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Everything posted by Deedlit
Stunned?!?! Who said I was stunned? :smirk: *Powers up to SSJ again.*
fine w/me. But, if it get's to around 10 separarte teams; (each individual), then we will have to go into 2 or 3 teams. That can be when we get more people. So far, we have about 4 people; which means 4 teams. Any ?'s ?
Um, to be honest, I don't know. Let's take a vote: If you want separate teams or if you want just 2 teams I vote separate teams so that it won't be 2-1.
OK. Duo. Try to get some people on your team.
Reinforcements r here!!!!!!!!! *Grabs the corn bread and garbage chilli and flings it on the munchkins.* Make room for 1 more!!!!!! *I dive under the table next to Duo and M. Pan.* *The munchkins then start jumping on the table that was our only protection.* Uh, oh. Not good!!!!!!!!!:eek: :( :nervous:
Let's start teams for this. That way, 4 people who want to fight but r waiting for it 2 end, they can join a team and they can fight.:mrt:
*Both of us were unconcious for a few seconds* *groans* I still have some energy left enough to go to another level. I shouldn't use my sensu bean yet. *Goes to SSJ3.*
girl. (people got me mixed up 4 that a lot of times. ;) ) Thanx 4 the bean. But if you give me 1, you have to give Duo 1. Unless we have even teams, it can't be just one person helping only 1.
*...Duo's blast hits me in the back of the head but bounces off!* U think that will hurt me? Maybe before the 75 year training, but not now. I perfected my skill! *Turns SSJ.* *I begin to glow brighter w/pure energy.* *Starts to gather energy for an attack.*
Don't expect us to go easy on yu just b/c ur old. We know ur still strong. *Punches Duo* *kicks Duo* *elbows Duo*
I'm doin good. *throws a withered and dead tomato at the advancing munchkins.*How 'bout you?
"Look! Over there!" "What? Is it behind the rabbit?" "It IS the rabbit!!!" "What's it do? Nibble your bumb?" :butthead: :laugh: Whoo! That never gets old! simpletons-"We found a witch! We found a witch! BURN 'ER!" "witch"-"I'm not a witch! They dressed me up like this. And this isn't my nose, it's a false one." Sir B.-"Did you dress her up like this?" simpletons-"No. No. Y-Yes. A bit. A bit. But she has got a wart." Sir B.-"What makes you think she is a witch?" simpleton1-"Why, she turned me into a newt!" Sir B.-"A newt?!?!" simpleton1-".................I got better." simpleton2-"Burn her anyway!!" Sir B.-"Tell me. What do you burn with witches?" simpleton1-"More witches!!" *gets slapped in the head.* simpleton2-"Wood!" Sir B.-"So. Why do witches burn?" simpletons-*thinks for a while..."B-Because they're made of... wood?" Sir B.-"Goooood. So. How do we know if she's made of wood?" simpletons-"Build a bridge out of her!" Sir B.-"Ah, but can you also build a bridge out of stone?" simpletons-"oh yeah. Forgot 'bout that." Sir B.-"Er, does wood sink in water?" simpletons-"No. It floats. I-It floats!! Throw her into the pond!!!" Sir B.-"No no no! What else floats in water?" simpletons-"Apples!" "Bread crumbs!" "Very small rocks!" *Sir Arthur rides up* Arthur-"A duck!" *the simpletons r n awe.* Sir B.-"Exactly! So. Logically...." simpletons-"If... she... weighs... the same as a duck... that means she'll float." Sir B.-"And therfore:" simpletons-*thinks a while*"A witch!!!!!!!!!!!!" "BUUURN HEEER!!!!!!" Sir B.-"We will use my largest scale." *they put the woman and a duck on a balance scale and they turn out even!* simpletons-"A WITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "witch"- "Fine time to go on a diet! :mad: "
Actually, I do like Pepsi, but I prefer sprite. Also, I LUUUUUV hot fudge. :tasty: And lastly, titanium chains? :therock: Pleez. :rolleyes: I have the ability to turn Super Saiya-jin!!!!! *In front of her eyes, I turn Super Saiya-jin and w/ a fraction of my true power, I bust out of my chains.* U were saying? :smirk:
You and your satelites. I admit I would never think of using them. Very creative. ;):) *Goes back back down and puts the fire out that the molten satelite had created.* Apparently, the molten satelite won't erode for 100 years, so I have to drink a potion that keeps me from aging. *Drinks potion.* Any of you want some? This could take a while. *Passes the potion around.* *Over the years, I train really hard. Inside Duo's prison, he trains really hard until he can FINALLY bust out of the molten steel after 75 years.* Now that we're ready, can we start now?:smirk:
The salt! It stings!!!!!!!!! M. Pan, I hope you know that I threw the Pepsi. What r u gonna do about it? :smirk: Since you covered me n whip cream, I'm gonna have to stuff your face w/ the mystery meat! :devil: *stuffs the vile meat into M. Pan's mouth.* *I tie her hands up and put tape on her mouth so she can't throw anymore food and so she can't spit the meat out.*
very nice. ;) me like.
You know what Duo, this could be a good warm up for the battle we're supposed to have. Or is it? :smirk: *Grabs Duo and throws him into the pit where shibatku is having target practice.*
Heh. *Grabs Cloud on the way back from my trip and I throw him into the cliff; from which on his way out of the cliff, went sailing into a thunderstorm and through the o-zone.* I'm good at doing that. :D
*Everyone runs from DBZman's peas.* *I grab the frying pan from the kitchen and use it as a sheild.*
LET ME TELL!! LET ME TELLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!! I know what room you r talking about. I just beat that level a few days ago. OK. Here's what you do: When you first walk into the room, you see the 4 pots. Don't smash all of them. Smash all EXCEPT the top right one. Don't do anything with it yet. First, kill all of the bad creatures. Now that's done, go back to the remaining pot. You will need the feather and the power bracelet. Push the pot up until it is on the path. Use the feather to jump back over the hole and continue to push. Basically, you push and jump over the holes until it is on the pad. If you don't understand, PM me and I will try to give you more details. I hope this helps you. :D
My fav Zelda game is Legend of Zelda and the Oracle of Ages. (Heh. It's the only Zelda game i've played. :D)
MAN! This is getting uncontrolable!!!! :mrt: Oh well. Here comes the Limburger Cheese!!!!!!!!!!!! *Tosses the cheese into the center of the melee.* *Everyone scatters like ants from an ant bed. Even w/Forte's bad air conditioning vent, you could still smell the raunchy cheese over it.* *More people pass out.*
I haven't noticed that it was down, but I looked up alot of things on that site that was REALLY hard to find.