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Everything posted by Deedlit

  1. I'll go ahead and welcome you Saturn. Hi.
  2. Deedlit

    Battle of Gaia

    Name: kool Magic: powerfull. VERY powerfull. Weapon: Sword of Many Elements Dragon: Shardy Magic: pure Color: White and Silver Side: Gaia
  3. *tosses food at people.* *the principal, staff, and faculty knock the door down.* principal: all of you students have Saturday School, Detention for 2 months, and I will phone all your parents! Get back to class!* *silence.* me: GET 'EM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *we grab ALL of the staff and faculty, tie them up, and sit them in the center of the main table.* *just as if all of He!! broke loose, everyone was throwing food at them and making them eat their own mess. Some of them even spitting on the food and shoving it down their face.* [QUOTE][I]quote of Forte's signature....[/I] [I]Revenge Is Only The Beginning....[/I][/QUOTE] You can say that again. :D
  4. HEY!!!!!!!! :mad: You've made me pissed! Now you must eat this!!!!!!!!! *grabs the under cooked hotdog that had landed on the floor and throws it as Duo laughs and it goes straight into his mouth!* Duo- *gags* The only place they have a garbage can is in the kitchen w/ the lunch room ladies. *Duo goes over and looks for it, but the kitchen was so big he couldn't find it in time.* * Winds up puking on the nearest lady.* Lady: Hey!!! You get back here this instant you potty mouth!!!! *Duo runs back out into the lunch room barely missing the Peanut Butter and Toe Jam/Jelly sandwitches (wich was straight from the lunch ladies athlete feet.) with the lady on his heels. lady: I'll give you detention and Saturday School for two weeks for this!!!!!!! *Lady gets hit in the face with the sandwitch.* *all the kids run over and shove the rest of it in her mouth.* Me: Eeeewwwwwwww!!!!!!
  5. *Cringes as I witness the torture taking place.* Eeeewwww. That must be vile!!!:wigout:
  6. Deedlit


    Oh pleez. :rolleyes: *Grabs Duo's feet as he's kicking me and throws him aside like an old rag doll.*
  7. *pssst. I know it was DBZman. ;) shhhh.* Er....It was him! Geeko! Geeko threw the sprouts at you, Duo!!! R u gonna take it from him? :smirk:
  8. *gets hit on my leg my a miss-aim of Forte's slime food and DBZman's potato.* Oh yeah. that's gonna hurt me. Maybe my clothes, but not me.:rolleyes: :worried: Oh well. *Grabs some of the moldy cheese off my pants and takes aim, but have to stop and duck as a moldy "hot dog" goes sailing over head.* *Finally get's to throw it.* *It hits the principal in the face as he came in to see what all the chaos was about.* Uh, oh! :nervous: :excited: :eek: My bad! :D Everyone fire and run!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *all the students threw their "food" at the principal's face temporarily blinding him.* principal: AAARRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. :mrt: *takes the lumpy and thick custard and throws it at the bully that was bothering DBZman. :p *There. A little revenge for the victims is soooo sweet, right? :D ;)
  10. Deedlit


    ...hits him in the head REAL HARD. :D *Now it's his turn to go around the world. I dodge him as he came back.*
  11. Deedlit


    HEY!!!!!! No weapons!!! No guns (bee-bee, pistols, riffles, ect.), no swords, no daggers, no weapons period!!!! *Uses a time machine to go back in time before the bullet hit Duo's leg.* *This is at the time that he does a backflip in my face.* You've made me pissed again!!!:mad: *Runs and punches Duo in the jaw.* *knocks a tooth out of his face.*
  12. :babble:...When all of a sudden, a big dark shape came out of nowhere. It was a....
  13. I like it. Some of the scenes in the manga r a bit riska, but I like it. If you like Ranma 1/2, you will probably like Inu Yasha. It's by the same author/director. Those who don't like Ranma 1/2, you may like Inu Yasha. ;)
  14. Deedlit


    Because of his pain, he only managed to throw me for a mile. *Fly back to talk to Duo.* Man, this will be too easy. I'll wait here until you're fully recovered (for some reason we heal 1,000 times faster.) and then we will fight at our maximum strength. Let me know when you're ready to fight. *Goes over and sits under the tree.* *two hours later he is fully recovered and we r both ready 2 fight!*
  15. :babble: They continue fighting until late in the evening. They then decide to take a break.
  16. Deedlit


    Me pissed---:mad:. Alright. Enough of this silly 'flicking of the heads.' *charges and knocks Duo in the rib cage.* *Managed to break 1 of his ribs.*
  17. Deedlit


    *Sadly for Duo, I was going 100 mph but I stopped myself in mid air less than 30 feet away.* *Duo is caught completely by surprise.* *I use this to my advantage and fire a Kamehameha wave at him.* *Duo goes flying into the hole that Shibatku had made.*
  18. Deedlit

    Mystic Pan......

    Well, if it's just spam, you can turn it into something that's not spam. It can be a fight beween you and tec-9. You can have a show down against each other. Then, you both could pick teams and then all of you can fight. To some people, it might sound a bit corny, but it's just a suggestion.
  19. Deedlit

    Comedy Line YAll

    OK. Here's one my sis told me. There was a man that was in his bed about ready to die. His wife was beside him. The old man said, "Honey, you've always been at my side. When I lost my job, you were at my side. When we lost our son, you were at my side. When we had nothing to eat, you were at my side. Do you want to know what I think?" the wife replies, "What?" *tears strolling down her face.* The man says, "I think you're bad luck!!!" :laugh:
  20. Deedlit


    *gets up after getting kneed in the face and punched in the stomach.* *Goes over to the tree and pukes after being punched in the stomach.* There went my lunch. *Goes over and kicks Duo in his back that sends him flying through the o-zone.*
  21. Deedlit


    bout time!!!!!!!!! *Grabs Duo by the neck and shoves him into the big huge boulder.* *boulder cracks into a zillion piecies.* *Duo gets up.* Darn! I didn't hit him hard enough into it!
  22. Deedlit


    *goes to sit under a tree and takes a nap/ meditation.* Figured I might as well seeing as no one wants to fight me!! (hint hint.)
  23. so, when does this start?
  24. this looks cool. ______________________ name: Samantha race: Saya-jin Home: Vegeta Lv: 1 Money: $300 buys Master Upgrade, gravitron, and cape remaining money: $210
  25. :babble: a young girl named Memaramo appears. She is a SSJ. What makes her so unique is that she is the only girl that can go SSJ. You go. Your turn.
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