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Everything posted by Deedlit

  1. [color=009966]lol Not many could think of newb-wraiths. ^_~ I find it funny actually. "dun Dun DUN!"[/color]
  2. [color=009966]Last year I was given a huge plaque for having the highest average.....in the 8th grade. I know 8th grade is nothing special since it can't even compare to high school, but it's engraved, cool, and shiny looking. ^^;[/color]
  3. [color=009966]I've only read the first manga, so the storyline and plot are still really fuzzy to me.[/color]
  4. [color=009966]Trust me, it's not just you. :shifty:[/color]
  5. Deedlit


    [color=009966][b]First Name:[/b] Samantha [b]Age:[/b] almost 15 [b]Hair Color:[/b] long and dark brown [b]Eye Color:[/b] Green [b]Height:[/b] 5'4" [b]Wardrobe:[/b] Mainly dark colors like blue, green, black, and gray (now and then), and I wear white once in a while [b]Personality:[/b] varies with mood [b]Hair Style:[/b] leave it down [b]Favorite Music Type:[/b] I don't listen to music much, but when I do I prefer instrumentals with an occasional rock song. [b]Favorite musical Band/Artist:[/b] none really. [b]Hobbies:[/b] drawing, painting, RPG's, daydreaming, being alone to enjoy peace/quiet/solitude, crafts, marching band, and fencing (that is, [i]when[/i] I was allowed to go).[/color]
  6. [color=009966][i]Iris sat in the topmost branches of an aspen, enveloped in deep meditation. She felt the energy from nature channel into her body as it flowed through her heart, mind, and then down her arms and into her hands where she concentrated all the energy. In her mind she repeated the intricate words to the spell over and over. If she pronounced just one syllable wrong or put an accent where there was none, the spell wouldn't work. It was a very difficult spell to master, and she knew it. But the challenges are what make someone stronger, whether it be a warrior or a mage like herself. Finally she felt her hands grow exceptionally warm and she knew that she had gathered enough energy. She spread her hands, closed her eyes, and began to chant the spell.[/i] Iris: "[i]Ëala na' caliia, amnot jarcq'sul tin xtrost fon'n, rihemou maogn tsuknaqix![/i]" [i]Nothing. Nothing but a small, weak burst of light between her hands that faded just as soon and just as fast as it had come. She frowned in disappointment. She was sure she had said everthing right. She was about to try again when a drop of water splashed onto the back of her hand. She stood up and looked at the sky. Clouds had moved in swiftly, that was certain. She could still see a few rays of light from the moon, but soon they disappeared, smothered by the clouds. Rain began to pour down harder than before, and she pulled on the hood of her cloak to stay dry. She stared at the sky puzzled. Why would it be raining now? The sky was clear not even five minutes ago, and now it was a downpour? Besides that, it shouldn't even be raining this time of the year. Iris let out a deep sigh and jumped gracefully from the tree and landed on the soft moist ground, then quickly drew her dagger. As much as she hated it, she would have to return to Darnassus if she ever wanted to find out what was going on, and luckily (or [/i]un[i]luckily, she thought in the back of her mind) she wasn't that far from the city. One thing was certain though: this would be quite an interesting, if not dangerous, homecoming.[/i][/color]
  7. [color=009966]The title sounds catchy. Could you post an exposition or something to lead into the plot of the story?[/color]
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Asphyxia [/i] [B][size=1]Actually, Deedlit, I was going to do something like yours originally, but then I saw your entry, and I realised I needed something completely different to stand a chance! [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=009966]lol I guess that next time I should make a memo to myself saying "never go first." :p;):cross:[/color]
  9. [color=009966]Firecrackers in the house?! o.0;; One would think that he would at [i]least[/i] play with them outside or something....[/color]
  10. [color=009966]Are you on the Drumline too, KKC? Drumline rocks! ^^ Although this year our drumline basically sucks. At the beginning of the year we had about 11 kids on drumline, and our section leader, Josh, was the BEST!! Alas, he and another fellow member were kicked off after two weeks because of their grades from the previous year. Then my sister Stephanie (Amibasuki) was promoted to section leader, but by then no one cared. Heck, some didn't care to begin with. Then another person quit, and this other dude keeps trying to take over Stephanie's position and thinks he's "all that." It's just going downhill, but we're trying to pick it back up. If Amibasuki posts in this she might add a few things as well. [/color]
  11. [color=009966]Boy, that sucks. If it had been me in your place, I would've lost my temper a loooong time ago and would've chucked my quint set onto them until they were flattened, and maybe I would've sent a few drumsticks up their eyeballs too. Cheerleaders, or ANYONE for that matter, do not need a seat to themselves. That's ridiculous. I would post more, but I got to go. *end rant*[/color]
  12. [color=009966]I'm working on my costume right now. The only problem is I have less than a month to complete it. >>;[/color]
  13. [color=009966]I voted for Lady A too. ^_~ My dull expository thing pales in comparison to hers. Congrats, Lady A! [/color]
  14. [color=009966]ooc: Let's give this a try. I'm sorry if this is boring, but we don't get snowstorms here often, so I have to go off of memory. Think of a snowstorm as a really, [i]really[/i] cold thunderstorm. Now as for snow, think of it as sand. Cold, [i]very[/i] cold, white, wet sand. Or you can imagine it something like cold, soft, white, wet mud, if you want. I picked sand (or mud, for those of you who want to imagine snow as something else) as a comparison because they have several similarities, albeit they're very few. For example when you walk through it, you leave footprints in the snow, just like footprints in the sand. Another example is how it clings to you, only you don't even have to sit or lie down in it. It's as if it just springs onto you or grows spontaneously! Now I'll go into more details about what a snowstorm is. Go ahead and think of a thunderstorm---wind, clouds, and rain falling all around, drenching everything in its path down to earth, but now replace rain with snow and add freezing temperatures. Imagine that the storm came in the middle of the night, and now it's morning. You wake up, look out the window, and all you see is a mass of white. The tree limbs are sagging under the weight of the snow, the yard and driveway are filled with the stuff, and it looks as though you're inside a wonderful drawing in which the artist accidentally knocked over his bottle of white-out. And the best thing of all is: snow day! You pull on your warmest clothes, run outside, and start building tall humanoid people out of snow until you have your personal little army of the things. Soon however, your hands become red and numb, so you decide to take a break and go inside. You soon regret it though because as circulation and feeling comes back into your face, hands, and feet, they really, [i]really[/i] start to sting. Snowflakes are bits of snow. Snowflakes are light, thin, and fragile, and each individual flake has its own unique shape. It takes about several thousand of these snowflakes to even make a snowball, so just imagine how many snowflakes it takes to cover an entire city, side of a country, or something even larger. Geez, you would think that there would be at least [i]one[/i] that had a copy of itself. But after a while, the army of snowmen must return to their watery pools, the shovel that piled the snow off to the sides of the walkway must eventually return to the shed or garage (though few could say that they were sorry to see it go), the clouds will leave, the sun will shine again, the snow will stop falling, and school must start again....oh well. Only about twelve more months until the next winter....[/color]
  15. [color=009966]Try PMing one of the staff members. I'm sure they can help you. ;)[/color]
  16. [color=009966]Drix seems to know exactly how to run the government, lol. ;)[/color]
  17. [color=009966]Brigham Young was my great-great-great-great uncle. That's all I can think of for the moment.[/color]
  18. [color=009966]*sees the last episode* ....you are so evil.... :shifty:[/color]
  19. [color=009966]Noooo! :bawl: Evil, EVIL geocities!! I can't see the last episode!! :( *smashes geocities*[/color]
  20. [color=009966]ouch....>< I've never been in a car accident, so I can't really rate the pain other that that must hurt like ****. I wish you and your family the best of luck. [/color]
  21. [color=009966]I'm Green Link! ^^ :D[/color] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=483981[/img] [color=green]You're the original Green Link, focused solely on rescuing Zelda and saving the day. You get along okay with the other Links, with the partial exception of Purple Link, and you try to cooperate as much as you can to complete dungeons in as timely a manner as possible. Your item of choice is usually the highly versatile Bow & Arrow, and you get along best with the fierce Red Link, spurring each other on.[/color] [color=009966]lol And during the entire time I thought that I was going to be [/color][color=blue]Blue Link. :cross:[/color]
  22. [color=009966]I had to get off the computer when I was in the middle of my last post, so here's my sign-up. ^__^ [b]Name:[/b] Zelyiiris ("Iris" for short) [b]Race:[/b] half Night-Elf, half High-Elf (If you want me to change this, let me know. ;)) [b]Gender:[/b] female [b]Class:[/b] mage [b]Appearance:[/b] Since Iris is a hybrid, she looks different from other Night-Elves. Her hair is long and silver with a few strands of gold here and there that she keeps in a loose braid, her complexion is very pale with a soft hint of purple, and her eyes are a deep midnight blue. Her frame is slender and small---about 5'4". She tends to be quiet with a small air of alertness about her. [b]Weapon:[/b] the Staff of Melkaist and two hidden daggers---one that she keeps in a sheath strapped to her wrist, and one that she wears on her belt. [b]Background Story:[/b] Her mother a High-Elf, her father a Night-Elf. After Iris was born her mother's kin refused to allow a half-breed like her to live with them, so they went to the Night-Elves, but since they wouldn't allow her mother to come into their land, her father took Iris and raised her by himself. Because Iris was so small, she was an easy target for bullying by the other Night-Elves. She avoided them as much as possible, and soon she grew to love solitude. At night she would sit in the tops of the trees, away from everyone and gaze at the sky, listening to the silence or practicing some spells. The years passed quickly and soon she was so skilled in the Art of magic that she was able to take care of herself and even stand up to her child-hood bullies. She left as soon as possible and now wanders around the land. [/color]
  23. [color=009966]Save me a spot as a night elf, please!! This looks cool! ^^ :toothy:[/color]
  24. [color=009966]I dunno...I don't really have a southern accent, and I don't talk like I'm southern either. I don't yank on the ends of my words like some people, and I don't say "ya'll" or "ain't." It just sounds so funny to my ears, just like how people here say "This don't work like the book said it would." Why people started replacing "doesn't" with "don't" is beyond me. =S So, yeah. I guess I just have a normal and bland accent that can't be placed. But then again, I was born out west. Maybe that has something to do with it?[/color]
  25. [color=009966]Nametags in middle school? o0; I can understand it in elementary, but not in any higher grades.... There's one rule at our school that just aggravates me: all shirts MUST be tucked in. I guess it's because they don't want someone bending over and having their underwear showing or something, which I don't have to worry about since most of my shirts are T-shirts that go a few inches below the pockets of my pants. So instead of tucking my shirt in, I wear a jacket around my waist. None of my teachers has a problem with this except for this one old dude named Dr. Boyd. He's not even my teacher though, for crying out loud! He has lunchroom duty, and everytime I go in there, he sends me to the bathroom to tuck it in. I've learned to avoid him though....heh[/color]
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