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Everything posted by Deedlit

  1. me (Kaioshin)- this is not good! we need to get out of here!
  2. er....how come u made 2 threads of this? :therock:
  3. Deedlit

    Battle of Gaia

    *loud speaker* If there is a Fish here, not a goldfish, not a fish, but the person Fish, please report to the Battle of Gaia thread immediatley before we have to sick some blood hounds out to get you, track you, and hunt you [I]down!!!!!!!!!!![/I] that is all. :D
  4. name: Kool age: 13 bio: very strong, very serious, great at fighting. (gotta luv it. ;) )
  5. Um, u already called Forte for a challenge. why don't u just start an rpg based on nothing but challenging people.
  6. Deedlit

    The Transall Saga

  7. it's not Shin. That's the name the editors gave him. I'll be Kaioshin. that's what the name should be.
  8. Welcome to the board, dude_sweet. My brother burped at the table and a light went out.
  9. Before i even read what other people wrote, i thought to myself; he looks like Harry Potter. and sure enough, that's what everyone else thought.
  10. I think it's retarded that girls will fight over who's their b-friend. It makes all girls look ditsy. u won't believe how many people in our school will go NUTZ if they didn't have a boyfriend. :rolleyes: It pisses me off that people expect me to act the same way. Anywho... just....I don't know! I make it clear to all boys that i don't wanta b-friend! I don't know how, i just do. Say u don't want 1 right now.
  11. Is that ur head, or is ur neck blowing a bubble? yo' mamma threw u to the wolves, but the wolves threw u back! :laugh:
  12. Um, I guess i can try it. but what would i get? Can I have the Zelda section? Just tell me what i gotta do.
  13. Deedlit


    *i also power up 2 SSJ3.* *right after Vegita blasted the hole in Majin Cell's stomach, he was breathing really hard.* me-"Vegita! u wasted all that energy 4 nothing!" Vegita-"I did not! Look! He can't fight anymore because he has a hole right through him! Hahahahahaha-huh?" *Vegita stopped laughing because Majin Cell had already regenerated himself.* Goku-"C what she means? he can regenerate." Vegita-"So how the heck do we beat this thing since u seem 2 know so much about him? How do we beat him, Kakarot?" :smirk:
  14. Deedlit


    don't forget me! *Powers up 2 SSJ.* Goku-"these kids must be doing extra training to go SSJ at their age. I'm impressed." Vegita-"Be quiet, Kakarot." *all of us then start attacking Majin Cell, but he is unfased.* Oh no! This will never work out! Think about it! Buu alone is hard! Kioshin, Gohan, and Diborra couldn't even harm him! With Cell, Goku, Piccolo, Vegita, and Trunks couldn't take him. Plus, he can regenerate! I know that we saiya-jins have greatly evolved since then, but my gosh!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Deedlit


    OH MAN!!!!!!!!! UR TRYING TO KILL US, RN'T U?!?!?! CELL WAS HARD ENOUGH AND NOW WE HAVE TO FIGHT CELL AND BUU?!?!?!?!?! Ok! :D I'll go and get a whole bag of sensu beans. We'll need them. *comes back.* [I]*gulp*[/I] alright. let's go! :mrt:
  16. OKAAAAAAAAA!! :rolleyes: the man can't even feel the t.tubbies and he didn't notice that he was being attacked until he opened his eyes. "Hm? what r u doing here?" "we r here 2 [I]KILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/I] "I can't even feel ur attacks! How can u kill me?" "by doing.........THIS!!!!!!" (tell what they were doing.)
  17. Deedlit


    Well, just so u don't miss anything (and since this looks like it'll be a while) why don't u go ahead and start the next fight?
  18. I don't really know how u feel cause when my parents fight, it's just over something silly. Plus my dad's at work all day, and when he gets home, he watches t.v.. since my mom's home all day, she usually fights w/US! (:flaming: Do the dishes! Be quiet! Do what I say! Go upstairs and clean ur room NOW!!!! :flaming: ) I know from experiance. If u want to talk to them about it, do it when they've calmed down. NEVER try to talk to them when they're at each others throats!
  19. :o *sigh* i can't wait til i get a custom avatar. the one of Pan that i was using doesn't work anymore. i want to get another one of Pan.
  20. continued.... :sleep: :excited: :drunk: :demon: :mrt: :nervous: :therock: :worried: needless 2 say, i can't decide.
  21. Here r my favs: :p :D ;) :eek: :laugh: :cross: :bawl: Since it only allows me to put a few smilies in, i'll post the rest of them.
  22. :flaming: OUCH! HEY! KNOCK IT OFF!!!!!! *chucks a milk carton at DBZMan.*
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