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Everything posted by Deedlit
[color=009966]Many thanks for the compliments and advice. My Mom commented on the arm too, but oh well. :whoops: I've never tried cell animation. Maybe I will give it a try some time. ^__^[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Syk3 [/i] [B]I didn't think you were serious, lol. Never again will I doubt... [/B][/QUOTE] [color=009966]Syk3, Syk3, Syk3. Doubting Gavin was a fatal error. But it seems as if you've learned from it. ^_-[/color]
[color=009966]o0;;; I'm not really sure what to say to that, lol -_-[/color]
[color=009966]Let's just say this: I would use the rewind button so often that my finger would practically be glued to it for many long years....[/color]
[color=009966]This is my second painting. Like the other one it's done with acrylics on an 8x10 canvas, but unlike the other one it was MUCH more difficult and took me about two days to paint. Some of you should recongnize the character in the painting though (:p:D). If you can make out the image, that is. *cough* stupid digital camera!! *cough cough* It didn't turn out the way I wanted it to, and I had to keep painting over and over ontop of each layer of paint. Gah, I wanted to throw it away soooo many times. It STILL didn't turn out the way I wanted it to...=_=;; Anyway, if the eyes freak you out....don't kill me. They didn't turn out the way I wanted them to either....:sweat:[/color]
[color=009966]On Wednseday night a week ago, I was sitting in a classroom at our church catching up on homework while Ste was in choir practice. It got late, and a few hours later it was time to leave, so I gathered my things and got in the car. It wasn't until after we left that I noticed I had left my school planner. I wasn't too worried about it, and I just said "Oh, I'll get it tomorrow." The next day, it was missing. It wasn't in Lost-and-Found, the closets, the classrooms, it was just....gone. I was a little upset about it because I had to pay for it with my own money, but apart from that, our school planners are our hall passes. So needless to say, I can't go anywhere during class without it. It had my name on it, my address, and even a picture of Deedlit that I taped to the cover, so I don't know why someone didn't return it. It's just kinda wierd that someone would want to steal something as silly as a planner. [/color]
[color=009966]Ooooh! That's so cool! ^^ Too bad they didn't mention the mods and admins on OB as well.... Be ready for a new swarm of n00bs...>_>
Art My First Painting: Comments & Advice Appreciated
Deedlit replied to Deedlit's topic in Creative Works
[color=009966]Thanks. ^__^ I used a fan brush for the shading and effects on the wings. It took me a few tries to get it right though, so I had to keep painting over it. They were annoying. --; *hides from D_A* :shifty: [[b]edit:[/b] spelling][/color] -
[color=009966]In Princess Zelda's Castle. Go to the garden, look in the window, and voila! [b]question:[/b] On TWW, which member of the Killer Bees is the REAL thug of the group?[/color]
[color=009966]A while ago I was flipping through my notebook of old sketches from anime shows and such, and I found a pic I drew of Sakura from Card Captor Sakura. My grandma taught me how to paint, so I really wanted to practice to improve my technique. This is the finished product. I painted it on an 8x10 canvas with acrylic paints, and since it was so small it took about 6 hours. I know it's not that great at all, but it's my first painting so of course it has its flaws. The colors might also seem a bit off as well, but the flash on the camera was too bright so I had to dim it a bit. Anyway, this is it. ^___^[/color] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=470217[/img]
[color=009966]w00t! ^^ That would be awesome! That would also take up alot of bandwidth. I hope you find a new host soon.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragon Warrior [/i] [B]Ms. Deeds! I'm so happy to see you're still alive. Get an IM, darnit >: o [/B][/QUOTE] [color=009966]Geez. Have I really been gone that long? x_x lol Those comics are freakin' hilarious! :D *saves all of them to her special folder of coolness-ness stuff* My favorite is a close tie between the one about the cup of sugar and Ricky Martin. Priceless. ^____^[/color]
[color=009966]I haven't seen 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10! Stupid bandwidth! Post some more, Gavin! Please? :toothy:[/color]
[color=009966]Back in the sixth grade when I had my first fight, I was too pissed to smile. This girl had been trying to pick on me all day long, and finally she pushed too far. Anyway.... Then in the seventh grade, this *insert word here* tried getting his friends to gang up on me, and he was trying to act all tough. Heh. I remember smirking and even mangaging a laugh at times. You should've seen him, waving his arms and trying to use the insults that he thought were witty and sharp. Instead he came off as a big stupid idiot. So, yeah. I sometimes laugh, but sometimes it gets me in trouble, like when I grin when my mom starts shouting at me. I dunno why I smile, I just can't help it. *shrugs*[/color]
[color=009966]Lesse... Anna (Anna), Amibasuki (Ste), Anime Goddess (Susan), and Pookie (CJ). Then there are some friends I know IRL. There's Queen Asuka (She might as well be part of our family since she comes over so often. lol ^__^), treton noir (Tori's Ryan), Tasrai (Amy), Tricool (Trevor), Cerah (Amy's sister), redhottie (Jessica. She doesn't come on much though. =S), Lizzie (Lindsey), Shinimijinya (Amber), and Yusuke (Jake). *looks back at the list* Geez....I didn't realize how many OBers there were here in Macon. *_*[/color]
[color=009966]ooc: Appologies. I've been very busy with Otaku Idol and didn't have time earlier. Accursed writer's block...--; ic: Shizumi: "Hi, Lex. I'm Shizumi. Who's that guy up there at the Staff Table?" Lex: "Who? Oh. I think that's Snape, the Potions teacher." Todd: "Yeah, that's him alright, but he's been after the Defence Against the Dark Arts job for years," he said as he drank from his goblet. [i]Alex, Shizumi's older brother, nudged Todd hard in the shoulder.[/i] Alex: "Yeah, but you gotta look out for him. He likes to take first years and practice on them. First he'll test some deadly potions on you, then he'll do all sorts of jynxs on you!" [i]For a moment all the first years seemed a bit frightened, and more than half cast uneasy glances in Snapes direction.[/i] Alex: "Lighten up. It's just a joke." [i]They heaved sighs of relief. After that Shizumi elbowed him in the ribs.[/i] Alex: "Hey! I said I was joking!" [/color]
[color=009966][i]A strange creature washed up on the shore, lying on his back. His name was Haisthiin. He had a build slightly like a human, but his hair was a dark midnight color with a hint of blue, his skin a pale blue, and there were small fins that extended from his wrists to his elbow, and from his ankles to his shins. He seemed unconscious for a while, but then he slowly opened his eyes and took a look at his surroundings: sand under him, white, puffy things in the sky above him, strange gray shapes to his right, the ocean behind him, and everything was dry. Only then did it hit him that he was in what his people called "The Human World Above the Waves." He stood up and looked behind him at the ocean, at his home. [/i]"Thinking of which," [i]he said to himself,[/i] "What am I doing up here?" [i]He could vaguely remember a white-hot pain that shot through his body, but that was all. He couldn't remember anything. When he tried to remember, the blood in his brain started pounding awfully against his head. He rubbed his temples then massaged his sore neck, but he suddenly stopped in surprise. His gills were gone! The pain returned to his head, and once again he started rubbing his temples. He groaned not from the pain, but from his own ignorance. Why didn't he notice it before? How else would he have been able to breathe above the ocean all this time? He glanced back at the ocean. Could he even return to his home without them? He hesitated a few moments, but then he walked towards it and dove in. He swam farther and farther down. His chest started hurting, and he saw spots in front of his eyes. Finally he couldn't take it any more. He inhaled deeply, and his lungs immediately filled with water. He realized that he was worse off than before. He tried to swim to the surface, something, if under normal circumstances, he would never have done. He was becoming weaker with every stroke, and just when he felt that he couldn't last another second, his head broke through the surface of the water. He trudged back to the shore coughing up water and taking large gulps of air. He felt very dizzy and confused. Now what was he supposed to do, stranded here in this place? Haisthiin glanced over his shoulder at the gray shapes behind him. Was that where the humans lived? It looked....dull. Seeing as he had nowhere else to go, he walked towards it. As he came closer, he could make out the shapes more clearly. He saw what appeared to be the image of a person with words beside him fixed to one of the buildings. He stared at it. Was that what humans looked like? He looked down at himself in comparison. Certainly humans did not have fins or webbed feet, nor were they blue. He would have to change that. He closed his eyes and concentrated his energy, chanelling it through himself as his body transformed. When the sensation had passed, he looked at himself again with great satisfaction. He looked just like a human! He was wearing a pair of dark-blue baggy pants, a white T-shirt with short sleeves, tennis shoes, and his skin was a pale color, he didn't have webbed fingers or fins either. In fact, the only thing that he had had before was his dark blue hair and black eyes.[/i] "At least I didn't lose my magic powers as well,"[i] he thought grimly. [/i] [i]He walked a bit more confidently towards it, but something to the left caught his eye. There were strange brown and green shaped popping up from the ground! Were these what humans called "trees?" He glanced at them curiously and was about to take a closer look when a loud roaring sound came from above. There was a strange silver creature creating such an awful racket flying through the air! He let out a cry of alarm and ran to the trees for protection. Haisthiin huddled against the hard trunk of it until the loud roaring went away. He felt numb all over. How could people [/i]live[i] here!? He searched the sky frantically in case he saw another one, but he was interrupted by someone talking to him.[/i] "Dude, are you alright?" [i]Haisthiin turned to find a boy staring at him. He had hazel eyes, brown hair with a few blonde streaks, and he was wearing cahki shorts, a black T-shirt with the image of some human on it, and was standing on a flat piece of metal that was hovering about six inches off the ground! Haisthiin started at it for a while, but noticed that the human boy was looking at him as if he were insane.[/i] "Umm, I'm fine!"[i] He said to the human boy, even though he didn't exactly know what "dude" meant. [/i] "Then why were you staring at the airplane as if it were an attacking space ship?" [i]Now it was Haisthiin's turn to stare at the human boy as if he were insane. Both were silent for a few moments, but then the human stepped off the board and walked over to him.[/i] "Dude, it's alright if you're scared of airplanes," [i]the human boy said quietly.[/i] "My mom and dad both get air-sick when they ride on them too. Don't worry about it." [i]The boy stepped away a bit and held out his hand.[/i] "I'm Brett,"[i] he said in a slightly louder voice.[/i] "Brett Carson. What's your name?" [i]Haisthiin hesitated for a while. Should he make up a fake name? What if Brett found out that he wasn't a human because his name wasn't human? All these thoughts raced through his mind, but he had to say something quickly.[/i] "I...I'm Haisthiin."[i] He said slowly. Haisthiin also held out his hand. Maybe this was the human way of saying "hello." Brett reached out and grabbed his hand and started shaking it. It felt awkward to Haisthiin.[/i] "'Haisthiin', huh? Sounds kinda wierd. What kind of name is it?" [i]Brett asked as he released his hand.[/i] "Umm....it's my dad's name?"[i] Haisthiin said, not sure whether Brett would believe him. Apparently he did because Brett just walked over to the flat board, which was still suspended in the air. He turned around to Haisthiin.[/i] "It's getting pretty dark. Do you need a lift? I can drop you off at your house." "No, thanks. Erm....I'll just walk,"[i] Haisthiin replied. Brett shrugged and hit the accelerator with the heel of his left foot, and took off. Haisthiin decided that it was time to find somewhere to stay. Who knew what kind of things appeared at night? He looked up at the sky and saw two pale, white circles. Were these the "moons" that he had heard so much about? He walked away from the trees and continued on the original path that he was taking before he was spooked by the airplane. It was starting to get noisier as he moved closer. Finally he turned a corner and was right in the middle of a road with a monster coming right for him! It let out a loud screeching sound mixed with an odd roar, and the monster stopped inches from Haisthiin. A head emerged from the beast.[/i] "Watch where you're goin,' ya moron! You're gonna get killed if ya keep that up! You better not've scratched my car, ya wacko! I paid fourty-thousand dollars for it!!" [i]Without even waiting for a reply, he drove off, leaving Haisthiin a bit stunned, and again wondering why anyone would want to live there. After that, he made sure to stay away from the road. He wandered around for hours. He had lost all sense of direction in the maze of buildings and streets---Everything looked the same. Eventually Haisthiin gave up and just stared at the ground as he walked around aimlessly. He became so lost in thought that he didn't even notice the moons climb higher and higher into the sky as the night wore on. While he trudged on, he almost passed by a small slip of green paper on the ground. He stopped, picked it up, and examined it. In the center was the image of a man, and under it were the words "Twenty Dollars." Dollars....dollars....Where had he heard that word before? Then he remembered the angry man who was shouting at him. He had said that he paid fourty-thousand dollars for his "car" or whatever. [/i] "So 'dollars' must be what these humans use as currency," Haisthiin thought to himself. He slipped it into his pocket and kept walking. After about fifteen minutes, he found a small building, much smaller than the others, on the outside of the city. A small sign hung above the door said "Hotel: Please check in with the clerk. Enjoy your stay." Haisthiin walked towards it curiously and opened the door. It was shabby little place with moth-eaten furniture, dusty tables, and very dim, but Haisthiin was now getting very tired. He walked up to the man at the counter, who was sleeping, and tapped him on the shoulder. The man woke with a start and stared around.[/i] "Who? Oh. I take it that you want a room, sir?" [i]he asked while rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Haisthiin nodded. [/i] "That'll be $14.92 for one night." [i]Haisthiin took the bill out of his pocket while praying that he had enough and handed it over to the clerk. The clerk put it in a black box, handed Haisthiin a few coins and another bill, then handed him a key. The clerk mumbled something that sounded like "Room 24....the right...." before he fell back to sleep. Haisthiin put the money back in his pocket and walked up the stairs, counting the doors until he came to number 24. He put the key in the lock, gave it a hard twist (the lock was rusty), and stepped inside. The room looked only a little better than the lobby. He wasn't complaining, though. He lied on the bed, and almost immediately fell asleep. Haisthiin woke with a start and looked around. He was home---his home! For a several moments, he was at a total and complete loss. It had seemed so real! He felt the pain, weariness, sorrow, terror....Was it really a dream? He jumped out of bed and swam to the door and opened it. He saw the fish swimming happily, and the wet sand beneath his fins. His hand went to his neck. Relief flooded over him as he felt his own gills. He looked above him and saw the sun's rays shining through the waves of the surface, leaving streaks of light playing on the ocean floor. He heaved a sigh of happiness, but as he did so, he couldn't help but wonder if what he saw in his dream was what the World Above the Surface really looked like....[/i][/color]
[color=009966]Yeah. This year on June 11, my friend named Anita Johnson died when her house caught on fire. She was in my homeroom and band class. No one that I've known like a friend has ever died before, so it was kinda a physical and mental blow to me. I'm still having trouble getting over it.[/color]
[color=009966]I drank a bottle of bubbles and ate leaves off the tree that was "mildly poisonous." My mom said that I was the only child she had to call Poison Control for. :whoops:[/color]
[color=009966]Bugs love me. Apparently they love me too much. As soon as I go outside, [i]ZOOM![/i] They all go dashing to me. Joy. :grumble: A few weeks ago, I went walking in the woods with some friends of mine to visit an old abandoned ambulance. How it got there, I don't know. It was practically empty, so I guess some moron got tired of it and crashed it there. Anyway, it started raining harder, so we went back to the house and started playing gamecube. Then I felt something bite me on the arm. I look down. There is a chigger there. I peel the chigger off of my arm. Another bite. Another chigger. I peel that one off as well. Another bite. This time, I look all over my arms, AND THEY WERE SWARMING WITH THE PESKY THINGS!!! I jumped up and started flicking them off of me, then I realized that they were on my face, all over my shirt, and all over my pants. Geez, you would think that they were spontaneously springing forth from my clothes! I managed to get rid of at least 200 of them that day, but when I got home, I found at least 300 more. They itched for an entire week, and I still have the scabs. --; [edit]*squishes the knat that was flying near the computer screen so annoyingly*[/edit][/color]
[color=009966][b]Name:[/b] Zelaelas [b]Age:[/b]118 [b]Race:[/b] High Elf [b]Class:[/b] Druidess [b]Appearance:[/b] She has long amber hair that she usually keeps tied back, has dark blue eyes, and is pale. She wears a midnight-blue dress that goes about six inches above her knee, wears black leather armor and a black cape. (I'll try and get a pic soon.) [b]Connections to Past Heroes:[/b] none [b]Bio:[/b] Zelaelas used to live in the Forest of No Return, but her life was boring there. Therefore she moved to the Forest of Mirrors to live with some some relatives. In a few years she got bored there, so she moved out and started traveling to human cities and villages. She is well experienced with a sword as well with magic. [b]Equipment:[/b] Leather armor, a long sword, and an elven dagger. [b]Magic:[/b] Spirit of Light: A powerful attack that most High Elves know about. It can create enough light to brighten up a dark cave, or it can stun some enemies for a few minutes. Dwarves Hand: A strange plant-looking creature pops up from the ground and grabs an enemy around the ankles, holding it in place. The spell is only temporary. Elemental Flare: Fire shoots out and engulfs an enemy in flames. A less powerful version can be used to start fires and such. Dragon's Wrath: Powers up her sword and increases her speed. It takes up alot of her energy as a drawback, so she only uses it as a last resort.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mei [/i] [B][color=green][b]Q:[/b] In each of the Oracle games, name the three animals(simple, and they are the same in both games), and each way you get them/their flutes. Easy?[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=009966]Lesse....Moosh, Ricky, and Dimitri. You get Moosh's whistle if you're playing OOA, you get Ricky's whistle if you're playing OOS, and you get Dimitri's whistle if you're playing the linked version of the games. I think I got the whistle part wrong, but oh well....[/color]
[color=009966]The attachment is awfully small.... Anyway, I don't play the tenors (quints, quads, whatever). I play the snare! ^^ (w00t!) My technique is very sloppy, but I'm trying to clean it up. [/color]
[color=009966]Lesse....pain...o_0; When I broke my finger last year. We thought it was just sprained, but since it wasn't set into place or anything, the bone in my left middle finger healed really wierd and now there's a small hard lump. Then there was the day after olympic day at school. I was soooo sore, I could hardly move for that entire week....>