can sense it!" [i]Runeth sat perched on her shoulder, sniffing the air with his nose. Elsyan poked him teasingly.[/i] Elsyan: "Runeth, you always say that." Runeth: "Have I ever been wrong?" [i]Elsyan raised her eyebrow and looked at him. Runeth flexed his small wings uncomfortably.[/i] Runeth: "Okay, so I've been wrong before. But I'm [i]sure[/i] this time!" [i]Elsyan opened her mouth to speak when her keen elven ears picked up the same message.[/i] Elsyan: "That sounded like Eve!" Runeth: "I told you that something was wrong...." [i]Elsyan and Runeth turned around and started following the voice. If they had recieved it, then chances were that her old friends as well had recieved it. This would be an odd reunion...[/i][/color]
  10. [color=009966]I've never had the chance to play an RPG in [i]real[/i] life. No one else in my family likes RPG's....:grumble: Tasrai, my brother, and I tried playing something similar to D&D, but it was somewhat watered down due to the fact that we didn't have any of the dungeon manuals and it was a first for us. Ironically my brother, who has NEVER played, was the dungeon master....o_0 Anyway, we had only been playing for about an hour when we became rebelious. That's the last time our brother is controlling the game....>_> Then during Algebra Algebra my friend Josh "happened" to brings some gaming manuals and we started to set up for D&D, but class ended before we even finished our stats. V_V I've done alot of online RPG's though. ^__^[/color]
  11. [color=009966][i]A drunken man crashed into the back wall of the common room, crashing to the floor with some blood coming out of the corner of his mouth. Iris had her eyes closed in deep concentration, focusing her energy on a different spell just as another man came at her from the left. Seeing a "weaponless" elf, he thought that he had found an easy kill. He realised his fatal mistake when he heard Iris chanting strange words under her breath, and he slowed his charge, but it was too late. Iris' eyes flared open as she pointed her index finger at his heart. A large burst of blue-green lightning shot out, electricuting him and letting his charred body fall to the ground in a dark black mass. Her breathing was becoming heavier, her energy weak, and there were still an entire room of people to deal with. There was no way that she could keep her strength up at this rate. Suddenly an idea entered her mind. She reached into her pouch and pulled out her small ivory flute. It didn't take up nearly enough of her energy as her spells did, yet it was just as effective. She raised it to her lips and played a soft melodic song. Everyone that was in a 15 foot radius of her froze, then limply sank to the floor in slumber. She finished the tune and gazed around in satisfaction; they would be out until noon of the next day. Everyone else's fights were winding down as well as they were finishing the remainders, but the inn was a mess---glass was scattered everywhere, tables were upturned, chairs were broken, and the floor was slippery with blood and spilt drinks. Since it was so hard to move anywhere, she put her flute away and occupied herself by moving their bodies up against the far wall and out of the way. [/i][/color]
  12. [color=009966][b]Name:[/b] Liiryis Tynthaan, but she goes by "Iris" for short. [b]Age:[/b] 14 [b]Race:[/b] human [b]Decription:[/b] midnight-blue eyes with specks of gold; long brown hair that she keeps tied back in a loose braid; pale skin; slender build; stands at about 5'4"; she wears a black dress (lined with silver runes and a Mandarin-style collar) that stops about four inches above her knees; ankle-high black boots; emerald-green cloak [b]Bio:[/b] Iris grew up as an orphan until she was adopted by an old sorceress named Chrysani. She was taught how to conduct several spells, create healing remedies, and she was even allowed to learn a bit of swordplay---literally, a [i]bit.[/i] She's very sloppy with a sword, so she prefers to use daggers. Chrysani died of old age just a few weeks ago, so Iris left home for training, hoping that she might one day become a mercenary or something of the sort. That has been hopeless though, mainly due to the fact that everyone considered her a "child," so now she's trying to train herself. [b]Weapons/Belongings:[/b] weapons: three or four daggers and a slender longsword that she hardly uses belongings: a spellbook that Chrysani left her, a few vials, and a flute[/color] [E D I T] And by special request, I'll also post Elsyan's sign-up. ;) [color=teal][b]Name:[/b] Elsyan Eglaannûn [b]Age:[/b] appears 15 [b]Race:[/b] High Elf [b]Decription:[/b] summer-skyblue eyes; short brown hair with silver streaks; slender; stands at about 5'5"; she wears a blood-red tunic and black pants; knee-high black boots and a grey cloak [b]Bio:[/b] Elsyan has always been a warrior, even before the battle against Nilothakir. In recent years she's been traveling around doing mercenary work with her small blue dragon companion Runeth, not staying in one place for too long. (*note* Runeth can expand from 12 inches tall to about 24 feet tall) [b]Weapons/Belongings:[/b] leather armor, a mystical sword called Nevloria, and a small brown leather bag that she sometimes uses to carry Runeth in when traveling becomes dangerous.[/color]
  13. [color=009966]I actually don't know everything my dad does, but I know that he's a computer and technology whiz. He's designed several types of missles, computers, and then some inventions for medical groups and armies. heh. Sometimes we think he's with the government or CIA. XD Luckily I plan on becoming an artist and writer though. :)[/color]
  14. [color=009966][i]Iris listened to Johanas' explanation with interest. She wanted to hear more about this Ryn and his dreams, and she made a mental note to herself to ask him later on. Ruben was pondering on what Johanas said, and several minutes passed by without an answer. Johanas smiled kindly.[/i] Johanas: "Take your time thinking about it. In the mean time, would you mind telling us your story, Iris?" Iris: "There's not much to say about me. I graduated from the School of Sorcery and Magicks about a year ago, and I am now searching for my twin brother Teryn, which is why I'm travelling to the next town." Tr'shiel: "Is your brother a mage too?" Iris: "No. He was sent away when we were little to become a warrior. I have no idea where he went, and I haven't heard anything about him, but I have to start looking somewhere." [i]Now that Iris had finished, everyone turned to the only remaining person. Belial seemed not to notice and casually leaned against a tree, leaving the group silently waiting.[/i][/color]
  15. [color=009966]I liked Care Bears alot. There was something about that show that was just so....amazing or something, I dunno. I used to like the blue rabbit---what was its name? Swiftheart or something? o_0 *shrugs* Ooooh! But my favorite was Lamb Chop's Playalong! ^^ When they sang the ending song we would run around and around the room singing "This is the song that never ends!!" Good times. :)[/color]
  16. [color=009966][i]Iris had been watching the draconian, the demon, and the troll hybrid for a few moments as she got closer to the clearing, but it seemed as if they were already aware of her presence. She was immediately intrigued by them, due to the fact that few had ever sensed her before she was already amongst them. They were either very skilled, very dangerous, or both. It was pointless to remain hidden, so she stepped out into the clearing, but not before checking that her dagger was loose in its sheath. The draconian swiftly raised his sword as she emerged from the forest.[/i] Aiden: "Who are you, and why were you spying on us?" [i]Iris held out her right hand, a gesture of amity, as she spoke.[/i] Iris: "My name is Iris, and I wasn't spying. I was traveling through here when I heard voices speaking. You can't blame me for being cautious, can you?" [i]The group seemed to relax a bit, that is, except for the demon. His eyes were cold and heartless, his spirit dark and hellish, and Iris noticed that even the sunlight around him seemed dimmed. She shuddered involuntarily, but it was only for a moment and no one seemed to notice. It was at that moment when she heard footsteps coming in their direction.[/i][/color]
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ChibiHorsewoman [/i] [B][COLOR=red]I believe that the difinition of marriage is between two people who love eachother reguardless of everything else. [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=009966]And who's to say that gay people don't love each other enough to get married? I don't approve of gay marriages, but people are given the free agency to do as they will, and if they love each other so much that they want to get married, then let them. The government should not try to prevent it since they're the ones that are always looking for ways to "uphold the constitution", and this ban violates that.[/color]
  18. [color=009966]I'm going to make this post short so that you won't have much to read and can get started preparing for the test. It's not much, but....*shrugs* *clears throat* Good luck, and start cramming. :whoops: BTW do [b]NOT[/b] cheat. [/color]
  19. [color=009966][i]Sunlight filtered in through the dusty window, casting grotesque patterns on the floor. Iris opened her eyes and sat up. It wasn't long after dawn, so she had a little time to spare. She stood up and got dressed, gathered her belongings, and wrapped her cloak around her. She walked down the hall, and, judging from the groans resulting from their hangovers that night, she assumed that the others staying in the inn were waking as well. The morning air was damp and cold, and the streets were shrouded in a light fog. Smoke was rising from chimneys as house fires were roused, and children could be heard begging to play outside. As she walked along the side of the road, however, a store caught her eye. It was a small little shop, and there were runes, magical runes, engraved in gold on the brown door. This was a Magic Shop. [/i] Iris: "How odd. There's not many of these around. Strange it would be in this small town," [i]she thought. She pushed on the door. To her dismay, it was locked. Magically locked. There was no way that she would try a spell to unlock it; fooling with spells could get very....ugly. Instead she sighed and commited its location to memory. She would just visit later when she had nothing else to do. Then again, she could just wait until it opened.... With reluctant steps she continued on out of the village headed into the forest. After a while, maybe for about an hour or so, she heard some shuffling a bit ahead, and as she got closer she heard some voices, but whoever it was that was talking was still a good distance away. She drew her dagger and cautiously moved forward.[/i] ooc: Hope you don't mind, Domon and Baron. :whoops: [edit]gah! I was working on this post off and on for a while, so I didn't realize someone posted already when I submitted it. Sorry, doukeshi03! [/color]
  20. [color=009966]His skin condition has nothing to do with it, and as Cloricus said, he couldn't help it. It used to be that it was just [i]small[/i] white blotches and they would just cover them up with body make-up, but eventually it got so bad that they just decided to cover his natural color completely. So I don't want to hear any more of that. This entire issue about child malestion started back in 1993, right? Bringing it up now is kinda stupid. "That's like swatting a dog a week after its peed on the carpet." [/color]
  21. [color=009966][i]Iris was walking in-between the trees, easily making her way through with the grace that comes naturally to elves. The forest was somewhat large, and the only small path through it was was covered with ferns, brush, and dead leaves, making it hardly distinguishable from the surrounding overgrowth. Finally she came to the edge of the small forest and moonlight hit her full in the face; she pulled back the hood of her cloak just for a moment to get a better view of it. Of all the celestial bodies in the sky, she loved the moon the most. Its rays were calm and relaxing and illuminated everything for miles around. She walked calmly along, not caring it was getting colder in the night air, nor caring that she was in plain sight in the light of the full moon. In the distance she saw the smoke coming from the evening fires, and then rooftops, and then the houses of a small village. The town seemed friendly enough. There would be at least one tavern there, and she could eat and rest and be ready to leave by morning. She found the tavern easily and opened the door. Light from the common room and the warmth from the fire greeted her as she closed the door behind her and walked to the front counter. The innkeep was drying out a mug with a somewhat-clean rag, and when he heard the door open he turned around, set down the mug, and tried to set a business-like manner about himself.[/i] Innkeep: "What can I get for you? A room for the night?" [i]Iris nodded and set down three coins. The innkeep scooped them up and tossed her a key. She caught it in one hand and turned towards the staircase. Once she reached the top, she turned to her left and counted. One....two....three....fourth door. She unlocked it, entered, and shut it behind her. She took off her traveling cloak, one of her pouches, and her sword and set them down beside the bed. She left her room and locked it, not only with her key, but also with a small charm she cast on the door. She went downstairs to the common room and ordered some sliced potatoes, then sat down at a table close to the fire. [/i] [/color]
  22. [color=009966]lol No, I'm still here Raiha. :) School's just been getting in the way. =_=; [b]Name:[/b] Liiryis Tynthaan (goes by Iris) [b]Age:[/b] 745 [b]Species:[/b] High Elf [b]Calling:[/b] Mage/Elementist [b]Physical characteristics:[/b] height-5'5"; weight-115 lbs.; eyes-midnight-blue with gold specks; hair-long and brown with a few gold streaks; skin color-pale; build-slender; scars-one that runs across the palm of her right hand [b]Appearance:[/b] She wears a black tunic that is lined on the edges with silver runes, black leather boots, and a midnight blue cape with a hood. She wears a belt around her waist that holds two pouches---in one she keeps her spell components, and in the other she keeps a few vials, money, and her flute. (I've been searching all over for a good picture, but I guess I'll have to draw and scan it later when I get the chance.) [b]Biography:[/b] Iris and Teryn, her twin brother, were together as children, there was always mischeif about. The two were practically inseperable....until their parents sent them away for special discipline. They had noticed that Teryn had a warrior spirit, so he was to be sent away with some human friends of theirs for training with the sword. They discovered that Iris had a special gift for the Art of magic, so it was arranged that she should be sent away to the School of Sorcery and Magicks to nurish her talent. Hundreds of years have passed and she has finally graduated from the School. Right before her departure, Headmaster Elistane warned her that traveling abroad was dangerous, so he gave her a magical flute. It could do a few small things, and, as Iris later discovered, if she ever came into any danger she could pass herself off as a traveling bard and be left alone. Thus she has traveled for many years, but she must now be more cautious than ever because of what has been recently happening.... [b]Random fact:[/b] She's allergic to the plant called Hocklee-berry.[/color]
  23. [color=009966]Hmmm....I haven't done an RPG in a while. I probably won't have time to post my sign-up until tomorrow, so I hope the spaces don't get filled up just yet.[/color]
  24. [color=009966]That is just too extreme. I don't believe that police can just point guns at students heads, and by just looking at the picture, it looks like they're pointing the guns at students who [i]are[/i] doing what they were told. I can [i]almost[/i] understand if it was a student who wasn't being agreeable, but it's not like they could do anything against the police and a squad of dogs anyway.[/color]
  25. [color=009966]I used to run really well, but when I stopped playing softball my legs took a vacation and have gotten lazy. Now I can only run fast over short distances. :whoops::sweat:[/color]
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